Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about GOTG Edition

dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
edited October 2017 in Guardians of the Galaxy

I think it should be pretty obvious how this goes down now. Have fun detail hunting.



  • So the main theme of the game is ELO's Livin' Thing. However even though it is still performed by ELO it isnt the original version of the song.

    Second about the song again. If you all remember way back in the Tales from the Borderlands days there was a "leaked" episode 5 credits. Well... here's that video...

  • edited April 2017

    Emails from Cosmo and Yondu, both long standing Guardians characters, can be read on the Milano bridge. And also one from famed Marvel character and GOTG guest star, Howard the Duck.

    Howard the Duck

    Fun Comic Fact: Thing of the Fantastic Four, Kitty Pryde of the X-Men, Agent Venom from Spider-Man and both Iron Man and Captain Marvel of the Avengers have all been modern members of the Guardians. Could any guest star? We know we should be visiting Earth at some point in the game...

  • During the fight with Thanos, Rocket, who's voiced by Nolan North, repeatedly says the word 'crap', which could be a reference to the Uncharted games, where Nathan Drake, who's also voiced by Nolan North, uses a similar "crap" catchphrase.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Here's a pic for those curious

    enter image description here

    Howard confirmed for Poker Night 3.

  • edited April 2017


  • When talking to Drax back on the ship, you can see a poster for "Bootloose," an obvious rip off of Footloose.

  • enter image description here

    No words? That's why god created the gif.

  • [removed]

    zeke10 posted: »


  • now you see why I said you have a tendency to be a dick

  • And you have a tendency to be in denial.

    zeke10 posted: »

    now you see why I said you have a tendency to be a dick

  • I think he was just saying "Ok?" in the sarcastic sense that he found it interesting but irrelevant.

    And you have a tendency to be in denial.

  • Not really but I'm not gonna go off topic via arguing

    And you have a tendency to be in denial.

  • Man, you speak for him more often than not. Also, if someone replys to me with sarcasm don't act defensive when you get back what you gave. (General Statement)

    AChicken posted: »

    I think he was just saying "Ok?" in the sarcastic sense that he found it interesting but irrelevant.

  • He spoke for me like once that I noticed

    Man, you speak for him more often than not. Also, if someone replys to me with sarcasm don't act defensive when you get back what you gave. (General Statement)

  • edited April 2017

    I pointed it out sooner than later so ya'll can stop now.

    zeke10 posted: »

    He spoke for me like once that I noticed

  • Pointed what out the sales or him apparently speaking for me?

    I pointed it out sooner than later so ya'll can stop now.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I just went ahead to stop the argument before it went anywhere further. Please remain civil when conversing with other people.

    zeke10 posted: »


  • Ok think you wasn't really expecting an argument tbh lol

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I just went ahead to stop the argument before it went anywhere further. Please remain civil when conversing with other people.

  • The peak of the game is a detail, that's what I was saying.

    zeke10 posted: »


  • edited April 2017

    I'm just trying to keep the peace here. Discussions here can get pretty heated and I don't want anything to get to the point of a ban. Defending him is just coincidental. I'm not his guardian angel, but I'm just trying to stop an argument between anyone here before things get too out of proportion.
    You have been a bit peeved about GOTG getting better treatment than TWD (for good reason.. I do understand where you're coming from) but you are kind of taking things the wrong way -- trying to undermine GOTG as much as possible to prove to people it isn't a good game and the TTG has failed. Him simply commenting "Ok?" probably didn't mean he denied it. He acknowledged it, but it was just a remark that he didn't care as much.
    Again, just trying to keep things under control.

    EDIT: Also, did you just ban me from your Discord server? My discord here just pinged with your name but I now realised that I am no longer on your server.

    Man, you speak for him more often than not. Also, if someone replys to me with sarcasm don't act defensive when you get back what you gave. (General Statement)

  • Ok but i wouldn't really worry about sales too much on day one I usually wait a week.

    The peak of the game is a detail, that's what I was saying.

  • Day one is when the peak is usually the highest.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Ok but i wouldn't really worry about sales too much on day one I usually wait a week.

  • Young Star Lord is voiced by Jeremy Shada. Most well known as the voice of Finn from Adventure Time and more recently Lance fron Voltron: Legendary Defender.

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    My favorite fact about the episode. Love Adventure Time & Voltron!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Young Star Lord is voiced by Jeremy Shada. Most well known as the voice of Finn from Adventure Time and more recently Lance fron Voltron: Legendary Defender.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Yeah I had been wondering why i recognized the voice and then I remembered I had recently watched Voltron. I really like young Star-Lord's voice actor. Fits surprisingly well.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Young Star Lord is voiced by Jeremy Shada. Most well known as the voice of Finn from Adventure Time and more recently Lance fron Voltron: Legendary Defender.

  • It sounded a bit weird for me at first because I just wasn't expecting it at all but I got used to it pretty quick. Really cool to hear him in a Telltale game!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Yeah I had been wondering why i recognized the voice and then I remembered I had recently watched Voltron. I really like young Star-Lord's voice actor. Fits surprisingly well.

  • My favorite fact about the episode. Love Adventure Time & Voltron!

  • edited April 2017

    If you decide to perform an action while you're using your communicator, Star-Lord says something like: "Ooh. Hold on" or "Wait a sec"

    Also, here are the Song-based episode names with their respective artists:
    Episode 1 -- Tangled Up in Blue (by Bob Dylan)
    Episode 2 -- Under Pressure (by Queen)
    Episode 3 -- More Than a Feeling (by Boston)
    Episode 4 -- Who Needs You (by Queen) [-- multiple songs share this name. The Queen song was released in the 1970s, so it lines up with the other songs of the game]
    Episode 5 -- Don't Stop Believin' (by Journey)

    If you tell the Kree man at the bar "Don't bring race into this" after he insults you, later when you meet again Peter gets an extra line when he appears: "Great, it's the racist."

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited April 2017

    To be fair, is that really indicative of the quality of the game itself? Think about it-- Telltale's been making these kinds of games for years now. And after 5 years, I think people have had ample time to decide whether they're on board with this formula, or if they're starting to find it rather boring and uninspired. Ergo, more people are buying the game less because of the game itself, but because it's yet another Telltale game that will probably play the same way all the other ones have.

    I think the low sales and player numbers are less a fault of the quality of Telltale's recent output, and more the fact that it's basically the same template, same formula. If someone liked the formula of TWD S1, then tried S2 and wasn't as happy with the output, and then saw every other Telltale game after that following suit, it's not out of the question that they'd decide to hop off the wagon right then and there. A lot of that boils down to gameplay, or lack thereof-- there's no gameplay to fall back on, nothing to keep people entertained and on-board with the style of games they make. Call of Duty might repeat itself year after year, but you can bet the gameplay-- or more specifically, the multiplayer-- is probably 80% of the reason the game remained relevant for so many years. That was something that kept people coming back for more, and when they hear a new one's coming out, and the realization that most people are gonna migrate over to that one... well shit, you better follow suit, right? So it sustains itself as a result.

    Telltale, on the other hand, simply doesn't have that kind of virtue. What they sell their games on is a double-edged sword, one they can easily fall on top of. When story and writing is all you have to sell your games on, what happens when the story and writing stop being able to sustain everything else? There's nothing Telltale can fall back on, no safety net... if people get bored of their games, they stop playing them, and then stop purchasing any further installments because there's no incentive for players to 'stay up to date,' so to speak. Because at that point, all you're missing out on is a story. And if that's all you're missing out on, you could easily find a walkthrough on youtube, and that's that. The incentive to keep coming back simply isn't strong enough. Maybe at one point it would have been, but after 5 years, and 9 of the same basic game, people are, quite frankly, getting bored.

    But regardless of whether its the quality or the formula, the basic problem still remains-- something has to change. Be that changes within Telltale, or changes within their games, something needs to happen to shake things up if they really want to see the numbers start crashing through the roof again.

    And before you say it, yes, I know there's a possibility you weren't using these numbers to try to badmouth the game. But I still think this is a valid point-- is it the quality of the games causing this, or just the nature of the games themselves? You can't just point at a dwindling number and claim "the game sucks and that's why it's low", because there are other valid arguments that could be made for why that number is so low. We simply couldn't know for sure what the reason for the numbers are, unless we got a list of everyone that bought TWD S1, cross-referenced them with the people that bought GotG, then asked everyone that purchased S1 but didn't purchase GotG why they did so. And even that wouldn't be entirely accurate, as there would still be other variables to account for. And I don't think any of us are very willing to undertake such a task, just to prove a point that is not worth the time and effort that would have to be put into it.

  • It should be noted that "Tangled Up in Blue" was never actually heard in the game, so the episode names aren't indicators of what the episode's main song will be (For Episode 1, it was ELO's "Living Thing").

    AChicken posted: »

    If you decide to perform an action while you're using your communicator, Star-Lord says something like: "Ooh. Hold on" or "Wait a sec" Al

  • It's like no one cares or even knows about this new Telltale. That's the feeling I have from the websites & chat groups I spend time in.

    I know they don't need a lot of sales to make a ROI but jeez.

  • I know, I know. I'm just listing them off here...
    But come on, how cool would it be to have those songs be the actual main themes of each episode? 'Cause they have a pretty good list. Hearing Queen's "Under Pressure" during some montage in there would make my day.

    It should be noted that "Tangled Up in Blue" was never actually heard in the game, so the episode names aren't indicators of what the episode's main song will be (For Episode 1, it was ELO's "Living Thing").

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    In some games like TWD season 2, TWAU and TBTB the highest peak was for episode 5 and GoT had its highest peak for episode 2 so there is still the possibility for a higher peak for GOTG, i was surprised the episode 1 peak for Steam was 906 as i expected it to be similar to Batman's 4001 peak so i will be interested to see if things change when later episodes release.

    Day one is when the peak is usually the highest.

  • Same here for Don't Stop Believin', but we'll see.

    AChicken posted: »

    I know, I know. I'm just listing them off here... But come on, how cool would it be to have those songs be the actual main themes of each e

  • Here's an interesting detail that I'd like to point out. Rocket is voiced by Nolan North, and during that moment where you briefly take control of Rocket during the Thanos fight, he says "Crap crap crap crap crap crap craaaaappppp." Something that another character voiced by Nolan North says on a daily basis.

    Nathan Drake he is not.

  • I really fucking hope they put Howard the Duck in Poker Night 3. That would be hilarious

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Here's a pic for those curious Howard confirmed for Poker Night 3.

  • edited April 2017

    Well I just discovered something INCREDIBLE.

    Not only are the Episode names song titles, all of the Achievement names are Album/song names of the 70s and 80s...

    Complete All Episodes: A Little Help From My Friends (by The Beatles)

    Episode 1
    * Chp 1: Appetite For Destruction (by Guns N' Roses)
    * Chp 2: Permanent Waves (by Rush)
    * Chp 3: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (by Elton John)
    * Chp 4: We're Only In It For the Money (by The Mothers Of Invention)
    * Chp 5: Electric Warrior (by T. Rex)
    * Chp 6: It's Only Rock n' Roll (by The Rolling Stones)

    Episode 2
    * Chp 1: Double Fantasy (by John Lennon and Yoko Ono)
    * Chp 2: Creatures of the Night (by KISS)
    * Chp 3: Every Picture Tells A Story (by Rod Stewart)
    * Chp 4: Too Fast For Love (by Mötley Crüe)
    * Chp 5: Fly By Night (by Rush)
    * Chp 6: Space Oddity (by David Bowie)

    Episode 3
    * Chp 1: Living in the Past (by Jethro Tull)
    * Chp 2: A Kind of Magic (by Queen)
    * Chp 3: Masters of Reality (by Masters of Reality)
    * Chp 4: A Momentary Lapse of Reason (by Pink Floyd)
    * Chp 5: Blood on the Tracks (by Bob Dylan)
    * Chp 6: The Dark Side of the Moon (by Pink Floyd)

    Episode 4
    * Chp 1: Women and Children First (by Van Halen)
    * Chp 2: Darkness on the Edge of Town (by Bruce Springsteen and E Street Band)
    * Chp 3: Out of Our Heads (by The Rolling Stones)
    * Chp 4: Obscured by Clouds (by Pink Floyd)
    * Chp 5: Everybody Knows This is Nowhere (by Neil Young)
    * Chp 6: Bridge Over Troubled Water (by Simon and Garfunkel)

    Episode 5
    * Chp 1: Everything Changes (by Lesley Duncan)
    * Chp 2: Wish You Were Here (by Pink Floyd)
    * Chp 3: Diary of a Madman (by Ozzy Osbourne)
    * Chp 4: Bringing It All Back Home (by Bob Dylan)
    * Chp 5: All Things Must Pass (by George Harrison)
    * Chp 6: Brothers In Arms (by Dire Straits)

    So Telltale, did I get it all right??

  • Should whoever we give Thanos' body to affect the tab situation in a future episode?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    According to Eric Stirpe's Tumblr he was the one who wrote the emails on Quill's computer.

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