Last question is why is there barely any hubs/controll over javi? I think there was an okay amount in ep1 but after that we barely got any. Why do certain games, like Guardians for example, get all these good hubs but yet ANF barely gets any?
One of the challenges with every freewalk design is how to make sure the player has a clear set of goals that balance urgency and exploration -- it should feel like you have something important to do, rather than wandering aimlessly -- but the act of exploration can be at odds with the feeling of it being urgent to accomplish a goal.
In some of the episodes this season, we erred on the side of urgency, to the detriment of exploration -- and we’ve heard a lot of feedback about that choice. I know that I personally have learned a whole lot about what to do -- and not to do -- to set up freewalks in order to succeed, and I hope to apply those lessons in future episodes.
Do you think you guys will ever consider going back to season1/2 graphics style? If updated, I really think it would look amazing. The style… more to me was always it's signature look you know?
Another question is why does this season have the shaky camera/camera zooms so much?
Last question is why is there barely any hubs/controll over javi? I think there was an okay amount in ep1 but after that we barely got any. Why do certain games, like Guardians for example, get all these good hubs but yet ANF barely gets any?
Once a thread is marked as spoilers it's locked in, unfortunately
A work-around I'm using is to jump between pages. If you are on page 12 and you click page 11, for instance, it doesn't ask you to "click to reveal." It only does that on a hard refresh.
Was Javis non canon death scene where he tells Gabe to go to Richmond suppose to be canon at one point or was it always just a cool easter egg?
It was an easter egg that our director, Jason Pyke, created. There were several alternative versions of extended death scenes in the original plans, as a special treat for our fans who sometimes miss a QTE prompt. Not all of them made the final episode.
Hello and thank you for doing this AMA
* Was Javis non canon death scene where he tells Gabe to go to Richmond suppose to be canon at … moreone point or was it always just a cool easter egg?
* In episode 4 when Gabe calls out Javi for killing Conrad, did Gabe know Conrad was apart of Tripp's group? Did he purposely rat out Javi to Tripp and Eleanor or was it on accident?
* If you're allowed to, could you tell us anything interesting about previous iterations of season 3? Was there any scrapped content you thought was cool that didn't make it into the final cut?
Once a thread is marked as spoilers it's locked in, unfortunately
A work-around I'm using is to jump between pages. If you are on page 1… more2 and you click page 11, for instance, it doesn't ask you to "click to reveal." It only does that on a hard refresh.
In episode 4 when Gabe calls out Javi for killing Conrad, did Gabe know Conrad was apart of Tripp's group? Did he purposely rat out Javi to Tripp and Eleanor or was it on accident?
Gabe knew that Conrad and Tripp both came from Prescott, because they were all traveling together in Episode 2. As for whether his exposing Javi’s secret was purposeful -- I don’t think he planned it by any means. But one of the things that teenagers do, quite often, is react to something hurtful by trying to hurt back -- and Gabe was very hurt that his plans for saving his father weren’t resonating with Kate and Tripp (even if they were conditionally resonating with Javi.) So he took Javi’s words about life being precious, and threw them back in his face -- publicly calling Javi out as a hypocrite without thought for the consequences.
If you're allowed to, could you tell us anything interesting about previous iterations of season 3? Was there any scrapped content you thought was cool that didn't make it into the final cut?
Max at one point in development died in the Slaughterhouse in episode 1, after Javi found and took care of a turned Mariana.
There was a flashback of Clem and her babysitter in Episode 1, where she had a phone call with her mom from Atlanta.
Lingard’s model was originally created to be a guy named Mason, who was the mastermind of the New Frontier group in an early iteration of the story.
The guy who stabbed Javi in episode 4 (and was eaten by walkers in Ep 5) was originally supposed to be a spanish-speaking engineer that Javi could use his (originally planned) bilingual skills to communicate with. He was being guarded by Ava, who was envisioned as a former MMA fighter who had found a role as a prison guard for the New Frontier.
Hello and thank you for doing this AMA
* Was Javis non canon death scene where he tells Gabe to go to Richmond suppose to be canon at … moreone point or was it always just a cool easter egg?
* In episode 4 when Gabe calls out Javi for killing Conrad, did Gabe know Conrad was apart of Tripp's group? Did he purposely rat out Javi to Tripp and Eleanor or was it on accident?
* If you're allowed to, could you tell us anything interesting about previous iterations of season 3? Was there any scrapped content you thought was cool that didn't make it into the final cut?
What was the point of keeping/not keeping those items: Chocolate bar, Medicine, Marianna's casette player, Kenny's hat?
Unfortunately, the in-game payoff for keeping some of these items ended up on the cutting room floor. It would have been a really nice moment in Ep 1 if Javi had handed over that candy bar; we had intended for Javi to be able to give the cassette player to David and to potentially use the medicine in the post-wall breach fray. But for various production reasons, we didn’t end up shipping that content. We are keeping track of Kenny’s hat, and have a plan for where it will be found for those players who kept it.
Do writers feel to be restricted in writing when it comes to length of the episode?
What happened to Max? Did you forget about him?
Wh… moreat was the point of keeping/not keeping those items: Chocolate bar, Medicine, Marianna's casette player, Kenny's hat?
Could you give some insight on S2 ending flashbacks. Why did you choose such deaths for Kenny and Jane? Why Jane commits suicide right away, rather than finding a safe place for Clementine & AJ (Especially after the fact that Jane promised to not abandon Clem & AJ + Howe's getting invaded by "asshole family")?
What happened to "asshole family"?
In episode 4 when Gabe calls out Javi for killing Conrad, did Gabe know Conrad was apart of Tripp's group? Did he purposely rat out Javi to … moreTripp and Eleanor or was it on accident?
Gabe knew that Conrad and Tripp both came from Prescott, because they were all traveling together in Episode 2. As for whether his exposing Javi’s secret was purposeful -- I don’t think he planned it by any means. But one of the things that teenagers do, quite often, is react to something hurtful by trying to hurt back -- and Gabe was very hurt that his plans for saving his father weren’t resonating with Kate and Tripp (even if they were conditionally resonating with Javi.) So he took Javi’s words about life being precious, and threw them back in his face -- publicly calling Javi out as a hypocrite without thought for the consequences.
If you're allowed to, could you tell us anything interesting about previous iterations of season 3? Was there an… [view original content]
OMG this!!! One thing I loved about season 2 was the menu and title screens! I know it's extra work but it just made the season so much more unique and creepy.
And I have a last final question that I would really like answered. Perhaps more aimed at Creative Director @Alyssa_TTG, since you're likely… more to be the one in charge of such things. Is there any chance, that Season 2's episode presentation scheme comes back in future installments? And what I mean by episode presentation scheme is S2's widescreen slides each with their own tracks (tracks which I loved), color schemes, main menu images, settings menu symbolic images and episode credit songs. It made each episode so damn unique and added, especially to the last 3, this eerie, horror feeling about them (even if the episodes themselves didn't end up delivering such feeling (which, to be honest, I actually think they did)), it was such a beautiful and cool menu to play around with (since you could even use an episode's color scheme onto another episode's menu image) and I would love it was brought back since this new generic menu Telltale has been u… [view original content]
In episode 4 when Gabe calls out Javi for killing Conrad, did Gabe know Conrad was apart of Tripp's group? Did he purposely rat out Javi to … moreTripp and Eleanor or was it on accident?
Gabe knew that Conrad and Tripp both came from Prescott, because they were all traveling together in Episode 2. As for whether his exposing Javi’s secret was purposeful -- I don’t think he planned it by any means. But one of the things that teenagers do, quite often, is react to something hurtful by trying to hurt back -- and Gabe was very hurt that his plans for saving his father weren’t resonating with Kate and Tripp (even if they were conditionally resonating with Javi.) So he took Javi’s words about life being precious, and threw them back in his face -- publicly calling Javi out as a hypocrite without thought for the consequences.
If you're allowed to, could you tell us anything interesting about previous iterations of season 3? Was there an… [view original content]
The original goal of that set of events was to create a walker situation that one, but not the other, of Tripp/Ava could have made it through. Via player feedback, we knew we needed some kind of action on the overpass to keep the urgency up. Previous versions of the scene had felt too safe, too detached from the action going on in Richmond -- and of the characters we had in the scene, there were only two that didn’t already have critical story beats later in the episode relying on them. A staple of the franchise is that no one is safe, and we didn’t want Tripp and Ava’s recent brush with death to give them plot armor. All that said, it’s one of those things that worked better in theory than in practice; the original intent was to provide the same kind of closure for Ava as we did for Tripp; next time around, we’ll make sure that people do spend the time that they ought mourning such an impactful character.
Hey, Adam and Alyssa!
Thanks for taking the time to participate in this Ask Me Anything. These have—mostly—been a pleasant activity that … moreI feel bring Telltale, and the people who consume the games, together; necessary in times when discomfort has become widespread. Communication is multiple steps in the right direction.
I know how this works, though. I know that your hands are tied when you type in the keyboard to reply to our posts. Nonetheless, my question is as follows.
Did you honestly think it was a good idea for Ava—who had progressively gained more and more relevance as the season advanced; who was an essential piece in "Thicker Than Water" in both Javi's storyline and Clem's flashback; and who had recently become determinant result of a choice that tore players, shown by the 50:50 result—to die thrown off a cliff by a jumpscare walker and be forgotten within no more than thirty seconds?
I knew I would like Ava when I first… [view original content]
Do team members who work on TWD have strong opinion regarding how this series should end?
I’d say everyone has a strong opinion as to how the series should end, but, like anything worthwhile, finding the right answer takes time. Sometimes more time than we like, and more often more time than you guys like ;-) At the end of the day, though, our main concern is quality, and we’d rather give you guys the right finale than the one we can finish fastest.
Do team members who work on TWD have strong opinion regarding how this series should end?
I and many others fans… more are worried what you might decide to end series with main protagonist (Clementine) death, we really hope that you will come up with something better than that for the finale. It may sound silly but we got really attached to Clementine after all these years together, watching her grow up.
I know you cannot give me much information so at least I would want to know do TWD team members have plans for the finale already or you kind of figure stuff out as you go.
Thank you for amazing 5 years, looking forward to new Season\DLC!
What was the point of keeping/not keeping those items: Chocolate bar, Medicine, Marianna's casette player, Kenny's hat?
Unfortunatel… morey, the in-game payoff for keeping some of these items ended up on the cutting room floor. It would have been a really nice moment in Ep 1 if Javi had handed over that candy bar; we had intended for Javi to be able to give the cassette player to David and to potentially use the medicine in the post-wall breach fray. But for various production reasons, we didn’t end up shipping that content. We are keeping track of Kenny’s hat, and have a plan for where it will be found for those players who kept it.
* What in the world happened to Max? Fell off the face of the earth?
* I remember during (pre release) crowdplay staff specifically said "… moreWe have not forgotten about Christa" but that didn't show in S3. Any reason as to why this was randomly said?
* Who thought it was a good idea to make Clem fall head over heels for Gabe after knowing him for, like, 3 days?
* Why did you guys say this season would be the "biggest yet"?
* The new artstyle doesn't feel like Telltale's TWD at all, can you please go back to the comic style in Season 4"
* How come throughout the whole season Clementine constantly stood by Javier to help him and his family even though she was not obligated to due so, but the moment she needs to go after AJ Javier leaves her on her own?
* How come you guys so strongly hinted about Clem's father and last name but there as absolutely no mention of that anywhere in the game?
* "We have not forgotten about Kenny's hat" did you… [view original content]
Oh okay, it was really cool to see a scene play out before the game over screen. If it doesn't take too much effort it would be awesome to see more extended death scenes like that in future Telltale games.
Was Javis non canon death scene where he tells Gabe to go to Richmond suppose to be canon at one point or was it always just a cool easter e… moregg?
It was an easter egg that our director, Jason Pyke, created. There were several alternative versions of extended death scenes in the original plans, as a special treat for our fans who sometimes miss a QTE prompt. Not all of them made the final episode.
Given the extremely positive feedback you guys got from the handling of Conrad, I would've assumed that keeping the quality of determinant characters at a consistently high level would be pretty high up on your list of priorities, but it seemed like every determinant was just thrown in the background, or forgotten about entirely, in Episode 5.
Every one of them had such great potential, only for it to be thrown away in a disturbingly similar fashion to characters like Nick, Sarah, Kenny, and Jane.
All I'm asking is that you please don't go back to your old ways, after taking such a large step in the right direction regarding determinants. It'd be a real shame.
Why weren't Joan and Clint in the finale at all?
It seems a bit odd that the main antagonist(s) wouldn't even have a cameo in the finale.… more
Also, this isn't really a question but more a request.
It's great what you guys did with Conrad in Episodes 3-4, but I really feel like you took a huge step backwards in Episode 5, especially regarding Ava.
Given the extremely positive feedback you guys got from the handling of Conrad, I would've assumed that keeping the quality of determinant characters at a consistently high level would be pretty high up on your list of priorities, but it seemed like every determinant was just thrown in the background, or forgotten about entirely, in Episode 5.
Every one of them had such great potential, only for it to be thrown away in a disturbingly similar fashion to characters like Nick, Sarah, Kenny, and Jane.
All I'm asking is that you please don't go back to your old ways, after taking such a larg… [view original content]
The original goal of that set of events was to create a walker situation that one, but not the other, of Tripp/Ava could have made it throug… moreh. Via player feedback, we knew we needed some kind of action on the overpass to keep the urgency up. Previous versions of the scene had felt too safe, too detached from the action going on in Richmond -- and of the characters we had in the scene, there were only two that didn’t already have critical story beats later in the episode relying on them. A staple of the franchise is that no one is safe, and we didn’t want Tripp and Ava’s recent brush with death to give them plot armor. All that said, it’s one of those things that worked better in theory than in practice; the original intent was to provide the same kind of closure for Ava as we did for Tripp; next time around, we’ll make sure that people do spend the time that they ought mourning such an impactful character.
Who thought it was a good idea to make Clem fall head over heels for Gabe after knowing him for, like, 3 days?
Have you ever had a crush on someone before really getting to know them?
3-what are your response to the big youtubers criticisms?
From Alyssa: I think they make good points. There’s lessons to be learned from this season.
And I agree, too!
7-do you regret doing something about this season?
As with any artistic endeavors, there are always things you wish you’d done differently. So long as you have more things you’re proud of than things you regret, that’s the best you can ask for. And that’s how I feel about this season for sure.
And that's it....hopefully my questions weren't offensive and if so I apologize I'm just an angry fan wanting the best for its company and thank u guys for making this AMA
No need to apologize. Believe me, I've read worse. ;-)
I was a Telltale fan for a lot longer than I've been a writer for them. Believe me when I say I understand where you guys are coming from. I love these games just as much as all of you: that's why I worked so hard to get to write them! Just know that they are all labors of love. Everyone in this office (including this writer for sure!) adores Clementine and Fiona and Selina and Asher and Rocket and Ivor and Bigby and everyone else in our remarkable library of characters just as much as you guys do, and we endeavor every day to do them all justice. We welcome your feedback and we do listen. We just ask you to understand that we're working hard for you and for them. Thanks for following us on this journey :-)
1-Why didn't you guys stick to the original story
2-why did u guys make clem so when ava died I made sure clem was a fri… moreend to her but when she dies she never even blinked she immediately moved on??????
3-what are your response to the big youtubers criticisms?
4-why was this season the shortest telltale game u have ever made? I'm curious just all
5-will we ever even have a chance to see a familiar charecter again
6-why didn't you guys make this season like tales style and make Javiers n clems playtime even?
7-do you regret doing something about this season?
8-was making gabes death the saddest death in anf intentional for gabentine haters?
9-why didn't we see charecters cry tears this season? I get it that they must move on but come on if I loose someone I know I would grieve for weeks.
And that's it....hopefully my questions weren't offensive and if so I apologize I'm just an angry fan wanting the best for its company and thank u guys for making this AMA
Who thought it was a good idea to make Clem fall head over heels for Gabe after knowing him for, like, 3 days?
Have you ever had a crush on someone before really getting to know them?
There was an earlier version of the story where Javi was forced to join the New Frontier group and branded (against his will) in order to prove his trustworthiness/earn his place. He escaped, but still needed to retrieve his family (David, Gabe, and Mari) from their NF captors, which aligned his goals with Clementine’s search for AJ.
Development started with that version of the story, but once the first version of it got onscreen, it didn’t feel like an authentic Walking Dead story. From there, a rewrite process started that ended up with the version of the game that we shipped.
Thank you for telling us and this is how I feel right now:
How do you feel this season was received by the fandom? Do you feel the fans overall liked it? Do you think you met their expectations?
… more
I think all y’alls are better suited to answer this than we are.
Do you feel like the final product ended up being just what you guys idealized or do you think there was room for improvement? If so to what extent?
I’ve never finished a creative endeavor that I thought was perfect. Over the course of the creative process, we have to make choices on a daily basis about what chances to take and where to play it safe; where to invest and where to cut and run. There’s so many versions of every story, and one of our key jobs is to find the version that will resonate best and get it onscreen. Every day we make choices, and we see the results of those choices pay off via the hard work of a large team -- in order to bring a scene online, so many people (artists, programmers, audio/music, QA)… [view original content]
3-what are your response to the big youtubers criticisms?
From Alyssa: I think they make good points. There’s lessons to be learned… more from this season.
And I agree, too!
7-do you regret doing something about this season?
As with any artistic endeavors, there are always things you wish you’d done differently. So long as you have more things you’re proud of than things you regret, that’s the best you can ask for. And that’s how I feel about this season for sure.
And that's it....hopefully my questions weren't offensive and if so I apologize I'm just an angry fan wanting the best for its company and thank u guys for making this AMA
No need to apologize. Believe me, I've read worse. ;-)
I was a Telltale fan for a lot longer than I've been a writer for them. Believe me when I say I understand where you guys are coming from. I love these games just as much as all of you: that's why I worked so hard to get to… [view original content]
That stuff sounds really cool! Especially the part with the spanish speaking engineer, it would've been neat to use Javi's bilingual skills in dialogue choices. Maybe you could retool some of the scrapped content for season 4.
In episode 4 when Gabe calls out Javi for killing Conrad, did Gabe know Conrad was apart of Tripp's group? Did he purposely rat out Javi to … moreTripp and Eleanor or was it on accident?
Gabe knew that Conrad and Tripp both came from Prescott, because they were all traveling together in Episode 2. As for whether his exposing Javi’s secret was purposeful -- I don’t think he planned it by any means. But one of the things that teenagers do, quite often, is react to something hurtful by trying to hurt back -- and Gabe was very hurt that his plans for saving his father weren’t resonating with Kate and Tripp (even if they were conditionally resonating with Javi.) So he took Javi’s words about life being precious, and threw them back in his face -- publicly calling Javi out as a hypocrite without thought for the consequences.
If you're allowed to, could you tell us anything interesting about previous iterations of season 3? Was there an… [view original content]
There were quite a lot of variations for the endings in Ep5, ranging from Clems trust in Javier to who ends up living in your ending. How was the thought process for these variations? Were they planned mid-season to be a big thing for the finale? Or possibly thought even before or later? This player uniqueness (especially with the whole 'Your Clem Became' thing) has me hoping to see if this will have a greater impact for Clems attitudes in the future season to come.
We wanted to make player choice matter, including the choices from previous seasons and in the Clem flashbacks. Part of the inspiration was explaining what we meant when we said there were 42 versions of Clem coming out of season 2 -- that promise was a hard one to pay off, but we felt it important to honor it as best we could.
We also heard the feedback from the opening episodes of this season about how we handled the S2 endings, and wanted to set up a situation where we could see a path to honoring the player’s choices more effectively in this season.
I was a really big fan of David's character, so when I saw both David's and Kate's plans following the chaos at Richmond had me confused, was this to show that David was somewhat a hypocrite and mirrored what Javi had tried to improve about himself in the flashbacks? I'm also sad that my relationship with David, no matter how heartfelt and loyal I was to him, he saw me as a rival to him in the end. Was David always intended to be a inflexible/unchangeable character? I wanted to see a moment of catharsis with him and Javier, but it seems like David's doomed himself for no return. It ponders whether David can only have redemption when he becomes a martyr, interesting.
David has trouble seeing things that are right in front of him, whether it was Joan’s betrayal of Richmond or Kate’s changing feelings about him. Even when Javi (determinantly) tries to tell him that Kate’s done with him, or that Kate likes Javi more, David isn’t ready to hear that message… until Kate slaps him across the face with it in the water tower scene. I don’t think David is unchangeable, but I think he changes more slowly than he should, and that tendency causes him to lose family, friends, and power at the time he most needs those things.
Hey guys thank you for doing another AMA, especially this quick after the finale. (I waffle on quite a bit so answering just one question wo… moreuld be fine). So down to the questions;
* There were quite a lot of variations for the endings in Ep5, ranging from Clems trust in Javier to who ends up living in your ending. How was the thought process for these variations? Were they planned mid-season to be a big thing for the finale? Or possibly thought even before or later? This player uniqueness (especially with the whole 'Your Clem Became' thing) has me hoping to see if this will have a greater impact for Clems attitudes in the future season to come.
* I was a really big fan of David's character, so when I saw both David's and Kate's plans following the chaos at Richmond had me confused, was this to show that David was somewhat a hypocrite and mirrored what Javi had tried to improve about himself in the flashbacks? I'm also sad that my rel… [view original content]
This is something that Clem will need to decide for herself. There’s some factors in her history that could make it more or less likely fo… morer her to open up to someone like Gabe, but at the end of the day, they really haven’t known each other all that long. She could feel strongly enough based on some existing choices that she’ll make a declaration on his deathbed of what they might have been -- but the difference between might have been, and what will be, remains to be seen.
There was a big hub in Episode 5 where Javi had to solve the problem of how to get off the roof, while also having the opportunity to talk to each character about your relationship and what was on their mind, including Clem trying to cheer up a very sad Gabe after having been knocked back by David in the scene in the apartments.
Thanks for taking the time to do this AMA.
Seeing as though many people have already asked what I wanted to, my question is:
Can you tell us about a scene/idea from episode 4 and/or 5 that didn't make it into the final cut?
We also heard the feedback from the opening episodes of this season about how we handled the S2 endings, and wanted to set up a situation where we could see a path to honoring the player’s choices more effectively in this season.
Thank you for doing that, we really appreciate it.
There were quite a lot of variations for the endings in Ep5, ranging from Clems trust in Javier to who ends up living in your ending. How wa… mores the thought process for these variations? Were they planned mid-season to be a big thing for the finale? Or possibly thought even before or later? This player uniqueness (especially with the whole 'Your Clem Became' thing) has me hoping to see if this will have a greater impact for Clems attitudes in the future season to come.
We wanted to make player choice matter, including the choices from previous seasons and in the Clem flashbacks. Part of the inspiration was explaining what we meant when we said there were 42 versions of Clem coming out of season 2 -- that promise was a hard one to pay off, but we felt it important to honor it as best we could.
We also heard the feedback from the opening episodes of this season about how we handled the S2 endings, and wanted to set up a situation where… [view original content]
1: After pistol whipping Lonnie, why did Javier just throw gun?
From Alyssa: Javi knew that the rest of the group was likely to return, and didn’t want to get into a shootout trapped in a tiny trailer. His thinking was that he had a better chance of talking his way out of the situation if he WASN’T holding a gun.
2: Do you hate David? He's only alive in one ending, and even he can be kicked out. Even if he isn't, he doesn't show up at the END.
From Alyssa: No, not at all. David embarked on dangerous action in From the Gallows, and it took both luck and choice to save him. But just because he’s saved, doesn’t mean he’s reconciled his feelings about the family -- and I think him not showing up at the end is an indication of him working his way through that process.
And I don't hate David, either. In fact, he was one of my favorite characters to write.
3: How come episode 1, 4, and 5, (maybe more) were rewritten?
Every episode gets a certain degree of rewrites, some more than others! And most often people confuse edits for “rewrites.” Each episode is its own unique adventure in that way.
5: is it a plausible theory that Tripp could survive by falling into the river on highway, and after shot, he looks like he's getting up.
From Alyssa: If Tripp is shot in episode 4, he’s dead, no way around it.
Questions, oh yes...
1: After pistol whipping Lonnie, why did Javier just throw gun?
2: Do you hate David? He's only alive in one endi… moreng, and even he can be kicked out. Even if he isn't, he doesn't show up at the END.
3: How come episode 1, 4, and 5, (maybe more) were rewritten?
4: What determines where Clem goes in finale and if she shoots david, and if she hugs, kisses, or holds hands with Gabe?
5: is it a plausible theory that Tripp could survive by falling into the river on highway, and after shot, he looks like he's getting up.
6: is ANF a spinoff game with Clem in to ease players into it, to make a series on Javier, and one for Clem?
7: Is Reggie secretly alive?
8: can we have a season where you can change your appearal? Like in TFTB?
Questions, oh yes...
1: After pistol whipping Lonnie, why did Javier just throw gun?
2: Do you hate David? He's only alive in one endi… moreng, and even he can be kicked out. Even if he isn't, he doesn't show up at the END.
3: How come episode 1, 4, and 5, (maybe more) were rewritten?
4: What determines where Clem goes in finale and if she shoots david, and if she hugs, kisses, or holds hands with Gabe?
5: is it a plausible theory that Tripp could survive by falling into the river on highway, and after shot, he looks like he's getting up.
6: is ANF a spinoff game with Clem in to ease players into it, to make a series on Javier, and one for Clem?
7: Is Reggie secretly alive?
8: can we have a season where you can change your appearal? Like in TFTB?
One of the challenges with every freewalk design is how to make sure the player has a clear set of goals that balance urgency and exploration -- it should feel like you have something important to do, rather than wandering aimlessly -- but the act of exploration can be at odds with the feeling of it being urgent to accomplish a goal.
In some of the episodes this season, we erred on the side of urgency, to the detriment of exploration -- and we’ve heard a lot of feedback about that choice. I know that I personally have learned a whole lot about what to do -- and not to do -- to set up freewalks in order to succeed, and I hope to apply those lessons in future episodes.
Once a thread is marked as spoilers it's locked in, unfortunately
A work-around I'm using is to jump between pages. If you are on page 12 and you click page 11, for instance, it doesn't ask you to "click to reveal." It only does that on a hard refresh.
No problem, I got it.
It was an easter egg that our director, Jason Pyke, created. There were several alternative versions of extended death scenes in the original plans, as a special treat for our fans who sometimes miss a QTE prompt. Not all of them made the final episode.
...JK, @Ekelund21
We all (or at least I) learned something today!
LOL just kidding
Unexpected response, but I appreciate it.
Pffft, amateur
Just kidding!
Gabe knew that Conrad and Tripp both came from Prescott, because they were all traveling together in Episode 2. As for whether his exposing Javi’s secret was purposeful -- I don’t think he planned it by any means. But one of the things that teenagers do, quite often, is react to something hurtful by trying to hurt back -- and Gabe was very hurt that his plans for saving his father weren’t resonating with Kate and Tripp (even if they were conditionally resonating with Javi.) So he took Javi’s words about life being precious, and threw them back in his face -- publicly calling Javi out as a hypocrite without thought for the consequences.
Max at one point in development died in the Slaughterhouse in episode 1, after Javi found and took care of a turned Mariana.
There was a flashback of Clem and her babysitter in Episode 1, where she had a phone call with her mom from Atlanta.
Lingard’s model was originally created to be a guy named Mason, who was the mastermind of the New Frontier group in an early iteration of the story.
The guy who stabbed Javi in episode 4 (and was eaten by walkers in Ep 5) was originally supposed to be a spanish-speaking engineer that Javi could use his (originally planned) bilingual skills to communicate with. He was being guarded by Ava, who was envisioned as a former MMA fighter who had found a role as a prison guard for the New Frontier.
u my homie, homie
INB4 Blind is d
Actually no. I have a history of pointing out prospects that end up becoming true.
Unfortunately, the in-game payoff for keeping some of these items ended up on the cutting room floor. It would have been a really nice moment in Ep 1 if Javi had handed over that candy bar; we had intended for Javi to be able to give the cassette player to David and to potentially use the medicine in the post-wall breach fray. But for various production reasons, we didn’t end up shipping that content. We are keeping track of Kenny’s hat, and have a plan for where it will be found for those players who kept it. before Blind is dead? I don't follow.
He’s clean-shaven in the flashbacks, as well as the opening scene!
I'm just sad I haven't seen more fan-art with Javi trying out different facial hairs. You know the dude could rock the Magnum PI no problem.
goddamnit that sounded cool as fuck
why all the cool shit gotta be cut
OMG this!!! One thing I loved about season 2 was the menu and title screens! I know it's extra work but it just made the season so much more unique and creepy.
A recreation of this one?

The original goal of that set of events was to create a walker situation that one, but not the other, of Tripp/Ava could have made it through. Via player feedback, we knew we needed some kind of action on the overpass to keep the urgency up. Previous versions of the scene had felt too safe, too detached from the action going on in Richmond -- and of the characters we had in the scene, there were only two that didn’t already have critical story beats later in the episode relying on them. A staple of the franchise is that no one is safe, and we didn’t want Tripp and Ava’s recent brush with death to give them plot armor. All that said, it’s one of those things that worked better in theory than in practice; the original intent was to provide the same kind of closure for Ava as we did for Tripp; next time around, we’ll make sure that people do spend the time that they ought mourning such an impactful character.
I’d say everyone has a strong opinion as to how the series should end, but, like anything worthwhile, finding the right answer takes time. Sometimes more time than we like, and more often more time than you guys like ;-) At the end of the day, though, our main concern is quality, and we’d rather give you guys the right finale than the one we can finish fastest.
And thank you for sticking with us. :-)
Thank you.

Totally misplaced this response! Hi everyone, we're answering as fast as we can!
Have you ever had a crush on someone before really getting to know them?
Oh okay, it was really cool to see a scene play out before the game over screen. If it doesn't take too much effort it would be awesome to see more extended death scenes like that in future Telltale games.
We hear you loud and clear.
Thank you for the reply, Alyssa.
I am glad to know that—next time—the gambling of the lives of prominent characters won't be shipped to the public.
Me within 1 hour when I was 13 lol. I even thought I loved him just because he was handsome.
From Alyssa: I think they make good points. There’s lessons to be learned from this season.
And I agree, too!
As with any artistic endeavors, there are always things you wish you’d done differently. So long as you have more things you’re proud of than things you regret, that’s the best you can ask for. And that’s how I feel about this season for sure.
No need to apologize. Believe me, I've read worse. ;-)
I was a Telltale fan for a lot longer than I've been a writer for them. Believe me when I say I understand where you guys are coming from. I love these games just as much as all of you: that's why I worked so hard to get to write them! Just know that they are all labors of love. Everyone in this office (including this writer for sure!) adores Clementine and Fiona and Selina and Asher and Rocket and Ivor and Bigby and everyone else in our remarkable library of characters just as much as you guys do, and we endeavor every day to do them all justice. We welcome your feedback and we do listen. We just ask you to understand that we're working hard for you and for them. Thanks for following us on this journey :-)
Every day on the subway when I lived in New York.
Every. Day.
Thank you for telling us and this is how I feel right now:

Jumping in to say ASHER IS LIFE!!!!!! ASHER IS EVERYTHING!!!!!
That stuff sounds really cool! Especially the part with the spanish speaking engineer, it would've been neat to use Javi's bilingual skills in dialogue choices. Maybe you could retool some of the scrapped content for season 4.
Thank you for answering my questions.
We wanted to make player choice matter, including the choices from previous seasons and in the Clem flashbacks. Part of the inspiration was explaining what we meant when we said there were 42 versions of Clem coming out of season 2 -- that promise was a hard one to pay off, but we felt it important to honor it as best we could.
We also heard the feedback from the opening episodes of this season about how we handled the S2 endings, and wanted to set up a situation where we could see a path to honoring the player’s choices more effectively in this season.
David has trouble seeing things that are right in front of him, whether it was Joan’s betrayal of Richmond or Kate’s changing feelings about him. Even when Javi (determinantly) tries to tell him that Kate’s done with him, or that Kate likes Javi more, David isn’t ready to hear that message… until Kate slaps him across the face with it in the water tower scene. I don’t think David is unchangeable, but I think he changes more slowly than he should, and that tendency causes him to lose family, friends, and power at the time he most needs those things.
Oooh. That sounds interesting.
There was a big hub in Episode 5 where Javi had to solve the problem of how to get off the roof, while also having the opportunity to talk to each character about your relationship and what was on their mind, including Clem trying to cheer up a very sad Gabe after having been knocked back by David in the scene in the apartments.
Thank you for doing that, we really appreciate it.
From Alyssa: Javi knew that the rest of the group was likely to return, and didn’t want to get into a shootout trapped in a tiny trailer. His thinking was that he had a better chance of talking his way out of the situation if he WASN’T holding a gun.
From Alyssa: No, not at all. David embarked on dangerous action in From the Gallows, and it took both luck and choice to save him. But just because he’s saved, doesn’t mean he’s reconciled his feelings about the family -- and I think him not showing up at the end is an indication of him working his way through that process.
And I don't hate David, either. In fact, he was one of my favorite characters to write.
Every episode gets a certain degree of rewrites, some more than others! And most often people confuse edits for “rewrites.” Each episode is its own unique adventure in that way.
From Alyssa: If Tripp is shot in episode 4, he’s dead, no way around it.