I know I already contributed, but since it’s been a while and some of you are doing lists that go beyond the thread’s scope, I guess I join in with my current thoughts.
Jolene Michelle Sarah
Prof. Lee Everett, Glenn Lilly the Receptionist, Larry the Veteran, Ben Paul, Brenda St. John, Danny the Prisoner,
Luke Mike/“Ralph” Arvo Oak Kate Garcia, Gabriel Garcia(pending), Lieutenant Max, Ava(pending up)
Atlanta Police Officer/Old Cop, Clementine Shawn Greene, Hershel Greene, Kenny “Duck” Jr., Carley Doug Irene Mark the Soldier, Mr. David Parker, Danny St. John, Gary Chuck Christa Omid Dr. Vernon, Boyd The Stranger/Mr. Campman,
Vince Jerry the Prisoner, Officer Bennett, Russell Bonnie Leland Stephanie Tavia
Victor Sam the Dog, Peter Joseph Randall, Nick Randall, Alvin Dr. Carlos, Matthew Walter Sarita Troy Rajeev/"Reggie," Hank Alvin Jr., Natasha/"Maud", Vitali/Buricko Edith Gil
Captain Pete, Samantha Fairbanks, Greg Fairbanks, Mz. Norma, Randall, Zachary Gabby Paige Alex Fairbanks, James Fairbanks,
Javier Garcia, David Garcia, Conrad the Bartender(pending), Francine Dealer Eli,
Sandra the Babysitter, Dr. Katjaa, Travis Andy St. John, [Jake] the Bandit Leader, Beatrice Molly Brie Clive Joyce Oberson Crawford, Dr. Logan, Anna Corea,
Deputy Clyde, Marcus Crabtree, Eddie Nate Walter Jean Dee Becca Roman Roberto
Winston Johnny Buricko/Vitali Randy Patricia
Michonne(pending) Siddiq Berto Elodie Colette Dr. Jonas, John Fairbanks,
I coulda sworn I contributed to this. Then again there's been so many favorite character threads! :P
1. Kenny (Will always be my favorite character no matter what. Amazing guy. Lost his family but didn't give up and helped fight for the ones he cared about. When he lost everything, he looked after Clem not only because of their pre-existing relationship and his fatherhood nature, but because he knew Lee would've wanted him to. He was always honest, loyal, never gave up, even when everyone was against him. That bearded man will always have a special place in my heart.)
2. Lee (A man who was given a second chance after his life was, figuratively, over. He made the absolute most out of that chance by preparing a little girl to live and enjoy life in a world where the dead don't sleep.)
3. Clementine (Our last little remaining thing of Season 1. We've watched her grow and she's become like a daughter to so many of us. It sucks ass what they've turned her into.)
4. Luke (Great, genuine guy that had the best intentions and fought for the ones he cared about. Written off in the third most stupid way in TWDG history.)
5. Omid (Ahh good old Omid. Such a funny guy. I loved having him around.)
6. Pete (Michonne) (Just an average cool guy. Very likeable to me. Would definitely want him in my apocalypse group.)
7. Carley (Carlee for life.)
8. Chuck (Nice old man. Protected Clementine and gave Lee the wake up call to teach her how to survive.)
9. Molly (Wish she would have been in the series a bit longer, but she served her purpose and was one of the reasons why Around Every Corner an awesome episode.)
10. Pete (S2) (Nice guy. Seemed to be somewhat of a leader for the Cabin Group. I got sad when he died. He seemed really cool.)
11. Ben (Okay maybe he wasn't THAT bad. He did redeem himself in the end.)
Dislike: (There's a fine line between disliking characters because they're good villains and disliking characters because they're shit characters.)
Dislike because they're great villains:
1. Andy St. John
2. Brenda St. John
3. Danny St. John
4. Carver
5. The Stranger
6. Lilly
Dislike because they're shit characters/I hate their guts <- Larry:
1. Jane
2. Larry
3. Arvo
4. Troy
5. Vernon
* Clem (forever Nr. 1)
* Lee
* Kenny
* Luke
* Carley
* Christa
* Pete
* Omid
* Walter
* Kate
* Wyatt
* Alvin
* Reb… moreecca
* Eleanor
* Jesus
* Shawn
* Carver
* Troy
* Max
* Andrew St. John
* Lilly
* Larry
* Danny St. John
* The Stranger
* Vernon
* Michelle
* Arvo
* Ava
* The Stranger
* Duck
* Ben
I coulda sworn I contributed to this. Then again there's been so many favorite character threads! :P
1. Kenny (Will always be my f… moreavorite character no matter what. Amazing guy. Lost his family but didn't give up and helped fight for the ones he cared about. When he lost everything, he looked after Clem not only because of their pre-existing relationship and his fatherhood nature, but because he knew Lee would've wanted him to. He was always honest, loyal, never gave up, even when everyone was against him. That bearded man will always have a special place in my heart.)
2. Lee (A man who was given a second chance after his life was, figuratively, over. He made the absolute most out of that chance by preparing a little girl to live and enjoy life in a world where the dead don't sleep.)
3. Clementine (Our last little remaining thing of Season 1. We've watched her grow and she's become like a daughter to so many of us. It sucks ass wha… [view original content]
The Favourites:
- Nate.
- Kenny.
- Lilly.
The Liked:
- Lee Everett.
- Chuck.
- Pete (Season 2)
- Randall.
- Molly.
- Carley.
- … moreBen Paul.
- Norma.
- Jane (Sorta...my feelings were kinda mixed)
- Walter.
- Oak.
- Samantha Fairbanks.
- Katjaa.
- Eddie.
- Wyatt.
- Kate.
- Luke. (Similar to Jane, in that I've a mixed response to the character)
- Javier Garcia (The exact same as Luke)
The Hated:
- AJ. (Don't really hate the character, just how the writers use him)
- Rebecca.
- Bonnie.
- Conrad.
- Duck.
- Brenda St John.
- Gabe Garcia.
The Disliked:
- Sarah.
- Carlos.
- Marianna Garcia.
- Danny St John.
- Andy St John.
- Vernon.
- Danny.
- Justin.
- Dee.
- Michelle.
- Jane.
- Reggie.
- Arvo.
- Pete (Michonne)
- The Stranger.
The Indifferent: (Don't hate them, don't like them, I just don't care about them. At all)
- Clementine (Season 2, now ANF)
- Alvin.
- Becca.
- Larry.
- Doug.
- Badger.… [view original content]
Michelle completely fucked up the innocence streak I had going with clementine and put her through a depression -_- because of her, my season 2 clem can't have a good joke and since Clem is only alone in season 3 because everyone else is dead, maybe Omid could have still been with her at that time, so now my season 3 clem is a huge asshole. Fuck Michelle
Your list is extremely strange, no disrespect
I'm a complicated guy.
How do you love Michelle so much when she killed one of t… morehe most loved characters?
Michelle really did a great job setting up Season 2's tone by being unapologeticly thuggish, realistically complex in her simplicity, and yet she wasn't without a few sympathetic traits that implied that she had a story to tell. One of the things I like about her over a lot of other characters is that she's [one of, if not] the first black antagonists we've had in the games(never watched the show), much less a youthful one. I also really like her design, what with her dreadlocks(?), the unkempt look it helps give her, the fact that and the fact that she justifies her actions with a nihilistic motto while wearing the cutest pink hoodie she could find. All of those things made her seem like an interesting personal foe for Clementine and one of the characters I previously s… [view original content]
My top favorites:
* Sarita
* Christa
* Sarah
* Nick
* Carlos
* Rebecca
* Kenny
* Eddie
* Pete
* Omid
* Molly
My top least… more favorites
* Nate
* Jane
* Luke
* Carver
* Troy
* Larry
* The Stranger
* Michelle
* Randell
* Danny St. John
* Andy St. John
I thought most users like Nate? What's the problem?
I liked Larry. He was bad man after 1st ep but in 2nd changed into grumpy old fart. Fu… morenny, interesting character. I like interesting characters. Imo they are heroes.
Second group. Boring, uninteresting characters or characters fu**** by writers. Alvin was big black guy who basically did nothing. Except a son, but it's questionable... AJ pissed me - unreal, perfect baby; needed no food, vaccines, didn't poop, cry. Sarah.. writers had no idea what do with her - from important character to a ballast. Christa was always whining and complaining. And then she vanished.
Yeah, funny how for a fairly low level starter villain, she was definitely a Knight of Cerebus. Granted, I doubt Omid would've still been alive at that point, but I get your point.
Michelle completely fucked up the innocence streak I had going with clementine and put her through a depression -_- because of her, my seaso… moren 2 clem can't have a good joke and since Clem is only alone in season 3 because everyone else is dead, maybe Omid could have still been with her at that time, so now my season 3 clem is a huge asshole. Fuck Michelle
Yeah, funny how for a fairly low level starter villain, she was definitely a Knight of Cerebus. Granted, I doubt Omid would've still been alive at that point, but I get your point.
Oh, the reason it's layout like that is just because it's how I thought of it and how it came about. In fairness, the layout's really not that important.
why is Brenda worse than the other two?
Brenda annoyed me. She had that whole fake, pretence niceness and had a seriously grating accent. Overall, though, she's not any worse or better than her sons (well, maybe Danny), but for me, I just found the character to be a lot less tolerable than those two. She tried so hard to act as those she was this comforting little old woman and while her kids did something similar, trying to convince us they were somewhat decent people, I though she came across the worse because it was done in such a more irritating manner. My hatred for her is similar to my hatred of Duck, only with an added dose of cannibalism to boot.
you listed Luke and Jane twice.
I know. That was on purpose. Those characters were mixed for me. With Jane, sometimes I thought she was okay and at other times, I disliked her, so she ends up appearing in both the liked and disliked list, and with Luke, I liked him for much of the story, but I also felt a lack of actual true attachment to him, so he ends up in liked and indifferent.
Yeah, good question, in fairness. Suppose once I start a series, I'll see it out until the end, even if it just gets worse. Though, if the quality continues to drop with Telltale, ANF will be the last game I'll buy from them, probably.
In fairness, the layout's really not that important.
Eh, true enough.
Brenda annoyed me. She had that whole fake, pretence niceness and had a seriously grating accent. Overall, though, she's not any worse or better than her sons (well, maybe Danny), but for me, I just found the character to be a lot less tolerable than those two. She tried so hard to act as those she was this comforting little old woman and while her kids did something similar, trying to convince us they were somewhat decent people, I though she came across the worse because it was done in such a more irritating manner. My hatred for her is similar to my hatred of Duck, only with an added dose of cannibalism to boot.
Oh okay, I suppose her voice would be grating to some people. Personally, she was always a favorite for me because it seemed relatively clear that she is a nice person who's in on their meat project not out of malice or depravity, but out of a combination of desperation and it's relevance to her family values. Comparatively, I think part of the reason Andy is just kinda meh to me is because he's kinda average compared to the other two extremes: while Brenda is just so naturally wholesome that she can hide their secret pretty well(for the most part) and Danny is such a creep that he doesn't even bother hiding it after a certain point, Andy is able to do both, which makes him seem like he's just there to be the chapter boss.
I know. That was on purpose. Those characters were mixed for me. With Jane, sometimes I thought she was okay and at other times, I disliked her, so she ends up appearing in both the liked and disliked list, and with Luke, I liked him for much of the story, but I also felt a lack of actual true attachment to him, so he ends up in liked and indifferent.
Oh, the reason it's layout like that is just because it's how I thought of it and how it came about. In fairness, the layout's really not th… moreat important.
why is Brenda worse than the other two?
Brenda annoyed me. She had that whole fake, pretence niceness and had a seriously grating accent. Overall, though, she's not any worse or better than her sons (well, maybe Danny), but for me, I just found the character to be a lot less tolerable than those two. She tried so hard to act as those she was this comforting little old woman and while her kids did something similar, trying to convince us they were somewhat decent people, I though she came across the worse because it was done in such a more irritating manner. My hatred for her is similar to my hatred of Duck, only with an added dose of cannibalism to boot.
you listed Luke and Jane twice.
I know. That was on purpose. Those characters were mixed for me. With Jane, som… [view original content]
Paige. Yes, I'm serious. She has character development (that is realistic), has an opinion, is useful and an overall interesting person. Also, her movement makes a huge change on how you see her, I think. Great work done here.
Lee. Best playable character ever. Thats about it.
Season 1 Clem. I love the way Clem and Lee interact with each other and how she reacts to what i going on around her. S2 Clem is a bit too bossy, and AnF Clem is young Michonne, which is not what I wanted to see.
Ben. Being an useless idiot is realistic in a Zombie Apocalypse.
Chuck. Great guy, a person I would like to talk to in real life.
Atlanta Cop. Sets the tone for the entire Series, and damn he does a good job.
Michelle. Oh look, the first Character from S2! She sets the tone for the second second Season, and also does a good job.
Conrad. Reacts (mostly) understandable. A rare trait in AnF so far.
Doug. Well-written lines, funny guy, has a striking resemblance to a good friend of mine, which made him far more likeable for me.
Season 1 Kenny. Has some of the best dialogue lines.
Walter. Definitly deserved more screen time.
Flop 11:
Gabe. He's as useless as Ben, but for the wrong reasons and at the wrong time. I dont care about him, and so does Clem (hopefully)
Carver. Not a single bit of charater development. Hes just the bad guy, because...eeh...shut up or you get a Walkie-Talkie in your face.
Larry. Had one great scene, but that just wasn't enough to forgive him for being an...you know.
Travis. Stupid, forced death, his face looks kinda weird. Worst of the School Group.
Danny St. John. Made the plot twist in Episode 2 kinda predicable.
Irene. Even though I liked whole Motel section, she had no character. And commited suicide while being christian. Could be a sign of no hope being left, but I found it stupid.
Jane. Molly -2.0. Almost same backstory, but no character development.
Russell. Boring guy. Thats all.
Berto. Not a single bit of personality in this guy. His death was his best scene, and it wasnt even good.
Carley. Had to save Doug, sorry.
Vernon. Overall a good guy, but that prank was mean, dude!
Honorable Mentions: Chet. Just an interesting view on how the people reacted to the outbreak. Shawn did that too. The Stranger showed perfectly what could go wrong in a persons mind when losing everybody. And Sam was a surprisingly good Teenager character.
Wow, slow down pc man! Alvin did almost nothing to help despite being big and strong guy. Look how much Lee has done.
And I wouldn't touch that expired juice.
I can't come up with eleven but my favorite character overall is still Lee. My least favorites are Bonnie and Kenny because Bonnie's the most annoying, irrelevant character I've seen throughout the game and I can't stand it when she comes on screen. Then Kenny because I hated the way he treated Clementine in Season 2.
Atlanta Cop. Sets the tone for the entire Series, and damn he does a good job.
Huh. You know, I never really think about him-- like, at all--but good point.
Michelle. Oh look, the first Character from S2! She sets the tone for the second second Season, and also does a good job.
Conrad. Reacts (mostly) understandable. A rare trait in AnF so far.
And that's a damn shame.
Gabe. He's as useless as Ben, but for the wrong reasons and at the wrong time.
Eh, I disagree with the first part moreso, but that's the general gist at the moment.
Carver. Not a single bit of charater development. Hes just the bad guy, because...eeh...shut up or you get a Walkie-Talkie in your face.
Irene. Even though I liked whole Motel section, she had no character. And commited suicide while being christian. Could be a sign of no hope being left, but I found it stupid.
Yeah, I can see that. Granted, she did establish the recurring theme of people not wanting to turn into a walker after they've passed away and she was mostly meant to contribute to Doug Glenn's character.
Vernon. Overall a good guy, but that prank was mean, dude!
Well that's one way of puttin it. Also, he's technically the one who got pranked!
And Sam was a surprisingly good Teenager character.
Actually, she's 22. Her find-able passport and a post from a developer reveals this.
Top 11:
* Paige. Yes, I'm serious. She has character development (that is realistic), has an opinion, is useful and an overall interest… moreing person. Also, her movement makes a huge change on how you see her, I think. Great work done here.
* Lee. Best playable character ever. Thats about it.
* Season 1 Clem. I love the way Clem and Lee interact with each other and how she reacts to what i going on around her. S2 Clem is a bit too bossy, and AnF Clem is young Michonne, which is not what I wanted to see.
* Ben. Being an useless idiot is realistic in a Zombie Apocalypse.
* Chuck. Great guy, a person I would like to talk to in real life.
* Atlanta Cop. Sets the tone for the entire Series, and damn he does a good job.
* Michelle. Oh look, the first Character from S2! She sets the tone for the second second Season, and also does a good job.
* Conrad. Reacts (mostly) understandable. A rare trait in AnF so far.
* Doug. Well-written lines, f… [view original content]
Well, I guess it's a good time to collect my thoughts on all characters, however 11 is still too much for me. I can barely do five.
Best (without Lee and Clem): 1. Carver 2. Kenny 3. Carlos 4. Chuck 5. Uncle Pete or Luke, I can't decide. I used to think about Luke as a plain, boring character, but he grew up on me.
People I dislike (I don't hate any character): 1. Danny St John 2. Jane 3. Carley 4. Christa 5. Bonnie
Well, I guess it's a good time to collect my thoughts on all characters, however 11 is still too much for me. I can barely do five.
Best … more(without Lee and Clem):
1. Carver
2. Kenny
3. Carlos
4. Chuck
5. Uncle Pete or Luke, I can't decide. I used to think about Luke as a plain, boring character, but he grew up on me.
People I dislike (I don't hate any character):
1. Danny St John
2. Jane
3. Carley
4. Christa
5. Bonnie
I wanted to say that Danny was a cannibal, but then again we can deduce that S3 Jane has eaten the whole family, so now I'm confused... But Danny was also a paedophile.
I wanted to say that Danny was a cannibal, but then again we can deduce that S3 Jane has eaten the whole family, so now I'm confused... But Danny was also a paedophile.
well the only characters i liked this season were: Gabe , Conrad , David and Javier.
Also i liked some of Tripp s lines but he lacked character development.
Damn. What a interestingly skewed list. Anyway, thanks for the contribution!
Not to break my own [old] rule here, but how have you felt about the A New Frontier characters so far(Predictable answer or not )?
I know I already contributed, but since it’s been a while and some of you are doing lists that go beyond the thread’s scope, I guess I join in with my current thoughts.
Jolene Michelle Sarah
Prof. Lee Everett, Glenn Lilly the Receptionist, Larry the Veteran, Ben Paul, Brenda St. John, Danny the Prisoner,
Luke Mike/“Ralph” Arvo Oak Kate Garcia, Gabriel Garcia(pending), Lieutenant Max, Ava(pending up)
Atlanta Police Officer/Old Cop, Clementine Shawn Greene, Hershel Greene, Kenny “Duck” Jr., Carley Doug Irene Mark the Soldier, Mr. David Parker, Danny St. John, Gary Chuck Christa Omid Dr. Vernon, Boyd The Stranger/Mr. Campman,
Vince Jerry the Prisoner, Officer Bennett, Russell Bonnie Leland Stephanie Tavia
Victor Sam the Dog, Peter Joseph Randall, Nick Randall, Alvin Dr. Carlos, Matthew Walter Sarita Troy Rajeev/"Reggie," Hank Alvin Jr., Natasha/"Maud", Vitali/Buricko Edith Gil
Captain Pete, Samantha Fairbanks, Greg Fairbanks, Mz. Norma, Randall, Zachary Gabby Paige Alex Fairbanks, James Fairbanks,
Javier Garcia, David Garcia, Conrad the Bartender(pending), Francine Dealer Eli,
Sandra the Babysitter, Dr. Katjaa, Travis Andy St. John, [Jake] the Bandit Leader, Beatrice Molly Brie Clive Joyce Oberson Crawford, Dr. Logan, Anna Corea,
Deputy Clyde, Marcus Crabtree, Eddie Nate Walter Jean Dee Becca Roman Roberto
Winston Johnny Buricko/Vitali Randy Patricia
Michonne(pending) Siddiq Berto Elodie Colette Dr. Jonas, John Fairbanks,
Mrs. "Jaja" Garcia, Hector Garcia, Mariana Garcia, Lonnie Rufus Tripp(pending down) Nurse Eleanor(pending up), Paul "jesus" Monroe,
Captain Kenny, Linda Tess Campman, Wyatt Rebecca Lieutenant Badger(pending down),
Justin the Prisoner, William “Bill” Carver, Jane
My eleven most hated characters are Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah and Gabe.
Why do you hate Sarah so much? What, did a Sarah eat your last pudding cup or somethin?
I coulda sworn I contributed to this. Then again there's been so many favorite character threads! :P
1. Kenny (Will always be my favorite character no matter what. Amazing guy. Lost his family but didn't give up and helped fight for the ones he cared about. When he lost everything, he looked after Clem not only because of their pre-existing relationship and his fatherhood nature, but because he knew Lee would've wanted him to. He was always honest, loyal, never gave up, even when everyone was against him. That bearded man will always have a special place in my heart.)
2. Lee (A man who was given a second chance after his life was, figuratively, over. He made the absolute most out of that chance by preparing a little girl to live and enjoy life in a world where the dead don't sleep.)
3. Clementine (Our last little remaining thing of Season 1. We've watched her grow and she's become like a daughter to so many of us. It sucks ass what they've turned her into.)
4. Luke (Great, genuine guy that had the best intentions and fought for the ones he cared about. Written off in the third most stupid way in TWDG history.)
5. Omid (Ahh good old Omid. Such a funny guy. I loved having him around.)
6. Pete (Michonne) (Just an average cool guy. Very likeable to me. Would definitely want him in my apocalypse group.)
7. Carley (Carlee for life.)
8. Chuck (Nice old man. Protected Clementine and gave Lee the wake up call to teach her how to survive.)
9. Molly (Wish she would have been in the series a bit longer, but she served her purpose and was one of the reasons why Around Every Corner an awesome episode.)
10. Pete (S2) (Nice guy. Seemed to be somewhat of a leader for the Cabin Group. I got sad when he died. He seemed really cool.)
11. Ben (Okay maybe he wasn't THAT bad. He did redeem himself in the end.)
Dislike: (There's a fine line between disliking characters because they're good villains and disliking characters because they're shit characters.)
Dislike because they're great villains:
1. Andy St. John
2. Brenda St. John
3. Danny St. John
4. Carver
5. The Stranger
6. Lilly
Dislike because they're shit characters/I hate their guts <- Larry:
1. Jane
2. Larry
3. Arvo
4. Troy
5. Vernon
Damn, why is Max so high?
kenny is love kenny is life
I know I posted here before but this is my updated list after ANF came out.
Top 10 Favourites
Top 10 Most Hated
Damn bro, you don't seem to like anyone after season 1, how'd you manage to stick with the series for so long lol
Because he talks like a idiot and he killed Mariana...
Uh, actually that was Badger.

Max is the Joe Pesci-lookin guy that believes in justice and shit.
Michelle completely fucked up the innocence streak I had going with clementine and put her through a depression -_- because of her, my season 2 clem can't have a good joke and since Clem is only alone in season 3 because everyone else is dead, maybe Omid could have still been with her at that time, so now my season 3 clem is a huge asshole. Fuck Michelle
No clem?
So you... Hate Alvin... Because he's black? That's funny considering the fa t he gave Clem a FREAKING juice box!
Yeah, funny how for a fairly low level starter villain, she was definitely a Knight of Cerebus. Granted, I doubt Omid would've still been alive at that point, but I get your point.
Well if Omid could get aboard a train with a busted leg, chances are high he could be
Wow, slow down pc man! Alvin did almost nothing to help despite being big and strong guy. Look how much Lee has done.
And I wouldn't touch that expired juice.
Oh, the reason it's layout like that is just because it's how I thought of it and how it came about. In fairness, the layout's really not that important.
Brenda annoyed me. She had that whole fake, pretence niceness and had a seriously grating accent. Overall, though, she's not any worse or better than her sons (well, maybe Danny), but for me, I just found the character to be a lot less tolerable than those two. She tried so hard to act as those she was this comforting little old woman and while her kids did something similar, trying to convince us they were somewhat decent people, I though she came across the worse because it was done in such a more irritating manner. My hatred for her is similar to my hatred of Duck, only with an added dose of cannibalism to boot.
I know. That was on purpose. Those characters were mixed for me. With Jane, sometimes I thought she was okay and at other times, I disliked her, so she ends up appearing in both the liked and disliked list, and with Luke, I liked him for much of the story, but I also felt a lack of actual true attachment to him, so he ends up in liked and indifferent.
Yeah, good question, in fairness. Suppose once I start a series, I'll see it out until the end, even if it just gets worse. Though, if the quality continues to drop with Telltale, ANF will be the last game I'll buy from them, probably.
Eh, true enough.
Oh okay, I suppose her voice would be grating to some people. Personally, she was always a favorite for me because it seemed relatively clear that she is a nice person who's in on their meat project not out of malice or depravity, but out of a combination of desperation and it's relevance to her family values. Comparatively, I think part of the reason Andy is just kinda meh to me is because he's kinda average compared to the other two extremes: while Brenda is just so naturally wholesome that she can hide their secret pretty well(for the most part) and Danny is such a creep that he doesn't even bother hiding it after a certain point, Andy is able to do both, which makes him seem like he's just there to be the chapter boss.
Ah, okay.
Top 11:
Flop 11:
Honorable Mentions: Chet. Just an interesting view on how the people reacted to the outbreak. Shawn did that too. The Stranger showed perfectly what could go wrong in a persons mind when losing everybody. And Sam was a surprisingly good Teenager character.
I'm actually on ps4
I can't come up with eleven but my favorite character overall is still Lee. My least favorites are Bonnie and Kenny because Bonnie's the most annoying, irrelevant character I've seen throughout the game and I can't stand it when she comes on screen. Then Kenny because I hated the way he treated Clementine in Season 2.
I like you.
Oh my goodness...Molly is a Michonne ripoff!
Huh. You know, I never really think about him-- like, at all--but good point.
And that's a damn shame.
Eh, I disagree with the first part moreso, but that's the general gist at the moment.
Yeah, I can see that. Granted, she did establish the recurring theme of people not wanting to turn into a walker after they've passed away and she was mostly meant to contribute to Doug Glenn's character.
Well that's one way of puttin it.
Also, he's technically the one who got pranked!
Actually, she's 22. Her find-able passport and a post from a developer reveals this.
Well, I guess it's a good time to collect my thoughts on all characters, however 11 is still too much for me. I can barely do five.
Best (without Lee and Clem):
1. Carver
2. Kenny
3. Carlos
4. Chuck
5. Uncle Pete or Luke, I can't decide. I used to think about Luke as a plain, boring character, but he grew up on me.
People I dislike (I don't hate any character):
1. Danny St John
2. Jane
3. Carley
4. Christa
5. Bonnie
Apparently, Danny St. John is a bigger cunt than Jane.
I wanted to say that Danny was a cannibal, but then again we can deduce that S3 Jane has eaten the whole family, so now I'm confused... But Danny was also a paedophile.
A great couple, they would make!
PC not always means personal computer.
Then give me another way of using PC
Political correct. Suggesting someone is racist may end with a ban in this place.
Please avoid doing that.
Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it. Why do I have the feeling you wouldn't have said big white guy if he was white?
Maybe I would, maybe not. Black or white aren't offensive adjectives imo.
Have a nice day.
Favorites (Both this and most hated are in no order whatsoever) will include Michonne mini series characters sometime in the future.
1) Clementine
2) Lee Everett
3) Carley
4) Lilly
Most Hated
1)Andy St. John
2)Danny St. John
My favorite characters:
My most hated characters:
well the only characters i liked this season were: Gabe , Conrad , David and Javier.
Also i liked some of Tripp s lines but he lacked character development.
Here we go again.
My favourite characters:
My most hated characters: