Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Batman



  • No its the Penguin/Harvey choice.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Well I got the advanced suit wiith Lucius at Wayne Enterprises so I don't think that's it.

  • Ok I just found this really cool one out. The coin toss Harvey makes to decide his hostages fate if you are not sympathetic is RANDOM. I have seen two outcomes for it. Its crazy.

  • @Telltale_luke actually already pointed that out. :p

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Ok I just found this really cool one out. The coin toss Harvey makes to decide his hostages fate if you are not sympathetic is RANDOM. I have seen two outcomes for it. Its crazy.

  • edited December 2016

    Depending on your choice in the ending of Episode 4, Bruce will wear a different suit during the finale of Episode 5. Perhaps also noteworthy is that the Lucius choice has no influence on this.

    If you chose to go after Two-Face

    enter image description here

    Bruce will wear an early prototype of the Batsuit because the other one is too damaged.

    If you chose to go after Penguin

    enter image description here

    Bruce will wear a new suit called [Mark 2].

    The final choice of Episode 4 also slightly changes how the Arkham and Vicki fights play out.

    If Batman doesn't have his tech, he'll:

    • use a stretcher to knock the first wave of prisoners out.
    • be rescued from Zsasz by Gordon or Montoya(?).
    • throw a stone at Vicki.

    If Batman has his tech, he'll:

    • use an EMP grenade to knock the first wave of prisoners out.
    • use an EMP grenade to knock Zsasz out.
    • shoot his grappling hook at Vicki.
  • Oh, sry.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    @Telltale_luke actually already pointed that out.

  • Thank you for letting me know!

    No idea, but screenshots are posted on the your choices thread for episode 5

  • Depending on if you linked the Book shelve first or not will effect what Bruce sees first with the firepoker.
    Link Firepoker first correctly and he'll depict it as a children of Arkham thug as the one who deflected Alfred's attack.
    Link the Book shelve first correctly and he'll depict it as Lady Arkham deflecting the attack; which is the correct depiction.

  • The ( is "Coming soon", do you think that it's owned by Telltale?

  • You can be rescued from Zsasz by Leland? I was rescued by Gordon!

    Depending on your choice in the ending of Episode 4, Bruce will wear a different suit during the finale of Episode 5. Perhaps also noteworth

  • My bad, it was indeed Gordon (and I'm assuming Montoya if Gordon was wounded). I misremembered Leland knocking that one prisoner out with her elbow as her rescuing Batman.

    Fazz posted: »

    You can be rescued from Zsasz by Leland? I was rescued by Gordon!

  • I noticed a glitch...
    if you save right after you leave the Vales basement when you reload it instantly sends you to the scene where Batman is chasing Lady Arkham... you miss their first conversation completely.
    For someone trying to find get all of the dialogue choices with no rewind feature... is... a bit irritating

  • What does she say ?

    Frontier246 posted: »

    If you took her claw from her apartment in episode 3, Selina actually comments on it when you confront her in episode 5. It even adds a new branch of dialogue.

  • Looks like I made the right choice by going after Penguin in Ep 4, since I get to keep the badass armor. :triumph:

    Depending on your choice in the ending of Episode 4, Bruce will wear a different suit during the finale of Episode 5. Perhaps also noteworth

  • I think that's for the Arkham series.

    This site : is online though.

  • Correct. It looks surprisingly neat though.

    I think that's for the Arkham series.

  • I'm curious, what happens when Lady Arkham frees the Arkham inmates if you sent Harvey there in ep4?

  • You can see him in his cell, but he doesn't get out. He looks pretty scared.

    I'm curious, what happens when Lady Arkham frees the Arkham inmates if you sent Harvey there in ep4?

  • He appears when Vicki releases all of the inmates. He begins to walk out of his cell and Batman runs by him, he then backs up and has one of those 'fights' with his head animations and he isn't seen after that.
    Two-face cameo

    I'm curious, what happens when Lady Arkham frees the Arkham inmates if you sent Harvey there in ep4?

  • In the scene with Harvey, if you get through to him and say "I still have hope for you" Bruce says he'll have the best doctors. Would that mean in this version of events Harvey goes to Arkham?

  • edited December 2016

    Nope did that in another playthrough didn't see him at all.
    Also considering that your Batsuit is determinant on who you go to first in episode 4 you can never see Harvey in Arkham with your Mark 2 Batsuit.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    In the scene with Harvey, if you get through to him and say "I still have hope for you" Bruce says he'll have the best doctors. Would that mean in this version of events Harvey goes to Arkham?

  • Even if he was left-handed he'd still be wearing it the wrong way. If he bent his arm to look at it he would see the face of the watch upside-down.

    enter image description here

    The time shown also makes no sense. Either he has a timer on or, if it's a 24-hour clock, it would only be a bit past midnight.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Bruce Wayne is left handed or doesnt know how you are "suppose" to wear a watch.

  • I don't mean see him there, just is he there now?

    Nope did that in another playthrough didn't see him at all. Also considering that your Batsuit is determinant on who you go to first in episode 4 you can never see Harvey in Arkham with your Mark 2 Batsuit.

  • Probably, higher chance if you fund Arkham maybe.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I don't mean see him there, just is he there now?

  • I can confirm that the only factor for which suit you get is who you arrested in episode 4. I had Lucius stay at Wayne Enterprise, but arrested Cobblepot and I still got the Mark 2 suit.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Does anyone have any idea what choice decides which Batsuit you get in EP5? It's eiither a new and improved one or an old prototype. I al

  • edited December 2016

    I sent Harvey to Arkham, and as soon as I saw him there, I just blurted out "Harvey?"

    He appears when Vicki releases all of the inmates. He begins to walk out of his cell and Batman runs by him, he then backs up and has one of those 'fights' with his head animations and he isn't seen after that.

  • The term "see you around" is used in episode's 3, 4, and 5.

    Clearly this is a reference of Wolf Among Us, and that a season 2 is confirmed.

  • Exactly why I said that :)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    The term "see you around" is used in episode's 3, 4, and 5. Clearly this is a reference of Wolf Among Us, and that a season 2 is confirmed.

  • Jack Ryder is the only hostage of Harveys that can't die no matter your choices.
    He CAN die but then Harvey instantly shoots Bruce and it becomes a death scene so non-canon.

  • Cole Sand voiced both Young Bruce and Young Cobblepot

  • Ep 5 spoilers

    During the last fight, either Bruce loses a part of his ear or Alfred loses his eye.

    Bats use their ears to see. So its pretty cool seeing how either an ear or eye is lost.

  • He also voiced Vicki's adopted brother.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Cole Sand voiced both Young Bruce and Young Cobblepot

  • Wow, really? I know a person on the forum here mentioned that "what if in a later episode, Harvey's coin is left up to chance" got their wish granted! Cool. But, this only happens if you don't get through to Harvey, right?

    Harvey's coin tosses are actually up to chance in Episode 5. If you fail to get through to Harvey when he's about to execute Deborah, his

  • Also, there exists a way to part with Selina as enemies, but you have to be very hostile (like me) in that conversation.

    High five, bro! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    I also think that bar he was in was the same from Episode 2

    Yes it was.

    The boss fight sequence in City of Light is actually somewhat similar to the Bloody Mary one in Cry Wolf, especially in the labyrinth hearin

  • But, this only happens if you don't get through to Harvey, right?


    AChicken posted: »

    Wow, really? I know a person on the forum here mentioned that "what if in a later episode, Harvey's coin is left up to chance" got their wish granted! Cool. But, this only happens if you don't get through to Harvey, right?

  • Does the choice with the barricade affect anything in Episode 5?

  • Not that I've found, no.

    matteso586 posted: »

    Does the choice with the barricade affect anything in Episode 5?

  • I got that after I quit one time. Felt really weird when I resumed it the next day. "hey, look, she's right there! That was easy!" And then I noticed later that I missed a small section. :(

    I noticed a glitch... if you save right after you leave the Vales basement when you reload it instantly sends you to the scene where Batman

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited December 2016

    That's the thing: it's not an actual watch. It's another piece of tech, disguised as a watch.

    When you're investigating the parlor after Alfred is kidnapped, you can see Bruce fiddling with it. It's how he's still able to see the holograms without the cowl.

    hemfbg posted: »

    Even if he was left-handed he'd still be wearing it the wrong way. If he bent his arm to look at it he would see the face of the watch upsid

  • Ayy, thats pretty cool, I never noticed that. I kinda assumed there had to be some reason for Bruce to suddenly wear a watch.

    Deltino posted: »

    That's the thing: it's not an actual watch. It's another piece of tech, disguised as a watch. When you're investigating the parlor after

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