I miss Kenny...
I know it's old news, but I'm so fucking sad about kennys unavoidable death, unless telltale are nice fucking people and make the Wellington ending kennys safe ending. When Kenny died in season 2, I fucking cried so much, more than in season 1 with lee. He dies 2 ways in season 1? And 2 ways in season 2 and 1 way in season 3 "oh my god they killed Kenny!" Poor ol' bastard.
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I know they'll only ever show him in flashbacks, so I just hope that if TWDG continues, I want to bond with another character just as much as I did with Kenny. But only if they learn from their mistakes with killing off too many characters instead of developing them.
I don't think it's possible to devolp more feeling with someone other than Kenny.
How they've written his death is just terrible. It's disappointing to think that these games will probably never live up to S1's par again and I to the fullest extent hope they prove the entirety of the fandom wrong. Really is sad to dislike a product from my favourite franchise as well as watching it being pounded with severe flak.
Went slightly off-topic here but just thoughts.
I Know man I'm sad to. FUCK YOU TELLTALE.
It's even more tragic since they continue with these horrible flashback scenes. How telltale handeled Kenny and Jane this season was inexcusable and quite sad.
I refuse to accept Kenny's death because of how shitty and poor effort was put into it, I will forever scold the fuck out of telltale for the way they handle Kenneth, they quite frankly deserve it. I can think of a better send off for him than these so called "writers" . Like it blows my mind how they did NOT expect to get backlash for that. When I look at S1 and S2 it makes me question how Telltale let themselves go this deep into the ground. I'm just going to leave it at that. But yeah I miss him
well unless Christa or Molly come back and they get more character development then we might get close to get attached to them as much as we did with Kenny.
Let Kenny rest. He found his boat and now he's finally happy, like Scrat from Ice Age.
Let us worship this holy image once more.

Credit to the awesome creator of this image of pure holiness.
A lot of people do, me too. I'll never forget the terrible exit Telltale had given this beloved character.
However, I wouldn't want the Wellington ending to be canon, even if it means Kenny is still alive somewhere this way. Because he taught us that "Life doesn't mean much without people you can relate to. Family is what you make it."
The years he spent with Clementine and AJ were good for all of them. They were happy and that is a rare good in such a cruel world. I'm thankful for Episode 4's flashback, since it was so incredibly well done and kinda saved this third season for me.
Is episode 4's Kenny flashback "horrible" in your opinion too? If so, I'd like to know why
Because Kenny is still dead.
True, or Lilly and Bonnie and arvo and mike and the cancer crew or other 400 days characters.
Amen, brother. I want him back more than any other character. I grew such an emotional attachment to Kenny throughout the seasons. There will always be a part of me that hates Telltale for killing him off so stupidly, but I am also grateful for the closure we got in 304. It was so nice to hug him one last time. Kenny is not just a friend to me, I consider him family, and I will always remember and love him.
No matter what, Kenny always gave his best and determinantely his life for Clementine and the people he cared about.
Ben? Gave his life (presumably) to redeem himself.
Christa? Gave his life (presumably) to save her life.
S2 Alone ending? He realized he can be dangerous, and stays back willingly, without discussion, sacrificing himself in a way.
Stay at Wellington? He begs for Clem to stay, and if he succeeds determinantely, he's all alone and sacrificed himself in a way.
Stay with Kenny? He will give his life to save Clementine and AJ. Although terrible because short, it was still in-character.
There are countless small examples showing his loyalty.
If you ask me what TTG's TWD is? It's Lee, Kenny and Clementine. And there is only one of those three left standing. And I hope it stays that way for a long time.
The Ep4 flashback being nice is beside the point for me. They only made that to try and worm their way into the fan's good books in the fuck up they made of the ep1 flashback and Kenny/Jane's deaths. It's not enough to forgiven them for that
Amen to that!
No one said something about forgiveness. Telltale can't make up for what they did in E1, but the flashback itself is still incredibly well done and the best they could ever do to the fanbase to show something close to an apology.
He deserved more than dying in a fucking car crash.
Second time I posted this today but
Lol fuck their apology! They can shove it up their ass as far as I'm concerned
It's better than the previous ones, but still not good. It's poorly designed with its sole purpose being a "feel good" makeup for the abysmal previous Kenny flashback.
It would be amazing if in the wellington ending, there's few hints of Kenny being alive, leading up to confirmation but never actually seeing him.
Like someone you meet saying she met Kenny coupled with him leaving his jacket or something. Or something else equally small. And Clem is just happy he's out there somewhere.
Yeah, telltale would probably only go that far.
Honestly I'd be 100% happy with that. It confirms Kenny is alive without forcing him around to be eventually killed off.
Me too, because some people chose Wellington and don't really like Kenny.
I chose wellington just to save Kenny, lol
Sorry to hear that dude.
Personally, I was happy that he's finally out of the picture. Not quite what I was expecting and 2+ episodes late, but still, let the old dog lie.
my post above signifies what i felt during kenny's death
Okay, I was wondering if there was supposed to be an image there and it just didn't render.
Who are you?
The only reason I chose Wellington was that (in my mind) Kenny would just hang around the base for a couple of weeks, then they'll find a place for him in there and he, Clem and AJ live there happy for at least a good while.
Finding out that not only that didn't happen, but also being deprived of a flashback in ANF of one of my favorite characters was... ;_;
I only chose Wellington because it was a main plot device in S2. For nearly the whole season Clem, Christa, and Kenny talked about going to Wellington and not to mention how many people died trying to get there.
Just abandoning it completely for the Jane ending was so stupid. Why on Earth would I go back to Howe's after the shit that went down in there?
top 10 anime betrayals
I miss Season 1 Kenny....season2 Kenny can die in a fire.