tripp is ALIVE



  • Tripp and Ava are both dead. It says so in the "your new frontier story"

  • But that's just extremely lazy writing. It was already weird how Kate, who had been lying in hospital with heavy bandages a day or two before, was even able to run and kill walkers, let alone survive an explosion like that. But not only did she survive, no one is surprised in the slightest about it. Also, how did she even get out? Walkers were already pouring in at the end of Episode 4, and the vehicle door was still closed at that point.
    Ava and Tripp fell at least 50 feet or more onto water (which might as well be concrete at that height), with Tripp falling onto a metal bar and both of them with walkers clutching onto them. Their survival would be worse than Kate's.
    I wouldn't be surprised, though, because this Season suffered from a severe case of "Too many cooks spoil the broth, especially if a lot of the cooks can't cook"

    ladypocky posted: »

    Don't bother trying to convince people Ava/Tripp are alive. It's the "Kate 100% died in that truck" situation all over again. People survive the highly unlikely to impossible situations in this series.

  • But it said the same thing with Kenny in season 1.

    KaiMaestro posted: »

    Tripp and Ava are both dead. It says so in the "your new frontier story"

  • It said "He was lost".

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    But it said the same thing with Kenny in season 1.

  • The walking dead might be more realistic because of its real life setting but it doesnt mean it cant get some scenes that are not realistic to make more characters survive so that they can get more developed and advance the plot ((Look at Glenn and the garbage Bin for example in the show.))

    But that's just extremely lazy writing. It was already weird how Kate, who had been lying in hospital with heavy bandages a day or two befor

  • edited June 2017


  • Well they both were introduced in the first episode of the season and lived to episode 5 (Well, Tripp determinately)

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    Why am I wrong? Tell me. Reason 1. Kenny and Tripp are both angry all the time with soft insides. Reason 2. They're both big and str

  • Oh my god XD XD

    DabigRG posted: »

    AJ and Sam. Oh, and the raccon, but it doesn't count.

  • this supposed to be Terminator?

  • What? She knew what she was doing.

    Oh my god XD XD

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