Clementine's hat and Javier
Why has Javier not commented yet on Clementine's hat? Come on TellTale! Why not add dialogue from Javier saying he used to play vs them in the Baseball league or something like that? Lazy writing...
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Do we really need more constant reminders that Javier played baseball? I guess "batter up, fuckface" didn't tickle your willy.
Also, Clem doesn't really care about the team on the hat, just that the hat is the only thing she has left from her parents.
People who acknowledge the hat die, Javier is being cautious
Since when is not acknowledging something as trivial as a fucking hat considered lazy writing? Have the people of these forums just run out of things to complain about so they just criticize the most meaningless elements possible?
Simple. It's the ZA. Javier has more important things on his mind that Clementine's dress sense.
But it would be nice that they just made a quick reference to the baseball team, connecting Javier's past with Clementine's past
This man gets it.
Speaking on Clem's dress sense, have you seen Road to Survival Clem?
Because Clementine's hat is for a Japanese baseball team (the Chunichi Dragons), and Javi played in the MLB (more specifically, for the Baltimore Orioles), which is exclusively North America. Javi probably has no idea who the team on the hat is.
Enlighten me.
Oh Ffs people are just trying to find any excuse to say anf has lazy writing now XD after seeing this, I'm calling every single one bull crap.
Hate to disappoint you but telltale confirmed that clem's hat is fictional. Unless you meant this as a joke. But I looked up this team's hat and the only thing that looks alike is the D imo, but plenty of teams have D's on their hats.
Two words: Short shorts
*booty shorts
Buh what if Clementine's dad isn't Clementine's dad!!!!111!!
How would their pasts connect exactly? Like Menotog said, Clementine probably couldn't care less about the baseball team. She wears the hat because it's the last thing she has left of her parents. So why would she at all care if Javier played that particular team? If he did, so what? It's not like it serves any purpose. It's not gonna affect either character in the slightest. I think the most you'll get is:
Javier: Oh hey. I played against that team one time.
Clementine: Oh cool.
That's about it. It doesn't add anything to the plot or either characters, so what would even be the point?
I made the same discussion thread last week and since then I think I've seen two more like it (including your own).
It involved a theory revolving around a potential flashback to Clem's father at the baseball game purchasing the hat which Clem now wears and that the opposing team was indeed Javi's. It has been confirmed that the team on Clem's hat is indeed a fictional major league team and not not the Chunichi Dragons despite popular belief.
We really don't need any more threads like it and it's hardly "lazy writing", it just seems a tad irrelevant to bring up thus far considering what Javi and his family are going through. My bet is that if they do bring it up, it would be in episode 5.
I spoke to Melissa Hutchison herself, and she confirmed that the hat was for a Japanese baseball team, which is what she was told by Telltale. Obviously it's not an exact copy as Telltale didn't want to get sued, but I'm going off what I was told by the voice actresss of Clementine.
Funny that telltale told US that it was a fictional team, then
I guess this debunks the clem's stepdad theory, then? I mean, how can we trust what telltale says to us if they are saying 2 different things.
I stopped trusting Telltale after they said the first episode was so big that they had to split it into two. Or was it when they said there would be 42 different versions of Clementine? Maybe it was when they said no character would take a backseat?
This is awkward but what does this exactly mean? I'm not from America or England.
No one would be pushed to the side or get a lack of attention and focus. It implies that, with Clem being a coplayable character, that she would play a major role in the game and that we would play a considerable amount of time as her. Clearly this has not been the case.
That makes sense. Telltale is suddenly becoming like Ubisoft and EA.
Still doesn't explain why people still believe that ed is clem's step dad.
daisy dukes
Looks like the Arizona Dimond Backs hat:
Wow you are so wrong.
show me the video where staff says it's some random japanese team and I'll gladly accept it. But I know it's not a Japanese team.
Also let me mention that MetallicaRules didnt hear Melissa say the team, he assumed which team it was.
Melissa could have heard anybody mention it was some Japanese team so she just repeated what she heard.
Bikinis on top
Yes, but she heard that from the writers at Telltale, so it wasn't just some random person that may have mentioned it to her one day. Unfortunately I did not record my experience with her, but as you said, I am going off what she told me, which is what Telltale told her, and they even gave her the name of the team but she didn't remember who it was at the time.
And concerning your original edit, again, it's what Melissa Hutchison told me, so this theory does have some merit to it. And as I said to someone else below, as there is no official confirmation of what team, everything is just speculation, so any team with a D on their hat could be a possible candidate, so you can't just write something off as not true.
One problem with that: There is no MLB team with the logo on Clem's hat. It wouldn't really make any sense for him to comment on a team he's never seen in his life; plus, we have no clue if it's even a baseball team at all.
There is a reason for that capital D I suppose. Not just the sport team either.
Well, a few reasons:
Like a few people have said, it might be based on a Japanese Baseball Team
It's not a major league. Maybe something local
Because it's the zombie apocalypse and they haven't had a moment of downtime since they've met.
Idk i thought there would have been a time skip between episode 3 and 4 where things would go more slow. (characters would get a chance to bond) javi would teach clem a little bit about baseball or something like that. i guess that chance is gone.
Or an even better idea, which was also confirmed by telltale, it is a fictional team.
I am not sure, but I think the only survivor of Clementine's hat was that little black kid at the end of season 2 if you followed Jane to Howes and let the family in. If Clem gets with Gabe.. I'm sure he'll ask what's up with that hat while they make out or whatever. Then it'll possibly be a wrap for him like the following week.
Some people do love to complain. It's like a hobby.
Haha funny how this was in episode 5 XD
He does in this episode.