The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • Any particular reason why you think that


  • If Roman wanted no one to leave the group, how were they getting supplies?

  • They seemed to keep everything in that one back room. Plus everyone seemed to take part in maintaining the equipment and supplies and had access to them.

    DabigRG posted: »

    If Roman wanted no one to leave the group, how were they getting supplies?

  • Interesting,I never knew that Mike and Ralph were supposed to be the same character originally. I wonder why they didn't go through with would have made his character so much more impactful instead of just being strong guy who lifts stuff. I wonder if they changed it in order to leave christa's fate unknown? Seems strange unless they actually have a plan for her.

    DabigRG posted: »

    He doesn't mention a group specifically, but mentions that he comes off as cranky sometimes because of how hard things have been so far and

  • edited February 2017

    Its more than likely that they did it for the sake of the episodes length more than anything else. All Mike's word would do for Christa in the context of what we got is imply a potential delay of the inevitable, so who knows.

    Emmalilly posted: »

    Interesting,I never knew that Mike and Ralph were supposed to be the same character originally. I wonder why they didn't go through with i

  • Do you comment on every TWD discussion?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, two things: How do you see messages sent to you without constantly clicking load more on the Feed? Does anyone know who @gottobelol is?

  • Not really, if the discussion topic or any of the comments don't interest me. Why do you ask?

    OldGamer77 posted: »

    Do you comment on every TWD discussion?

  • How much do you think Jane knew about Mike's plan?

  • I always wondered, did you actually like that character that died at the start of Season 2?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Really, I was pointing out the vague similarity between they're designs, along with Carver's line about him at the Cabin. "I knew a man that always wore shirts like this. Doctor. Real smug son of a bitch. But a smart ma. I miss him."

  • Probably no idea.

    DabigRG posted: »

    How much do you think Jane knew about Mike's plan?

  • Absolutely no clue at all. Mike and Bonnie were incredibly wary of Jane, and despite her issues I don't believe she would let them simply walk out with all of their supplies and their only vehicle.

    DabigRG posted: »

    How much do you think Jane knew about Mike's plan?

  • edited January 2017

    Yep. You are talking about Michelle, right?

    I always wondered, did you actually like that character that died at the start of Season 2?

  • The reason I asked was because of two lines:

    "Mike and Arvo wouldn't shut up, so I moved him in here."

    "I didn't think they'd go that far."

    This seemed to suggest she knew something but simply ignored it until it escalated further than she thought.

  • How much time did season 1 took to be developed and done?

  • edited January 2017

    Actually, the fact that they all weren't too wary of her was one of my issues with that episode. Mike at least says she's fine in his book for indirectly saving him but Bonnie really has no reason to be chummy with her that I can think of (which ironically contributes to my "above okay" view of her, but still).

    Absolutely no clue at all. Mike and Bonnie were incredibly wary of Jane, and despite her issues I don't believe she would let them simply walk out with all of their supplies and their only vehicle.

  • Okay, I must ask: Was there seriously a cloud shaped like a dick in Amid the Ruins?

  • What makes you say that?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, I must ask: Was there seriously a cloud shaped like a dick in Amid the Ruins?

  • edited January 2017

    I've been in and out of this tumblr blog for a while now and I just read that.

    What makes you say that?

  • I just clicked the link and this is what it looks like.

    enter image description here

    DabigRG posted: »

    I've been in and out of this tumblr blog for a while now and I just read that.

  • edited February 2017

    Sorry bout that, forgot the http part. Try it now.

    I just clicked the link and this is what it looks like.

  • Okay, this is a question I've thought about numerous times: What is Jane's hair supposed to be like?

  • It seems like I see you comment on every discussion I see, but maybe that's just coincidental. (Not getting after you just curious)

    DabigRG posted: »

    Not really, if the discussion topic or any of the comments don't interest me. Why do you ask?

  • Eh, like I said, it depends. If I see a topic title I have no interest in, there's a 54% chance I'll ignore it. And sometimes, I'll click anyway just to see what's being discussed and maybe throw in my two cents or make a funny comment if applicable.

    OldGamer77 posted: »

    It seems like I see you comment on every discussion I see, but maybe that's just coincidental. (Not getting after you just curious)

  • What do you think happened to Leland if he didn't die at the cornfield?

    (I'm rather obsessed with the 400 Days mysteries, if you can't tell)

  • edited January 2017

    There was some dialogue between Becca and Bonnie when Tavia was the player.

    Bonnie: If I didn't trust people, I'd be dead. People care for you if you let them.
    Becca: Like Leland cared when he let you run off alone?

    He most likely abandoned her.

    What do you think happened to Leland if he didn't die at the cornfield? (I'm rather obsessed with the 400 Days mysteries, if you can't tell)

  • I thought my game glitched and that this dialogue was from when he stayed at the cornfield.

    There was some dialogue between Becca and Bonnie when Tavia was the player. Bonnie: If I didn't trust people, I'd be dead. People care fo

  • Yeah, I was just wondering about that.

    I thought my game glitched and that this dialogue was from when he stayed at the cornfield.

  • Technically he did let Bonnie run off alone

    I thought my game glitched and that this dialogue was from when he stayed at the cornfield.

  • edited January 2017

    She also says this if you tell him the truth and he leaves with Bonnie.

    I thought my game glitched and that this dialogue was from when he stayed at the cornfield.

  • What do you mean? Like how it looked pre apocalypse, assuming she cut it short for survival?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, this is a question I've thought about numerous times: What is Jane's hair supposed to be like?

  • Yeah.

    Emmalilly posted: »

    What do you mean? Like how it looked pre apocalypse, assuming she cut it short for survival?

  • Hmmmm....Well she kind of comes off to me in her past she was rough around the edges but not really trying too hard, cause she cray but she doesn't come off as someone who would try to fit in with her peers to me.. so maybe some kind of grunge look like medium-long unkempt, greasy hair maybe even dyed it. Haha I have no idea if anyone else would get that vibe, but could have been! What do you think?

    DabigRG posted: »


  • edited February 2017

    I've gone back and forth on a few brief ideas. I know one thing I'd personally stay away from artistically is just giving her hair like Clementine, which wouldn't make since anyway given that Clementine is black-asian, while Jane is...well, presumably white but I think she might be Persian or some shit. I agree that her backstory as a "too cool for school," edgy delinquent gives me those general vibes; she has the face for it, after all. Or maybe something like an emo bob cut or pigtails or a mullet or some other teenage hairstyle.

    Emmalilly posted: »

    Hmmmm....Well she kind of comes off to me in her past she was rough around the edges but not really trying too hard, cause she cray but she

  • I recall reading somewhere that recently turned walkers are significantly smarter to the point of being able to solve basic problems. Is this true?

  • edited January 2017

    That was an idea they toyed with for the first half of the TV show, but I think they dropped that plotline.

    As for the comics and video game universe, I don't think there's ever been any proof or indication of that being the case.

  • It was an entire plotline? Interesting.

    Louche posted: »

    That was an idea they toyed with for the first half of the TV show, but I think they dropped that plotline. As for the comics and video game universe, I don't think there's ever been any proof or indication of that being the case.

  • Really? That's odd.

    Hey now, all of the drug dealers I've ever known have been white dudes

  • What is each characters personal philosophies/morality/etc?

  • True. Still though, does it actually catch any of them or does it just dice the shit out of em?

    Before fenced in ranches cows would feed off grass all over...and would get in the way of trains.

  • Uhhhh not really dude, people of all races do drugs. You really think most drug dealers are black people?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Really? That's odd.

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