What is the WORST movie that you have watched?
These are the movies that I regret watching:
- I Am Legend: Why do people love this movie? It had a terrible story, terrible CGI, terrible ending and a dying dog that I couldn't stop thinking about. This whole movie was a mistake and unnecesary.
- The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Yes, I find it worse than Spider-Man 3 (I got my shield ready). Terrible story, terrible character development, terrible casting choice (Especially Green Goblin/Harry Osborn), plot holes and the cliffhanger ending. Green Goblin shouldn't have been in this movie and Spider-Man just got another Stacy member dead just like the previous movie, breaking Gwen's father's promise. Hell, it even has the worst video game adaptation which was even worse than the movie. Glad they cancelled Amazing Spider-Man 3 and Marvel now owns Spider-Man with Tom Holland as the casting choice (He is the best Spider-Man actor so far).
- A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Worst sequel of a great horror franchise. Yes, I did watch Elm Street 4 and 5 and hated them as well but I find this one worse. Terrible cast, forgettable Freddy kills and not scary.
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Batman Vs Superman. I think it was the first time in my life that I was seriously tempted to ask my friend if we should walk out of the theater and go and get some burgers instead.
I watched a musical about the Ipswich killer last night
The last airbender still not over it
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Possibly the first time in my life that I honestly wanted to walk out of the cinemas instead of watching the movie all the way through. I just could not get into watching the movie at all.
I feel bad that a beloved TV series has a horrible Movie adaptation.
Batman vs Superman ...
I expected like nothing and still hated it.
It was a waste of time
Siding with @joshua007 with this one, The Last Airbender is one of the biggest fucking atrocities to cinema ever created, what a fucking giant dumpster fire of shit. Just thinking about that crapfest pisses me off because not only is it an insult to one of the most beloved and critically acclaimed animated shows of all time, but it's an incredible failure as a standalone film. Fans of the show hate it because of its whitewashing (or as I like to call it, racebending) of the main cast, it loosely follows the source material, important plot elements that play a role later on are not included, the changes that are made make no logical sense (firebenders need a source of fire, earthbending prison made of Earth), and the names are mispronounced. Regular moviegoers hate it because the acting (except from Dev Patel) was horrible, the writing was unfocused, the pacing was inconsistent, it explains literally everything while showing nothing (show don't tell Shyamalan, it's an essential basic of filmmaking), the main characters are one dimensional, you don't feel invested in our "hero's" journey, the choreography is laughable, it was needlessly converted into 3D, and the direction is spectacularly bad (this movie has an overuse of tracking shots, especially during the action scenes, which makes everything a jumbled mess). Honestly, it's hard to believe the writer/director of The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable would go on to make this shitfuck of a "movie."
That awkward moment you realize that the Ember Island Players adaptation was more accurate than Shyamalan's.
Minions. My mom made me go see it with her and my sister.
I wanted to leave about 10 minutes in.
The Avengers 1&2...please don't hate me, but it's just so cheesy
I remember going to the cinema as a kid with my father and I was curious how the movie was going to be... There was no force that prepared me for the worst 90 minutes of my life.
The very first second sucked when the movie sucked with shitty effects with shitty background, a wall of text with Katara speaking what wasn't that freaking bad untill we got to see the heroes.
I looked around the cinema to see if somebody gave a fuck but they looked bored as hell and probably thinking ''son you have wasted my life and I wish you died for wasting mine'' I mean the movie is so stupid it is facinating to me years later how bad something could be.
When the movie pauzed I wanted to ask my dad to leave but I couldn't but we didn't speak if I remember... Nobody in the fucking room looked happy and than we had to suffer more after the freaking break!
0:20 OMG WHY IS SOKKA SO FUCKING AGGRESIVE!? It is making my eyes bleed
Too bad CinemaWins was begged by the fans to make this video. I can't blame him.
Haha that's the exact same scenario for me, except I actually could bare to watch it.
I feel depressed now I edit this comment after watching the video
Edit: Video was okay the creator doesn't like the movie
Course he doesn't. He just made this video for the ones who asked for it.
I commend him for trying. It was actually this video that led me to CinemaWins in the first place, so I guess I have TLA to thank for that.
As an MST3k fan, I've sat through a lot of painful shit that even Joel/Mike and the bots could not overcome...Eegah might have been the worst. The jokes could not cleanse me of the sad and ick I felt throughout that entire film
As far as more modern movies, Immortals (aka Troy-hundred) jumps to mind as far as making me want to stab my eyes out. Also with the talk of Matrix reboots, Reloaded and Revolutions just broke my heart
And I dunno if it was the worst, but I'll also mention whatever the latest Jack Reacher was. I bought a ticket to kill time while my car was getting repaired. Walked out once I got the text, no shits given
Dragonball Evolution
I came close to walking out of the theater about 3 times when I saw it, and that was with literally no expectations going in.
Spiderman 3 was pretty tragic.
Oh oh! Suicide Squad, I honestly think its the worst cbm
I'm sure I've seen worse but I'm running on no sleep so I'm going off the top of my head. Melancholia and Civil War were both movies I had to force myself to sit finish.
At least it didn't have a shit ending like TASM2.
Tropic Thunder - that was a TERRIBLE film. If there was humor there, I seem to have missed it. And what the hell was the plot? Plus, the characters were terrible human beings, even if they were stereotyping actors. And don't even get me started on the Simple Jack stuff!
Red Dawn (1984) - oh my god. How can legions of trained soldiers lose to a bunch of angsty teenagers. And we get it: American GOOD, Communism BAD, America must crush commies! Gag. Good god. And the acting. Oy vey.
X-Men 3. I can't say the full title cause it hurts SO much. This film came to 95% destroying my love of X-Men. After X2, with the coming of the Phoenix I was hoping for something spectacular. Cyclops becoming more leader material, Rogue coming to terms with who she is. Sadly, not came to be. Boy was my heart broken with the wasted potential. What started by hatred for Fox and various members (Tom Rothman).
Thank god for X-Men First Class (healing the scar on my heart) and the great Days of Future Past (healing me and restoring my faith). And for all the guff Apocalypse received from critics I found it an excellent entry (plus a satisfactory appearance of the Phoenix fire raptor appealed a thirteen year wait). Still, I am sad at what could have been and now never will.
The Hangover 3
Recently, Annabelle. Part of me wanted to be generous and give it a 4 or 5 out of 10 until I realized that it got worse and worse the more I thought about it and there was not a single positive thing I could say about it. I eventually just there up my arms and said, "Yeah. It's a piece of shit."
Oh my friend, I understand exactly how you feel.
The most fun part of that day was me and my friend going out to get those burgers after watching the movie. They were delicious.
50 Shades of Grey is the worst movie I've ever paid money to see.
I went to go see it with friends ironically/for the titters but good GOD it was horrible.
To this very day, I regret ever contributing to it's box office.
The 2016 Fantastic Four was pretty terrible all around. The Last Airbender and John Carter are up there too.
This would be my choice as well, this was an absolute shit stain of a movie.
But strangely enough Goku and Bulma would both go on to star in one of my favorite TV shows.
Assassin's Creed wasn't great.
Bad News Bears, both the original with Walter Mathau, and the remake Billy Bob Thornton.
Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS.
I usually don't mind movies that are in bad taste, but this one, just no.
Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes
I guess... But I only saw parts of it when I was little, now watching the trailer again, it actually looks kinda funny and I'd rather watch it than 'The Last Airbender'.
Jurassic World was pretty terrible. I guess it couldn't be the worst movie I've ever watched, but I don't remember any in recent memory (don't watch a lot of movies). Being a big fan of the first two movies might also lead to some undeserved negative bias on my part, but it is a disappointing movie nonetheless.
Black Butler: Book of Murder.
Jk in all seriousness it was definitely minions.
Not surprised because none of video game movies were successful.
The worst thing I've ever seen.