Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited December 2016

    This is common knowledge. She will reference all the dialogue options Lee had in that situation according to what you chose. Kenny will also react in different ways. When she says "Keep my hair short" he will smile, and if Clem says that he said "keep moving" Kenny will agree.

    I found out if that if Lee said to Clementine to keep her hair short, she will reference this in again in Ep 5 to Kenny if the player chooses the dialogue option "To keep the group together" when Kenny asks what would Lee say at the current situation

  • I know I've mentioned this before in other contexts but I'll mention it here just in case: there was originally a lot more chaos during the escape from Howe's, with everyone screaming, running, and panicking after Carlos gets shoot and chomped. The voiceclips are unused/muffled and Rebecca and Jane mention it at the beginning of Amid the Ruins.

  • What is a twitch stream?

    "Amid The Ruins" Twitch Stream Question: How do you think leaving the people of Howe's to die weighs on Bonnie's conscience? Context:

  • A stream hosted on Twitch (streaming platform).

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    What is a twitch stream?

  • Wow I didn't notice he didn't have the R.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Or the screenshot probably isn't actually in the game and was just made up as an exclusive screenshot. (Talking about the one without the R on Javi's shirt)

  • Out of curiosity did they drop any hints about what happened to her if she didn't die at the lake or say if she may turn up later? It would be cool if there was a determinate character that has a role depending on your choice of saving them.

    A stream hosted on Twitch (streaming platform).

  • They did not mention that further.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    Out of curiosity did they drop any hints about what happened to her if she didn't die at the lake or say if she may turn up later? It would be cool if there was a determinate character that has a role depending on your choice of saving them.

  • Yes, I remember this. I remember an unused audio of Sarah begging Carlos to get up. I also remember hearing voice clips of Rebecca and Jane screaming.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I know I've mentioned this before in other contexts but I'll mention it here just in case: there was originally a lot more chaos during the

  • Yeah, and Nick sounded dangerously close to Kenny with a far deeper voice during that confusion. Presumably, they downplayed that aspect to set up the conflict with Sarah in the next episode.
    ...Jane was screaming?!

    NOHATCLEM posted: »

    Yes, I remember this. I remember an unused audio of Sarah begging Carlos to get up. I also remember hearing voice clips of Rebecca and Jane screaming.

  • I wouldn't say she was screaming but she was yelling at everyone "go".

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, and Nick sounded dangerously close to Kenny with a far deeper voice during that confusion. Presumably, they downplayed that aspect to set up the conflict with Sarah in the next episode. ...Jane was screaming?!

  • Aw, that's right! Thanks!

    NOHATCLEM posted: »

    I wouldn't say she was screaming but she was yelling at everyone "go".

  • edited December 2016

    In "Ties That Bind - Part Two," if Javier kills Conrad and Clementine leaves the group, we can briefly see her just outside the gates of Capricorn Farm!


  • That looks like it could be an antique painting.

  • Even though it's insanely hard to miss here's the Banang:

    enter image description here

  • edited December 2016

    Kenny's death in Ties That Bind Part 1 mirrors Ben's death in the bell tower in Around Every Corner.

    Both of them end up sacrificing themselves to save their friends and both break their legs with them being devoured by walkers.

  • edited December 2016

    *Obvious spoilers for a new frontier**

    Sort of a detail but kind of a theory. I think AJ is in Richmond. Clementine clearly doesn't have Aj with her. She couldn't have left him "near by" because she travels too much for that. I don't think he's dead. She clearly knows about The New Frontier and she knows about a good group being in Richmond. Okay, skip to a little later in the episode when you meet Jesus. Jesus mentions that Richmond was taken over by The New Frontier. Clementine actually lowers her gun a little (surprising, huh?)and says "What did you say?!" Jesus says "The New Frontier took over, you didn't know that?" Clem's face turns sick and she completely lowers her gun. She can be seen walking off and the camera pans awful close to her face showing her breathing deep, as if she is trying to stop panicking. Is she panicking because Javier family is in danger? Doubt it. Not that she doesn't care, but I feel like she wouldn't be as troubled about it. I do think AJ is in Richmond where she left him with a group and she's worried that The New Frontier might have done something to him.

    If you actually don't side with Clementine when she shoots the guy in the face (which EVERYONE sided with her), you'll get to chat with Eleanor some more and eventually Clem will walk up to you two. Eleanor can call Javy "darling" and Clem rolls her eyes and says "UGH, gross." Also if you kiss Kate she clearly rolls her eyes too.

    Most probably caught this but I didn't hear it till my third playthrough. On the roof of the gastation right before Javi sees Jesus, Clem can be heard saying "FUCK YOU CONRAD!" I sat there in shock honestly. I knew she cursed at situations, like when her bullet didn't work, but hearing her swear like that at someone ripped one of my heart strings. I loved it.

    When (Ava?) mentions that Clementine is only 13 and not old enough to be a mother, there is a choice to say "I'm old enough" I thought she meant she was old enough to take care of the baby, but if you click it she says "I'm old enough to put a bullet in your head." Chill Clem I didn't sign up for this.

    Sort of a glitch rather than an intentional detail, but if you choose to tie Jesus up (which hardly anyone did)there is a little hiccup in the next scene. When he is seen walking off, you can see the zip tie around his hand. Just his right hand. He walks off like normal without his hands bound. So much for "tying him up." Can't do that to Jesus.

    When talking to Clem in the bridge if you pick a certain dialogue option, she says "Not all members of the frontier are bad." Maybe she was referring to herself or Ava, we'll find out.

    If you tell off David instead of backing off, Javy actually says "Kate is thinking of leaving you. She told me herself." Some of the dialogue choices are very misleading. It's especially annoying when you can't rewind.

    I think Telltale hates the left side of Clementines body. Besides the Wellington ending when she gets a cut on the right side of her check, everything else is to the left. Dog bite on her left art, left finger missing, left shoulder shot, brand on her left art. Please telltale.

    Oh and if you haven't noticed Kate is extremely thirsty. /s

  • Are you joking or? I mean, I knew she would come back, but is this real? Seems too obvious and I don't see a /s

  • She also gets a scar above her right eye after her car crash with Kenny, so that's an injury on her right side as well.

  • edited December 2016

    When you call Conrad's bluff while him and Francine are playing poker, sometimes his hand is different and Francine can win or lose the hand.

    [This is from GoldGlove's playthrough. I also got this when playing. Francine loses.]
    enter image description here

    [This is from Jacksepticeye's playthrough. Francine wins.]
    enter image description here

    Not really that important, I just thought it was interesting.

  • Not sure if well known, but the guy that kills Edith in the Wellington flashback is the same guy that Javier kills at the start of EP2 (either by shooting or by stabbing)


    enter image description here

  • Yeah, I think it's random. In my game Francine won.

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    When you call Conrad's bluff while him and Francine are playing poker, sometimes his hand is different and Francine can win or lose the hand

  • edited December 2016

    One of the random NPC'S has Clems scream when you are escaping the tear gas, made me a bit confused because it sounded like Clem randomly screamed when she closed the door after jumping in the car but it was the NPC backing up in the building away from the walkers.

  • In Jane's flashback, if you give AJ the middle name Kenny, she says she doesn't like that.

    cue Kenny vs Jane threads

  • (Sorry for so many pics)
    This is the reaction of Jane to every name (The silent one is just "What about Jaime?" "-That was your sister name")
    enter image description here
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  • If you do nothing while deciding about whether or not to stay at the junkyard, Kate will interrupt and decide she has to be the bad guy in the situation. Once you walk out though, she thanks you for being the bad guy. Kind of weird.

  • I don't think Ben broke his legs.

  • He said he couldn't move his legs I think.

    I don't think Ben broke his legs.

  • He says his legs hurt.

    NorthStars posted: »

    He said he couldn't move his legs I think.

  • She thanks you for being the bad guy?
    I tried it today and I got:
    enter image description here
    She says "Thank you"
    enter image description here

    dojo32161 posted: »

    If you do nothing while deciding about whether or not to stay at the junkyard, Kate will interrupt and decide she has to be the bad guy in the situation. Once you walk out though, she thanks you for being the bad guy. Kind of weird.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited December 2016

    Hmm, could have sworn she thanked me for being the bad guy, maybe I heard wrong, thanks though.

    Two_Faces posted: »

    She thanks you for being the bad guy? I tried it today and I got: She says "Thank you"

  • If you choose to bind Jesus's hands after meeting him, he will easily break the ties with a flourish once the party runs into the group of walkers in the tunnel. When he did that I was like, dang, this dude is badass.

    I notice that most people chose to trust Jesus, so I figured they might have missed out on this cool bit of animation :P

  • How does she get a scar across her cheek from the Wellington ending? I thought she got that from helping Kenny when carver was hitting him with the walkie talkie and Troy knocks Clem down with the end of his shotgun? Hm not sure I guess I could be wrong.

  • Kinda looks like Lonnie

  • He has a "twin" -_- ... later in the game at the end of E2 he also show up on the gate next to the guy with the hat...

  • I can confirm that, I've seen two video walkthroughs that had two different outcomes so far.

    Crips posted: »

    Yeah, I think it's random. In my game Francine won.

  • Flipped like that it looks like a guy doing some Matrix moves and sliding through a hole in a wall. xD

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