An Unpopular Opinion On How *****/**** Were Dealt With And ANF As A Whole (Aka.Go Telltale!)



  • edited December 2016

    Not sure honestly. Straw that broke the camel's back? TFTB has good illusion of choice, which is really all that's needed. New Frontier... does not have that.

    And yes, every season relied on clichés, like I said. And if I can't remember the characters' names 2 full episodes in, that's not a good thing. I remembered everyone's names from Season 1 by the end of episode 1.

    And if you really want me to explain the problems with the directing more in depth... eh, I'll try to keep it brief. Like I said, this one's just a nitpick.

    The visual hiccups that are a staple of Telltale games are still as noticeable as ever. Key animations in what are supposed to be super dramatic scenes look hilariously dumb. The first example that comes to mind is Gabe and Javier's awkward running animation when they try to get to Kate after she's shot. The sound design isn’t great either. On one hand, I like that the game is peppered with multiple, brief encounters with a single walker because it demonstrates how killing the dead has become second nature to the survivors at this point, just a part of life with no fanfare.

    The problem is that when these encounters happen, the ambient background music sometimes suddenly shifts into the dramatic “battle” music, rather than continue playing the peaceful music to further emphasize the normalization of walker encounters. Instead, what happens is that the soundtrack constantly shifts from “peaceful ambiance” to “oh my god, a zombie” music, and back again, which is incredibly jarring and inappropriate for the mood they're trying to establish.

    Also, there are a few scenes where the characters don't make any noise when they run. Like, no sound of footsteps. It's bizarre.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    I've already said plenty about their deaths in other comments and I don't want to repeat myself much but. Well why are people only compla

  • Well I preferred s3e1 over s1e3 and s3e2 and s1e2 are tied for me

    HypperLibs posted: »

    I dont agree about what you are saying. This is season 3 after all. We should gotta more paths than just one. Hell S2 endend with 6 or 7 end

  • You have a point there. But I know for myself that I have conflicting ideas than the writers for this season on how the story should go. But I fear those chain of events would be just Clem be with a different group and they all die because... plot.

    But hey, if you enjoyed ANF then cool!

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    Their deaths are meant to begin Clementine's long road to becoming what she is in ANF, the sudden death of a close friend causes her to get into the chain of events that will no doubt be unraveled as the season goes on.

  • There are more paths, for Javier. Clementine isn't the main character anymore, the paths in season 3 aren't for her. Season 3 just hooks me more than the other two seasons, I find it better in every way (Keep in mind this is so far, that could still change.)

    HypperLibs posted: »

    I dont agree about what you are saying. This is season 3 after all. We should gotta more paths than just one. Hell S2 endend with 6 or 7 end

  • However I don't see why the way they were handled ruins the whole game for some people.

    Neither do I. While the endings were handled terribly, the rest of the episodes were great. The characters are likable, while some choices were simple to make, others were definitely grueling and difficult, a couple shocking reveals that I didn't see coming (episode 2 ending), terrific voice acting, and the animation thanks to the engine update looks beautiful. However, if we're only going to play as Clem in the flashbacks, I would like them to be more than 5 minutes of the episode. I understand that Telltale wants to bring in new people, but this is still both her and Javier's story. And if the flashbacks aren't going to be longer, then at least let us play as both Javi and her in the present, it worked with TFTBL, they can do it here.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    I do agree that they could definitely have been handled better. However I don't see why the way they were handled ruins the whole game for s

  • Clementine acting the same just proves how our choices don't matter.Also,I'm sure that you know Clementine's current personality just from 2 episodes.Also,there are more things that happened in the span of 2 episodes.Not saying it was necessarily awesome,but it wasn't as mediocre as you put it.
    Oh,by the way,I agree with the Jane and Kenny part,but,since I didn't include them in my playthrough,I don't really consider them part of the story,just saying.

    Frosty5 posted: »

    People should stop acting like objectively bad writing isn't a thing. Jane's out of character suicide, and the fact that her pregnancy/impli

  • I still feel like it's too early to judge it's choices entirely yet, none of the games have had large choice consequences 2 episodes in apart from Batman.

    I remember the names, I guess it's just a matter of everyone being different with this stuff.

    I will admit the running animations did look ridiculous then, however none of those are directing, that's purely technical glitches or limitations. I was talking about things like the opening sequence for directing.

    I feel like the music isn't for a dramatic scene as much as it is for shock value at the sudden appearance of a walker, after all in the other seasons one walker has caused a lot of problems.

    Frosty5 posted: »

    Not sure honestly. Straw that broke the camel's back? TFTB has good illusion of choice, which is really all that's needed. New Frontier... d

  • The fact that every single community and group ever introduced (Wellington, the community in episode 1, the community in episode 2...) is swiftly destroyed is boring and predictable.

    At the very least, you'd think anyone trying to take down a fortress like Wellington - thirty foot walls and snipers at the ready - would need an army to be successful.

    Frosty5 posted: »

    People should stop acting like objectively bad writing isn't a thing. Jane's out of character suicide, and the fact that her pregnancy/impli

  • I feel like what happens with Clem and The New Frontier is gonna end up sparking most of the problems for this season, it's clear that they're still going strong.

    If you didn't it's cool, I'm not judging anyone, I just felt like with all the negativity I'd try and be a positive voice in all this.

    You have a point there. But I know for myself that I have conflicting ideas than the writers for this season on how the story should go. But

  • Wow, your vision of Kenny/Jane/Wellington is: They're determinant in a game based on your choices, fuck them. The game doesn't focus on them or Clementine, fuck them again. So, because game does not focus on them, it is immune to fuckin bad writing? Oh, ok, I almost forgot this was a story-choice based game. Why did them need to make two different games because of the endings? TWD season 1 was made in one year, and look at Carley and Doug. They weren't complete shit because they were determinant, and this game has been in development in about two years ( or less, but if their product was unfinished and they yet wanted to publish it, its their own fault ), or at least they could have written it way better. Game has some cringe dialogue ( in my opinion ) and Telltale wants us to like characters in an episode of 60 minutes? I have no interest in any of the characters so far, and I bet other people don't too. Same cliche with bad guys and communities falling apart, same old formula, same old shit. Dude, I don't really care if you did not like Season 2, or something, but it wasn't a spin off or somethin, Telltale could just have put off Clementine of this game to save us the suffer with " your choices in other seasons matters " and blablabla. Peace.

  • Agreed. The one part of the main story I was mostly uninterested in, with the conversation between Javier and David being the highlight.

    Just started. This opening is so damn boring lol

  • But Telltale said the endings would be important and would shape our Clementine.

    Just because they introduced Javier doesn't mean they are excused for making Omided (lol that a word now?) fates for both Kenny and Jane and even Wellington.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    There are more paths, for Javier. Clementine isn't the main character anymore, the paths in season 3 aren't for her. Season 3 just hooks me

  • edited December 2016

    EDIT : Double trouble

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    There are more paths, for Javier. Clementine isn't the main character anymore, the paths in season 3 aren't for her. Season 3 just hooks me

  • They shocked me a lot during the episodes too, THAT moment at the end of episode 1 completely caught me off guard and at the end of episode 2 I was just left with my jaw wide open for like 5 minutes.

    I feel like Clementine's flashbacks will be a lot longer in the next episodes since we're now with The New Frontier and the majority of her story between season 2 and 3 revolves around them, or at least I hope so.

    However I don't see why the way they were handled ruins the whole game for some people. Neither do I. While the endings were handled

  • I'm not even that bothered they lied and killed Kenny/Jane immediately or that choices won't matter again. I just expected them to write a reasonably well done death/separation for the characters/endings. I mean I had no expectations and they dissapointed, Kenny and Jane looked like aliens

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    But Telltale said the endings would be important and would shape our Clementine. Just because they introduced Javier doesn't mean they are excused for making Omided (lol that a word now?) fates for both Kenny and Jane and even Wellington.

  • I generally like all of the endings, but we do need to recognize that there is considerable room for improvement for all of them.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    They weren't lazy, they were real. You think everyone's gonna go down in blaze of glory? It's the apocalypse, people die unexpectedly out of

  • edited December 2016

    I still feel like it's too early to judge it's choices entirely yet, none of the games have had large choice consequences 2 episodes in apart from Batman.

    Kill/Spare Felix? Trust Fiona/Trust Jack?

    I remember the names, I guess it's just a matter of everyone being different with this stuff.

    Yeah maybe you're just good with names. But seriously, the cast of New Frontier is so forgettable to me. If you asked me to describe their personalities, I'd have nothing to say for the majority of them.

    I will admit the running animations did look ridiculous then, however none of those are directing, that's purely technical glitches or limitations. I was talking about things like the opening sequence for directing.

    Agree that the opening scene was well done. I liked that they took advantage of how the player knows about walkers, but the characters don't to build tension. Directing in some of the other scenes still wasn't great. The blood splatter from Marianna's head doesn't look right in relation to where the bullet came from. And the fight scene at the end of episode 1 was horribly paced. Clem shoots one guy, Javier doesn't shoot at all, someone throws a bomb, then the scene is over. Very anticlimactic considering how "Stay with Clem" was made out to be a super dramatic choice.

    I feel like the music isn't for a dramatic scene as much as it is for shock value at the sudden appearance of a walker, after all in the other seasons one walker has caused a lot of problems.

    Problem is that the dramatic music plays even when the walker doesn't appear suddenly. Like at the start of episode one, Javier notices a walker a good 10 feet away, and the dramatic fight music suddenly plays anyways.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    I still feel like it's too early to judge it's choices entirely yet, none of the games have had large choice consequences 2 episodes in apar

  • I feel like what happens with Clem and The New Frontier is gonna end up sparking most of the problems for this season, it's clear that they're still going strong.

    Maybe Javier and David too, since they have some beef between each other.

    If you didn't it's cool, I'm not judging anyone, I just felt like with all the negativity I'd try and be a positive voice in all this.

    I actually think this season was okay, but there's some dips in the quality in writing which I felt like I should point out to Telltale even though tens of others are doing the same.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    I feel like what happens with Clem and The New Frontier is gonna end up sparking most of the problems for this season, it's clear that they'

  • There is room for improvement for all of them, there's room for improvement for everything, there always is. I just don't see how they're "lazy" and warrant the whole game to be completely ruined for some people.

    I generally like all of the endings, but we do need to recognize that there is considerable room for improvement for all of them.

  • Doesn't change the fact that the S2 outcomes were poorly written in Season 3. After 2 FUCKING years, the Flashbacks last only 5 minutes

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    My point exactly, people are over-reacting to the deaths. Jane was introduced in Season 2 Episode 3.

  • Again, missing the point. It was not that they killed him off. I was 99% sure that was going to happen. It's the way they did it. And it's stupid and pointless because it doesn't add anything to the game or to Clem's story. I had hopes that Jane/Kenny's deaths would at least be connected to the main story and contribute to Clem's "quest for vengeance" but they were meaningless.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    I understand that people are annoyed that they killed off a fan favorite in such a sudden way. I just don't see why their deaths are "Stupid and pointless" because of that.

  • edited December 2016

    Come on, let's not pretend that the people defending New Frontier aren't also feeling privately smug inside for one reason or another. Having a contrarian opinion, being optimistic while others complain, staying loyal to Telltale, or what have you.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Agreed not sure if he's trying but he's coming across a bit smug and condescending

  • edited December 2016

    All I'm trying to point out is that all of this stuff about Jane and Kenny has been blown out of proportion. They never mentioned them in the season, they aren't important anymore.

    Carley and Doug were determinant and they died. You just can't have important, determinant characters spanning multiple seasons, they have to die.

  • I feel like it still will, but in the flashbacks, she'll act a different way in the flashbacks based off of what happens while it will be what happens during her time in The New Frontier that turns her into the badass she is.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    But Telltale said the endings would be important and would shape our Clementine. Just because they introduced Javier doesn't mean they are excused for making Omided (lol that a word now?) fates for both Kenny and Jane and even Wellington.

  • The season 1 outcomes didn't affect season 2. It's literally no different so why is it such a problem now?

    AronDracula posted: »

    Doesn't change the fact that the S2 outcomes were poorly written in Season 3. After 2 FUCKING years, the Flashbacks last only 5 minutes

  • Well they never said that Kenny or Jane would be important to the season. Just because they're there doesn't mean they have to contribute to the main story.

    pinkytwist posted: »

    Again, missing the point. It was not that they killed him off. I was 99% sure that was going to happen. It's the way they did it. And it's s

  • Blind loyalty is something that I will never understand.

    Which isn't to say that people who liked A New Frontier are wrong in any way; this is a semi-related statement of its own.

    Frosty5 posted: »

    Come on, let's not pretend that the people defending New Frontier aren't also feeling privately smug inside for one reason or another. Having a contrarian opinion, being optimistic while others complain, staying loyal to Telltale, or what have you.

  • And Kenny was introduced in FREAKING SEASON 1 EPISODE 1.Then telltale just killed him like he was NOTHING.The story could have been better...

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    My point exactly, people are over-reacting to the deaths. Jane was introduced in Season 2 Episode 3.

  • I respect your opinion, and I'm happy you enjoyed it. But I have to disagree. We waited two years to see how our endings would play into season 3, only for us to get a 3 minute flashback of bullcrap.

  • In the end, TWD is still a story and not an accurate portrayal of real life. Deaths of important characters should be handled with more grace and feel more important, even if that isn't what would happen in a real life scenario.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    They weren't lazy, they were real. You think everyone's gonna go down in blaze of glory? It's the apocalypse, people die unexpectedly out of

  • Kill/Spare Felix? Trust Fiona/Trust Jack?

    They didn't come into effect until the later episodes however.

    Yeah maybe you're just good with names. But seriously, the cast of New Frontier is so forgettable to me. If you asked me to describe their personalities, I'd have nothing to say for the majority of them.

    I get that, I just find a lot of the characters more relatable than characters from other seasons.

    Agree that the opening scene was well done. I liked that they took advantage of how the player knows about walkers, but the characters don't to build tension. Directing in some of the other scenes still wasn't great. The blood splatter from Marianna's head doesn't look right in relation to where the bullet came from. And the fight scene at the end of episode 1 was horribly paced. Clem shoots one guy, Javier doesn't shoot at all, someone throws a bomb, then the scene is over. Very anticlimactic considering how "Stay with Clem" was made out to be a super dramatic choice.

    I do agree with the thing about the final fight, I was disappointed how that went nowhere. I'd hoped to at least have Javier do something before it just kind of, ended.

    Problem is that the dramatic music plays even when the walker doesn't appear suddenly. Like at the start of episode one, Javier notices a walker a good 10 feet away, and the dramatic fight music suddenly plays anyways.

    This has been a problem in all of the games, however I feel the music plays then because it's the players first real and interactive encounter with a walker (Or Muertos, I love that they call them that) in the season.

    Frosty5 posted: »

    I still feel like it's too early to judge it's choices entirely yet, none of the games have had large choice consequences 2 episodes in apar

  • edited December 2016

    I think the characters deserve better. Even if they are past characters from different seasons they still deserve better. S1, S2, and S3 are all a part of the story, so the characters from that past should matter at least a tiny bit. Just because their time is up doesn't mean they should lose value or have their character treated like shit. I remember when Nick actually had his character developed in S2E2, only for him to barely speak in E3, and then only to never speak and randomly die in E4. I mean at the end of the day, in real life, shit happens, and I get that, but these are stories..and in stories I just expect better.

    Also I'm more salty about Marianas death than Kenny or Janes lol.

  • edited December 2016

    Does anyone remember the complaint threads for episode 1 of season 2? And, in particular, does anyone remember the thread where someone consulted a veterinian on dog bites or something?

    Oh. and does anyone remember complaints about Doug/Carley?

    Ya know, I'd rather complain about spending the majority of my time playing through S1 and S2 in preparation for S3, only to find my choices didn't import over correctly yet again in a Telltale product. It's something they really need to sort out. As it stands, I'm wondering why I bothered and why I rebought S1 on the PS4, though granted, I do prefer not being hunched over a laptop anyway.

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited December 2016

    What exactly is the problem? The time or the way someone died?

    NOHATCLEM posted: »

    I respect your opinion, and I'm happy you enjoyed it. But I have to disagree. We waited two years to see how our endings would play into season 3, only for us to get a 3 minute flashback of bullcrap.

  • Kenny had two whole seasons of time, he already cheated death once, you never know he could do it again. Honestly I never really liked Jane but still the way she died meant a lot, it wasn't like she just randomly got shot.

    Mariana's death had me screaming, I was so happy and then... that.

    I think the characters deserve better. Even if they are past characters from different seasons they still deserve better. S1, S2, and S3 are

  • I'm glad that I'm not the only one who had enjoyed the first two episodes of S3. I understand people being upset about Kenny's death. It should of have taken a better approach. However, Jane's death wasn't that bad at all. Her death shows what kind of person she was in S2. She seemed tough and put together in the outside, but in the inside she is broken and unstable. Again, TellTale has done a great job and hope that the next episodes are just as great or better.

  • Wait someone actually consulted a vet on dog bites cause of Sam?!?

    Rob_K posted: »

    Does anyone remember the complaint threads for episode 1 of season 2? And, in particular, does anyone remember the thread where someone cons

  • I believe they 'claimed' to have done so. They had a 'vet friend' or something. If someone's willing to waste their time, I'm sure a link can be found, as I don't think threads enter the nether to never been seen again.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    Wait someone actually consulted a vet on dog bites cause of Sam?!?

  • But they were in past seasons! The least they could do was to make their deaths mean something.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    Well they never said that Kenny or Jane would be important to the season. Just because they're there doesn't mean they have to contribute to the main story.

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