Pretty sure there was a thread like this already, but I think its been a while. Might be interesting to see the changing tastes.
Favorite… more
* Jolene
(Two-scene wonder, World builder, Multi-layered(?) in Tone)
* Sarah
(Endearing, Complex for a Season 2 Character, Great dynamic with Clementine)
* Michelle
(One-scene wonder, Fun design, Complex Bit Character)
* Lee
(Best Protagonist, nuff said)
* Mike
(Dummied out backstory and sub-plot make him pretty interesting, Professional Supporting Character)
* Brenda St. John
(Likable Villain, Delightful Voice, Blue and Orange Morality)
* Larry
(Holdover from first impressions, Humorous dialogue, Understandable motivations)
* Ben
(Best Determinant Character, Deconstructed Archetype, Sympathetic but Legitimately Flawed)
* Danny
(Noble Demon with an ambiguous past)
* Shel
(Most Sympathetic 400 Days Protagonist)
* Arvo
(Antivillain, Shadow/Evil Sarah, Personal vitriol w… [view original content]
This does look similar to an older discussion, pictures and all.
* Clementine
* Kenny
* Jane
* Doug
* Walter
* Tavia… more
* Bonnie
* Carlos
* Shel
* Sarita
* Christa
* Danny St. John
* Andy St. John
* Brenda St. John
* the Stranger
* Carver
* Troy
* Mike
* Brie
* Roman
* Dee
* Larry
My lists were to fill your quota. I only really hate the St. Johns because I feel what they did was inexcusable.
I like Jane with a few reservations since she became a nutty b!tch in episode 5. I should dislike Bonnie and Kenny for similar reasons I guess, but I don't.
Top 11 Favorite Characters (#1 is most loved while #11 is less and so forth)
Clementine (Obviously)
Kenny (Liked him in both Season 1 and Season 2, he has such great character writing)
Lee (I miss him )
Luke (One of my favs from Season 2)
Jane (Great character writing)
Doug (He was cool)
Ben (He always means well really)
Walter (Underrated character imo, even though he was only alive for one episode he gave some interesting insight into the apocalypse)
St. Johns (Great Villains)
Chuck (Same deal with Walter, he was really cool)
Omid (Funny and cool guy, wish he was still alive)
Top 11 Most Hated Characters (#1 Is most hated and #11 is less and so forth)
1. Bonnie (Ohhhh boy. So I didn't like her in 400 Days right from the start. Then she betrays us in episode 2 and kidnaps us with Carver. by Episode 4 I thought she redeemed herself so I actually finally started liking her. Then in Episode 5 she betrays the group and tries to leave, also resulting in Clementine getting shot)
Top 11 Favorite Characters (#1 is most loved while #11 is less and so forth)
* Clementine (Obviously)
* Kenny (Liked him in both Seaso… moren 1 and Season 2, he has such great character writing)
* Lee (I miss him )
* Luke (One of my favs from Season 2)
* Jane (Great character writing)
* Doug (He was cool)
* Ben (He always means well really)
* Walter (Underrated character imo, even though he was only alive for one episode he gave some interesting insight into the apocalypse)
* St. Johns (Great Villains)
* Chuck (Same deal with Walter, he was really cool)
* Omid (Funny and cool guy, wish he was still alive)
Top 11 Most Hated Characters (#1 Is most hated and #11 is less and so forth)
1. Bonnie (Ohhhh boy. So I didn't like her in 400 Days right from the start. Then she betrays us in episode 2 and kidnaps us with Carver. by Episode 4 I thought she redeemed herself so I actually finally started liking her. Then in Episode 5 she betrays the group and tries to leave, also resulting in Clementine getting shot)
Kinda hard to like a psycho lesbian we barely knew and the undead head of a woman who got her daughter and herself killed, and maybe even their food stolen.
1 Clementine
2 Lee
3 Nate
4 Omid
5 Christa
6 Katja
1 Bonnie
2 Sarah
3 Kenny
4 Ben
5 Carlos
6 Mike
7 Arvo
8 Ca… morerver
9 Becca
10 Tavia
11 Nick
12 Rebbeca
13 Lilly
14 Sam
Dont know what it says about me that my Loathe list is twice as long as my love list
Top 11:
* Christa
* Pete
* Omid
* Lilly
* Luke
* Sarah
* Maybelle
* Chuck
* Shed Walker
* Shel
* Ben
Bottom 11:
* Ke… morenny
* Carver (from a great antagonist in episode 1/2 to a bland, motivelessly malignant character in 3)
* Arvo
* Stranger
* Danny St. John
* Bonnie
* Nick
* Sarita
* Troy
* Jane
* Sandra
Top 11 Favorite Characters (#1 is most loved while #11 is less and so forth)
* Clementine (Obviously)
* Kenny (Liked him in both Seaso… moren 1 and Season 2, he has such great character writing)
* Lee (I miss him )
* Luke (One of my favs from Season 2)
* Jane (Great character writing)
* Doug (He was cool)
* Ben (He always means well really)
* Walter (Underrated character imo, even though he was only alive for one episode he gave some interesting insight into the apocalypse)
* St. Johns (Great Villains)
* Chuck (Same deal with Walter, he was really cool)
* Omid (Funny and cool guy, wish he was still alive)
Top 11 Most Hated Characters (#1 Is most hated and #11 is less and so forth)
1. Bonnie (Ohhhh boy. So I didn't like her in 400 Days right from the start. Then she betrays us in episode 2 and kidnaps us with Carver. by Episode 4 I thought she redeemed herself so I actually finally started liking her. Then in Episode 5 she betrays the group and tries to leave, also resulting in Clementine getting shot)
i don't hate anything.
* Lee Everett/ Andy St. John, tie here
* Ben Paul
* Kenny
* Omid
* The Stranger
* Wy… moreatt and Eddie, hard to have one without the other
* Nate
* Doug
* Clementine S1
* Cabin Group, can't pick just one, so insert all of them for 10.
* Mike
Least Favorite:
* Jane
* Bonnie
* Arvo
* Lily
* Clementine S2
* Troy
* Becca
* Michelle
* Sam the Dog
* Randall
* Carver
About Jane, I mean to say that her writing in Episode 4 was great. Learning about her sister and her story of survival was enjoyable for me. At least she had a reason to be the way she is, unlike other characters who are just badass and are mean for no reason. Would still pick Kenny over her any day though
Jane (Great character writing)
Walter (Underrated character imo, even though he was only alive for one episode he gave some interesting insight into the apocalypse)
No complaints.
At least she had a reason to be the way she is, unlike other characters who are just badass and are mean for no reason. Would still pick Kenny over her any day though
I was just about to say, that pretty much describes her and that she's mostly a bitch but you clarified Amid the Ruins, which tries too to make you like her so I understand that.
Personally, I thought she had potential to be a great character and might even be a good character, but something about the way she's portrayed vs. the way she's treated and some of the choices they make with her means she's connected to some of the more sloppy moments of the story.
By the way, who exactly are these other characters you speak of?
About Jane, I mean to say that her writing in Episode 4 was great. Learning about her sister and her story of survival was enjoyable for me.… more At least she had a reason to be the way she is, unlike other characters who are just badass and are mean for no reason. Would still pick Kenny over her any day though
Other characters as in, not only The Walking Dead, but other forms of fiction as well. If you know what Mary Sue Character is, ten you'll be able to understand what I mean when I say that she is different from other character. I feel like she had the right amount of backstory to make her a believable character.
Amid The Ruins was definitely her best episode, and even though the episode was trying to make you like her, it kind of fit for me. In the finale I didn't shoot Kenny though, as Jane was just acting like a self indulgent bitch.
Then I had to leave Kenny for Wellington and cried like a baby ;-;
At least she had a reason to be the way she is, unlike other characters who are just badass and are mean for no reason. Would still pick Ken… moreny over her any day though
I was just about to say, that pretty much describes her and that she's mostly a bitch but you clarified Amid the Ruins, which tries too to make you like her so I understand that.
Personally, I thought she had potential to be a great character and might even be a good character, but something about the way she's portrayed vs. the way she's treated and some of the choices they make with her means she's connected to some of the more sloppy moments of the story.
By the way, who exactly are these other characters you speak of?
If you know what Mary Sue Character is, ten you'll be able to understand what I mean when I say that she is different from other character. I feel like she had the right amount of backstory to make her a believable character.
Oh, the irony....
I know what the Mary Sue is supposed to be based on TVTropes listing off the common traits, rather than the usual definition of "likable/competent character I don't like".
Other characters as in, not only The Walking Dead, but other forms of fiction as well. If you know what Mary Sue Character is, ten you'll be… more able to understand what I mean when I say that she is different from other character. I feel like she had the right amount of backstory to make her a believable character.
Amid The Ruins was definitely her best episode, and even though the episode was trying to make you like her, it kind of fit for me. In the finale I didn't shoot Kenny though, as Jane was just acting like a self indulgent bitch.
Then I had to leave Kenny for Wellington and cried like a baby ;-;
Paige: she's funny, she's nice, she's got a cool design, and she's an original gay survivor--hey, if I were a lesbian, I'd totally go out with her
Javier: even if his in-game character ends up boring, he's excellent for memes
Ben: sure, he fucks up a lot, but he's a good guy, he just doesn't know how to handle things (also, excellent voice acting)
Lee: best player character with choosable dialogue ever
Clem: coolest child character in gaming history...aside from Toon Link and Nanako Dojima
Bonnie: never has my opinion swung so often on a character, which I guess makes her pretty complex? Also, how can you not love that whole "would you rather" exchange
Norma: it's not every day that you wish a character was determinant
Omid: I would deserve shame to not have him in my list, he's the only TWD character I cried for aside from Lee and Clem
Walter: on par with Sarah, Sarita and Luke/Nick for the Character Who Should've Lasted Longer Award, and he felt pretty unique to an extent
Lilly: if you killed either of two characters I liked that I tried HARD to save and I STILL want to keep you along, chances are you're one of my faves as well
Arvo: I'm almost certain that half of his haters would love him if he had shot Kenny or Jane instead, which would be pretty much be entirely justified for playthroughs where Clem never antagonized him
11 least faves:
Mark: overrated and did almost nothing but put his foot in his mouth (well, our mouths)
Danny St. John: looks too rainbow-colored in texture, it breaks the immersion; also, though I can't remember if it's true, he's been mentioned to touch kids inappropriately
Carver: he was cool, but his character and arc were wasted; he's also probably an unabashed rapist, and I don't think it's fair that people have certain other characters in their hate list but not this guy
Vince: flattest character in the series, IMO
Pete (Michonne): I didn't like his character model, and he seemed like he had this "holier than thou" stance against Michonne
Buricko/Vitality (I'm counting them as one character): flat, and TTG couldn't even get their names right (also their accents were terrible, despite the fact that one of them shares their VO with Arvo, who sounds perfect)
Tavia: I TRUSTED YOU (granted, things change, and maybe she actually was trustworthy back then)
Dee: I sorta see where she's coming from, but come on, there were clearly better ways to go about it.
Crawford: Ok, seriously, how dare this guy be a playable character in Road to Survival but Season Two characters don't get the chance
Lee: best player character with choosable dialogue ever
Bonnie: Also, how can you not love that whole "would you rather" exchange
When was that exactly?
Arvo: I'm almost certain that half of his haters would love him if he had shot Kenny or Jane instead, which would be pretty much be entirely justified for playthroughs where Clem never antagonized him
I'm honestly a little mixed on the sentiment, but I still kinda do too.
Danny St. John: looks too rainbow-colored in texture, it breaks the immersion;
Danny St. John: also, though I can't remember if it's true, he's been mentioned to touch kids inappropriately
Well it was more that he was apparently attracted to girls(age ambiguous, but the line is either close to or part of one where he mention school kids visiting the farm in summer) and he apparently was gonna suggest keeping Clementine when Andy passes on wisdom from Brenda that that many people could cause problems so he wants him to kill all but one.
Vince: flattest character in the series, IMO
Well, he had this thing where he wouldn't hesitate to kill someone to help someone he cares about without too much remorse, but other than that he was a little plain. But yeah, the only character I found more boring than him was Wyatt.
Buricko/Vitality (I'm counting them as one character): flat, and TTG couldn't even get their names right (also their accents were terrible, despite the fact that one of them shares their VO with Arvo, who sounds perfect)
At the very least, Vitali is definitely a psycho with some bizarre threats. But Buricko is unfortunately a bit flat, only being a dick of a boss that apparently came up with the "rob the group" plan on the spot and wouldn't allow Clementine/Arvo to negotiate an alternative.
Also, "Vitality!"
Ok, seriously, how dare this guy be a playable character in Road to Survival but Season Two characters don't get the chance
Winston: no redeeming qualities
Ya don't say: A bandit who stabs women with spears for lying, chases down little girls relentlessly, and is more than happy to kill her if he has to?
11 faves:
* Paige: she's funny, she's nice, she's got a cool design, and she's an original gay survivor--hey, if I were a lesbian, I'd … moretotally go out with her
* Javier: even if his in-game character ends up boring, he's excellent for memes
* Ben: sure, he fucks up a lot, but he's a good guy, he just doesn't know how to handle things (also, excellent voice acting)
* Lee: best player character with choosable dialogue ever
* Clem: coolest child character in gaming history...aside from Toon Link and Nanako Dojima
* Bonnie: never has my opinion swung so often on a character, which I guess makes her pretty complex? Also, how can you not love that whole "would you rather" exchange
* Norma: it's not every day that you wish a character was determinant
* Omid: I would deserve shame to not have him in my list, he's the only TWD character I cried for aside from Lee and Clem
* Walter: on par with Sarah, Sarita and Luke/Nick for the Character … [view original content]
Re: Danny's skin texture: pink nose, yellow-ish skin, a little blue around the eyes, the only people who are equally as bad at that are the Simpsons-yellow Carlos, Andy St. John around his nose area (at least on 360 and Steam, where there's a rectangular patch that looks improperly shaded), and shirtless Bruce Wayne.
Re: Bonnie and "would you rather": 400 Days with Leland - Would you rather have a snake for a tongue, or lobster claws for hands?
Re: playable Crawford (Road to Survival): to rub salt in the wound, he was ALIVE and there are also characters from Walking Dead: Michonne. The only references to Season Two are the outfits that Christa, Kenny, and one of the Clementines wear.
Also, Vitality was an autocorrect that I missed xO
Lee: best player character with choosable dialogue ever
Bonnie: Also, how can you not love that whole "would you rath… moreer" exchange
When was that exactly?
Arvo: I'm almost certain that half of his haters would love him if he had shot Kenny or Jane instead, which would be pretty much be entirely justified for playthroughs where Clem never antagonized him
I'm honestly a little mixed on the sentiment, but I still kinda do too.
Danny St. John: looks too rainbow-colored in texture, it breaks the immersion;
Danny St. John: also, though I can't remember if it's true, he's been mentioned to touch kids inappropriately
Well it was more that he was apparently attracted to girls(age ambiguous, but the line is either close to or part of one where he mention school kids visiting the farm in summer) and he apparently was gonna suggest keeping Clementine when Andy passes on wisdom f… [view original content]
Re: Danny's skin texture: pink nose, yellow-ish skin, a little blue around the eyes, the only people who are equally as bad at that are the Simpsons-yellow Carlos, Andy St. John around his nose area (at least on 360 and Steam, where there's a rectangular patch that looks improperly shaded), and shirtless Bruce Wayne.
Oh, okay.
Trying to decide a hilarious observation or racist. Probably both.
I should probably take a look into that Batman game when it raps up.
Re: Bonnie and "would you rather": 400 Days with Leland - Would you rather have a snake for a tongue, or lobster claws for hands?
Oh yeah! That was a weird little moment.
Re: playable Crawford (Road to Survival): to rub salt in the wound, he was ALIVE and there are also characters from Walking Dead: Michonne. The only references to Season Two are the outfits that Christa, Kenny, and one of the Clementines wear.
Okay, I need to look into this. But yeah, the fact that they don't use that to expand on Season 2 characters, namely Luke, Carlos, Carver, Sarita, and Arvo, is kinda stupid.
Re: Danny's skin texture: pink nose, yellow-ish skin, a little blue around the eyes, the only people who are equally as bad at that are the … moreSimpsons-yellow Carlos, Andy St. John around his nose area (at least on 360 and Steam, where there's a rectangular patch that looks improperly shaded), and shirtless Bruce Wayne.
Re: Bonnie and "would you rather": 400 Days with Leland - Would you rather have a snake for a tongue, or lobster claws for hands?
Re: playable Crawford (Road to Survival): to rub salt in the wound, he was ALIVE and there are also characters from Walking Dead: Michonne. The only references to Season Two are the outfits that Christa, Kenny, and one of the Clementines wear.
Also, Vitality was an autocorrect that I missed xO
Hey, I'm guessing you got your pictures from Walking Dead wikia. How about going to this page and copying the image address of the pictures and editing them in instead?
The shed walker taught Clem a valuable lesson- don't be so irresponsible and loud if you're vulnerable (e.g. leaving a hole in the shed wall!!!).
Um...yeah, that's definitely a reason. A bit out there but to each their own.
Nick REALLY irritates me, he's as useless as Ben but isn't kind enough or young enough to make up for it.
Okay, that I understand. They at least made the effort to kinda explain how he got that way(which is appreciate since it reminds me of Season 1's writing), but if someone legitimately thought he was too much of a jerk, than that's a legitimate reason to not like him.
Sarita was a pointless character, she literally served as a reason for more Kenny development.
See, that I'm tied on because on one hand, I really enjoyed that she was one of the nicer characters in the Season who reached out to get along with strangers of her own volition(Unlike Kenny, Jane, and even Luke a few times) and would've loved to learn more about her as an individual, but on the other hand, I feel like her death was definitely the best handled in Amid the Ruins since it actually served a few purposes and I won't lie by saying I never thought part of her wasted potential was as an explanation of what happened to Kenny, what types of adventures did they have together, and how he got the way he did.
Sandra was a bad babysitter who would've been responsible for Clem's death if Lee didn't come along.
Well, she was kinda busy being DEAD so I think I can give her some slack. Especially since Clementine implied that the blood puddle on the kitchen was from her apparently getting attacked by a walker and screaming one night.
The shed walker taught Clem a valuable lesson- don't be so irresponsible and loud if you're vulnerable (e.g. leaving a hole in the shed wall… more!!!).
Nick REALLY irritates me, he's as useless as Ben but isn't kind enough or young enough to make up for it.
Sarita was a pointless character, she literally served as a reason for more Kenny development.
Sandra was a bad babysitter who would've been responsible for Clem's death if Lee didn't come along.
Um...yeah, that's definitely a reason. A bit out there but to each their own.
It's just as valid as you liking Michelle.
Well, she was kinda busy being DEAD so I think I can give her some slack. Especially since Clementine implied that the blood puddle on the kitchen was from her apparently getting attacked by a walker and screaming one night.
The shed walker taught Clem a valuable lesson- don't be so irresponsible and loud if you're vulnerable (e.g. leaving a hole in the shed wall… more!!!).
Um...yeah, that's definitely a reason. A bit out there but to each their own.
Nick REALLY irritates me, he's as useless as Ben but isn't kind enough or young enough to make up for it.
Okay, that I understand. They at least made the effort to kinda explain how he got that way(which is appreciate since it reminds me of Season 1's writing), but if someone legitimately thought he was too much of a jerk, than that's a legitimate reason to not like him.
Sarita was a pointless character, she literally served as a reason for more Kenny development.
See, that I'm tied on because on one hand, I really enjoyed that she was one of the nicer characters in the Season who reached out to get along with strangers of her own volition(Unlike Kenny, Jane, and even Luke a few times) a… [view original content]
Pete from Michonne was actually my favorite character. Seemed like a genuine nice guy and looked out for the people he cared out. At the start of the game, he isn't a bad leader either, keeping his people under control, telling them what to do in a chaotic time. I know I'd want him (not as a leader but as a member of the group) with me in the apocalypse.
11 faves:
* Paige: she's funny, she's nice, she's got a cool design, and she's an original gay survivor--hey, if I were a lesbian, I'd … moretotally go out with her
* Javier: even if his in-game character ends up boring, he's excellent for memes
* Ben: sure, he fucks up a lot, but he's a good guy, he just doesn't know how to handle things (also, excellent voice acting)
* Lee: best player character with choosable dialogue ever
* Clem: coolest child character in gaming history...aside from Toon Link and Nanako Dojima
* Bonnie: never has my opinion swung so often on a character, which I guess makes her pretty complex? Also, how can you not love that whole "would you rather" exchange
* Norma: it's not every day that you wish a character was determinant
* Omid: I would deserve shame to not have him in my list, he's the only TWD character I cried for aside from Lee and Clem
* Walter: on par with Sarah, Sarita and Luke/Nick for the Character … [view original content]
Um...yeah, that's definitely a reason. A bit out there but to each their own.
It's just as valid as you liking Michelle.
Well,… more she was kinda busy being DEAD so I think I can give her some slack. Especially since Clementine implied that the blood puddle on the kitchen was from her apparently getting attacked by a walker and screaming one night.
She shouldn't have died
1. Clementine
2. Kenny
3. Lee
4. Carley
5. Molly
6. Sarah
7. Ben
8. Sam the Dog
9. Christa
10. Shel
11. Luke
1… more. Vernon
2. Arvo
3. Bonnie
4. Mike
5. Troy
6. Carver
7. The Stranger
8. Russell
9. Wyatt
10. Tavia
11. Michelle
Also opening fire to hundreds of zombies (and our group) was not a bright idea.
Yeah, but to be fair, the herd was coming right at t… morehem and they supposedly had families and citizens to protect and it's mentioned earlier that this isn't the first time something like that has happened.
i love you so much
i personally like linda and tess though
i get the impression you don't like the st. johns
Top 11:
Bottom 11:
Top 11 Favorite Characters (#1 is most loved while #11 is less and so forth)
Top 11 Most Hated Characters (#1 Is most hated and #11 is less and so forth)
1. Bonnie (Ohhhh boy. So I didn't like her in 400 Days right from the start. Then she betrays us in episode 2 and kidnaps us with Carver. by Episode 4 I thought she redeemed herself so I actually finally started liking her. Then in Episode 5 she betrays the group and tries to leave, also resulting in Clementine getting shot)
Do you just hate Bonnie so much she takes up 11 spots? xD
i don't hate anything.
Lee Everett/ Andy St. John, tie here
Ben Paul
The Stranger
Wyatt and Eddie, hard to have one without the other
Clementine S1
Cabin Group, can't pick just one, so insert all of them for 10.
Least Favorite:
Clementine S2
Sam the Dog
Kinda hard to like a psycho lesbian we barely knew and the undead head of a woman who got her daughter and herself killed, and maybe even their food stolen.
I wanna know what it says about you that Nate is in the love list but Sarah, Ben, maybe Carlos, Nick, and Rebecca aren't.
Care to explain why?
No complaints.
Really now? What breaks the deal for ya?
About Jane, I mean to say that her writing in Episode 4 was great. Learning about her sister and her story of survival was enjoyable for me. At least she had a reason to be the way she is, unlike other characters who are just badass and are mean for no reason. Would still pick Kenny over her any day though
I was just about to say, that pretty much describes her
and that she's mostly a bitch but you clarified Amid the Ruins, which tries too to make you like her so I understand that.
Personally, I thought she had potential to be a great character and might even be a good character, but something about the way she's portrayed vs. the way she's treated and some of the choices they make with her means she's connected to some of the more sloppy moments of the story.
By the way, who exactly are these other characters you speak of?
boring, no personality, overall not a fun PC.
excited for S3 Clem, though.
Other characters as in, not only The Walking Dead, but other forms of fiction as well. If you know what Mary Sue Character is, ten you'll be able to understand what I mean when I say that she is different from other character. I feel like she had the right amount of backstory to make her a believable character.
Amid The Ruins was definitely her best episode, and even though the episode was trying to make you like her, it kind of fit for me. In the finale I didn't shoot Kenny though, as Jane was just acting like a self indulgent bitch.
Then I had to leave Kenny for Wellington and cried like a baby ;-;
Oh, the irony....
I know what the Mary Sue is supposed to be based on TVTropes listing off the common traits, rather than the usual definition of "likable/competent character I don't like".
11 faves:
11 least faves:
When was that exactly?
I'm honestly a little mixed on the sentiment, but I still kinda do too.
Well it was more that he was apparently attracted to girls(age ambiguous, but the line is either close to or part of one where he mention school kids visiting the farm in summer) and he apparently was gonna suggest keeping Clementine when Andy passes on wisdom from Brenda that that many people could cause problems so he wants him to kill all but one.
Well, he had this thing where he wouldn't hesitate to kill someone to help someone he cares about without too much remorse, but other than that he was a little plain. But yeah, the only character I found more boring than him was Wyatt.
At the very least, Vitali is definitely a psycho with some bizarre threats. But Buricko is unfortunately a bit flat, only being a dick of a boss that apparently came up with the "rob the group" plan on the spot and wouldn't allow Clementine/Arvo to negotiate an alternative.
Also, "Vitality!"
Ya don't say: A bandit who stabs women with spears for lying, chases down little girls relentlessly, and is more than happy to kill her if he has to?
I'll go 5/5 and one neutral that I loved but others might not have.
Michonne(that might be cheating a little)
Honorable mentions to Lee and Luke.
The Dr. in Crawford
The St. Johns
The neutral would be Sarah, I personally was rooting for her to become a badass like Clem all the way up until things went south for her.
Re: Danny's skin texture: pink nose, yellow-ish skin, a little blue around the eyes, the only people who are equally as bad at that are the Simpsons-yellow Carlos, Andy St. John around his nose area (at least on 360 and Steam, where there's a rectangular patch that looks improperly shaded), and shirtless Bruce Wayne.
Re: Bonnie and "would you rather": 400 Days with Leland - Would you rather have a snake for a tongue, or lobster claws for hands?
Re: playable Crawford (Road to Survival): to rub salt in the wound, he was ALIVE and there are also characters from Walking Dead: Michonne. The only references to Season Two are the outfits that Christa, Kenny, and one of the Clementines wear.
Also, Vitality was an autocorrect that I missed xO
Oh, okay.
Trying to decide a hilarious observation or racist. Probably both.
I should probably take a look into that Batman game when it raps up.
Oh yeah! That was a weird little moment.
Okay, I need to look into this. But yeah, the fact that they don't use that to expand on Season 2 characters, namely Luke, Carlos, Carver, Sarita, and Arvo, is kinda stupid.
Hey, I'm guessing you got your pictures from Walking Dead wikia. How about going to this page and copying the image address of the pictures and editing them in instead?
That I have Good Taste
The shed walker taught Clem a valuable lesson- don't be so irresponsible and loud if you're vulnerable (e.g. leaving a hole in the shed wall!!!).
Nick REALLY irritates me, he's as useless as Ben but isn't kind enough or young enough to make up for it.
Sarita was a pointless character, she literally served as a reason for more Kenny development.
Sandra was a bad babysitter who would've been responsible for Clem's death if Lee didn't come along.
Um...yeah, that's definitely a reason. A bit out there but to each their own.
Okay, that I understand. They at least made the effort to kinda explain how he got that way(which is appreciate since it reminds me of Season 1's writing), but if someone legitimately thought he was too much of a jerk, than that's a legitimate reason to not like him.
See, that I'm tied on because on one hand, I really enjoyed that she was one of the nicer characters in the Season who reached out to get along with strangers of her own volition(Unlike Kenny, Jane, and even Luke a few times) and would've loved to learn more about her as an individual, but on the other hand, I feel like her death was definitely the best handled in Amid the Ruins since it actually served a few purposes and I won't lie by saying I never thought part of her wasted potential was as an explanation of what happened to Kenny, what types of adventures did they have together, and how he got the way he did.
Well, she was kinda busy being DEAD so I think I can give her some slack. Especially since Clementine implied that the blood puddle on the kitchen was from her apparently getting attacked by a walker and screaming one night.
1. Clementine
2. Kenny
3. Lee
4. Carley
5. Molly
6. Sarah
7. Ben
8. Sam the Dog
9. Christa
10. Shel
11. Luke
1. Vernon
2. Arvo
3. Bonnie
4. Mike
5. Troy
6. Carver
7. The Stranger
8. Russell
9. Wyatt
10. Tavia
11. Michelle
Omg fat liar that made me laugh out loud nice
I can't put anyone (generally speaking) on my hate list. Maybe I am missing a personality.
It's just as valid as you liking Michelle.
She shouldn't have died
Seeing as you control clems personality, that's on you if she's boring.
Pete from Michonne was actually my favorite character. Seemed like a genuine nice guy and looked out for the people he cared out. At the start of the game, he isn't a bad leader either, keeping his people under control, telling them what to do in a chaotic time. I know I'd want him (not as a leader but as a member of the group) with me in the apocalypse.
Hey man, at least she talks.
"Get up, ya lazy bitch!"
Just means you're a forgiving person. Where's you love list, though?
What was he boring?
Waste of ammo.
Shooting attracts horde's attention. If they'd stay quiet on roof of their mall, zombies would pass by.
Yeah, its a self-defeating countermeasure.
I don't like the way he talked to Clem.
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