Which ending is the most emotional


I'm writing a fanfic on the walking dead story based on my choices, and I'm currently debating on 3 of the endings that I'll use for the story. They are:

  • David dies but says his farewell to Javi and Gabe shoots him. This also leads to Kate's death.
  • Gabe and David dies, Gabe shoots himself.
  • Gabe and David dies, Javi kills Gabe.
    If y'all can tell me which is more emotional, then when I get to that point, if I ever do, then I will put that death on the story.


  • For me it's the one where Gabe dies and shoots himself.

  • Gabe dying. Go for that ending. Easily the saddest death this whole season.

  • Does Javi shoot Gabe or does he shoot himself.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Gabe dying. Go for that ending. Easily the saddest death this whole season.

  • As much as I hated Gabe, his death stuck. Made me realize he's just a kid.

  • edited May 2017

    You have to choose for yourself.

    I'd go for Javi shooting Gabe.

    protocol115 posted: »

    Does Javi shoot Gabe or does he shoot himself.

  • Got it. Thanks for answering.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    You have to choose for yourself. I'd go for Javi shooting Gabe.

  • Thanks for answering.

    LeeClemKen posted: »

    For me it's the one where Gabe dies and shoots himself.

  • Gabe's death just... Man, the tears were real :(

  • Which do you think is more emotional, him shooting himself or Javi shooting him.

    bluewalker posted: »

    Gabe's death just... Man, the tears were real

  • I chose Javi to shoot him, because isn't fair a teenage boy have to shoot himself. He's just a scared boy trying to be brave in the end. He deserved so much better :( that's why I'm trying to figure out how to make him survive lol

    protocol115 posted: »

    Which do you think is more emotional, him shooting himself or Javi shooting him.

  • Thanks for answering.

    bluewalker posted: »

    I chose Javi to shoot him, because isn't fair a teenage boy have to shoot himself. He's just a scared boy trying to be brave in the end. He deserved so much better that's why I'm trying to figure out how to make him survive lol

  • Definitely Gabe's

    To be honest, I don't know if I should feel happy about his determinant status or not...

  • Gabe's death was the most emotional, in my playthrough Kate died and it was bad seeing Javi breakdown and either shoot her or leave her be.

  • Which is more emotional, him shooting himself or Javi shooting Gabe.

    HammyShow posted: »

    Definitely Gabe's To be honest, I don't know if I should feel happy about his determinant status or not...

  • Kate's death wasn't really that emotional to me, but I do agree that seeing Javi breakdown was sad. Hence that's why I'll put it with David's death if there's enough votes, which I don't think there will be due to the comments.

    Reece0110 posted: »

    Gabe's death was the most emotional, in my playthrough Kate died and it was bad seeing Javi breakdown and either shoot her or leave her be.

  • All of this shit didn't make me feel sad. I already watch Clem shoot Lee and it's more emotional than Garcia family extinction.

    So my answer is : Not Emotional For Me

    Try again Telltale... ( ',_,' )

  • Well then. Thanks for your answer I guess.

    Zack040 posted: »

    All of this shit didn't make me feel sad. I already watch Clem shoot Lee and it's more emotional than Garcia family extinction. So my answer is : Not Emotional For Me Try again Telltale... ( ',_,' )

  • I choose the former. i dunno, it's just, I feel that finally he could prove to his loved ones that he was not a child anymore, he finally could make the right decision for his situation by killing himself.
    He knew that he couldn't let his family suffer much longer, so he decided to pull the trigger to end it all...he knew he couldn't let his family feel any more guilt for him...
    I admit, he was a good kid, with a kind heart, even though sometimes he fucked things up, he couldn't help it, he was still learning...

    man..he was just still a child, and yet he got the most fucked up way to die.
    plus when he said those words before he shoot himself...

    Sorry for my rambling there..

    protocol115 posted: »

    Which is more emotional, him shooting himself or Javi shooting Gabe.

  • Gabe and David dies, Javi kills Gabe

  • Thanks for answering.

    HammyShow posted: »

    I choose the former. i dunno, it's just, I feel that finally he could prove to his loved ones that he was not a child anymore, he finally co

  • Thanks for answering.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    Gabe and David dies, Javi kills Gabe

  • You're welcome buddy

    protocol115 posted: »

    Thanks for answering.

  • If you made Clem shoot Lee you're a monster

    Zack040 posted: »

    All of this shit didn't make me feel sad. I already watch Clem shoot Lee and it's more emotional than Garcia family extinction. So my answer is : Not Emotional For Me Try again Telltale... ( ',_,' )

  • Lol wat

    Louche posted: »

    If you made Clem shoot Lee you're a monster

  • Javier chases Gabe, David dies at peace with his brother at his side, Gabe puts down his dad, Kate mysteriously vanishes.

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    I will vouch for Gabe's death. Even a guy like me who hated Gabe so much in the previous episode, felt so sorry about his death.

  • I thought the David ending was fitting and well done, however I really didn't care or have much of an emotional reaction to any of the deaths/endings.

  • you heard me. you make the little girl shoot you because you're being selfish, you're a monster. As if Lee dying wasn't traumatic enough.

    Lol wat

  • edited June 2017

    I'd say the second one feels the most emotional.

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    He was suffering. He wanted to end it. It is easy to judge when you were not on his position.

    Louche posted: »

    you heard me. you make the little girl shoot you because you're being selfish, you're a monster. As if Lee dying wasn't traumatic enough.

  • yeah, I'm not in any of their positions, especially not the little girl. I have no idea what a little girl would do, but I think not shoot.
    there's also the part where they're fictional characters.

    MrJava posted: »

    He was suffering. He wanted to end it. It is easy to judge when you were not on his position.

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited June 2017

    The ending with Clem on the bridge - three knife stabs three zombies dead. Them Clem shoots, never stops, no special aiming, no reloading, every shot is a headshot.

    So emotional...

    Jesus Christ, what have you done with this game?! With Clementine?! This is so stupid and irrational! Who wrote this bs!?

  • Kate turned and was put down by Javier. His crying scream got me. :'(

  • what about the 4th ending where Kate dies and you either get to shoot her or let her go with the herd?

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