The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • Considering she was recovering from internal bleeding, I think not. Unless there's a timeskip or Extremis involved at least.

  • I'm guessing Leader or repair man

    DabigRG posted: »

    What exactly was Tripp's job description at Prescott?

  • edited April 2017


  • edited April 2017

    Are there any more threads like this?:Alvin, Bonnie, Jane, Luke, Mike.
    If @prink34320 is still around, feel free to respond.

  • I'm assuming you mean question threads regarding those characters (I think you've asked this previously, just a question though)?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Are there any more threads like this?:Alvin, Bonnie, Jane, Luke, Mike. If @prink34320 is still around, feel free to respond.

  • I mean are there anymore threads like them, since those are links to threads that goes into what each of those characters did and what it says about them morality-wise.

    Spodes posted: »

    I'm assuming you mean question threads regarding those characters (I think you've asked this previously, just a question though)?

  • Oh, sorry, the CSS I made is a bit buggy regarding linked fonts (they appear as normal text unless you hover over them and see your mouse change) due to Telltale's web devs constructing a weird CSS primarily, I might try to fix that one day though; see if I can circumvent it.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I mean are there anymore threads like them, since those are links to threads that goes into what each of those characters did and what it says about them morality-wise.

  • Hey, I'm still around and I have been meaning to make more of these threads xD I just need to replay the games, I'm a little rusty and if anyone else wants to do those types of threads they might end up doing so :3

    DabigRG posted: »

    Are there any more threads like this?:Alvin, Bonnie, Jane, Luke, Mike. If @prink34320 is still around, feel free to respond.

  • Cool! I'll be on the lookout whenever inspiration strikes you, Mr. Muse.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Hey, I'm still around and I have been meaning to make more of these threads xD I just need to replay the games, I'm a little rusty and if anyone else wants to do those types of threads they might end up doing so

  • What aren't embedded videos playing form the exact time they're set to?

  • How do you reckon Clem amputated her finger and what did she do with it after it was off?

    I mean...would you bury it...burn it...leave it where it falls...throw it into the woods...carry it around in her hat I dunno?

  • I would probably dig a little hole with my heel and bury the finger there... just so it isn't eaten or just laying there all gross and rotting.

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    How do you reckon Clem amputated her finger and what did she do with it after it was off? I mean...would you bury it...burn it...leave it where it falls...throw it into the woods...carry it around in her hat I dunno?

  • The web developers probably haven't supported it well regarding their YouTube support (you're better off linking it differently for precise times).

    DabigRG posted: »

    What aren't embedded videos playing form the exact time they're set to?

  • edited April 2017

    Knife, a small shelter, and anguish (like her suturing in season 2, without the knife of course). Probably buried it a bit, or left it in the place.

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    How do you reckon Clem amputated her finger and what did she do with it after it was off? I mean...would you bury it...burn it...leave it where it falls...throw it into the woods...carry it around in her hat I dunno?

  • Is Javi's stubble transforming into a proper beard? (ep 4 keyart)

  • I doubt enough time will pass for him to reach Boatgod status with his beard.

    fallandir posted: »

    Is Javi's stubble transforming into a proper beard? (ep 4 keyart)

  • No entity can surpass the Boatgod.

    I doubt enough time will pass for him to reach Boatgod status with his beard.

  • Haha, I knew this day would come (soon) where to get spammed with R34 again, going to spam my feed now.

  • .

    Spodes posted: »

    Haha, I knew this day would come (soon) where to get spammed with R34 again, going to spam my feed now.

  • What does Tripp say when you keep silent about you and Kate since he mentions what you said to him when he tells you he will confess his love for Eleanor?

  • Is Samantha from TWDG Michonne bisexual?

  • Not that we know of, but she may become so if Paige ever makes her move.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Is Samantha from TWDG Michonne bisexual?

  • edited April 2017

    Really now? Guess I better see what's happened; sorry to hear that bud.

    At least one of them is relevant.

    Spodes posted: »

    Haha, I knew this day would come (soon) where to get spammed with R34 again, going to spam my feed now.

  • It's fine, it doesn't have much of an impact anymore, I just think about it for a bit (the person who does it and why specifically), and then it's gone. I haven't seen the art, but yeah, still disturbing either way.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Really now? Guess I better see what's happened; sorry to hear that bud. At least one of them is relevant.

  • Do Joan, Clint, and Dr. Lingard also have underlings that serve them directly?

  • None of their underlings with actual names have been shown so far. There was a female guard that talked to Javi outside of the gate and escorted him from the church, so she might be with Joan. I expect we will see some of the actual underlings in episode 4.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Do Joan, Clint, and Dr. Lingard also have underlings that serve them directly?

  • edited April 2017

    In TWD Michonne, did Norma do anything wrong at all? Despite being portrayed as the villain, so far I haven't found any real bad things that she's done. Here's what I think about her:

    • She ran a seemingly nice but armed community.
    • After catching Sam stealing from them, Norma let her go. It was only until Sam stole from them AGAIN that she decided to be mean (which is understandable since she already gave Sam a second chance).
    • She tries to attack Michonne after the latter tries to make a run for it (and determinately killed two of their people).
    • She told Randall to hunt them, which is understandable since Michonne burnt their community to the ground and determinately murdered more Monroe survivors.
    • If Pete was with her she lets him go without even asking for Randall in exchange.
    • She does not harm your friends, assuming you go through with the trade.
    • Norma was shown to be strongly against Gabby/Jonas killing Berto.
    • She tries to kill you after you kill her brother, which is sort of understandable. If you choose the ambush option, then Norma wanting to kill Michonne is completely justified.

    Of course Norma does do some bad things such as killing Zachary and Oak, but those are determinant (plus she only kills Zachary because he attacks her). Has she done any non-determinant bad deeds?

  • I don't know, I watched it once on YouTube, but I know GameoverEnt did a YouTube video regarding this subject kind of. It's actually based on why Sam is the offender more so than Norma, but I recall there being some points about it I vaguely recall.

    BC_Guy posted: »

    In TWD Michonne, did Norma do anything wrong at all? Despite being portrayed as the villain, so far I haven't found any real bad things that

  • She told Randall to hunt them, which is understandable since Michonne burnt their community to the ground and determinately murdered more Monroe survivors.

    Did she? I always got the idea that Randall personally went after them for a bit before turning around for a bit to help make sure everyone got to shore safely.

    BC_Guy posted: »

    In TWD Michonne, did Norma do anything wrong at all? Despite being portrayed as the villain, so far I haven't found any real bad things that

  • When you capture Randall, Norma said she heard gunshots which meant that she was fairly close. Since Norma went through the effort to capture Michonne's crew, I'm assuming she still had a grudge with Michonne.

    DabigRG posted: »

    She told Randall to hunt them, which is understandable since Michonne burnt their community to the ground and determinately murdered more Mo

  • I thought it was implied that her community were pretty much pirates who take over ships and their supplies.

    Like the Mobjack massacre... "I'll make what happened on the ferry look like a goddamn picnic, that's a fucking guarantee!"

    BC_Guy posted: »

    In TWD Michonne, did Norma do anything wrong at all? Despite being portrayed as the villain, so far I haven't found any real bad things that

  • [removed]

  • "xD it was a joke xdddd lol!".

    I get you're ridiculing it (maybe?), but I've never seen it, nor want to. Please don't invite me to that shithole again, thanks.

  • Please don't invite me to that shithole again, thanks.

    Don't worry, none of us were planning on it.

    Spodes posted: »

    "xD it was a joke xdddd lol!". I get you're ridiculing it (maybe?), but I've never seen it, nor want to. Please don't invite me to that shithole again, thanks.

  • I'd appreciate that, although someone tried adding me again, probably from your Discord.

    Please don't invite me to that shithole again, thanks. Don't worry, none of us were planning on it.

  • Musta been a different chat then.

    Spodes posted: »

    I'd appreciate that, although someone tried adding me again, probably from your Discord.

  • edited April 2017

    No, I don't have any other TWD related Discords, but it was someone from this forum (better to sleep or something along those lines, I recognized him for sure though), probably from your Discord as well. Regardless, please just don't invite me back, and at least tell people whom you're inviting that you post that material, as you made it sound like some average community Discord, but it's just the opposite. Most of this forum finds it revolting, if you somehow didn't realize this.

    Musta been a different chat then.

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