The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • I've seen a number of people say something to that affect. Personally, I don't think its that she's dumb, but rather that she can't keep her instincts in check: hence openly stating she's needs to get laid with getting high, rushing out into a line of fire to get Mariana after she's killed, and flirting with Javier while weak from internal bleeding.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Am I the only one who thinks Kate is sort of dumb?

  • How does a thread about composite characters or shifting character roles sound?

  • Please elaborate, it sounds interesting.

    DabigRG posted: »

    How does a thread about composite characters or shifting character roles sound?

  • edited February 2017

    Accoding to TV Tropes, composite character is one that has the traits of multiple characters in an adaptation in one work from the source material.
    In context of my question, I've thought about how Season 2 had so many characters that didn't really do much beyond fill a minor niche and thought one way to fix that is by combining multiple characters into one or at least giving certain scenes/actions/lines belonging to one character to another one.

    fallandir posted: »

    Please elaborate, it sounds interesting.

  • I was always under the impression that she escaped with the group and that it happened at the Cabin, but I recently realized there's little to no evidence of this.

    Clemenem posted: »

    It doesn't really make it clear. All that's known was Nick had to put her down

  • Does anyone have an uncut version of the House Meeting from All That Remains?
    What race is Jane supposed to be?
    Also, why is her theme mostly violins?

  • Not quite he resembles actor Danny Trejo more than Carlos but skinnier and younger. I won't spoil it too much but he's FAR more evil than the TV Show's depiction of him where he's meant to be tragic. Comic Governor is completely devoid of any human qualities he retained in the show. This is what he originally looked like

    enter image description here

    DabigRG posted: »

    A fusion?! The Governor is Carlos and Michonne's fusion?!

  • Not quite he resembles actor Danny Trejo more than Carlos but skinnier and younger.

    Oh my goodness, you're right!
    Also, for a second there, I thought he was giving a thumbs up.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Not quite he resembles actor Danny Trejo more than Carlos but skinnier and younger. I won't spoil it too much but he's FAR more evil than th

  • edited February 2017

    Is there really a tape from Crawford in Carver's office?

  • Yes.

    And before someone jumps in to say it was just reused assets, it was an incredibly specific item and it served no purpose in that scene. Clearly Telltale put that there for us to see.

    It actually makes sense for Carver to have the tape since it was dealing with pregnancy and survival of the fittest. We know that for a while between s1 and s2 Carver had people scouting everywhere or at least in Georgia. Not too far off to think that they found what remained of Crawford while they were attempting to requisition supplies and survivors.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Is there really a tape from Crawford in Carver's office?

  • Well, character development is simple- it's where a character starts off as something, like let's say, a naïve and foolish young person, who gets manipulated by an antagonistic stranger, but through the course of the story, they undergoes development and change, whether for the better or worse. So once again using the example, the naïve kid changes and becomes less easily trusting and in fact, overcomes his naivety and learns to not trust strangers.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What is the distinction among character development, which seems to be used in different meanings and contexts at times?

  • That's...actually kinda cool. Not sure why its there, but kinda cool.

    Is it legitimately meant to be the same thing?

    Yes. And before someone jumps in to say it was just reused assets, it was an incredibly specific item and it served no purpose in that sc

  • Yeah, the exact same model (83 Ob):

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    DabigRG posted: »

    That's...actually kinda cool. Not sure why its there, but kinda cool. Is it legitimately meant to be the same thing?

  • You know, that actually could've made an interesting continuity nod and classy callback while also potentially adding a bit of wisdom and "lesser-evil" value to Carver's character.

    Davissons posted: »

    Yeah, the exact same model (83 Ob):

  • Yeah, I do recall the speculative about who Clementine sees at the end of the trailer. I'll see if I can track it down for you.

  • Anybody have a link to an old thread/image regarding the geography involved in Season 2? I remember someone laid out a map of where the season took place from the cabin to the ski-lodge to Howe's and so forth.

  • Who would Clementine get along with more The Governor or Negan?

  • edited February 2017

    I don't think she'd get along with either, but I'd say Negan would have a bigger chance of getting along with her. At least judging from how he treated Carl, even after he killed 2 of his men.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Who would Clementine get along with more The Governor or Negan?

  • Negan, obviously. He would make crude jokes and keep people from raping her, whereas the Governor would be likely to hurt her or feed her to some walkers.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Who would Clementine get along with more The Governor or Negan?

  • Do you think there are any unknown status characters that could have made it up to Wellington

  • Perhaps, not that it matters given what happens less than two years later. Christa knew where it was and its can be inferred that the Russians were there at one point but its unlikely that Arvo considered going back with Mike and Bonnie's mutual fear of Kenny in mind, if they even stuck together afterwards.

    Do you think there are any unknown status characters that could have made it up to Wellington

  • I think Justin had a good chance of getting there considering he stole Vinces car and set off in search of a sanctuary if you kept him alive. He's dead in my game though.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Perhaps, not that it matters given what happens less than two years later. Christa knew where it was and its can be inferred that the Russia

  • Is that what he did? And I sure hope not. I was under the impression he was referring to Carver's place anyway.

    I think Justin had a good chance of getting there considering he stole Vinces car and set off in search of a sanctuary if you kept him alive. He's dead in my game though.

  • Yes I believe he made off with Vince's vehicle. And I agree that he was probably looking for Carvers, but he still could've managed to find Wellington, especially amidst all of the rumors about the place

    DabigRG posted: »

    Is that what he did? And I sure hope not. I was under the impression he was referring to Carver's place anyway.

  • edited February 2017

    Uncut meeting? Meh, I just wanna see the cut fishing scene with Alvin and Clem.

    Jane looks pretty white/caucasian to me. Actually one of the whitest girls across all seasons of the game, along with Molly and Katjaa. And Bonnie, I guess.

    I didn't notice her theme, to be honest. I noticed the music in season 2 a lot less than season 1.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Does anyone have an uncut version of the House Meeting from All That Remains? What race is Jane supposed to be? Also, why is her theme mostly violins?

  • edited February 2017

    Uncut meeting? Meh, I just wanna see the cut fishing scene with Alvin and Clem.

    Agreed. But I was referring to the kitchen conversation you can eaves drop on in All That Remains, since you're often interrupted by opening/closing the door, Carlos or Nick catching onto your presence, or someone trying to leave.

    Jane looks pretty white/caucasian to me. Actually one of the whitest girls across all seasons of the game, along with Molly and Katjaa. And Bonnie, I guess.

    That's what everyone assumes. Idk, maybe I just don't like the not-diversity she adds to in No Going Back, but I think she might be Persian or some shit.

    I didn't notice her theme, to be honest. I noticed the music in season 2 a lot less than season 1.

    According to the Youtube Playlist, its the song that plays after Kenny has killed Vitali. ...Yeah....
    EDIT: Btw, does anyone else see "Top 10 Most Evil Women in History" in the up next videos? :joy:

    Louche posted: »

    Uncut meeting? Meh, I just wanna see the cut fishing scene with Alvin and Clem. Jane looks pretty white/caucasian to me. Actually one of

  • "Becca! Our love deserves to be in a place of safety! They told me you were the one that robbed us! Now, please come out so we can go home--as a family."

    Oh okay, so you think she could have either stolen from another group or had a fling that resulted in the boys group attacking the diner. B

  • edited February 2017


    How do you think things would've gone and how you would've felt if Kenny had been "Carver" like originally planned?

    Given the Season's track record, do you think Jane was intentionally designed with the option of replacing Luke and Sarah in mind?

    For those who wanna get all Ron the Death Eater: do you think that being right about Eleanor could be a sign of the writers trying to have another character like Kenny in terms of reception and execution?

  • Repeats

    What is each characters personal philosophies/morality/etc?

    If anyone knows anything about model manipulation or whatever, can someone make a picture of Michelle with Sarah's glasses?

    If Kenny is Lee's Shadow, what does that make Lilly and why?

    What characters do you think could've been combined to streamline the undergone this process story into a more focused narrative? why?

  • Is Nick the only one to comment on Kenny getting beat down?

  • edited February 2017

    Posting this as a separate comment for convenience sake:

    If we had actually gotten Luke: Civil War, who do you think would choose to be on his Team or Kenny's, even if they weren't around at the time? .

    I've had some time to stew over this one and, after going back to watch In Harm's Way, I think the Teams would essentially be this:

    Team Luke
    Peter Joseph Randall

    Team Kenny

    Team Clementine(aka I'm not sure)
    +Alvin Rebecca Carver Jr.

    What do you guys think?

  • Oh god, this thread is old as all balls. Kinda ashamed none of the pictures work, but it seems like it can't be fixed anymore.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Is there really a tape from Crawford in Carver's office?

  • "Thread of general TWD-related questions."

    DabigRG posted: »

    For Da Mods: What are the odds of bots signing on to this community?

  • Rebecca was definitely Team Kenny all the way.

    Mike would definitely not have been Team Kenny. He was terrified of Kenny and has no issues stealing from him.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Posting this as a separate comment for convenience sake: If we had actually gotten Luke: Civil War, who do you think would choose to b

  • uncut version of the House Meeting from All That Remains

    No video, but I've tried my best to gather it all. The whole converation is about 4 minutes long.

    Rebecca: For all we know, she could be working with Carver.
    Luke: Come on, there is no way.
    Alvin: She could be, we don't know.
    Nick: She's connected to somebody. There's no way she's out here by herself.
    Pete: She said she was with a friend and they got attacked.
    Nick (sarcastically): Yeah, right.
    Carlos: Whoever she's with, they'll probably come looking for her.
    Alvin: Great. They show up and we've got her locked in the shed.
    Rebecca (angrily): You think we should bring her in here?
    Alvin: No, I'm just saying it wouldn't look too good.
    Carlos: It's just a precautionary measure. Anyone else would do the same.
    Luke: You really think Carver would come after us?
    Nick: You think he wouldn't?
    Carlos turns his head, Clementine closes the door
    Pete: He's not exactly the type to let things lie.
    Carlos: What happened, happened. There's nothing we can do about it now.
    Alvin: Let him come. I don't really give a damn.
    Rebecca: Alvin!
    Alvin: What? I don't!
    Nick sees Clem

    meaningless mumbles; literally some sentence being used over again

    Nick:, not me. You knew she did.
    Luke: What we were supposed to do? Leave her out there to die?
    Nick: Better she than us.
    Pete: You'dve done the same, Nick.
    Nick: It wasn't the brightest idea.
    Luke (ironically): Oh, and firing your rifle was, huh? Next time we'll just put up a neon sign that says "Lurkers Welcome."
    Alvin: We're ya going, hon?
    Rebecca: I want to get my sweater. (plot device sweater, there's no actual clothing left in the cabin except of Carlos' shirt)
    Carlos: We'll be done in a minute.

    meaningless mumbles

    Nick: You found her in the woods, surrounded by lurkers, about to be eaten alive, and you are telling us that was a dog?
    Luke: Yeah I know it sounds crazy, but... look, for whatever reason I think she's telling the truth.
    Pete: Look, there's no point in arguing about that now. She's in the shed and she's not gonna hurt anyone. We'll just see what's what in the morning.
    Luke: But Carlos said she could die if she doesn't get her arm treated.
    Rebecca: Assuming she doesn't turn. (wut)
    Alvin: That's true? The girl could really die?
    Carlos: If the infection spreads.. anything is possible. It could definitely get a whole lot of worse for her.
    Luke: Don't we have penicillin? Or something that you know, could stop the infection from spreading?
    Carlos: We have some. But not enough to spare.
    Nick: You know we can't waste it on her. What if someone of us needs it?
    Luke: Look, I'm just saying we could help her, that's all.
    Rebecca: We need to think of ourselves first. That's just the way it is.
    Pete: We can't just let her die. Not if we can do something about it.

    mumbles 3.0

    Pete: Let's just say she doesn't turn. Then what happens?
    Luke: We apologize for being assholes. And then we help to fix her arm.
    Rebecca: She can't stay with us. We barely have enough supplies for ourselves.
    Pete: We've got more fish in the traps that we could ever eat.
    Nick (to Rebecca?): Yeah, but she's seen us. She knows we're here.
    Luke (teasing Nick): What, are you scared of a little girl?
    Carlos: She's not the problem. It's who she might tell.
    Alvin: We gotta keep an eye on her.
    Rebecca: If she doesn't turn. Which she probably will.
    Nick: I gotta take the leak.
    Carlos: Hold on, we're almost done.
    Nick: Fine.

    meaningless mumbles

    Carlos: My point is, if a little girl can find her way here, almost anyone can.
    Luke: Pete, you saw that lurkers, all right. That's more than we've seen in a while. (seriously? Four/five lurkers is dangerous for ya?)
    Pete: Yeah, it seems like it's not as safe as it was. Least not like when we found this place.
    Nick: Maybe it's the time to move on.
    Rebecca: We can't just keep running. At some point, we've got to settle down.
    Carlos: We should. And we will. But can we find somewhere safe? I don't know.
    Pete: You've seen what is like out there.
    Alvin: I just started to like this place.
    Pete: Look, we've had a good run here. But if it's time to move on, then I got no problem with that.
    Luke: Yeah, but I mean... Where do we go from here?
    Alvin: No more cities, we all agreed on that, right? Too many damn lurkers.
    Nick: We're not going back to the way we came. That's for damn sure.
    Rebecca (hopeful): We can probably find somewhere better. We just need to look.
    Carlos: Wherever we go, we can't get too attached. We'll be fine as long as we keep things fluid.


    Pete: ?? Gotta check those fish traps tomorrow.
    Nick: What do we do with the girl?
    Rebecca (indignantly): You are not leaving her here with me.
    Luke: We can't just keep her locked in the shed. We're not animals.
    Carlos: Then take her with you.
    Nick: What?
    Carlos: You want to keep an eye on her, then take her with you. Are we almost done here? I want to make sure Sarah is ready for bed.
    Carlos out
    Pete: Wait a second. There's something else I want to talk about.
    Carlos gets back

    No more eavesdropping after that. You can still hear mumbles, but it's the same sentence over again.

    Team Clem:

    • Luke
    • Pete
    • Alvin

    Team anti-Clem:

    • Nick
    • Rebecca

    Carlos is pretty much neutral and he sounds like he's the most reasonable of them all.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Does anyone have an uncut version of the House Meeting from All That Remains? What race is Jane supposed to be? Also, why is her theme mostly violins?

  • Do You think Michelle (thief who shot Omid) was affiliated with anyone that we knew, like 400 Days cast or something

  • Yes, actually, with some canonical dubiosity: though the product of my contributions to Dan's old thread and my rewrite thread, I had her linked to both Russell and "Ralph" of the North Carolina Bandits. The latter was an indirect suggestion of older posts, along with some creative arc-welding on my part.

    Do You think Michelle (thief who shot Omid) was affiliated with anyone that we knew, like 400 Days cast or something

  • What was the link between all of them?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yes, actually, with some canonical dubiosity: though the product of my contributions to Dan's old thread and my rewrite thread, I had her li

  • edited February 2017

    No. Michelle was the sole common element and it was more about how they influenced her, however indirect.
    EDIT: My bad, I misread your question and just realized it. :blush:

    What was the link between all of them?

  • My question still stands. What were their links/relationships with her?

    DabigRG posted: »

    No. Michelle was the sole common element and it was more about how they influenced her, however indirect. EDIT: My bad, I misread your question and just realized it.

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