The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • Oh yeah, if Walter doesn't save him...well I think we can assume Rebecca doesn't say anything, and if she does, it's probably like "Thank God you guys made it". Is it hard to find a playthrough where someone went with Nick?

    I meant the scenario where Nick died in episode 2

  • We are/were friends, how is that not related to this? I wasn't trying to make you mad, in fact, this is something we've never had as we always agreed for the most part on everything, well time goes on and it changes... How does the friendship we had not affect the way we treat/talk to each other. I still think of you as a friend, once a friend always one.

    Spodes posted: »

    Maybe an old friend, but that's not related to this.

  • I meant related to your sentiment that I'm an asshole, and my rude remarks aren't related to this discussion specifically, rather a different reason that you don't know/aren't aware of.

    We are/were friends, how is that not related to this? I wasn't trying to make you mad, in fact, this is something we've never had as we alwa

  • I understand the rude remarks aren't from just the discussion.

    I'm sure the problem goes back to our PMs and the fallout of it; I understand that... I do, but why are you still mad (or however you feel) at me and our discussion fallout.

    Spodes posted: »

    I meant related to your sentiment that I'm an asshole, and my rude remarks aren't related to this discussion specifically, rather a different reason that you don't know/aren't aware of.

  • Why didn't Carver like people "imbibing" alcohol at Howe's Hardware?

    I always found that odd especially considering he seemed to have liquor on his desk

  • I guess I'll keep searching for a youtuber who let Nick die but saved Sarah

    Spodes posted: »

    Oh yeah, if Walter doesn't save him...well I think we can assume Rebecca doesn't say anything, and if she does, it's probably like "Thank God you guys made it". Is it hard to find a playthrough where someone went with Nick?

  • I just have reason to believe you're lying about something, not that you stopped the discussion, I'm okay with that part.

    I understand the rude remarks aren't from just the discussion. I'm sure the problem goes back to our PMs and the fallout of it; I understand that... I do, but why are you still mad (or however you feel) at me and our discussion fallout.

  • Carver also condemned smoking, so I have reason to believe he wished to conserve a "work" sentiment of feeling like a normal job (before the apocalypse). Maybe he just drank later at night, definitely not during the day though. Now that you mention the liquor on his desk, didn't Bonnie steal that from Carver and later share it during the scene where Arvo is locked to the pole and everyone is having a good time around the fire?

    Why didn't Carver like people "imbibing" alcohol at Howe's Hardware? I always found that odd especially considering he seemed to have liquor on his desk

  • Good god, people complained about playing as clem during season 2. Now it's the opposite. Make up your goddamn minds, people.

    Spodes posted: »

    Precisely, which is why they can't make her a non-playable character anymore as they exclude other personalities while doing so without good justification for them. Thanks for pointing the obvious out.

  • edited April 2017

    ... you serious right now? Is this a real conversation I am having?

    stay on Reddit

    Why, do they not get triggered over butts over there?

    Spodes posted: »

    Hahaha, oh you're one to talk, getting horny over TWDG. Again, I browsed /b/, when it was somewhat decent. Please, stay on Reddit.

  • Good god, people complained about playing as clem during season 2. Now it's the opposite. Make up your goddamn minds, people.

    Well, you're using "people" in regards to me, but I always liked playing Clem. In season 1 she was a very good side character (yet the most important in my opinion), and in season 2 we get to experience Clem learning her strength in the harsh world, as she gets fed trauma left and right. Plus, if they made Clem the playable character in season 2, then they shouldn't have stopped, or else it's just very inconsistent, and looked what occurred subsequently: INCONSISTENCY. Is that a hard concept to grasp? Or are you just going to change your profile picture. Hell, I'd stop complaining about your profile picture if I could block you (doubt webdevs will implement this) or you'd just go to any other thread but this one.

    Louche posted: »

    Good god, people complained about playing as clem during season 2. Now it's the opposite. Make up your goddamn minds, people.

  • edited April 2017

    This is a question more directed towards the fanbase than the game itself:

    I checked my feed to come across a positively delightful message from a very intelligent and well spoken user who shall remain anonymous, about a thread I made a few years ago

    enter image description here

    It seems I am the main factor as to why Clementine has a more minor role in the third season over, the writing staff or the other millions of people in the fanbase. So as such I simply had to respond

    enter image description here

    So my question is, are people that fucking angry about Clementine's lessened role in Season 3 that become so desperate to point the finger at someone, they feel it is their duty to give out derogatory awards and blame to people who had no involvement in Season 3's writing?

  • ... you serious right now? Is this a real conversation I am having?

    It is, and you've set it up as your own personal cesspool, good job.

    Why, do they not get triggered over butts over there?

    They don't have profile pictures that are publicly seen, and I'm sure they don't want to see asses of Jane over there as well, but yes, stay there and experiment if you'd like.

    Louche posted: »

    ... you serious right now? Is this a real conversation I am having? stay on Reddit Why, do they not get triggered over butts over there?

  • I agree with you on Clem's awkward outfit, she looks like a Lara Croft 2.0.

    Spodes posted: »

    The optimistic part of me (which just refuses to die no matter how much evidence proves other wise) thinks that by seasons end we will have

  • edited April 2017

    I don't necessarily think of Clem as "unimportant"; trivial, but I do think she's out-of-character in many aspects. This guy is just a sperglord, ignore him, he's not worth replying to.

    Clemenem posted: »

    This is a question more directed towards the fanbase than the game itself: I checked my feed to come across a positively delightful messa

  • Now that you mention the liquor on his desk, didn't Bonnie steal that from Carver and later share it during the scene where Arvo is locked to the pole and everyone is having a good time around the fire?

    Yes. That's where the topic came up in the first place.

    Spodes posted: »

    Carver also condemned smoking, so I have reason to believe he wished to conserve a "work" sentiment of feeling like a normal job (before the

  • Why are you going round trying to cause arguments with people?

    photo 58571BFB-A29B-4229-9237-55AC787FAAAF.png

    Louche posted: »

    gore is okay I browsed /b/ and here we watch you destroy any credibility you had left

  • Yes Bonnie did steal some booze but only a bottle of rum from the armory, which is where she said Bill stored the alcohol.

    Carver also had a liquor decanter on his desk, probably filled with whiskey/bourbon/scotch. Maybe he thought he was the only one who could drink and not let it get to him, even though he definitely acted belligerent there towards the end.

    Spodes posted: »

    Carver also condemned smoking, so I have reason to believe he wished to conserve a "work" sentiment of feeling like a normal job (before the

  • Gotta love it when an internet stranger tries so damn hard to make you look stupid, that they end up looking like delusional fools. Sorry you had to waste 30 seconds reading that.

    Clemenem posted: »

    This is a question more directed towards the fanbase than the game itself: I checked my feed to come across a positively delightful messa

  • Is the guy in the shades in Above the Law's flashback supposed to be Badger?

  • No, that same NPC is seen with Badger during the Prescott fight (Badger tells him to "ram the fucking gate!" shortly after the first shots are fired)

    DabigRG posted: »

    Is the guy in the shades in Above the Law's flashback supposed to be Badger?

  • Some people just hold bitter, petty grudges over non-issues because they have nothing else important going on. If this guy thinks its so important to harass you in the present over a post you left "during the 2014-2016 wait for Season 3", I would just feel pity for them and laugh that PM off.

    Clemenem posted: »

    This is a question more directed towards the fanbase than the game itself: I checked my feed to come across a positively delightful messa

  • Oh okay, thanks for the input!

    I just noticed the similar voices, dialogue font, attitude, and tattoo placement and just assumed that's who he was meant to be.

    BC_Guy posted: »

    No, that same NPC is seen with Badger during the Prescott fight (Badger tells him to "ram the fucking gate!" shortly after the first shots are fired)

  • Any particular reason ANF modelswaps are much better than Season 2 and especially Season 1's?

  • New engine, assets, and models. I personally detest model swapping though...due to the horrible and revolting shit that's been done with it.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Any particular reason ANF modelswaps are much better than Season 2 and especially Season 1's?

  • ...Like?(This isn't schmuck bait, btw, I'm genuinely curious about what you're referencing.)

    Spodes posted: »

    New engine, assets, and models. I personally detest model swapping though...due to the horrible and revolting shit that's been done with it.

  • Javier and Kate kissing--Gabentine edition.

    DabigRG posted: »

    ...Like?(This isn't schmuck bait, btw, I'm genuinely curious about what you're referencing.)

  • Figured that out after I posted. :lol:

    I said it plenty of times before and I'll say it again: I just do not care about that as something that could potentially happen; I cared more so that people wouldn't shut the fuck up about for so long. It was just a inside joke guys--let it go, let it go.

    Spodes posted: »

    Javier and Kate kissing--Gabentine edition.

  • I honestly don't know what you meant by people not shutting up about it or how it's an "inside joke". Did you post that repulsive picture?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Figured that out after I posted. I said it plenty of times before and I'll say it again: I just do not care about that as something that

  • I honestly don't know what you meant by people not shutting up about it

    There was literally a whole thread filled with almost nothing but people gabbing about it, plus also two more for April Fools day. Not to mention it had to be brought up practically anytime Gabe was vaguely referenced.

    or how it's an "inside joke".

    Okay, maybe not an inside joke, but it was pretty much one conversation with Eleanor that started it all.
    enter image description here
    Though hilariously/appropriately enough though, both Conrad and Gabe himself were somewhat ridiculing/disregarding about the idea.

    Did you post that repulsive picture?

    No, cause I don't have the technology, nor the fucks to give.

    Spodes posted: »

    I honestly don't know what you meant by people not shutting up about it or how it's an "inside joke". Did you post that repulsive picture?

  • Man, season 3 writers really don't know what "hit it off" conveys, do they...

    DabigRG posted: »

    I honestly don't know what you meant by people not shutting up about it There was literally a whole thread filled with almost nothin

  • edited April 2017
    1. What exactly was the relationship between Carver and Rebecca? Did Carver rape Rebecca or did something else happen?

    2. In TWD Michonne, who killed the people on the ferry? I don't think it was ever stated if Norma's group was behind it.

    3. The wiki states that Paige (from Michonne) is LGBT. When is this stated/shown in-game?

  • Well...

    hit it off
    When someone gets along very well with someone else. Applies to both sexes.
    So how'd it go with Tanya boi?

    • Dawg, I took her to dinner and we totally hit it off.
      by Samson October 29, 2003
    Spodes posted: »

    Man, season 3 writers really don't know what "hit it off" conveys, do they...

  • Yeah, but most people will think of something else in that regard; too many meanings. Your definition has a 2:1 ratio (from urbandictionary), that in it itself is enough to convey "something" that wasn't intended. I think it'd be a lot more clear if they just said, "Maybe they'll be friends". Also Javier followed up with, "I don't think it's healthy for Gabe", which kind of made it sound worse.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well... hit it off When someone gets along very well with someone else. Applies to both sexes. So how'd it go with Tanya boi? * Dawg, I took her to dinner and we totally hit it off. by Samson October 29, 2003

  • What exactly was the relationship between Carver and Rebecca? Did Carver rape Rebecca or did something else happen?

    Honestly, it kind of felt like they had something between each other for the meanwhile (maybe something went wrong?), but it also does sound like rape at the same time (because of how bitter Rebecca is over him), so it's hard to say; we don't know for sure.

    The wiki states that Paige (from Michonne) is LGBT. When is this stated/shown in-game?

    I don't know, she acts like a boy from what I recall, so she may be transgender.

    BC_Guy posted: »

    * What exactly was the relationship between Carver and Rebecca? Did Carver rape Rebecca or did something else happen? * In TWD Michonne,

  • What exactly was the relationship between Carver and Rebecca? Did Carver rape Rebecca or did something else happen?

    From what I've put together, Carver, Alvin, and George used to be close friends, hence a possible reason why Rebecca got the job as his PA announcer. She and Alvin tried multiple times to have a baby but it wasn't working out and Carver apparently coerced her into having an affair once; of course, he couldn't let that incident go, especially when she ended up getting pregnant some time later. While it's never really made clear whether Alvin knew about the affair or not, he at least knew enough to get uncharacteristically angry whenever Carver was relevant and may have ended up killing George because he sided with Carver on the matter and got in the way during the Cabin Group's escape.

    The idea that Carver raped her mostly comes from Rebecca's distress about the AJ's parentage, as well as Carver's pretty telltale-ing last words. So it's definitely possible and in-theme with their interaction, but it's most likely a case of Carver taking advantage of her.

    In TWD Michonne, who killed the people on the ferry? I don't think it was ever stated if Norma's group was behind it.

    Randall did it. While the exact circumstances about who got killed by whom is never made explicitly clear, it's almost solidified that Randall likely killed the original residents given Sam's and his own comments regarding the murder of children.

    The wiki states that Paige (from Michonne) is LGBT. When is this stated/shown in-game?

    Not really; it was arguably very subtly implied than anything else. It was a post here from a developer that stated/confirmed it, alongside the fact that it was aimed at Sam.

    BC_Guy posted: »

    * What exactly was the relationship between Carver and Rebecca? Did Carver rape Rebecca or did something else happen? * In TWD Michonne,

  • edited April 2017

    So there has been confirmation from some Telltale staff that Clementine is African-American, and some (notably Melissa) that she's African-American/Asian. So which is it? I personally believe she's African-American/Asian more than just African-American due to her the lighter skin tone in general (in season 3 she just looks weird in my opinion, t-thanks new engine).

  • Yeah, but most people will think of something else in that regard; too many meanings. Your definition has a 2:1 ratio (from urbandictionary), that in it itself is enough to convey "something" that wasn't intended. I think it'd be a lot more clear if they just said, "Maybe they'll be friends".

    Pretty much.

    Also Javier followed up with, "I don't think it's healthy for Gabe", which kind of made it sound worse.

    That could also be swapped for "She's not the best influence to have around Gabe when he's going through so much." But since Clementine is constantly held up to a high regard be default(despite technically murdering a guy in the previous par)t, very few people are willing to consider/accept that.

    Spodes posted: »

    Yeah, but most people will think of something else in that regard; too many meanings. Your definition has a 2:1 ratio (from urbandictionary)

  • Dang, I let Nick die but misclicked and said nothing for Sarah so she died at the trailer

    I guess I'll keep searching for a youtuber who let Nick die but saved Sarah

  • Ben was indeed taller

    fallandir posted: »

    Wow, Mike was indeed tall.

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