Uh, not to picky here, but I'm pretty sure ordering your people to burn a family's house down(with children inside, no less, though she probably didn't know that), trying to decapitate , drown, and shoot your foreign adversary, and then killing one of your own for interfering doesn't justify calling it murder. I think Michonne could've just left Norma fighting the walkers instead of mutilating her, but still.
I dislike Zachary because he can attack Norma in "What We Deserve," essentially leading to Michonne's murder of the latter. I do understand exactly why he did it, but, nonetheless, I consider that move a moment of pure treason.
While I've experienced/watched the Michonne DLC a grand total of three times in select amounts, I will say that Norma seemed like a very downplayed example of what I think Carver should've been.
(I did find both of their deaths funny though).
I'm going to assume it's because Norma being disemboweled is like seeing pig belly be split or something darkly humorous like that. Cause otherwise, I thought it was needlessly graphic/grotesque and brutal all things considered.
I think its that he likes norma (for some reason) and as such doesnt like Zachery attacking/betraying her. Personally I found them both bori… moreng and fairly minor characters and dont really get why people find either of them engaging or worth commenting on (I did find both of their deaths funny though).
Sorry it took so long to reply, I just didn't have much to say everytime I saw this.
Carlos did what he thought was best but ultimately it wasn't, something Sarah herself realized early on. Also, he only says that if you say something he doesn't like, but point taken. I just wish he had gotten his due of screentime and development so Sarah could potentially call him out herself.
I personally thought Reggie was one of the most sympathetic characters of the Season, even though that's not a very long list.
I didn't like how Carlos sheltered Sarah. Maybe it was implied that she had a disability (maybe autism?) when he mentioned she's not like mo… morest girls. Which in that case, I understand. Even still, his attitude toward Clementine early on irked me; telling her to stay away from Sarah and that she's not to be trusted. About Reggie: he had no backbone and was too weak and desperate. All he thought about was his place with Carver. Reggie made me roll my eyes more than a few times.
Woah, that's a lot of favorites!
9.) Carlos (a loving dad, trying his best)
10.) Reggie (deserved a lot better, such a good guy)
… more 17.) Lee (ultimate Murder Dad, the purest boy. he taught history but now he's history D^: )
24.) Alvin (nice and chunky, very good dad and very sweet to rebecca)
25.) Rebecca (strong, caring, was right to be cautious about clem in the beginning)
31.) Mike (has a good sense of humor, very likable overall)
45.) Larry (wasn't the best dad, but he really cared about lilly)
3.) Arvo (he's not as bad as y'all think he is)
That may have changed since he ran off into the night, but that's a possibility I hope doesn't come up either way outside of certain conditions. So, Agreed.
11.) Troy (not a good person, but i enjoy characters who are awful people)
In the context of this series, I don't mind awful people if they're a. legitimately funny/entertaining, b. … [view original content]
for jane, i'm mostly comparing her to you-know-who when it comes to dealing with grief.
Well, I'm pretty Lord Moldybutt didn't leave Sarita to the walkers because she reminds him of Katjaa. Seriously!
and, danny's a rapist, so.... i would definitely rather choose justin over him, even if danny was nice.
I was always under the impression that it was left purposefully vague so as to make you question whether shooting one over the other was the right choice. Cause in the context I went by, not shooting a guy who is sorta creepy-ish but mostly reputable for something it seems like he probably didn't do was preferable to going with a guy who clearly didn't care about anyone but himself and would probably sell out his own mudda.
for jane, i'm mostly comparing her to you-know-who when it comes to dealing with grief.
and, danny's a rapist, so.... i would definitely rather choose justin over him, even if danny was nice.
I don't sympathize with Reggie, because he resigned to his fate. He was going to die anyway to move the story forward with Bonnie, but I'd rather him die for his freedom and not as an abused lapdog. I'm curious: why do you have sympathy for him?
Sorry it took so long to reply, I just didn't have much to say everytime I saw this.
Carlos did what he thought was best but ultimately i… moret wasn't, something Sarah herself realized early on. Also, he only says that if you say something he doesn't like, but point taken. I just wish he had gotten his due of screentime and development so Sarah could potentially call him out herself.
I personally thought Reggie was one of the most sympathetic characters of the Season, even though that's not a very long list.
I think its that he likes norma (for some reason) and as such doesnt like Zachery attacking/betraying her. Personally I found them both bori… moreng and fairly minor characters and dont really get why people find either of them engaging or worth commenting on (I did find both of their deaths funny though).
Well for starter, let's nominate Sarah for most heartfelt backstory telling(yeah, I know she probably won't win, but still); there's like little to no childish innocence in her voice during that scene. But for real though, Reggie was originally a member of Carver's inner circle, with the same power that Bonnie, Troy, and Taavia(and possibly Luke) had. However, either due to being approached by Luke along with Bonnie or by his own decision, he decided to help the group escape from Howe's. Apparently, he fell during the mad dash through the parking lot and everyone just kept running without him, leaving him at Carver's mercy. Rather than kill Reggie for his chicanery, Carver tossed into the yard to do hard time while he earns his place back in Carver's good graces.
During the month or so the group was gone, Reggie was put to work doing expansion and other tasks alongside his future cellmates Mike and Jane, with the implication that there were a few accidents during that time that he was involved in making things harder on him. One day, he was hammering something in the yard when a walker snuck up on him and bit his arm, causing Mike(who apparently did so before) to chop his arm off in one swipe, rending Reggie an amputee. There's also some theories that this was a lie/cover-up and Carver actually had Mike/himself/whoever do it as penance for Reggie's betrayal, which arguable even worse considering what happens.
Eventually, the Cabin Group(sans Nick's mom, Pete, and determinately Nick and Alvin and with Clementine, Kenny, and Sarita instead) are returned to Howe's and Reggie is happy to see them. When Rebecca and Nick realize what happened to him because of them, he insists that what happened isn't their fault and that he doesn't hold it against them. He does a dual job of, as you said, claiming that he's accepted that he has to earn his way back into society, with his missing making it that much more important to him, and something I think people tend to forget about him: expressing his discontent with having to deal with Carver, Troy, and everyone else's shit everyday. He then promises that once he's let back in(citing the fact that Carver didn't just kill him as a sign of mercy and potential forgiveness), he'll do what can to make things easier for them and maybe even find a way to get them out; all he asks in return is that they keep a low profile over the next day or so.
Alongside having his idealistic thoughts challenged by Rebecca, Kenny, Clementine, and Sarah, he determinately gets in trouble when Kenny, runs interference while Clementine serves for weak spots before being caught by Troy bringing Carlos back. The next day, he gets assigned to supervise Clementine and Sarah in the greenhouse, being told not to screw up it up in the process. After asking about Sarah's well-being and making awkward small-talk with Clementine, he gets to work. In an example of "it's everyone's fault," Reggie was apparently so concerned with doing a good job that he apparently neglected to check up on the two every once in a while. When Carver(who was only supposed to be checking in on their progress, btw) comes and sees what Clementine/Sarah's mistake, he gets on Reggie's case something fierce and, after sending the two outside while they "talk about a few things," Carver forces Reggie to the edge of the roof and shoves him off to make a point to Sarah. What makes this even worse is the fact that Taavia and Hank are later heard casually chatting(basically half-assing their own jobs) and both seem uncertain in openly voicing their belief that Carver was never gonna let Reggie back in to begin with.
To sum it up, he's basically just some nice, if a bit doofy guy who lost his power and place in a Darwinist society doing what he felt was the right thing, suffered as a result of it, and then was murdered by his ruthless leader who was apparently never gonna honor their agreement.
I don't sympathize with Reggie, because he resigned to his fate. He was going to die anyway to move the story forward with Bonnie, but I'd rather him die for his freedom and not as an abused lapdog. I'm curious: why do you have sympathy for him?
this isn't in any particular order
The Good Boys
1.) Sarah (she literally did nothing wrong)
2.) Christa (my precious wife, a lovely … moresurvivor and mother figure)
3.) Arvo (he's not as bad as y'all think he is)
4.) Lilly (a literal goddess, extremely cute. doesn't deserve any hate that she got)
5.) Mark (the most likable character in the whole franchise)
6.) Doug (a big, tubby computer nerd. very cute.)
7.) Ben (nervous, relatable teenager. very nice and tries his best)
8.) Travis (he was very cute and deserved more screen time
9.) Carlos (a loving dad, trying his best)
10.) Reggie (deserved a lot better, such a good guy)
11.) Troy (not a good person, but i enjoy characters who are awful people)
12.) Katjaa (beautiful!!! very sweet and smart and deserved a better husband)
13.) Sarita (beautiful, smart, amazing. deserved a way better boyfriend.)
14.) Walter (perfect father figure! honestly did nothing wrong)
15.) Matthew (ver… [view original content]
1. Clementine
2. Lee
3. Molly
4. carley
5. mark (he didn't last long . Still liked him)
6. duck (funny weird kid. liked playing detective with him)
7. Glenn (relaxed guy.need people like that)
8. Omid (funny guy. need people like that)
9. Reggie ( i know he was a progandist. But he made me laugh at some points)
10. Alvin ( Ok guy. Pretty brave guy.)
11 Luke- ok guy. bottom list for reason though.
1. Kenny. Kenny is ok but not great. I am sorry but his voice really gives me a headache and he is kind of annoying to me. I dont hate him, Just rather him in small doses.
2. Jane- She is ok.
1. Carver
2. Stranger
3. Larry
4. Ben - many deaths are his fault. leaves clem in danger several times. Doesn't man up.
5. Bonnie- stupid, puts Clem in danger over and over again. Hate how she flirts with Luke, its roll your eyes type of flirting and something you hear at a bar with a Snank. Can't make up her mind what she wants.
6. Nick - like ben but more dangerous because he knows how to fight
7. Arvo- plans on blaming them for theft regardless if you do it or not, junkie, only cares about his own skin. shoots Clem regardless of choices you make on confrontation.
8 Mike- is in love with Arvo even though he really knows nothing about him.
9. Vernon - creepy old dude who wants clementine.
10. Danny
11. Andy
12. troy
13. Carlos- dumbest doctor in existence. Doesn't know a dog bit from a lurker bite. Ask what size house when clem clearly says small house when talking about building at end of bridge. Doesn't know how to turn off a wind turbine even though he talks like he is a genius. Carver ask him where Rebecca is and spits in his face instead of saying i dont know. But then lectures kenny about rash action. the guy is completely a moron.
* Clementine
* Lee
* Jane
* Kenny
* Luke
* Molly
* Carley
* Mark
* Glenn
* Lilly
* Omid
* Andy
* Danny
* Stranger
* Larry
* Troy
* Ben
* Carver
* Duck
* Bonnie
* Mike
* Arvo
* Vernon
Uh, unless your definition is different, isn't that basically what he does when you pull him up, he says he wants to make things right, he stands up to Kenny, and helps everyone fight off the walkers below the attic?
Bonnie Hate how she flirts with Luke, its roll your eyes type of flirting and something you hear at a bar with a Snan
Uh, what? Are you talking about when she was drunk or did I miss something?
Arvo- plans on blaming them for theft regardless if you do it or not, junkie,
Actually, Jane did technically keep his pistol and force him to walk home defenseless, so I can sorta understand his group being angry about that, even if they are half assholes. Also, his sister really was supposed to have sickle cell anemia, which matches up with his medicine and the symptoms he describes.
Mike- is in love with Arvo even though he really knows nothing about him.
All jokes aside, I did have a little fun coming up with an explanation for that...and then I found out about his little motive rant if you go with him and Bonnie first. Still a little weird, but I can sorta understand the general gist of it.
Carlos- dumbest doctor in existence. Doesn't know a dog bit from a lurker bite. Ask what size house when clem clearly says small house when talking about building at end of bridge. Doesn't know how to turn off a wind turbine even though he talks like he is a genius. Carver ask him where Rebecca is and spits in his face instead of saying i dont know. But then lectures kenny about rash action. the guy is completely a moron.
The funny thing about the bite is a. Sam was thrashing around quite a bit, which could've made identification a little difficult at first glance and b. its somewhat inferrable that he may known, which is arguably worse.
Him being medical doctor really doesn't mean he knows anything about engineering.
And him getting on Kenny's case is interesting giving the theory that Kenny's actions in the later episodes may have originally been meant for him.
1. Clementine
2. Lee
3. Molly
4. carley
5. mark (he didn't last long . Still liked him)
6. duck (funny weird kid. liked playing … moredetective with him)
7. Glenn (relaxed guy.need people like that)
8. Omid (funny guy. need people like that)
9. Reggie ( i know he was a progandist. But he made me laugh at some points)
10. Alvin ( Ok guy. Pretty brave guy.)
11 Luke- ok guy. bottom list for reason though.
1. Kenny. Kenny is ok but not great. I am sorry but his voice really gives me a headache and he is kind of annoying to me. I dont hate him, Just rather him in small doses.
2. Jane- She is ok.
1. Carver
2. Stranger
3. Larry
4. Ben - many deaths are his fault. leaves clem in danger several times. Doesn't man up.
5. Bonnie- stupid, puts Clem in danger over and over again. Hate how she flirts with Luke, its roll your eyes type of flirting and something you hear at a bar with a Snank. Can't make up her mind what … [view original content]
Bonnie yeah when they are drunk and she says "Worked on me." refering to mike saying lukes moves is working on all the ladies "oh gosh did i say that out loud." bah. oldest most stupid thing a lady can say. you know what you said. corny corny
Honestly I think carlos was not a diagnosis doctor ( you know the brainy type) and his specialty was something like a proctologist. But he wanted to seem useful so he played a role like he knew everything, especially in carver's camp. I think he was full of crap. Basic medical knowledge is what he had besides proctoology :P
He tried to hard to "sound smart"
Drop ben as soon as I can. He screws up way to much. He wasnt maning up. he was giving up.
Glenn (relaxed guy.need people like that)
Huh, that is a good point.
Ben doesn't man up
Uh, unless your definition is … moredifferent, isn't that basically what he does when you pull him up, he says he wants to make things right, he stands up to Kenny, and helps everyone fight off the walkers below the attic?
Bonnie Hate how she flirts with Luke, its roll your eyes type of flirting and something you hear at a bar with a Snan
Uh, what? Are you talking about when she was drunk or did I miss something?
Arvo- plans on blaming them for theft regardless if you do it or not, junkie,
Actually, Jane did technically keep his pistol and force him to walk home defenseless, so I can sorta understand his group being angry about that, even if they are half assholes. Also, his sister really was supposed to have sickle cell anemia, which matches up with his medicine and the symptoms he describes.
Mike- is in l… [view original content]
Bonnie yeah when they are drunk and she says "Worked on me." refering to mike saying lukes moves is working on all the ladies "oh gosh did i say that out loud." bah. oldest most stupid thing a lady can say. you know what you said. corny corny
"--Me so horny!"
That's how it goes, right?
Honestly I think carlos was not a diagnosis doctor ( you know the brainy type) and his specialty was something like a proctologist. But he wanted to seem useful so he played a role like he knew everything, especially in carver's camp. I think he was full of crap. Basic medical knowledge is what he had besides proctoology :P
I've heard similar theories about that a few times. At the very least, he had a little experience in pregnancy, surgery, and the general eye area.
Drop ben as soon as I can. He screws up way to much. He wasnt maning up. he was giving up.
That's what I thought, cause the stuff I mentioned happens if you pull him up.
Bonnie yeah when they are drunk and she says "Worked on me." refering to mike saying lukes moves is working on all the ladies "oh gosh did … morei say that out loud." bah. oldest most stupid thing a lady can say. you know what you said. corny corny
Honestly I think carlos was not a diagnosis doctor ( you know the brainy type) and his specialty was something like a proctologist. But he wanted to seem useful so he played a role like he knew everything, especially in carver's camp. I think he was full of crap. Basic medical knowledge is what he had besides proctoology :P
He tried to hard to "sound smart"
Drop ben as soon as I can. He screws up way to much. He wasnt maning up. he was giving up.
To @firewallvolcano, @dan290786, @wdfan, what are your current lists? You guys have been here far longer than I have, so I'm curious to see your thoughts.
Also, please leave off A New Frontier characters for the being.
Top 11 Favourite Characters:
* Clementine
* Sarah
* Lee
* Kenny
* Chuck
* Nick
* Carley
* Omid
* Peter Joseph Randall
* Randal… morel
* Alvin
Top 11 Least Favourite/Hated Characters:
* Jane
* Arvo
* Bonnie
* Mike
* Becca
* Troy
* Samantha
* Nate
* Carver
* Vernon
* Larry
Simple. She robbed Norma, she was given a second chance and she robbed her again, putting her own family in danger and was using Michonne and Pete to not be the only one in trouble.
Simple. She robbed Norma, she was given a second chance and she robbed her again, putting her own family in danger and was using Michonne and Pete to not be the only one in trouble.
I'll go 5/5 and one neutral that I loved but others might not have.
Michonne(that might be cheating a… more little)
Honorable mentions to Lee and Luke.
The Dr. in Crawford
The St. Johns
The neutral would be Sarah, I personally was rooting for her to become a badass like Clem all the way up until things went south for her.
Clem(heart of the series for me, TT did a great job creating a connection with her in s1. She's also generally the type of tragic character that I'm drawn to, going through so much you know it's probably not going to have a happy ending, but you still want to see it work out well for them.)
Lee(first protagonist, so there's a bit of nostalgia there. But also a very refreshing character, middle aged soft spoken teacher? Not the kind of character I expected going into a Walking Dead game(or any game), a really ordinary guy in an extraordinary situation.)
Kenny(I was all over the place with him in s1, back and forth between liking and not liking him. By episode 5 it was pretty rough, I shot Duck for him but I'd also fought him on the train. He still came with me to save Clem when I told him she was my family. Won major points for that, and staying behind with Ben)
Carley(saved my ass early on, generally kept a level head throughout her episodes. Could have spilled the beans on who I was, but chose to tell me she knew instead.)
Duck(annoyed me through a lot of the first two episodes, especially during the farm incident. But damn, for some reason I really liked his whole Robin bit in episode 3. And he just went out in such a heartbreaking way. Way too excitable, but a good kid nonetheless.)
Luke(Good guy, at first I kinda thought he'd take over Lees role. Seemed like he could have grown into a good leader, even facing death he told the others to stay back off the thin ice, and cover him rather than risk their own lives. Assuming you try to help, he ends up tossing a walker that fell into the water away from Clem, which ultimately ends with it dragging him down instead)
Pete(generally seemed like a nice guy, and got points for vouching for Clem. Of my favorites he's the one I spent the least amount of time with, but his final scenes were memorable. Still thinking about Nick in the end, and trying to convince him to go with you results in him falling in his weakened state, and telling you to leave him before turning back to face the walkers.)
Hated -
Bonnie(Could not stand her in 400 days. I started warming up to her a bit when we met her in s2, but then the rest of the season happened)
Larry(Seriously? Lee's in the drugstore trying to buy everyone time to escape after getting you your heart medications, and you attack him and leave him for the walkers? Jackass)
Lilly(bit better than Larry. Not much better, though)
Troy(I don't think there's anyway to interpret him but as a jackass.)
Vernon(Doing what he did was a total dick move)
Arvo(I actually tried being nice to him on my first playthrough, with the medicine decision and throughout episode 5. Little prick still did nothing but glare at Clem before getting the chance to shoot her)
Lee (yeah believe it or not, Kenny actually isn't my favourite)
I don't "hate" any character but will list those i dislike (oh boy here we go):
Lilly (I technically didn't "hate" her but i disliked her)
The St John's
The Cabin Group (maybe not hate them but I didn't like any of them much really, except for maybe Pete.)
The Stranger
Everyone other character i am pretty much neutral really. I didn't dislike Ben but didn't like him either. Same with Vernon and his crew, didn't like them a whole lot (more so after they stole the boat) but at the same time I don't hate them and sympathise with them.
To @firewallvolcano, @dan290786, @wdfan, what are your current lists? You guys have been here far longer than I have, so I'm curious to see your thoughts.
Also, please leave off A New Frontier characters for the being.
My favs are:
* Lee (yeah believe it or not, Kenny actually isn't my favourite)
* Kenny
* Clementine
* Omid
* Katjaa
* Ca… morerley
* Christa
I don't "hate" any character but will list those i dislike (oh boy here we go):
* Larry
* Troy
* Carver
* Jane
* Lilly (I technically didn't "hate" her but i disliked her)
* The St John's
* Arvo
* Bonnie
* Molly
* The Cabin Group (maybe not hate them but I didn't like any of them much really, except for maybe Pete.)
* The Stranger
* Tavia
Everyone other character i am pretty much neutral really. I didn't dislike Ben but didn't like him either. Same with Vernon and his crew, didn't like them a whole lot (more so after they stole the boat) but at the same time I don't hate them and sympathise with them.
Hmmm... This ones tough lol
Favorite -
Clem(heart of the series for me, TT did a great job creating a connection with her in s1. She's… more also generally the type of tragic character that I'm drawn to, going through so much you know it's probably not going to have a happy ending, but you still want to see it work out well for them.)
Lee(first protagonist, so there's a bit of nostalgia there. But also a very refreshing character, middle aged soft spoken teacher? Not the kind of character I expected going into a Walking Dead game(or any game), a really ordinary guy in an extraordinary situation.)
Kenny(I was all over the place with him in s1, back and forth between liking and not liking him. By episode 5 it was pretty rough, I shot Duck for him but I'd also fought him on the train. He still came with me to save Clem when I told him she was my family. Won major points for that, and staying behind with Ben)
Carley(saved my ass early on… [view original content]
To @firewallvolcano, @dan290786, @wdfan, what are your current lists? You guys have been here far longer than I have, so I'm curious to see your thoughts.
Also, please leave off A New Frontier characters for the being.
I don't like a single one of the characters in Season 3. Simply because there is nothing i know or anything remotely interesting about them at all and that is down to utter shit writing by ShitTale these days. My opinion of course but the feeling isn't there at all anymore. I am done with this company as soon as this game is finished since i have paid for it now. Too many let downs and this was the last straw for me
Damn. What a interestingly skewed list. Anyway, thanks for the contribution!
Not to break my own [old] rule here, but how have you felt about the A New Frontier characters so far(Predictable answer or not )?
I don't like a single one of the characters in Season 3. Simply because there is nothing i know or anything remotely interesting about them … moreat all and that is down to utter shit writing by ShitTale these days. My opinion of course but the feeling isn't there at all anymore. I am done with this company as soon as this game is finished since i have paid for it now. Too many let downs and this was the last straw for me
Becca, Shel and Nate would probably be higher … moreif they had more screentime.
Don't really have 10 characters that I hate. Larry was the only one I really dispised I think. Cabin group was underdeveloped, season 3 even more so.
Hate character:
1.Walker -,_,-
3.Lily (like father like son)
4.St. John Family
* Lee Everett
* Clementine
* Kenny
* Carley
* Pete
* Luke
* Jane
* Omid
* Chuck
* Walter
* Alvin
* Car… morever
* The Stranger
* Arvo
* St. John family
* Vernon
I don't know if I have more hateed characters but I think Bonnie may be one of them
The Liked:
- Lee Everett.
- Chuck.
- Pete (Season 2)
- Randall.
- Molly.
- Carley.
- Ben Paul.
- Norma.
- Jane (Sorta...my feelings were kinda mixed)
- Walter.
- Oak.
- Samantha Fairbanks.
- Katjaa.
- Eddie.
- Wyatt.
- Kate.
- Luke. (Similar to Jane, in that I've a mixed response to the character)
- Javier Garcia (The exact same as Luke)
The Hated:
- AJ. (Don't really hate the character, just how the writers use him)
- Rebecca.
- Bonnie.
- Conrad.
- Duck.
- Brenda St John.
- Gabe Garcia.
The Disliked:
- Sarah.
- Carlos.
- Marianna Garcia.
- Danny St John.
- Andy St John.
- Vernon.
- Danny.
- Justin.
- Dee.
- Michelle.
- Jane.
- Reggie.
- Arvo.
- Pete (Michonne)
- The Stranger.
The Indifferent: (Don't hate them, don't like them, I just don't care about them. At all)
- Clementine (Season 2, now ANF)
- Alvin.
- Becca.
- Larry.
- Doug.
- Badger.
- Marianna.
- Tripp.
- Ava.
- Max.
- Eleanor.
- Mark.
- Christa.
- Russell.
- Leland.
- Luke.
- Sarita.
- Tavia.
- Troy.
- Carver.
- Michonne.
- Paige.
- Zachary.
- Javier Garcia.
- Jesus.
- Francine.
The Absolutely Despised: (The worst of the worst)
- Omid.
Eh.. hard to say, since some characters names doesnt stick very well, so I guess I will name the ones I can remember
Clementine - Heart of the story for me, season 1 was about protecting Clementine, and her acting like your moral compass, Season 2 was about seeing how hard it is for a little girl to survive in the apocalypse, and that you should be careful who you trust
Lee Everett - Interesting protagonist, very likable, has a blank slate unlike Javier, which means that you can treat every encounter like your first, and you can dislike every character if you so desire (unlike with Javier and his family)
Christa - Took care of Clem for like, 2 years, taught her how to survive, and in the end she died(?) to protect Clem (well, not directly, but you know)
Molly - Helps strangers that could ruin her, she could get killed helping them, when she could have just killed them or let them get killed by walkers
Kenny - He is quite far down, since I got the alone ending in season 2, and I feel like bringing him back for season 2 was a mistake, since he took the spotlight from all the new characters, and was mostly there to create drama, and since Clem never really knew Kenny too well, I find it weird how many people defend him in season 2
Luke - Supports Clem when she is most in need after the dog bite, even when almost noone else is willing to help her, Luke is on her side
Most hated:
Nick - Very rash and quick to (stupid) actions, not unlike Gabe in A New Frontier, he shoots Matthew (is that his name?) on the bridge, even though there was no sign of conflict
Gabe (A New Frontier) - Annoying, game expects me to care for him just because the game said so, but he constantly acts like the zombie apocalypse does not exist
Kate (A New Frontier) - Only character trait so far is how much she wants to fuck Javier
The Stranger - Hypocritical asshole, who kidnaps Clem, even though they never stole from him, he basically punishes Lee and Clem, and only Lee and Clem, for something the rest of the group did
Javier - Not a bad protagonist, but a terrible way to continue the story, should have been a spinoff, the worst thing is how he already has people he cares about before the game starts, and you are somehow expected to care about his family, even though you dont even know them
Jane - Caused Kennys death (in my playthrough) just to prove a point that was moot anyways, since the point wouldnt come up if she hadnt done what she did, left her ass in the cold in an instant
All of the st. Johns - Starts eating humans months into the apocalypse, treats their "guests" to a nice meal of their friends leg
Let me be clear, I dont outright dislike A New Frontier, even though most of the characters are on my hated list, I just dislike how they have used the characters, and there is basically no likeable characters in A New Frontier except Clementine, Jesus and Javier (yes I put him on the hated list, but thats because his character is really dull, not because he is not likeable)
The Favourites:
- Nate.
- Kenny.
- Lilly.
The Liked:
- Lee Everett.
- Chuck.
- Pete (Season 2)
- Randall.
- Molly.
- Carley.
- … moreBen Paul.
- Norma.
- Jane (Sorta...my feelings were kinda mixed)
- Walter.
- Oak.
- Samantha Fairbanks.
- Katjaa.
- Eddie.
- Wyatt.
- Kate.
- Luke. (Similar to Jane, in that I've a mixed response to the character)
- Javier Garcia (The exact same as Luke)
The Hated:
- AJ. (Don't really hate the character, just how the writers use him)
- Rebecca.
- Bonnie.
- Conrad.
- Duck.
- Brenda St John.
- Gabe Garcia.
The Disliked:
- Sarah.
- Carlos.
- Marianna Garcia.
- Danny St John.
- Andy St John.
- Vernon.
- Danny.
- Justin.
- Dee.
- Michelle.
- Jane.
- Reggie.
- Arvo.
- Pete (Michonne)
- The Stranger.
The Indifferent: (Don't hate them, don't like them, I just don't care about them. At all)
- Clementine (Season 2, now ANF)
- Alvin.
- Becca.
- Larry.
- Doug.
- Badger.… [view original content]
You know what, I was curious as to where she would fall on that list.
Uh, not to picky here, but I'm pretty sure ordering your people to burn a family's house down(with children inside, no less, though she probably didn't know that), trying to decapitate , drown, and shoot your foreign adversary, and then killing one of your own for interfering doesn't justify calling it murder. I think Michonne could've just left Norma fighting the walkers instead of mutilating her, but still.
While I've experienced/watched the Michonne DLC a grand total of three times in select amounts, I will say that Norma seemed like a very downplayed example of what I think Carver should've been.
I'm going to assume it's because Norma being disemboweled is like seeing pig belly be split or something darkly humorous like that. Cause otherwise, I thought it was needlessly graphic/grotesque and brutal all things considered.
Sorry it took so long to reply, I just didn't have much to say everytime I saw this.
Carlos did what he thought was best but ultimately it wasn't, something Sarah herself realized early on. Also, he only says that if you say something he doesn't like, but point taken. I just wish he had gotten his due of screentime and development so Sarah could potentially call him out herself.
I personally thought Reggie was one of the most sympathetic characters of the Season, even though that's not a very long list.
for jane, i'm mostly comparing her to you-know-who when it comes to dealing with grief.
and, danny's a rapist, so.... i would definitely rather choose justin over him, even if danny was nice.
Well, I'm pretty Lord Moldybutt didn't leave Sarita to the walkers because she reminds him of Katjaa. Seriously!
I was always under the impression that it was left purposefully vague so as to make you question whether shooting one over the other was the right choice. Cause in the context I went by, not shooting a guy who is sorta creepy-ish but mostly reputable for something it seems like he probably didn't do was preferable to going with a guy who clearly didn't care about anyone but himself and would probably sell out his own mudda.
I don't sympathize with Reggie, because he resigned to his fate. He was going to die anyway to move the story forward with Bonnie, but I'd rather him die for his freedom and not as an abused lapdog. I'm curious: why do you have sympathy for him?
You could make an effort.
Well for starter, let's nominate Sarah for most heartfelt backstory telling(yeah, I know she probably won't win, but still); there's like little to no childish innocence in her voice during that scene. But for real though, Reggie was originally a member of Carver's inner circle, with the same power that Bonnie, Troy, and Taavia(and possibly Luke) had. However, either due to being approached by Luke along with Bonnie or by his own decision, he decided to help the group escape from Howe's. Apparently, he fell during the mad dash through the parking lot and everyone just kept running without him, leaving him at Carver's mercy. Rather than kill Reggie for his chicanery, Carver tossed into the yard to do hard time while he earns his place back in Carver's good graces.
During the month or so the group was gone, Reggie was put to work doing expansion and other tasks alongside his future cellmates Mike and Jane, with the implication that there were a few accidents during that time that he was involved in making things harder on him. One day, he was hammering something in the yard when a walker snuck up on him and bit his arm, causing Mike(who apparently did so before) to chop his arm off in one swipe, rending Reggie an amputee. There's also some theories that this was a lie/cover-up and Carver actually had Mike/himself/whoever do it as penance for Reggie's betrayal, which arguable even worse considering what happens.
Eventually, the Cabin Group(sans Nick's mom, Pete, and determinately Nick and Alvin and with Clementine, Kenny, and Sarita instead) are returned to Howe's and Reggie is happy to see them. When Rebecca and Nick realize what happened to him because of them, he insists that what happened isn't their fault and that he doesn't hold it against them. He does a dual job of, as you said, claiming that he's accepted that he has to earn his way back into society, with his missing making it that much more important to him, and something I think people tend to forget about him: expressing his discontent with having to deal with Carver, Troy, and everyone else's shit everyday. He then promises that once he's let back in(citing the fact that Carver didn't just kill him as a sign of mercy and potential forgiveness), he'll do what can to make things easier for them and maybe even find a way to get them out; all he asks in return is that they keep a low profile over the next day or so.
Alongside having his idealistic thoughts challenged by Rebecca, Kenny, Clementine, and Sarah, he determinately gets in trouble when Kenny, runs interference while Clementine serves for weak spots before being caught by Troy bringing Carlos back. The next day, he gets assigned to supervise Clementine and Sarah in the greenhouse, being told not to screw up it up in the process. After asking about Sarah's well-being and making awkward small-talk with Clementine, he gets to work. In an example of "it's everyone's fault," Reggie was apparently so concerned with doing a good job that he apparently neglected to check up on the two every once in a while. When Carver(who was only supposed to be checking in on their progress, btw) comes and sees what Clementine/Sarah's mistake, he gets on Reggie's case something fierce and, after sending the two outside while they "talk about a few things," Carver forces Reggie to the edge of the roof and shoves him off to make a point to Sarah. What makes this even worse is the fact that Taavia and Hank are later heard casually chatting(basically half-assing their own jobs) and both seem uncertain in openly voicing their belief that Carver was never gonna let Reggie back in to begin with.
To sum it up, he's basically just some nice, if a bit doofy guy who lost his power and place in a Darwinist society doing what he felt was the right thing, suffered as a result of it, and then was murdered by his ruthless leader who was apparently never gonna honor their agreement.
It's refreshing to see a longer love list than hate list, but do you really think the St. Johns are better than Kenny???
1. Clementine
2. Lee
3. Molly
4. carley
5. mark (he didn't last long . Still liked him)
6. duck (funny weird kid. liked playing detective with him)
7. Glenn (relaxed guy.need people like that)
8. Omid (funny guy. need people like that)
9. Reggie ( i know he was a progandist. But he made me laugh at some points)
10. Alvin ( Ok guy. Pretty brave guy.)
11 Luke- ok guy. bottom list for reason though.
1. Kenny. Kenny is ok but not great. I am sorry but his voice really gives me a headache and he is kind of annoying to me. I dont hate him, Just rather him in small doses.
2. Jane- She is ok.
1. Carver
2. Stranger
3. Larry
4. Ben - many deaths are his fault. leaves clem in danger several times. Doesn't man up.
5. Bonnie- stupid, puts Clem in danger over and over again. Hate how she flirts with Luke, its roll your eyes type of flirting and something you hear at a bar with a Snank. Can't make up her mind what she wants.
6. Nick - like ben but more dangerous because he knows how to fight
7. Arvo- plans on blaming them for theft regardless if you do it or not, junkie, only cares about his own skin. shoots Clem regardless of choices you make on confrontation.
8 Mike- is in love with Arvo even though he really knows nothing about him.
9. Vernon - creepy old dude who wants clementine.
10. Danny
11. Andy
12. troy
13. Carlos- dumbest doctor in existence. Doesn't know a dog bit from a lurker bite. Ask what size house when clem clearly says small house when talking about building at end of bridge. Doesn't know how to turn off a wind turbine even though he talks like he is a genius. Carver ask him where Rebecca is and spits in his face instead of saying i dont know. But then lectures kenny about rash action. the guy is completely a moron.
What made you put Andy as your #1?
Huh, that is a good point.
Uh, unless your definition is different, isn't that basically what he does when you pull him up, he says he wants to make things right, he stands up to Kenny, and helps everyone fight off the walkers below the attic?
Uh, what? Are you talking about when she was drunk or did I miss something?
Actually, Jane did technically keep his pistol and force him to walk home defenseless, so I can sorta understand his group being angry about that, even if they are half assholes. Also, his sister really was supposed to have sickle cell anemia, which matches up with his medicine and the symptoms he describes.
All jokes aside, I did have a little fun coming up with an explanation for that...and then I found out about his little motive rant if you go with him and Bonnie first. Still a little weird, but I can sorta understand the general gist of it.
The funny thing about the bite is a. Sam was thrashing around quite a bit, which could've made identification a little difficult at first glance and b. its somewhat inferrable that he may known, which is arguably worse.
Him being medical doctor really doesn't mean he knows anything about engineering.
And him getting on Kenny's case is interesting giving the theory that Kenny's actions in the later episodes may have originally been meant for him.
Bonnie yeah when they are drunk and she says "Worked on me." refering to mike saying lukes moves is working on all the ladies "oh gosh did i say that out loud." bah. oldest most stupid thing a lady can say. you know what you said. corny corny
Honestly I think carlos was not a diagnosis doctor ( you know the brainy type) and his specialty was something like a proctologist. But he wanted to seem useful so he played a role like he knew everything, especially in carver's camp. I think he was full of crap. Basic medical knowledge is what he had besides proctoology :P
He tried to hard to "sound smart"
Drop ben as soon as I can. He screws up way to much. He wasnt maning up. he was giving up.
"--Me so horny!"
That's how it goes, right?
I've heard similar theories about that a few times. At the very least, he had a little experience in pregnancy, surgery, and the general eye area.
That's what I thought, cause the stuff I mentioned happens if you pull him up.
To @firewallvolcano, @dan290786, @wdfan, what are your current lists? You guys have been here far longer than I have, so I'm curious to see your thoughts.
Also, please leave off A New Frontier characters for the being.
It's the only picture we have of her. Plus, I was running out of outright dislikes, so I just cherrypicked whoever irked me.
Since your list is pretty is order, what was your problem with Samantha?
Simple. She robbed Norma, she was given a second chance and she robbed her again, putting her own family in danger and was using Michonne and Pete to not be the only one in trouble.
Yeah, she's not the most successful heroine.
I don't know if I have more hateed characters but I think Bonnie may be one of them
What makes you say that?
Logan, was it?
Alright, I'll play along
1) Clem
2) Jane
3) Lee
4) Lilly
5) Luke
6) Carver
7) Omid
8) Kenny (Season 1)
9) Alvin
10) Ben
11) Sarah
1) Troy
2) Stranger
3) Bonnie
4) Becca
5) Badger
6) Maybe David, but I'll have to see how things turn out
Hmmm... This ones tough lol
Favorite -
Clem(heart of the series for me, TT did a great job creating a connection with her in s1. She's also generally the type of tragic character that I'm drawn to, going through so much you know it's probably not going to have a happy ending, but you still want to see it work out well for them.)
Lee(first protagonist, so there's a bit of nostalgia there. But also a very refreshing character, middle aged soft spoken teacher? Not the kind of character I expected going into a Walking Dead game(or any game), a really ordinary guy in an extraordinary situation.)
Kenny(I was all over the place with him in s1, back and forth between liking and not liking him. By episode 5 it was pretty rough, I shot Duck for him but I'd also fought him on the train. He still came with me to save Clem when I told him she was my family. Won major points for that, and staying behind with Ben)
Carley(saved my ass early on, generally kept a level head throughout her episodes. Could have spilled the beans on who I was, but chose to tell me she knew instead.)
Duck(annoyed me through a lot of the first two episodes, especially during the farm incident. But damn, for some reason I really liked his whole Robin bit in episode 3. And he just went out in such a heartbreaking way. Way too excitable, but a good kid nonetheless.)
Luke(Good guy, at first I kinda thought he'd take over Lees role. Seemed like he could have grown into a good leader, even facing death he told the others to stay back off the thin ice, and cover him rather than risk their own lives. Assuming you try to help, he ends up tossing a walker that fell into the water away from Clem, which ultimately ends with it dragging him down instead)
Pete(generally seemed like a nice guy, and got points for vouching for Clem. Of my favorites he's the one I spent the least amount of time with, but his final scenes were memorable. Still thinking about Nick in the end, and trying to convince him to go with you results in him falling in his weakened state, and telling you to leave him before turning back to face the walkers.)
Hated -
Bonnie(Could not stand her in 400 days. I started warming up to her a bit when we met her in s2, but then the rest of the season happened)
Larry(Seriously? Lee's in the drugstore trying to buy everyone time to escape after getting you your heart medications, and you attack him and leave him for the walkers? Jackass)
Lilly(bit better than Larry. Not much better, though)
Troy(I don't think there's anyway to interpret him but as a jackass.)
Vernon(Doing what he did was a total dick move)
Arvo(I actually tried being nice to him on my first playthrough, with the medicine decision and throughout episode 5. Little prick still did nothing but glare at Clem before getting the chance to shoot her)
Bonnie for the rest of the spots I have left.
My favs are:
Lee (yeah believe it or not, Kenny actually isn't my favourite)
I don't "hate" any character but will list those i dislike (oh boy here we go):
Lilly (I technically didn't "hate" her but i disliked her)
The St John's
The Cabin Group (maybe not hate them but I didn't like any of them much really, except for maybe Pete.)
The Stranger
Everyone other character i am pretty much neutral really. I didn't dislike Ben but didn't like him either. Same with Vernon and his crew, didn't like them a whole lot (more so after they stole the boat) but at the same time I don't hate them and sympathise with them.
Damn. What a interestingly skewed list. Anyway, thanks for the contribution!
Not to break my own [old] rule here, but how have you felt about the A New Frontier characters so far(Predictable answer or not
Becca, Shel and Nate would probably be higher if they had more screentime.
Don't really have 10 characters that I hate. Larry was the only one I really dispised I think. Cabin group was underdeveloped, season 3 even more so.
I don't like a single one of the characters in Season 3. Simply because there is nothing i know or anything remotely interesting about them at all and that is down to utter shit writing by ShitTale these days. My opinion of course but the feeling isn't there at all anymore. I am done with this company as soon as this game is finished since i have paid for it now. Too many let downs and this was the last straw for me
I feel ya man.
Neat. Not to break my own [old] rule here, but how have you felt about the A New Frontier characters so far?
Favourite Characters:
Hate character:
1.Walker -,_,-
3.Lily (like father like son)
4.St. John Family
Hey!What about Michelle/fucker who shot Omid?
The Favourites:
- Nate.
- Kenny.
- Lilly.
The Liked:
- Lee Everett.
- Chuck.
- Pete (Season 2)
- Randall.
- Molly.
- Carley.
- Ben Paul.
- Norma.
- Jane (Sorta...my feelings were kinda mixed)
- Walter.
- Oak.
- Samantha Fairbanks.
- Katjaa.
- Eddie.
- Wyatt.
- Kate.
- Luke. (Similar to Jane, in that I've a mixed response to the character)
- Javier Garcia (The exact same as Luke)
The Hated:
- AJ. (Don't really hate the character, just how the writers use him)
- Rebecca.
- Bonnie.
- Conrad.
- Duck.
- Brenda St John.
- Gabe Garcia.
The Disliked:
- Sarah.
- Carlos.
- Marianna Garcia.
- Danny St John.
- Andy St John.
- Vernon.
- Danny.
- Justin.
- Dee.
- Michelle.
- Jane.
- Reggie.
- Arvo.
- Pete (Michonne)
- The Stranger.
The Indifferent: (Don't hate them, don't like them, I just don't care about them. At all)
- Clementine (Season 2, now ANF)
- Alvin.
- Becca.
- Larry.
- Doug.
- Badger.
- Marianna.
- Tripp.
- Ava.
- Max.
- Eleanor.
- Mark.
- Christa.
- Russell.
- Leland.
- Luke.
- Sarita.
- Tavia.
- Troy.
- Carver.
- Michonne.
- Paige.
- Zachary.
- Javier Garcia.
- Jesus.
- Francine.
The Absolutely Despised: (The worst of the worst)
- Omid.
Eh.. hard to say, since some characters names doesnt stick very well, so I guess I will name the ones I can remember
Most hated:
Let me be clear, I dont outright dislike A New Frontier, even though most of the characters are on my hated list, I just dislike how they have used the characters, and there is basically no likeable characters in A New Frontier except Clementine, Jesus and Javier (yes I put him on the hated list, but thats because his character is really dull, not because he is not likeable)
1 - Clementine
2 - Kenny
3 - Lee
4 - Luke
5 - Jane
6 - Carver
7 - Christa
8 - Lilly
9 - Molly
10 - Ben
1 - Andy
2 - Danny
3 - Arvo
4 - Vernon
5 - The Stranger
6 - Larry
7 - Bonnie
8 - Troy
9 - Michelle
10 - Carley
Da heck is Sarah doin on that list instead of Rebecca or Nick? And right under Michelle, oddly enough.
Wait, why is hated above the disliked above indifferent? And why is Brenda worse than the other two?
Also, you listed Luke and Jane twice.
Why is Carley so low?