is this a joke? maybe I would ship them if gabe was any less annoying. wow, this community keeps on surprising me. I wish I knew if this thread was a joke
is this a joke? maybe I would ship them if gabe was any less annoying. wow, this community keeps on surprising me. I wish I knew if this thread was a joke
NO. this is the type of thread that will influence the writers to actually make this a thing. I don't want it a thing and its already annoying when gabe keeps pushing it, leave clem alone you don't exist!
Lol, the fuck?! XD she's 13. Meh idc anyway, I'll just try and kill Gabe off as soon as possible even though I like him. CLEM MUST STAY MISERABLE FOREVER!!!!!! This is a joke btw, I love Gabentine
NO. this is the type of thread that will influence the writers to actually make this a thing. I don't want it a thing and its already annoying when gabe keeps pushing it, leave clem alone you don't exist!
And the 1.2
I approve of this ship.
nah gabe is totally gonna get dat clem tonight
i can't take anymore please make it stop
With ya bro
If Gave dies within the first 15 minutes of episode 4 I'm gonna laugh my ass off.
I stand at the ready. Just give me the signal and I'll kill every single Gabentine shipper in their beds as they sleep.
if u can't see the pic then tell me
It's a joke, don't worry, mate. I thought if I said so it would take away from the joke.
I can't see it.
If it's another ship pic though, I don't want to.
No problem
I actually posted this in hopes to trigger someone, although I do in fact ship it.
Can't they just be friends?
I'd be okay with that...for a while at least. As long as they don't rush anything I'm good.
is this a joke? maybe I would ship them if gabe was any less annoying. wow, this community keeps on surprising me. I wish I knew if this thread was a joke
I feel like Gabe was a little bit better in the most recent iteration.
NO. this is the type of thread that will influence the writers to actually make this a thing. I don't want it a thing and its already annoying when gabe keeps pushing it, leave clem alone
you don't exist!
Clementine soon to be a garcia
Remember when Job hinted that we might get to know Clem's last name?

What if, she marries Gabe and takes his last name
Clementine Garcia sounds good!
Lol, the fuck?! XD she's 13. Meh idc anyway, I'll just try and kill Gabe off as soon as possible even though I like him. CLEM MUST STAY MISERABLE FOREVER!!!!!! This is a joke btw, I love Gabentine
i heard you guys like gabentine....
No no no no no no no
I'm pretty sure in the one conversation they had Clementine started it
so that's a ..... yes ......?
tfw April 1st was 3 days ago and the Rhyiona thread is still this
Caroline pls don't do this, you're messing with our emotions here.
I like it as much as a colonoscopy.
That's a weird fetish you got there but I'll try to support it.
It's a no. It's a no x10.
Who doesn't like having a clean bill of health?
You're gonna make me Jane myself.
Is this what you want for a fan?