Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Yeah, I noticed it when I first played the episode. It was funny to see Tripp suddenly there. I just assume it was glimpse in a parallel universe. :D

    For those with the Ava alive ending: There is actually a brief glitch that happens for a split second that many people don't notice. After

  • Don't think so I didn't shoot Kenny and she shot David

    During Javi and David's fight Clem will either shoot David on the arm or point a gun on his head depending on whether you shot Kenny in season 2.

  • He doesn't say hes leaving

    HammyShow posted: »

    CMIIW, at the end of episode 5, after the brief conversation with Dr. Lingard (if you didn't inject him), he states that he will be leaving Richmond. So, that makes Eleanor taking his place as the doctor in charge.

  • Clementine can still call you Fucking Traitor even if you didn't get locked up along with her in Episode 1.

  • So are Rufus and Fern.

    AronDracula posted: »

    That's a strange name.

  • Animator's hand probably slipped.

  • That only happens if you agree to the plan when Conrad first suggests it, if you disagree and then accept when Conrad threatens Gabe she instead says "but you said"

    AronDracula posted: »

    Clementine can still call you Fucking Traitor even if you didn't get locked up along with her in Episode 1.

  • Actually, I think it just depends on wether you immediately started fighting David or tried telling him you love him.

    If you start fighting at the first opportunity, Clem points her gun at David's head

    If you say "I love you" at least once, she will shoot David in the shoulder.

    At least as far as I can tell.

    During Javi and David's fight Clem will either shoot David on the arm or point a gun on his head depending on whether you shot Kenny in season 2.

  • I know.

    That only happens if you agree to the plan when Conrad first suggests it, if you disagree and then accept when Conrad threatens Gabe she instead says "but you said"

  • edited June 2017

    Nope. I said I love you three times and she shot him and again, with a different save file she just pointed the gun at his head, don't know what causes this though

    Actually, I think it just depends on wether you immediately started fighting David or tried telling him you love him. If you start fighti

  • edited June 2017

    Nope, I told David Ioved him and Clem pointed gun at his head.

    Actually, I think it just depends on wether you immediately started fighting David or tried telling him you love him. If you start fighti

  • Shit I read you original post wrong ignore my dyslexia

    AronDracula posted: »

    I know.

  • my friend really likes tripp and when he accidentally got him killed in ep. 4 he went apeshit

    when he saw him for the brief 2 seconds in episode 5 he went apeshit and thought he was being haunted

    For those with the Ava alive ending: There is actually a brief glitch that happens for a split second that many people don't notice. After

  • edited June 2017

    There was really no reason for him to be Bisexual. As a good example, theres Matthew and Walter. No one said or forced or praised them, the audience just understood that they were a gay couple and accepted it. It fitted for both characters to be men and is a non-forced way or getting LGBT characters, unlike the forced Javier way.

    I'm confused, what was the 'reason' for Walter and Matthew to be gay?

    Also, Javier isn't 'forced' or 'praised' by anyone for it, he just casually flirts. How is that forced? It's not as if he says 'I'm bisexual' at a random point - Jesus flirts with him, he flirts back.

    There seems to be a weird issue peopel have with lgbt representation where if a character's story is about them being gay, they say 'it's shoving it down our throats, not everythign has to be about sexuality!!', and if the story is NOT about them being gay, but it's just very casually mentioned, they say 'what is the point of them being gay?????'

    I have a question. If you were going about writing Javier in this series, and you were going to mention or imply him to be bisexual, how would you do it? You clearly think him responding well to a guy flirting with him is too 'forced', so what route would you take?

  • Well I'm sorry, what I meant was that he was implying that he won't stay in Richmond

    He doesn't say hes leaving

  • Ironically this is the most respectful and well written death in all of Season 3.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Longest Non-canon Death cutscene EVER!!!

  • I said nice armor bro, he got awkward and I got confused... didn't realize that I flirted with him.

    Connora711 posted: »

    Lol no I litteraly COCK blocked him and said nice armor bro. Not into that gay shit.

  • Pfft what? He completely noticed in my game.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    if you and Clem go after David and Gabe, then get David to return. David doesn't see that Kate became a walker. He more than likely has no idea she's even dead.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I don't have a video or anything, but if Conrad got ran over at the end of episode 4, you get the option to tell Kate that she hit him after she saves you and David.

  • That made me chuckle, I don't know why.

    Deltino posted: »

    I don't have a video or anything, but if Conrad got ran over at the end of episode 4, you get the option to tell Kate that she hit him after she saves you and David.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited June 2017

    I'm pretty sure it is the choice to shoot Kenny that determines it. The "your Clementine became" screen specifically makes note that she was reminded of the Kenny/Jane fight at the rest stop, and how she stops David depends on what she did there. Or if it's not specifically shooting Kenny, something about the rest stop fight determines how she stops David.

    Actually, I think it just depends on wether you immediately started fighting David or tried telling him you love him. If you start fighti

  • I kept telling David I loved him even when he was beating me up and Clem pointed the gun on his head. I fought David the first chance in my next playthrough and let him beat me up after and Clem pointed a gun to his head

    Actually, I think it just depends on wether you immediately started fighting David or tried telling him you love him. If you start fighti

  • Wait, Ava can live to the ending? Can Tripp too? Or are you talking about the Ava alive ending to episode 4?

    For those with the Ava alive ending: There is actually a brief glitch that happens for a split second that many people don't notice. After

  • He means if you didn't pick her in Episode 4. Tripp will randomly show up after she's died for a shot walking into the foreground.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Wait, Ava can live to the ending? Can Tripp too? Or are you talking about the Ava alive ending to episode 4?

  • I was about to say that, I was totally surprised when I saw him when I saved Ava

    For those with the Ava alive ending: There is actually a brief glitch that happens for a split second that many people don't notice. After

  • I was actually worried that this was canon since Lee dies and was the protagonist

    AronDracula posted: »

    Longest Non-canon Death cutscene EVER!!!

  • Oh... Damn.

    DabigRG posted: »

    He means if you didn't pick her in Episode 4. Tripp will randomly show up after she's died for a shot walking into the foreground.

  • It should of been like that deleted scene of walker-Doug/Carley if you didn't save them. We'd see Javi hallucinate a Tripp with a gunshot wound in his neck.

    For those with the Ava alive ending: There is actually a brief glitch that happens for a split second that many people don't notice. After

  • Some fun fact (in case some of you haven't noticed yet):

    • Javier lives in all (4) endings
    • Gabriel lives in 3 out of 4 endings
    • Kate lives in 2 out of 4 endings
    • David lives in 1 out of 4 endings
  • I didn't shoot Kenny and she pointed gun at David's head. My Javi never fought back. So maybe you're right.

    Deltino posted: »

    I'm pretty sure it is the choice to shoot Kenny that determines it. The "your Clementine became" screen specifically makes note that she was

  • edited June 2017

    After David deals with Rufus/Fern in EP5, Eleanor scream "no!" which is the exact same "no!" she screams in EP4 if Tripp gets killed.

  • edited June 2017

    Having Conrad survive the Season, and making his second and third death dependant on the player rather than using the cheap method of killing them off screen (Nick), was the best decision Telltale made regarding A New Frontier.

    Deltino posted: »

    I don't have a video or anything, but if Conrad got ran over at the end of episode 4, you get the option to tell Kate that she hit him after she saves you and David.

  • Behold, the most hilarious game over scene from the game.

    enter image description here

  • "It's an easy jump."

    Pipas posted: »

    Behold, the most hilarious game over scene from the game.

  • That must've hurt like hell... :(

    Pipas posted: »

    Behold, the most hilarious game over scene from the game.

  • edited June 2017

    Swingpoynt's reaction is priceless. Look at the last few minutes.

    Pipas posted: »

    Behold, the most hilarious game over scene from the game.

  • The more I learn about Ava the more I like her.


    Findagon posted: »

    If you decide to leave Richmond with Kate in Episode 3, Ava has the possibility of calling you out on having the most pathetic pleas she has

  • Eh I doubt it was anything more than a coincidence.

  • Yeah, it was really just a joke anyway.

    I doubt TTG really tried to put that much detail in the game.

    Twdsaviours posted: »

    Eh I doubt it was anything more than a coincidence.

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