The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • Well, I believe regardless of being separated from the group, he would've been killed off sadly, and if Chuck did survive hypothetically to the end, then I think he may have been there with Omid and Christa walking off from afar as Clementine sees their silhouettes (much like Lee saw Clem's silhouette with a theme of "hope" in chapter 1, but that's a different motif subject for another day).

    Clemenem posted: »

    How different would Around Every Corner and No Time Left be if Chuck had not separated from the group?

  • Your new profile picture, what the hell DabigRG, kek.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, I realize I haven't been clear enough with this recurring question and should've been more specific: Among each of the characters, who do you count as being optimistic, cynical, realistic, or apathetic?

  • Yeah, I know, but the AtLA/LoK expressions make that.

    Spodes posted: »

    Your new profile picture, what the hell DabigRG, kek.

  • And then maybe he'd be the one getting shot by accident instead of Omid!

    Spodes posted: »

    Well, I believe regardless of being separated from the group, he would've been killed off sadly, and if Chuck did survive hypothetically to

  • I think Chuck would go with Clem to make sure she was safe and then Michelle would come in and he would use his Godly shovel powers to capture her.

    DabigRG posted: »

    And then maybe he'd be the one getting shot by accident instead of Omid!

  • Why were Mike and Jane in the pen at Howes?

  • Mike was originally gonna turn out to have been "Ralph" of the North Carolina Scavengers and he would've taken captive by Carver after having his group wiped out for his strength. In the game proper, he's just there.

    Jane was spotted sneaking around the building covered in walker guts at some point presumably after the Cabin Group escaped, was possibly looking for food or something, and was taken captive ever since, with Troy being seduced into doing her favors on the side.

    Why were Mike and Jane in the pen at Howes?

  • What did Jane do bybherself for days if you chose to wait and let Rebecca rest? Was she just watching the group?

  • Don't know what those stand for, but not going to research to discover.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, I know, but the AtLA/LoK expressions make that.

  • Not going to lie, I didn't know you can actually let Rebecca rest (makes no difference I'm guessing) because if you choose to head at dawn then Rebecca says she'll go as long as there's a chance of food. I'm pretty sure Jane just was around I guess, but the plot doesn't go into that, and is more than likely just a brush over that the writers didn't pay much attention or care for due to it being rather trivial.

    What did Jane do bybherself for days if you chose to wait and let Rebecca rest? Was she just watching the group?

  • enter image description here

    Spodes posted: »

    Don't know what those stand for, but not going to research to discover.

  • edited March 2017

    I seem to recall someone(probably you as well) asking this question a while back, but I don't mind repeats at all, so Mekka Lekka Hi Mekka Hiney Ho!:

    After Jane left with her excuse, she went deep into the woods to a special area, probably even taking Sarah's body with her, and communed with Sheogorath/Nocturnal for a favor requiring his/her power. Of course, because Sarah wasn't crazy/dark enough for the deal, her soul was rejected and Jane lost much of her power as punishment. Wandering the area trying to figure out what to do with herself, she heard the gunshots, realized it was the Howe's Ski Cabin Group and the Russian Group getting into it, and revealed herself just in time to stab Vitali(should've been Buricko) in the back, appeal to Clementine(and Luke)'s far better natures, and secretly planned to get rid of Kenny if it comes to that.

    Being perfectly frank, though, I don't have a clue. It's pretty obvious she wasn't supposed to come back originally and so all we learn on the matter was that she heard the gunshots, realized she done fucked the group over, and ran/walked over to see if she can fix it, [in]effectively shoehorning into the finale in a contrived manner and hijacking Luke's role as well.

    What did Jane do bybherself for days if you chose to wait and let Rebecca rest? Was she just watching the group?

  • Clementine missing arm

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    What is it with TellTale games and missing arms? Lee's missing arm (The Walking Dead) Reggie's missing arm (The Walking Dead 2) Rhy

  • Can you even begin to imagine the red flags of Chuck insisting to go into the bathroom alone with Clem to "keep her safe"? Lol

    Saoralba131 posted: »

    I think Chuck would go with Clem to make sure she was safe and then Michelle would come in and he would use his Godly shovel powers to capture her.

  • True, but no one would likely care because it's Chuck.

    Can you even begin to imagine the red flags of Chuck insisting to go into the bathroom alone with Clem to "keep her safe"? Lol

  • Oh okay, but what does this have to do with your big boob'd Jane and Luke kissing profile picture, or at least what it appears to be.

  • Their expressions are reminiscent of the comedic ones from both of those shows, which is doubly humorous considering what a hardass Jane is.

    Spodes posted: »

    Oh okay, but what does this have to do with your big boob'd Jane and Luke kissing profile picture, or at least what it appears to be.

  • Does Bonnie feel remorse for helping bringing destruction to Howes and some of her former group?

    I believe that she does, and also that she was not inclined to discuss the freshest self-deprecating corners of her mind with a kid.

    * Does Bonnie feel remorse for helping bringing destruction to Howes and some of her former group? * Are there any 400 Days protagonists that you think pair well together as friends or partners?

  • She might've paid a visit to the town across the river.

    What did Jane do bybherself for days if you chose to wait and let Rebecca rest? Was she just watching the group?

  • She sneezed and turned back into Molly. Just like Launch in Dragonball.

    What did Jane do bybherself for days if you chose to wait and let Rebecca rest? Was she just watching the group?

  • She might've paid a visit to the town across the river.

    You would think that, but she never did mention it (she probably would/it'd be told most likely if so), so I deducted that she just camped out for a while; survived.

    She might've paid a visit to the town across the river.

  • Ah, all right.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Their expressions are reminiscent of the comedic ones from both of those shows, which is doubly humorous considering what a hardass Jane is.

  • apple juice

    Thanks Alvin :^).

    Plan_R posted: »

    She sneezed and turned back into Molly. Just like Launch in Dragonball.

  • Boy, I sure do love me some Apple Juice apple juice. Almost as much as I don't like Beer beer.

    Spodes posted: »

    apple juice Thanks Alvin :^).

  • Can you even begin to imagine the red flags of Chuck insisting to go into the bathroom alone with Clem to "keep her safe"? Lol

    My god, what a clever response lol. While you certainly have a point I think he'd have watched the doors as they were in the restrooms

    Can you even begin to imagine the red flags of Chuck insisting to go into the bathroom alone with Clem to "keep her safe"? Lol

  • As a functioning alcoholic, I actually agree with this. Beer sucks, give me whisky or tequila.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Boy, I sure do love me some Apple Juice apple juice. Almost as much as I don't like Beer beer.

  • ;)

    Spodes posted: »

    apple juice Thanks Alvin :^).

  • edited March 2017

    Speaking of the apple juice. How many times can you drink that apple juice? Does it ever empty? One time I drank it like three times and just forgot about it, but the rest of the playthroughs I just take a sip and get to pouring hydrogen peroxide on Clem's laceration, subsequently suturing that laceration.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Boy, I sure do love me some Apple Juice apple juice. Almost as much as I don't like Beer beer.

  • Goddamn, she gains 60 pounds, a whole foot, and short rotting hair because of a single sneeze? :lol:

    Plan_R posted: »

    She sneezed and turned back into Molly. Just like Launch in Dragonball.

  • 4 if i remeber it right.

    Spodes posted: »

    Speaking of the apple juice. How many times can you drink that apple juice? Does it ever empty? One time I drank it like three times and jus

  • Launch, gained weight, turned blonde, and suddenly had an asortment of fully automatic weapons, doesn't seem too improbable to me

    DabigRG posted: »

    Goddamn, she gains 60 pounds, a whole foot, and short rotting hair because of a single sneeze?

  • Launch, gained weight, turned blonde, and suddenly had an asortment of fully automatic weapons, doesn't seem too improbable to me

    Did she? Because honestly, aside from hair and eye color and vocal inflection, she always looked exactly the same to me.

    Plan_R posted: »

    Launch, gained weight, turned blonde, and suddenly had an asortment of fully automatic weapons, doesn't seem too improbable to me

  • I think gun nut Launch was bigger, but i havent seen any DB is ages, I could be wrong here.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Launch, gained weight, turned blonde, and suddenly had an asortment of fully automatic weapons, doesn't seem too improbable to me Di

  • edited March 2017


    Plan_R posted: »

    4 if i remeber it right.

  • Plan_RPlan_R Banned
    edited March 2017

    I certainly understand your problems with season 3 Clem. If we start calling her Dark Clem, we wont be far off. The fact that Clem can only be this way now is a problem and a failure on Telltale's part.

    To answer your question, yes I do like season 3 Clem, because this is who I was raising her to be, a hardened take no shit survivor. Now don't get me wrong, I think what I did to Clem to bring her up to this point is an absolute tragedy. Its not pretty, its not nice, but it is what it takes for a person to surrvive in this world Kirkman created. I take no pleasure in how fucked up I made her, but I did it so she could live. She has to walk in that world, not me. So I made her as hard as I could. Maybe its not so much that I like her now, she is not particularly likeable, but I do love her, she is my sweet pea. I rember who she was and understand who she has become.

    As for her dress, i also don't have a problem with that, but I spend a lot of time around a teenage girl, I wish the worst of her dress was her bra strap showing. The Clem porn stuff is pretty far out there and very off putting but even if she was wearing a turtle neck, that stuff would still happen.

    Spodes posted: »


  • edited March 2017

    I thought you weren't going to respond, so I edited it to ".", looks like I was incorrect. Regardless:

    I certainly understand your problems with season 3 Clem. If we start calling her Dark Clem, we wont be far off. The fact that Clem can only be this way now is a problem and a failure on Telltale's part.

    Definitely, Clem is going down a bad path, and my Clementine was always moral, intelligent, wise on decisions (didn't go on impulse), and had hope in this world. Now we have some horrible two year time skip and she's gone full "We're all victims" and now has completely murdered someone, which I'm referring to Eli. Yes, Eli deserved what he got considering the circumstances, but not from Clem, it's just so out-of-character for my Clem to shoot someone and want you to cover up for her, just, what the fuck...

    To answer your question, yes I do like season 3 Clem, because this is who I was raising her to be, a hardened take no shit survivor. Now don't get me wrong, I think what I did to Clem to bring her up to this point is an absolute tragedy. Its not pretty, its not nice, but it is what it takes for a person to surrvive in this world Kirkman created. I take no pleasure in how fucked up I made her, but I did it so she could live. She has to walk in that world, not me. So I made her as hard as I could. Maybe its nit so much that I like her now, she is not particularly likeable, but I do love her, she is my sweet pea. I rember who she was and understand who she has become.

    Eh, I don't think she needs to act like this, she survived fine being moral, and honestly, I didn't want Clem to be like yours because I thought season 1 Clem was something special; something truly unique for her, it made Clementine standing out with her morals compared to most other hardcore Jane-like survivors, and she gave me some personal morals too just from season 1 and season 2 (season 2 being my primarily moral play through, I did say "fuck Arvo" after he betrays my kindness though and supported Kenny beating on him).

    As for her dress, i also don't have a problem with that, but I spend a lot of time around a teenage girl, I wish the worst of her dress was her bra strap showing. The Clem porn stuff is pretty far out there and very off putting but even if she was wearing a turtle neck, that stuff would still happen.

    I'd say if she kept her hoodie on, I'd be fine with it, but I do not want to see Clem's bra strap, and her shirt is a bit lower than I'd prefer, and for fucks sake she's 13 Telltale, not 15. They aged her pretty damn badly in my opinion, especially compared to season 2. Season 2 aged Clementine perfectly, I saw a complete resemblance and they improved the graphics without making her nose a lot skinnier, her skin tone off (season 2 was probably the most accurate depiction of Clem artistically), and in this season they even removed her adorable yellow-green eyes, just WHY, Telltale! The only reason I can recognize Clementine this season is because of her usual hat and other outfit accessories, other than that, it's really hard to tell with static Clementine (dark, immoral-based, impulsive, etc.) and Clementine whom's voice sounds older, and in in general doesn't look two years older than season 2 Clementine.

    I'm only going to touch the "art" stuff once, but yeah, anyone who's into that stuff, I seriously wish they'd choke on blood, it pisses me off beyond belief, even the fucking Gabe and Clem garbage people somehow even like, and those people who indulge in that have no place in playing these games, even Clementine still thinks it's "gross". Thankfully I've never seen it on here though, even with the incursions from the person who every once in a while attempts to direct message everyone that stuff, hell, I even made an account to flood that out, but I've developed a technique on accident to always look upward when clicking on a notification and blurring the bottom to see if a picture is below or not, and I've never seen anything regarding this thankfully. I'd suggest doing the same, unless you're impervious to this stuff, but I'm simply not, I have an uncontrolled hysteria of hate for pedophiles, I don't know why, I just do. You can choose not to respond to this portion or not, I hate discussing it though since it mentally anguishes me just thinking about these assholes.

    Sorry if that's a bit to digest, or pretty damn messy in terms of organization.

    Plan_R posted: »

    I certainly understand your problems with season 3 Clem. If we start calling her Dark Clem, we wont be far off. The fact that Clem can only

  • Plan_RPlan_R Banned
    edited March 2017

    Sent you a pm about the long reply, it was my fault, i took my time with it. Then didnt hit "post"

    For me, up until recently I took Telltale at their word and have always played this game with the intention of telling "My Story", the fact that my story is dark and tragic probably says something about me. But I came in with what I consider a good understanding of this world, and in this world their is no "basic human decency". I dont find it particualrly believable, I dont think the world would ever become this bad under any circumstances, I truly do believe that people are basically decent and when things get bad what's best in people comes out.

    But this world is screwed up, so I have been arming Clem since the begining with the tools to surrvive it.

    When Clem kills the bullet guy, I dont see it as a strait up murder, I saw it as an accident. One that Clem is completely at fault for but not premeditated. I think of it as Manslaughter.

    I really do feel for folks like you who raised Clem to be a moral person, maybe it will work out and she will have an arc that brings her back to her moral beginings, The Hero's Journey always envolves a fall, a point where the hero betrays who they truely are and hits bottom. They have to hit bottom so they can learn and become a better hero than they were. That is the Monomyth, but I am losing faith in Telltales ability to to tell that tale.

    As for the other for the other stuff, I don't care for it, but I love fan art, but diving into for Clem or Ellie has turned up some really ugly stuff. I can filter it out, but I dont care to see it either.

    Spodes posted: »

    I thought you weren't going to respond, so I edited it to ".", looks like I was incorrect. Regardless: I certainly understand your pro

  • For me, up until recently I took Telltale at their word and have always played this game with the intention of telling "My Story", the fact that my story is dark and tragic probably says something about me. But I came in with what I consider a good undeestanding of this world, and in this world theor is no "basic human decency". I dont find it particualrly believable, I dont think the world would ever become this bad under any circumstances, I truly do believe that people are basically decent and when things get badwhat's best in people comes out.

    Yeah I also knew what comes out of this world, which is why I applauded Clementine's moral guidelines in order to more or less be that shining light people need; to be someone different in a world gone to shit.

    But this world is screwed up, so I have arming Clem since the begining with the tools to surrvive it.

    I do this as well, except I take morals into the equation, but also do what needs to be done, even putting down a friend or close one if it comes to it (not Kenny, he's okay :^)). My Clem could be depicted as "moral, yet pragmatic" possibly, as I try to protect her while also looking out for others, being kind, not being an asshole to everyone, etc.

    When Clem killes the bullet guy, I see it as a strait up murder, I saw it as an accident. One that Clem is completely at fault for but not premeditated. I think of it a Manslaughter.

    It was definitely murder and impulsive, my Clem would NEVER do such a thing, and it pisses me off that she even joined the New Frontier as well, just, god damn it. It's just dumb how she doesn't follow basic gun safety after Lee teaches her, and in season 2, she can teach Sarah, it's annoying, and out of character, I think we can both agree on this. Eli got his punishment for sure, but Clem shouldn't have been the judge in that sense, at least my Clem. I honestly believe they shouldn't made Clem the playable character this season and the rest, as they've shown they're incapable of adapting her to choices we've made individually.

    I really do feel for folks like who raised Clem to be a moral person, maybe it will work out and she will have an arc that brings her back to her moral beginings, The Hero's Journey always envolves a fall, a point where the hero betrays who they truely are and hits bottom. They have to hit bottom so they can learn and become a better hero than they were. That is the Monomyth, but I am losing faith in Telltales ability to to tell that tale.

    Yeah, Telltale needs to shape up for sure, I just can't see Clem being a rather immoral person, but I respect those who made that choice regardless since it's in the game and in season 2, you have to have a lot of choices, it's inevitable to not have darker choices/moral/balanced, etc. Probably the darkest thing my Clem has done is watching Kenny kill Carver with a crowbar, but I detested him, what he put me through unjustly, how I wasn't supposed to be in that forced labor camp in the first place, etc.

    Plan_R posted: »

    Sent you a pm about the long reply, it was my fault, i took my time with it. Then didnt hit "post" For me, up until recently I took Tellt

  • Plan_RPlan_R Banned
    edited March 2017

    I definitely see where your coming from on all your points, except this one.

    Eli got his punishment for sure, but Clem shouldn't have been the judge in that sense, at least my Clem.

    I do not see Clem as the judge here. She never thought the gun would fire, she never actually intended to kill him. She was trying to get her point across, and it went incredibly pear shaped on her. She was acting out of character for a Clem who was raised to be moral. But she also does need to stand up for herself, in her mind she had been ripped off and taken advantage of. So she was being forceful, it was a stupid plan, but she had no malicious intent in that moment.

    Spodes posted: »

    For me, up until recently I took Telltale at their word and have always played this game with the intention of telling "My Story", the fact

  • I do not see Clem as the judge here. She never thought the gun would fire, she never actually intended to kill him. She was trying to get her point across, and it went incredibly pear shaped on her. She was acting out of character for a Clem who was raised to be moral. But she also does need to stand up for herself, in her mind she had been ripped off and taken advantage of. So she was being forceful, it was a stupid plan, but she had no malicious intent in that moment.

    Well if we're being honest, it's still horrible, careless, and impulsive behavior that was dying to go wrong, and my Clementine would handle things differently. Clem handled that just, well, terribly...there was no need for her to pull the trigger in hopes it would misfire on him TWICE in a row, and to contradict your point that " She was trying to get her point across", let me tell you, Eli was SHIT SCARED after the first one, all she had to do after that was verbally communicate, but Clementine's way of dealing was simply to pull it again, "Woops! Eli is dead, and I'm the culprit! Hey Javier, cover up for me, thanks, I'm used to this kind of stuff :^)", which is just simply unbelievable regarding my Clem. Also Clem CAN stand up for herself, she doesn't have to play with fire though while doing that, and even my moral could do this, it's not about acting assertive and acting on impulse, it's about having a clear state of mind to get what you need without pulling a gun on someone in an act of coercion. Also we don't know she was "ripped off" necessarily, it appears there was three misfires in a row in total, yet, the rest of the cartridges probably worked functionally, either way the outcome is unrealistic because the odds are so low.

    Plan_R posted: »

    I definitely see where your coming from on all your points, except this one. Eli got his punishment for sure, but Clem shouldn't have

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