Top 11 Favorite And Most Hated Characters
Since Season 3/A New Frontier drops next week, I thought it'd be nice to reflect on the characters we've come to know over a couple year. Both who you grew care for and despise. And 11 because why not?
1 . Clemetine
2 . Lee Everett
3 . Kenny
4 . Luke
5 . Omid
6 . Christa
7 . Carley
8 . Nick
9 . Pete
10 . Molly
11 . Chuck
Most Hated:
1 . Arvo
2 . William Carver
3 . Troy
4 . The Stranger
5 . Bonnie
6 . Lilly
7 . Michelle
8 . Mike
9 . Vernon
10 . Larry
11 . Becca
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Pretty sure there was a thread like this already, but I think its been a while. Might be interesting to see the changing tastes.
(Two-scene wonder, World builder, Multi-layered(?) in Tone)
(Endearing, Complex for a Season 2 Character, Great dynamic with Clementine)
(One-scene wonder, Fun design, Complex Bit Character)
(Best Protagonist, nuff said)
(Dummied out backstory and sub-plot make him pretty interesting, Professional Supporting Character)
(Likable Villain, Delightful Voice, Blue and Orange Morality)
(Holdover from first impressions, Humorous dialogue, Understandable motivations)
(Best Determinant Character, Deconstructed Archetype, Sympathetic but Legitimately Flawed)
(Noble Demon with an ambiguous past)
(Most Sympathetic 400 Days Protagonist)
(Antivillain, Shadow/Evil Sarah, Personal vitriol with Clementine)
Most Hated(Only 3, the rest are "honorable mentions")
(Unintentionally Unsympathetic, Creator’s Pet/Designated Hero, Antithesis to Season 1 standards)
(Unlikable Douchebag Played Straight, Little to no redeeming qualities)
(Borderline Generic Doomsday Villain, Wasted Villain, Insufferable Tyrant)
(Boring 400 Days Character, Came off as Killjoy, Out of place)
(Psycho Lesbian, Indiscriminate Rapist)
(Apparent Overbearing wife, Got Daughter killed)
(Out of Place, A Bit Obnoxious)
(Creator’s Pet/Writer’s Crutch, Verged on Unlikable at times)
(Worst Cabin Group Member, Failed Inspirational Character)
(Responsible for Tragic Backstories)
1. Jane
2. The Stranger
3. St. Johns (All 3 are 1)
4. Arvo
5. Carver
6. Troy
7. Larry
8. Lilly
9. Nick
10. Vernon
11. Michelle
Your list is extremely strange, no disrespect. How do you love Michelle so much when she killed one of the most loved characters? Why is Jolene your ABSOLUTE FAVORITE OF ALL TIME when she had about 2 minutes of screen time? How do you hate Tess when she appeared as a walker head in a bag? Hell first time I ever played the game, I skipped over her completely.
Didn't you already make a couple threads like this?
I'm a complicated guy.
Michelle really did a great job setting up Season 2's tone by being unapologeticly thuggish, realistically complex in her simplicity, and yet she wasn't without a few sympathetic traits that implied that she had a story to tell. One of the things I like about her over a lot of other characters is that she's [one of, if not] the first black antagonists we've had in the games(never watched the show), much less a youthful one. I also really like her design, what with her dreadlocks(?), the unkempt look it helps give her, the fact that and the fact that she justifies her actions with a nihilistic motto while wearing the cutest pink hoodie she could find.
All of those things made her seem like an interesting personal foe for Clementine and one of the characters I previously stated that I would've like to have seen more of, Omid's accident notwithstanding, in a Season some consider to be full of wasted characters. I can perfectly understand some not liking her, what with her being a bully AND a thief that. But, then again, so are plenty of other characters whether good or bad(namely Clementine(oh the irony), Kenny, Becca, Carver, Troy, Jane, and Buricko). -"You gotta be mean to keep goin' out here."- And she wasn't wrong, now was she?
Because if Michelle helped set the tone for Season 2, Jolene helped set up the environment for the entire [game] series: she was an interesting combination tragic, intimidating, and amusing in her two scenes of fame, with the fact that she was apparently keeping tabs on everyone and managed to sneak into the camp unnoticed giving her a Crazy Awesomeness to her.
Because there are very few characters I hate, so I threw in a few dislikes and a few random choices.
With that said, she is basically responsible for some of the Stranger problem. Plus, she got herself killed and took her daughter with her.
What was it you hated about Nick?
I think it's the same reason a lot of people hate Lilly: he went crazy, and then killed someone.
At least he had the excuse of killing someone he didn't know that looked intimidating and drew on him while being emotionally vulnerable and feels very remorseful when it dons on him that he might've been a good man.
He was a constant fuck up. He acts hostile to Clem at first, tries to apologize, treats Pete like shit, gets mad at Clem if Clem saves him, goes into a slump, shoots an innocent man, claims Matthew drew on him when Nick drew first. Just a really big dumbass to me.
To be fair on the Pete thing, he says that he used tough love on Nick to keep him in line with his dad elsewhere that just made the chip on his shoulder worse. Despite the tension between the two, they really do care about each other enough that the one you run to will immediately get concerned about the other, with Nick getting angry at Clementine for not helping his uncle.
Your copy and paste routine is becoming a bit obvious. LOL
This does look similar to an older discussion, pictures and all.
My lists were to fill your quota. I only really hate the St. Johns because I feel what they did was inexcusable.
I like Jane with a few reservations since she became a nutty b!tch in episode 5. I should dislike Bonnie and Kenny for similar reasons I guess, but I don't.
Lee not make your cut?
Opinions change, people come and go. Its always an interesting question.
Cool List
Clementine (Season 1)
Lee Everett
Danny St. John (Seriously FUCK this guy)
Jane and Bonnie (Tied)
Michonne (Telltale)
The Save Lot Bandits (rapist assholes)
Luke (Just boring)
Carver (Could have been a more tragic villain with understandable, believable motives but instead made into a generic tyrant)
Randall (Ugh. Great voice actor choice but holy shit is he one dimensional and over the top, in contrast to his sister)
Michelle (A cheap plot device used to get rid of a wasted character)
Roberto (Scheming shit bag, you let him live so he betrays your trust and gets Boyd killed)
Tavia (Just a Waste)
I don't include the playable characters though I enjoy them because I play them as close to how I would react as possible. Clementine is on my list because of her season 1 character.
Hey, at least I mixed it up with new material this time!
Agreed. I knew that coming in, so I just ran with it.
No...she was a nutty bitch to begin with! She just let it show for an extended period of time when she was alone with Clementine and Kenny.
Also, I love how Nate sticks out like a sore thumb.
My top favorites:
My top least favorites
This thread needs a decent list.
Burn in Hell:
But then why not just bump the old thread?
Wow, what made Luke rank so high on your least list?
I thought most users like Nate? What's the problem?
I liked Larry. He was bad man after 1st ep but in 2nd changed into grumpy old fart. Funny, interesting character. I like interesting characters. Imo they are heroes.
Second group. Boring, uninteresting characters or characters fu**** by writers. Alvin was big black guy who basically did nothing. Except a son, but it's questionable... AJ pissed me - unreal, perfect baby; needed no food, vaccines, didn't poop, cry. Sarah.. writers had no idea what do with her - from important character to a ballast. Christa was always whining and complaining. And then she vanished.
Maybe to give those who already gave theirs a chance to update?
To sum up all of my issues at once, you explicitly used the categories "Heroes" and "Burn in Hell." Nevermind why I forgot to include Nick: those choices are just baffling.
I can't say I have much to say about him beyond he fits in better than Wyatt and Eddie, gets saddled with the same lameness that kept me from completely liking Russell, and he was shown to be relatively reprehensible by this series standards.
I like the guy too(which is a tad bit hilarious considering my current mindset and standards), but see the sumup above.
Well to each their own, but I wouldn't go as far as to say the ones I listed should burn in Hell for it.
Eh. Personally, he was the one character I outright liked from the get-go.
Actually, Kenny agrees to go along with Arvo's offer specifically to get AJ some food and its inferible(and possibly shown but I don't remember) that Kenny or Jane did feed him. But I do get some of the dislike for him, what with the hypocrisy of Jane's philosophy, Sarah's death, and Arvo's eventual threat.
I can understand how some might feel that way, but I think that assessment is 80% wrong: Sarah is one of the few characters they clearly had a plan for, its just that outsourcee JT Petty didn't know what to do with her after fulfilling the basic requirements(and for what it's worth, I think he did a damn good job of that much) and then decided to kill her off for what would end up being no good reason beyond feeling like it in hindsight. Unless Nick Breckon or Pierre Shorette did send an executive order during the delay that had something to do with it, like perhaps not being able to work her into what he had left for them to followup on in the final episode for example(which is still lazy/stupid), I think that the ridiculously contrived "canon" death was just a huge screwup/dickmove on his part.
I can understand complaining, but I don't think she was much of a whiner. Maybe I'll keep an eye out for that when I get back to my 3rd playthrough. She also raised Clementine for two years and tried to cover for her despite what happened with Omid and Michelle.
Yeah, admittedly I was considering posting in that thread again but the fact that already contributed combined with its possible age made me hold back.
There's probably more reasons but those are the top ones. I also found him to be boring and his fan base annoying.
Well, I don't. He is the most overrated character of 400 Days, I don't find him funny, he is such a dickhead to Russell and his stupid shit-eating grin.
Also, why do you hate Kenny but love this asshole?
I agree that this is something that could’ve been a little touched up, but I can’t help but think that people are exaggerating about that. From what I can tell from rewatching the cutscenes numerous times, Luke did seem to care about Nick’s depression but the reason he seemed a little dismissive was because leading the group to safety through the mountains after Carver stopped by was more important, so he asked Clementine to help him keep an eye out for Nick as they traveled. The business involving the bridge, Matthew, and Walter solidified this observation in that Luke was definitely giving Nick some time off in favor of working with Clementine while he recovers, trying to reason with him about his stability following Pete’s death but being prevented from getting anywhere by Carlos’s concern and Nick’s own temper, and trying to keep Nick’s guilt about what happened from getting him killed.
I think its safe to say that that each of the duos in general should've gotten more screentime and development together but that's unfortunately a limitation of the shorter episodes and the resultant pacing.
That I understand, though I assumed that included himself as well.
Yeah, Jane's influence on the plot was always somewhere between an interesting development and the worst possible thing, and Luke is an example of that.
Fun fact: the first time I played that episode, I thought he and Sarah were flat out fighting each other because of all the noise and the fact that he mentioned his ribs hurting. Either way, the yelling was apparently him getting frustrated about her not wanting to leave after hours of trying to convince her that they're in danger and her freaking out everytime he got close.
I can get the boring complaint given his lack of development in the first few episodes, but I try not to let a character's fanbase aggravate me with that character.
That's an interesting question.
Like, Nate is the fucking asshole. He treats Russell like shit for no reason, his stupid walker game is stupid and not funny and wants to kill a bunch of defenseless elder couple in cold blood, I know the old man shot at them but the old woman was shot and the old guy was afraid the ones who shot her would come back.
Yeah, he definitely is. To be fair, the concept of his character is great for lower key stories that take place in rural areas(which I'm getting sick of, that's besides the point) and his archetypes really does fit into this environment(unlike Wyatt and Eddie), so I can get why some would take a liking to him. But he has the burden of being the villain of what is essentially an after school special and just isn't the most complex character out there. He is essentially Kenny, Jolene, and the Save Lots Bandits with most of the good stuff squeezed out in favor of some diet Negan, which means he lacks any real motivation and goals beyond getting wasted, harassing people, and telling bad jokes. And as you mentioned, he is explicitly shown to be a reprehensible individual by this series standards with his treatment of Walt, Jean, Wyatt, Clyde, and to a lesser degree Russell.
Same reason I like Joker. Kenny was bossy egocentric loudmouth. Some people like it, some don't.
Why are Bonnie and Mike heroes, but you hate Tavia?
Fat liar. Also opening fire to hundreds of zombies (and our group) was not a bright idea.
Mike and Bonnie were ok. I understand them.
1 Clementine
2 Lee
3 Nate
4 Omid
5 Christa
6 Katja
1 Bonnie
2 Sarah
3 Kenny
4 Ben
5 Carlos
6 Mike
7 Arvo
8 Carver
9 Becca
10 Tavia
11 Nick
12 Rebbeca
13 Lilly
14 Sam
Dont know what it says about me that my Loathe list is twice as long as my love list
Yeah, but to be fair, the herd was coming right at them and they supposedly had families and citizens to protect and it's mentioned earlier that this isn't the first time something like that has happened.