Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • I don't think you have control over it when Clementine calls them monsters, isn't that something she always does when they take AJ?

    Domi_nique posted: »

    If you accept Ava's offer and obey them with AJ, your Clem will be understanding and will go after Gabe. Does "obey them" mean Clem

  • Man, this is the new "Bonnie can die if you don't break the ice" meme.

    Already posted buddy. :p

    AronDracula posted: »

    Longest Non-canon Death cutscene EVER!!!

  • Nothing will ever live up to 'Bonnie can die if you don't break the ice' meme. That went on for pagesssssss

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Man, this is the new "Bonnie can die if you don't break the ice" meme. Already posted buddy.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I think it still occasionally rears its head.

    Kateis posted: »

    Nothing will ever live up to 'Bonnie can die if you don't break the ice' meme. That went on for pagesssssss

  • Really?! Oh god... XD

    Been a long time since I was on this thread so, I wouldn't know :P But jesus, that was a time... A bloody good time :)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I think it still occasionally rears its head.

  • enter image description here

    Kateis posted: »

    Really?! Oh god... XD Been a long time since I was on this thread so, I wouldn't know :P But jesus, that was a time... A bloody good time :)

  • Not sure. It's just the only dialoge I remember from that scene and I used it to get across my point. ^^

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    I don't think you have control over it when Clementine calls them monsters, isn't that something she always does when they take AJ?

  • edited May 2017

    Is this for real?

    If you accept Ava's offer and inject AJ, your Clem will be loyal and she will follow Javi's lead. If you accept Ava's offer and obey them

  • ...I shouldn't have said jesus, should I? :P

  • I'd say the Wellington one is due to the fact that Kenny sacrificed everything he cared about to get Clem and AJ safe, and now, David just threw that away.

    Wellington - No Idea Jane - Jane was always thinking smart, she didn't have much feelings for the others around her, thus the line from C

  • If you don't break--

    enter image description here

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I think it still occasionally rears its head.

  • Yeah, that too. :lol:

    I also love the part when Tripp shows up behind Javi and Clem even though he got shot in the neck an episode earlier.

  • can u explain this meme to me? im new

    Kateis posted: »

    Nothing will ever live up to 'Bonnie can die if you don't break the ice' meme. That went on for pagesssssss

  • Did anyone else think of Mr. Toad from The Wolf Among Us when Lingard ends up giving Clementine the location of AJ anyway?

  • Just because Badger was a psycho piece of shit to the Garcia's(and Prescott) and Joan turn out to have...whatever the heck her problem was doesn't mean that their years of service to Richmond would immediately be forgotten. Somebody loved them, dude.

    Domi_nique posted: »

    What the fuq are evil creatures like Joan and Badger doing on the memorial wall???

  • edited May 2017

    Basically some people kept saying 'if u don't break ice bonnie dies'

    And it turned into this big thing for pages.

    I went to go find it and I think it starts here, on page 128

    Edit: Sorry, it was brought back up at page 128 and it was mentioned in the very early days but the first time it was used as, and became a meme was on page 100 Sorry for my mistake. But yeah it really goes from p100 to a few pages after 128 :)

    ladypocky posted: »

    can u explain this meme to me? im new

  • Some of these pictures are really weird:
    Mariana looks like she got teeth too big for her mouth and maybe a few missin
    Also Starring: Anthony Mackie as Conrad
    Gabe looks like he's home sick from school
    Kate's diggin for gold and doesn't realize her soul's being stolen
    David's attempt at cooking resulted in Creme covered fish and beer
    And Lord knows what happened to Ava there. What, was she originally a basketball player before the Commies blew her shins off...and some of her head juice?

    Meanwhile, Lingard, Joan, Tripp, and Clint look perfectly fine.

    BC_Guy posted: »

    High quality pic of the photos on the wall in the church at the end:

  • Good to know she was wearing that same Christmas Sweater and Vest combo pre-apocalypse too.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Good to know Joan's cake tasted like shit pre-apocalypse too.

  • Oh, hai, realistic Asian girl!

    Graysonn posted: »

    And this too:

  • Oh shit fam! Really?

    if gabe dies, one of the photos at the memorial is him without a hat.

  • Is that butt Baseball Kid?
    ...No Pedo.

    HammyShow posted: »

    has anyone noticed it yet? Towards the end of episode 5: Thanks Melissa Hutchison!

  • Now that's pragtamism!

    HammyShow posted: »

    Welp, I don't know if it's implying anything...

  • Telltale have been trying to do more characters in the vain of Kenny for a while now, though more in the case of what he was then how he workeditalic text. This Installment actually has quite a few characters that can be compared to him, but David is the most obvious.

    The parallels between Kenny and David are endless. * Both are separated from their loved ones and reunited at a later time after one of

  • Tripp was the most obvious Kenny Expy in ANF, tbh.

    Tripp and Kenny's determinant death scenes have a lot in common. * Both tell their friends to leave so they dont have to watch them bei

  • Been a very long time since i played WAU, I assume Toad reveals something that would have killed him earlier in the story?

  • They are mass murderers and at least Badger never acted likeable. He always was an asshole and there is no reason to believe he ever acted otherwise around other people. People who still love mass murderers after they find out the truth are sick people.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Just because Badger was a psycho piece of shit to the Garcia's(and Prescott) and Joan turn out to have...whatever the heck her problem was doesn't mean that their years of service to Richmond would immediately be forgotten. Somebody loved them, dude.

  • To be fair, the people of Richmond technically never learn about what he did prior to the timeskip at the end, so they might not even know about that side of him. At worst, he'd just be "that one guard who seems like a bit of a dick but he still helps keep us safe."

    Domi_nique posted: »

    They are mass murderers and at least Badger never acted likeable. He always was an asshole and there is no reason to believe he ever acted o

  • h

    The parallels between Kenny and David are endless. * Both are separated from their loved ones and reunited at a later time after one of

  • Throughout the whole season David gave Javier shit for leaving when people most needed him. Said he was a coward for tucking his tail between his legs and running. Especially in episode 3 if you try to leave with Kate and then get caught he gets mad at you for not fighting for his brother/Richmond.

    Episode 5 comes and David abandons Richmond, abandons his wife and brother, takes his kid and books it. Abandoning all of them and only thinking of himself.

    David turned into what Javier was.

  • Wow, Telltale DID put effort in this one.

    I always liked the idea of the ending not being determined by the very last choice of the game, but rather by a lot of choices you started making since the begining. Uh, maybe ANF wasn't as bad as we thought.

    If you accept Ava's offer and inject AJ, your Clem will be loyal and she will follow Javi's lead. If you accept Ava's offer and obey them

  • In episode 5 Kate and David's intentions with Richmond kind of switched. In episode 3 David wanted your help to make things right and take down Joan whereas Kate wanted to leave because it isn't there problem. Then in episode 5 David wants to just worry about his family and leave because Richmonds a lost cause whereas Kate wanted to stay and fix her mistake. The reasoning differs a little but their intentions did switch.

  • Kateis posted: »

    ...I shouldn't have said jesus, should I? :P

  • No it still is, but choices was one thing this season did very well with, and it does deserve praise for that.

    Wow, Telltale DID put effort in this one. I always liked the idea of the ending not being determined by the very last choice of the game,

  • I love this. As all our previous choices as Clem actually determines the life of a character.

    If you accept Ava's offer and inject AJ, your Clem will be loyal and she will follow Javi's lead. If you accept Ava's offer and obey them

  • David turned into what Javier was.

    And Javier turned into what David wanted to be...

    Throughout the whole season David gave Javier shit for leaving when people most needed him. Said he was a coward for tucking his tail betwe

  • edited May 2017


    AgentZ46 posted: »

    In episode 5 Kate and David's intentions with Richmond kind of switched. In episode 3 David wanted your help to make things right and take d

  • edited May 2017

    You are incorrect to judge David based on that.

    The people where David put his time, effort and work to turned on him to kill him without question.

    Why would David continue again to serve the people who betrayed him and tried to kill him no questions asked?

    In ep3 he thought he could trust the people and therefor was prepared to fight for them. When he realised that they are not worthy to trust after they showed their true self in time of need he has all the right to abandoning them or rule with tyranny.

    Throughout the whole season David gave Javier shit for leaving when people most needed him. Said he was a coward for tucking his tail betwe

  • edited May 2017

    man this makes me hate David even more now.

    And I loved him up throughout ep 1-4

    Throughout the whole season David gave Javier shit for leaving when people most needed him. Said he was a coward for tucking his tail betwe

  • You're right, that was funny. That was the only part of the episode I got a chuckle out of

    "Oh, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks. Do you just literally eat shit, all day long? Is that why you smell so bad?"

    Well, I could be wrong, but it may also have to do it the rotting flesh. :-P

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    MINOR ANF AND TFTBL SPOILERS!!! Out of all the characters in the game, including two children, Javi is the character that is most bothere

  • the writers confirmed on this forum that Javi is 100% canonically bisexual

    bobshaw posted: »

    Theres a quote you can choose that comes across as flirty but if you continue it, hesus realises you werent trying to make a move and were just complementing him. It doesnt make javi bi

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