Whatever Megathread: Archive - Volume 33



  • edited May 2017

    Considering how often people talk about it being one of the best horror games ever made and that it's criminally underrated. I think we get it.

    Or were you joking? Either way please don't hurt me.

    it just dawned on me how horribly overlooked and underrated silent hill 2 is by the masses

  • it's just that every time i see like a "greatest video game stories" article or thread, literally fucking nobody mentions silent hill 2, although you can guess what everyone does mention. the fucking last of us

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Considering how often people talk about it being one of the best horror games ever made and that it's criminally underrated. I think we get it. Or were you joking? Either way please don't hurt me.

  • Just Googled "greatest video game stories" and picked out five websites on the first page and they all had Silent Hill 2 on the list. In fact the first list I picked had Silent Hill 2 as number 1 :P

    it's just that every time i see like a "greatest video game stories" article or thread, literally fucking nobody mentions silent hill 2, although you can guess what everyone does mention. the fucking last of us

  • what fuck

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Just Googled "greatest video game stories" and picked out five websites on the first page and they all had Silent Hill 2 on the list. In fact the first list I picked had Silent Hill 2 as number 1 :P

  • Laughed really hard at your response :D

    what fuck

  • That's just fucking great. Ozzy told us that the Playstation Network won't have the Season Finale of The Walking Dead A New Frontier until tomorrow.

  • yawwwnss


    enter image description here

    Oh hey, Telltale Walking Dead has another spoiler surge.

  • edited May 2017

    So yeah, I'm back...again. But, I'm not staying for long.

    As of right now, the forums have seemed kinda cancer (I KNOW I wasn't helping much with the stuff I said about Ariana Grande, but still) and a little boring. I might check these forums every now and again to see how everyone's doing and to see how the forum's going but for now I think I'm gonna take a small break.

    And I've also been kinda busy with a bunch of other stuff like school, binging Avatar TLA and Legend of Korra, and writing some fanfiction on Wattpad for the game, Until Dawn.

    So...yeah. I'm taking another break soon.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    binging Avatar TLA and Legend of Korra

    Those are good shows, have fun with those and have a nice break when you do take it.

    So yeah, I'm back...again. But, I'm not staying for long. As of right now, the forums have seemed kinda cancer (I KNOW I wasn't helping m

  • Thanks. I'll come back when I'm done with them and let y'all know what I think.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    binging Avatar TLA and Legend of Korra Those are good shows, have fun with those and have a nice break when you do take it.

  • edited May 2017


    dojo32161 posted: »

    binging Avatar TLA and Legend of Korra Those are good shows, have fun with those and have a nice break when you do take it.

  • edited May 2017

    enter image description here

    So yeah, I'm back...again. But, I'm not staying for long. As of right now, the forums have seemed kinda cancer (I KNOW I wasn't helping m

  • https://telltale.com/store/

    The Telltale Store is having a sale on Walking Dead titles if you didn't see.

  • That 90% discount on Michonne. Even though I didn't really like the series, that's a steal.

    https://telltale.com/store/ The Telltale Store is having a sale on Walking Dead titles if you didn't see.

  • Yeah. I always thought the Michonne episodes were a bit short for my liking, but even so, that's a huge bargain - even if you only treat it as only one beefy, three hour episode.

    Pipas posted: »

    That 90% discount on Michonne. Even though I didn't really like the series, that's a steal.

  • Do what you feel is right, man.

    So yeah, I'm back...again. But, I'm not staying for long. As of right now, the forums have seemed kinda cancer (I KNOW I wasn't helping m

  • aight man, do what you need to do.

    So yeah, I'm back...again. But, I'm not staying for long. As of right now, the forums have seemed kinda cancer (I KNOW I wasn't helping m

  • edited May 2017

    just enough time for you to lower literally all your expectations because in my opinion it was the worst episode in the entire series. somehow despite knowing it probably wasn't gonna be good i am very much disappointed.

    enter image description here

    (sorry for the extra notification, the closeness of the image and the actual comment was genuinely triggering me)

    AronDracula posted: »

    That's just fucking great. Ozzy told us that the Playstation Network won't have the Season Finale of The Walking Dead A New Frontier until tomorrow.

  • so by the way i made my comment about silent hill 2 like when i was half awake and miserable with my current mental state. what i should have said is that it's not appreciated for as much as it should be. while the story is praised everything else the game does right gets kinda shoved on the back burner.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Laughed really hard at your response

  • NVM. I'm downloading it.

    just enough time for you to lower literally all your expectations because in my opinion it was the worst episode in the entire series. someh

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2017

    Good Lord this game looks amazing

  • dope. good luck

    AronDracula posted: »

    NVM. I'm downloading it.

  • as an animation buff who thinks smooth animation is the most insanely impressive thing on earth, this trailer made me cry tears of pure actual joy.

    Good Lord this game looks amazing

  • Yeah I guess that's fair.

    If you want to hear praising for the game then you'll probably like Two Best Friends Play Silent Hill 2. Pat (one of the Best Friends) loves Silent Hill 2, he pretty much spends the whole LP gushing about the game. He points out all the parts he loves along with some of the parts he hates and stuff like that.

    so by the way i made my comment about silent hill 2 like when i was half awake and miserable with my current mental state. what i should hav

  • oh i know about their playthrough, watched it all the way through. i also know about pat... let's just say i don't like pat very much. i love matt and woolie though, i watch super best friends every time i get a chance.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Yeah I guess that's fair. If you want to hear praising for the game then you'll probably like Two Best Friends Play Silent Hill 2. Pat (o

  • That's a damn fine trailer.

    Good Lord this game looks amazing

  • I somehow broke my headphones when trying to put them on...

    ... Is my head really that big? :(

  • Let's hope this is the comeback Sonic needs...

    Good Lord this game looks amazing

  • Acheive250 said:
    ... Is my head really that big? :(

    (Well, I didn't want to be rude and say anything...)

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I somehow broke my headphones when trying to put them on... ... Is my head really that big?

  • Politics outside of a two party system:

    I am a person of liberal views, but I don't always vote for that political party.
    In fact, I wouldn't even say that I usually vote for them.
    What? Well, I don't think I would do the country any favors by being in charge, so why would I automatically assume, that someone whom agrees with a lot of my ideals, would be the best choice?

    You can't just vote for someone because you want one or two of their platforms to pass immediately. I think that's rather irresponsible.

  • Plays A New Frontier finale

    Finished A New Frontier finale

    Likes A New Frontier finale

    Goes to the Walking Dead thread to see some discussion about the finale

    See's the first two comment

    Dies inside

    Closes thread


  • "Well it's okay to be wrong." ~ Mr. Steak, 2017

    I'm obviously joking, wouldn't say something like that to ya. I honestly think you have every right to enjoy it, don't let everyone in the walking dead section get you down with their negativity, I didn't like it but I'm happy if others do, we all need more joy imo.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Plays A New Frontier finale Finished A New Frontier finale Likes A New Frontier finale Goes to the Walking Dead thread to see some discussion about the finale See's the first two comment Dies inside Closes thread

  • Thanks buddy.

    "Well it's okay to be wrong." ~ Mr. Steak, 2017 I'm obviously joking, wouldn't say something like that to ya. I honestly think you have e

  • edited May 2017

    enter image description here

    tfw you press quote instead of image

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Thanks buddy.

  • Well, it's official. The Walking Dead forums have become a complete breeding ground for sheep.

    Keep NOT trying Telltale! Your sheep TWD audience will continue to keep eating your garbage.

  • You're the one using their fuckin forums ya dummy

    J-Master posted: »

    Well, it's official. The Walking Dead forums have become a complete breeding ground for sheep. Keep NOT trying Telltale! Your sheep TWD audience will continue to keep eating your garbage.

  • [removed]

    You're the one using their fuckin forums ya dummy

  • oh no somebody likes something you don't, sheep alert


    J-Master posted: »

    Well, it's official. The Walking Dead forums have become a complete breeding ground for sheep. Keep NOT trying Telltale! Your sheep TWD audience will continue to keep eating your garbage.

  • For me, it would depend how important the platform was. I'd be willing to put up with a lot for a massive rollback of military spending or a responsible end to the war on drugs.

    Johro posted: »

    Politics outside of a two party system: I am a person of liberal views, but I don't always vote for that political party. In fact, I wou

  • [removed]

    oh no somebody likes something you don't, sheep alert sad

This discussion has been closed.