Answer the question above you



  • No, what kind of computer system do you own?

  • enter image description here

    What game would you start again with no knowledge of the story or series?

  • Undertale

    Opinions on the Nintendo Switch?

  • Not much of one, but humor is subjective.

    What is your dream career?

  • edited January 2017

    Leader of the revolution

    Why do people apreciate things over other people?

    Edit: Shit, triple post? wtf internet

  • Leader of the revolution

    Why do people apreciate things over other people?

  • Leader of the revolution

    Why do people apreciate things over other people?

  • Because things are predictable and reliable, people can be unpredictable and untrustworthy, thereby not saying that you shouldnt appreciate people

    What is the most enjoyable thing you have done in recent memory?

  • edited January 2017

    Went to an amusement park for the first time in 10 years.

    Do you have a habit that you know of that annoys other people (e.g. Family, friends)?

  • Being late.

    What is your greatest accomplishment?

  • Owning my own business to make my own money

    What is one thing you regret in your life?

    fallandir posted: »

    Being late. What is your greatest accomplishment?

  • Signing into these forums.

    Vandal Savage or Ras al Ghul?

  • Gotta go with Ras

    Who do you have less sympathy for?

    Mass Shooters

    enter image description here


    Child Rapists

    enter image description here

  • Child Rapists

    Which is the worst game that you have played which makes you give it a 0/10 score?

  • Ghostbusters for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

    Worst movie you've seen in theaters?

  • edited January 2017

    Hmm, maybe The Cat in the Hat (2003) Though I was too young to realize how bad it was at the time

    Favorite operation in battlefield 1?

  • Conquer Hell. Ballroom Blitz and Argonnes Forest are two of my favorite maps.

    What's your favorite BF1 game mode and why is it War Pidgeons?

  • Conquer Hell is great. My favorite is Iron Walls, it just feels so epic. Although I'll admit Monte Grappa definitely has some balancing issues, it's by far the hardest map for attackers in operations.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Conquer Hell. Ballroom Blitz and Argonnes Forest are two of my favorite maps. What's your favorite BF1 game mode and why is it War Pidgeons?

  • NoUsername answered Max's question but didn't ask a new question, so I'll ask a new question instead.

    What's your favorite YouTube channel?

  • darkmatter2525

    what is your favourite time period in history?

  • The Greco-Roman Era.

    What did you have for dinner today?

  • Toasted sandwiches

    Which game is worse? Aliens: Colonial Marines or Umbrella Corps?

  • Weirdly I've played both. Umbrella Corps.

    What's the most depressing thing about life?

  • Oh that wasn't meant to be an answer to his question. :S

    NoUsername answered Max's question but didn't ask a new question, so I'll ask a new question instead. What's your favorite YouTube channel?

  • edited January 2017


    NoUsername answered Max's question but didn't ask a new question, so I'll ask a new question instead. What's your favorite YouTube channel?

  • Oh. Well... I'm rolling with it anyways. :p

    No_username posted: »

    Oh that wasn't meant to be an answer to his question. :S

  • Ghostbusters

    Coke or Mountain Dew?

  • Coke

    Alien or Predator? Who is stronger?

  • Predator

    Favorite episode of The Walking Dead Tv series

  • Chupacabra

    Current mental state?

    Predator Favorite episode of The Walking Dead Tv series

  • Sane

    Name one thing you would never do

  • Eating human flesh while dancing naked to "We Are Number One" videos. It's just not my style.

    Norse or Greek mythology?

  • Greek Mythology. I don't know much about Norse mythology but those Greek gods make their punishments seriously personal.

    Cheesecake or Key Lime Pie?

    fallandir posted: »

    Eating human flesh while dancing naked to "We Are Number One" videos. It's just not my style. Norse or Greek mythology?

  • Cheesecake.

    Would you rather endlessly repeat highschool (no home, you just go back to first hour and do it again) for the rest of your life
    or would you rather be burned alive.

  • Endlessly repeat high school. It wasn't that bad in all honesty.

    What is one of your insecurities? (That you feel comfortable sharing of course.)

  • Thanks to you guys, the thought of repeating high school over and over. Fire sounds a preferable option. :P

    What's your favorite flavor of soda?

    ralo229 posted: »

    Endlessly repeat high school. It wasn't that bad in all honesty. What is one of your insecurities? (That you feel comfortable sharing of course.)

  • Vanilla Coke

    Would having schizophrenia allow a criminal to be deemed insane?

  • Eating human flesh while dancing naked to "We Are Number One" videos. It's just not my style.

    Fuck man. That's one of my favorite things to do on Friday night.

    fallandir posted: »

    Eating human flesh while dancing naked to "We Are Number One" videos. It's just not my style. Norse or Greek mythology?

  • I would think so. But I'm not a legal expert so what do I know?

    Name something that really connected with you for reasons you can't explain. (Whether it be a movie, book, person, etc.)

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