The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • Which one?

    ladypocky posted: »

    yeah, i read about that. I followed Naruto for 12 years and waited for a character to return for 10 years (never did, the manga ended). So I consider myself a patient woman. Still, I do wish Jesus the best.

  • Hidan.

    His clone showed up in a filler arc and that's it. :(

    Kishimoto even said he intended to bring him back but manga went on too long.


    DabigRG posted: »

    Which one?

  • Oh, him. Yeah, I do recall thinking he'd probably be back given he can't really die but I guess it didn't happen. Thanks for spoiler that much, babe!

    ladypocky posted: »

    Hidan. His clone showed up in a filler arc and that's it. Kishimoto even said he intended to bring him back but manga went on too long. Feelsbadman.

  • edited June 2017

    I guess you missed the part where Jaimie was going to fucking get both of them killed, and since Jane ISN'T a mary sue with godlike skills, she couldn't grab her sister and jump with her to the next building.
    It's like you only listen to all the negative about Jane.
    I bet you didn't even see the "adorkable" (As you put it) scene with Jane and AJ when you tell her to hold him.
    God, she must have been written by Kenny fans in New Frontier.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well, they were right there. Too bad she couldn't extend that courtesy to her own fucking sister. Both times.

  • I guess you missed the part where Jaimie was going to fucking get both of them killed, and since Jane ISN'T a mary sue with godlike skills, she couldn't grab her sister and jump with her to the next building.

    I know what she said happen and I believe her, but at the same time, it's not like that wasn't her sister she told to die there(assuming she did die given that Jane apparently considered looking for her). Besides, I meant more that while it's nice that she didn't tell them to try not to get eaten on their way out, it's sad that her own sister didn't get a similar push. Probably would've made all the trouble Jane wrought less likely to happen if she did.

    I bet you didn't even see the "adorkable" (As you put it) scene with Jane and AJ when you tell her to hold him.

    Oh no, I saw it. Not really worth talking about often, but I saw it. It's non-determinate, isn't it?

    God, she must have been written by Kenny fans in New Frontier.

    You know, the sad thing is actual Kenny fans like @dan 290786 said the same thing when the first episode came out. :lol:

    Louche posted: »

    I guess you missed the part where Jaimie was going to fucking get both of them killed, and since Jane ISN'T a mary sue with godlike skills,

  • Dunno, to me she looks like a mix of a black, hispanic and asian, in ANF

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Telltale: "Let's just progressively make Clem more white throughout each season...that's not controversial at all." I'm kidding.

  • All choices show a different pic of what you picked, probably to show you what would have happened if you picked the other one

  • "Holy Jesus, what is that? WTF is that?"

    i dont know

  • Oh hai Kate, looking good I see.

    i dont know

  • sush no Javus is the only ship

    Trippier, now that's a ship I can get behind.

  • [removed]

    i dont know

  • Really though, no one's done this one yet? Shame on ya'll.

    enter image description here

  • Ethnic websites dont lie

    max_pain943 posted: »

    Dunno, to me she looks like a mix of a black, hispanic and asian, in ANF

  • is that suppose to be funny?

  • honestly more attractive than kate.

    i dont know

  • Amazing, take the upvote.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Really though, no one's done this one yet? Shame on ya'll.

  • .#Wake up Sheeple!
    The Insane Clown Posse is here to make the world their Balloon Animal!

    i dont know

  • Lol at Gabe's duckface there.
    Ghost Walkers, yo.

  • Ah, good ol Spanish stereotypes.

    Only the walkers are scared of David

  • Jesus Christ, that's Jason Bourne.

    i dont know

  • enter image description here

    Maybe I'm the only one, but I was reminded of a Dunmer from The Elder Scrolls because of Kate's grey skin and red eyes.

  • edited June 2017

    By Azura, how the hell did I not notice that earlier?

    She just needs pointy ears and she's pure Dunmer.

    Maybe I'm the only one, but I was reminded of a Dunmer from The Elder Scrolls because of Kate's grey skin and red eyes.

  • Yeah, seriously. Guess the veins threw me off.

    Findagon posted: »

    By Azura, how the hell did I not notice that earlier? She just needs pointy ears and she's pure Dunmer.

  • 3:38 is this guy on drugs or something? wtf

  • send me all the javier facial expressions you've got every donation is appriciated

  • edited June 2017

    Credit to @Divided_We_Fall

    send me all the javier facial expressions you've got every donation is appriciated

  • your donation is very much appriciated

    Credit to @Divided_We_Fall

  • enter image description here
    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    I have waay more and better Clementine derpy facial expressions but if you want Javi, Javi it shall be.

    send me all the javier facial expressions you've got every donation is appriciated

  • edited June 2017

    That's some Sonic Adventure DX shit right there.

    Credit to @BettertoSeep

  • fucking nightmare fuel

    DabigRG posted: »

    That's some Sonic Adventure DX shit right there. Credit to @BettertoSeep

  • can someone explain this meme to me? im out of the loop.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Really though, no one's done this one yet? Shame on ya'll.

  • derpelations

    DabigRG posted: »

    That's some Sonic Adventure DX shit right there. Credit to @BettertoSeep

  • The retail trailer.

    ladypocky posted: »

    can someone explain this meme to me? im out of the loop.

  • Thanks to this video, I found myself a new avi.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That's some Sonic Adventure DX shit right there. Credit to @BettertoSeep

  • Did Javier hit the g-spot or what? That thumbnail is just pure satisfaction.

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    DabigRG posted: »

    That's some Sonic Adventure DX shit right there. Credit to @BettertoSeep

  • Damn it, that's what I couldn't help but think about after I posted it.

    Findagon posted: »

    Did Javier hit the g-spot or what? That thumbnail is just pure satisfaction. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • yeah but what's so meme about the girl?

    DabigRG posted: »

    The retail trailer.

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