An Unpopular Opinion On How *****/**** Were Dealt With And ANF As A Whole (Aka.Go Telltale!)



  • People just seem to be basing the whole game off of Kenny and Jane and posting rant threads complaining about it, that's pretty close to whining to me.

    So ANY kind of criticism directed towards the game, constructive or not, is to be labeled "whining?" I don't have any real issues with the flashbacks myself, but that's the kind of talk that ignites a flame war.

  • Jeez dude who wizzed in your cheerios

    Ah yes, the "tons of people" phrase people like throwing around in arguments. If you've seen "tons of people" then why don't you bring them

  • edited December 2016

    I think they're done whining, old guy just attacked lol. This is bad though.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    Really? I thought the opening was amazing. The way it set up the tension between the family members and the directing for that whole thing immediately sold me on this season.

  • Well, I'm totally fine if you enjoyed it.

    zeke10 posted: »

    shrugs I'm an old player and I liked it

  • No but we don't need dozens of the same threads

    So ANY kind of criticism directed towards the game, constructive or not, is to be labeled "whining?" I don't have any real issues with the flashbacks myself, but that's the kind of talk that ignites a flame war.

  • Their deaths, specially Kenny's were even worse than Omid in my opinion. Omid's death is something that happens all the time in the apocalypse, you get robbed and someone gets hurt. Sure, it was abrupt but it made sense to me. Now, Kenny? A character that has been around since the beginning and has been through everything you can possibly imagine and survives, just stupidly dies in a car accident... in an empty road.. in the middle of a freaking apocalypse. That's just... I think a 5 year old would come up with a better death.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I have to disagree. They're fates were bullshit, they got OmidED.

  • And? It's still season 3, old characters die, just like season 2. Sub-titles mean nothing. People didn't make a million hate threads back when season 2 came out and Omid and Christa died.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Oh don't say that shit. This game was announced to be called Season 3, not fucking "A New Frontier"

  • Well, this is different.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    And? It's still season 3, old characters die, just like season 2. Sub-titles mean nothing. People didn't make a million hate threads back when season 2 came out and Omid and Christa died.

  • How is this any different?

    AronDracula posted: »

    Well, this is different.

  • Man, there's criticism and there's whining. I'm coming here to read people opinions/reviews and most threads concern 5 minutes of the gameplay, determinant characters. Yes, TTG could've done it better but it's not the end of the world. Let's focus on the present time.

    So ANY kind of criticism directed towards the game, constructive or not, is to be labeled "whining?" I don't have any real issues with the flashbacks myself, but that's the kind of talk that ignites a flame war.

  • They are major characters after all.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    People just seem to be basing the whole game off of Kenny and Jane and posting rant threads complaining about it, that's pretty close to whining to me.

  • Omid can survive everything that happens in the last two episodes of season 1 one with a broken leg and he still dies in a normal way out of nowhere. How is Kenny any different?

    pinkytwist posted: »

    Their deaths, specially Kenny's were even worse than Omid in my opinion. Omid's death is something that happens all the time in the apocalyp

  • I agree.

    Both of them stayed true to their characters until the end. I am one of the most die-hard Kenny fans of all time and I think that Kenny's, and every other ending, was short but well done.

  • No. Not in this season.

    They are major characters after all.

  • They were major characters in season 2. They're not in season 3, just like Omid and Christa.

    They are major characters after all.

  • Funny but true Kenny and Jane got OmidED

    AronDracula posted: »

    I have to disagree. They're fates were bullshit, they got OmidED.

  • We didn't hate Season 2 because of Omid's death and Christa's disappearance when the first episode came out. Their characters were introduced in S1 Episode 3.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    How is this any different?

  • People should stop acting like objectively bad writing isn't a thing.

    We aren't.

    Frosty5 posted: »

    People should stop acting like objectively bad writing isn't a thing. Jane's out of character suicide, and the fact that her pregnancy/impli

  • Yeah but people eventually will get tired if the Telltale writers keep pulling off an Omid , and people will eventually think their choices don't matter anymore and feel powerless over the choices they try to prevent

  • My point exactly, people are over-reacting to the deaths.

    Jane was introduced in Season 2 Episode 3.

    AronDracula posted: »

    We didn't hate Season 2 because of Omid's death and Christa's disappearance when the first episode came out. Their characters were introduced in S1 Episode 3.

  • I never said they were in Season 3 tho? I just said they were major characters, regardless of season they appear in.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    They were major characters in season 2. They're not in season 3, just like Omid and Christa.

  • They've never mattered in the first place. Every determinant character dies somewhere down the line in all of their games.

    SuperZay7 posted: »

    Yeah but people eventually will get tired if the Telltale writers keep pulling off an Omid , and people will eventually think their choices don't matter anymore and feel powerless over the choices they try to prevent

  • ...mediocre writing.

    That a subjective opinion that you should stop acting like its fact.

    People should stop acting like objectively bad writing isn't a thing. We aren't.

  • Lee is a major character. He's not in season 2 or 3.
    You could apply that logic to any dead character, it doesn't mean that the whole game is ruined like some people are saying.

    I never said they were in Season 3 tho? I just said they were major characters, regardless of season they appear in.

  • I was kinda hoping that they would do flashbacks of them over the season and then we find out what happens in episode 5 or 4 and 2nd yes there deaths were bullshit and 3rd i completed the first episode in 1 hour and 8 mins so they couldve added another 30mins + on that flashback

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    Did you really expect any different? Like I said, they'd have to write two completely separate games if they hadn't.

  • Omid dies while someone tries to rob their supplies. Kenny dies in a car accident on an empty road. Considering it's the apocalypse, I feel like one is somehow more justified than the other. I'm not saying I liked Omid's death or that it was any better, it was pretty terrible. I'm just saying Kenny's death was a whole new level of stupidity and randomness. And Omid hasn't gone through what Kenny has. In fact, several times it was implied that Christa was constantly saving him. I'm also not talking about just what they went through physically, but also emotionally. The fact that Kenny dies in such a random way is an insult to his character.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    Omid can survive everything that happens in the last two episodes of season 1 one with a broken leg and he still dies in a normal way out of nowhere. How is Kenny any different?

  • edited December 2016

    Ok well here's a brief account of some of New Frontier's flaws. Not an extensive list, but it's what first comes to mind.


    No, the problem isn’t that they died in 5 minutes. The problem is HOW they died. The deaths in season 1 were well done because they were meaningful, even the deaths that came out of nowhere and occurred for seemingly no reason all served some kind of purpose in the narrative (with the debatable exception of Chuck).
    Kenny’s death was too stupidly convenient (the car crashed because Clem just suddenly lost control for some reason? And at the exact moment Kenny was looking away from the road???), and Jane’s went against her established character and occurred far too quickly.

    Choices don’t matter.

    You’re absolutely right, they never mattered. But why should we just accept that they’re never going to matter? This is Telltale’s main shtick, it’s what they’re promising the consumers, and they’re not following through with it. People have every right to be annoyed. Borderlands has demonstrated that Telltale is capable of doing it so long as they're creative and not lazy. It's not an unreasonable demand.

    Overreliance on clichés

    Long-lost sibling returning as an antagonist? Wife falls out with husband and wants to hook up with husband’s brother? Only two adult, female characters being immediately designated possible love interests for male protagonist? How predictable can you get? Season 1 had cliché storylines as well (e.x. the cannibals), but the draw of Season 1 was seeing the interactions and dynamics of interesting characters as they faced these situations. I can’t even remember half the cast’s names in New Frontier.

    Poor sound design and directing
    This one’s more of a nitpick, so I won’t get into it.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    "Casual Audience" I've played all of every Telltale game since TWD Season 1. Their games have always been the same as they are now, choices

  • ourmightyliesourmightylies Banned
    edited December 2016

    First impressions are important for a videogame, if they can't even manage a major character into Season 3 whom was supposed to shape our own Clementine based on the endings we end up with, then what more for a character introduced in the newest title of series? Telltale killed them off too early. I don't mind if they died anyways, but It would've been better if they put effort into the flashbacks like showing us the events pre-death of Jane/Kenny/Edith.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    Lee is a major character. He's not in season 2 or 3. You could apply that logic to any dead character, it doesn't mean that the whole game is ruined like some people are saying.

  • People die in random and stupid ways, that's how it is, how the world works. They could have given him more time after the crash, but that's just not realistic, he couldn't move and nothing could be done so he told Clementine to leave him, it's exactly what he would've done to die in any of the other situations where he could die.

    pinkytwist posted: »

    Omid dies while someone tries to rob their supplies. Kenny dies in a car accident on an empty road. Considering it's the apocalypse, I feel

  • You're clearly missing the point, so forget it...

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    People die in random and stupid ways, that's how it is, how the world works. They could have given him more time after the crash, but that's

  • I've already said plenty about their deaths in other comments and I don't want to repeat myself much but.

    Well why are people only complaining about choices now then? Even in TFTB it only took effect for the final battle where nobody dies anyway.

    Every season has relied on clichés, you can't remember their names because it's only 2 episodes in to a 5 episode season.

    Really? The directing is some of the best I've seen in a telltale game so far.

    Frosty5 posted: »

    Ok well here's a brief account of some of New Frontier's flaws. Not an extensive list, but it's what first comes to mind. Deaths No, t

  • Part of this I agree with, especially the parts with Javier. While I wouldn't say yet if he's the best or not, he certainly was a great protagonist and a great character, praise to the writers on that. And I definitely agree with what you said about Clementine (I wouldn't say she's a badass, but definitely much stronger and more capable, which was great to see).

    However, there is no excuse for what they did with the endings. I know that they were determinant and probably wouldn't be around for the whole game, but come on, they had 2 FUCKING YEARS to work on this, and it's resolved with 4-5 minute flashbacks that are rushed and (in Jane's case, not so much with Kenny's) completely out of character. I think Telltale could have easily found a way to make this work, to keep them alive but not be in the game, or at the very least, not kill them off immediately. It could have been handled so much better. And with Wellington, the fact that this heavily guarded and populated fortress just falls when a couple of trucks pull up is just super lazy. The way the endings were handled, it felt like the way they would be resolved in fanfiction, not in the actual published game. You're entitled to your opinion, and I respect that, but I just can't stand the way they treated these characters. Kenny, who is one of the game's most beloved characters...killed by being thrown from the car. And Jane, a character they built to be like a big sister to Clem and mentally strong willed...cowardly kills herself when she's pregnant, leaving her alone with AJ.

  • Their deaths are meant to begin Clementine's long road to becoming what she is in ANF, the sudden death of a close friend causes her to get into the chain of events that will no doubt be unraveled as the season goes on.

    First impressions are important for a videogame, if they can't even manage a major character into Season 3 whom was supposed to shape our ow

  • I actually despise the endings, because they make so sense.

    With Kenny's ending, there's so many questions left unanswered like, how did they get the car? Where did the car come from? Why is Kenny giving Clem driving lessons in a zombie apocalypse while using a broken car? Did they meet any survivors beforehand?

    With Jane's ending, it seems to me like they couldn't think of anything so they thought of just skipping through by making the family be assholes and Jane kills herself because... reasons? She's pregnant sure, but it doesn't warrant as a valid reason to end your life. What would've been a lot more infuriating if the conversation between Clem and Jane happens on the rooftop, and then Jane suddenly jumps off to kill herself, now that's a different story.

    With Edith, she gets shot in the head with an AK-47 (if I'm not mistaken) by a guy probably a hundred meters away. A headshot. #NoScopeBiatch
    Plus, I barely even know her so I didn't care when she died.

    I thought ANF was okay, nothing special. But the reason I bought this game is because it carries over our choices from both Season 1 and 2 whether you deny that or not, and they [Telltale] advertised it as so. What I'm getting at is, we should've gotten the deeper story first before they killed the remaining S2 cast (AJ excluded since his fate is unknown atm), like what was it like before the unfortunate deaths happened.

  • Well tbf the guy who killed Edith was just unloading in her direction

    I actually despise the endings, because they make so sense. With Kenny's ending, there's so many questions left unanswered like, how did

  • I do agree that they could definitely have been handled better. However I don't see why the way they were handled ruins the whole game for some people. This is Javier's story now, not Clementine's.

    Honestly I feel like at this point Telltale might do something about it, judging from her flashbacks Clementine's clearly not in a good mental state, they could just make it so she's giving them some simple deaths in her own head to try and forget what actually happened. Not that I feel like they'd have that planned, just as damage control pretty much.

    Part of this I agree with, especially the parts with Javier. While I wouldn't say yet if he's the best or not, he certainly was a great prot

  • I dont agree about what you are saying. This is season 3 after all. We should gotta more paths than just one. Hell S2 endend with 6 or 7 endings! We should´ve got more content then what we ended up. How can you say that S3 is your favourite if the season is just now starting? I dont get it...

  • I understand that people are annoyed that they killed off a fan favorite in such a sudden way. I just don't see why their deaths are "Stupid and pointless" because of that.

    pinkytwist posted: »

    You're clearly missing the point, so forget it...

  • Nonetheless, I know nothing about her. So... she's dead.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Well tbf the guy who killed Edith was just unloading in her direction

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