The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Spoiler-friendly AMA

Spoiler Warning! Season Spoilers below!
It's that time again!
Next week, I'll be hosting an AMA right here in this very thread featuring @AdamWritesVideoGames and @Alyssa_TTG giving you all the lowdown on The Walking Dead: A New Frontier.
Feel free to get as spoilery as you want through the final episode of A New Frontier. For example, we can't answer any questions about what "Clementine's story will continue" means. Just getting that out of the way now before this thread explodes with the only spoiler we can't talk about.
Before you leave a question below for Adam and Alyssa, please re-familiarize yourself with our forum guidelines.
We'll be online on Tuesday to get some A's for your Q's! Happy weekend!
EDIT: Alyssa and Adam's AMA is now over!! They have to go back to making games and stuff... you know how it is. They may pop back in from time to answer more questions (maybe even a couple later today!), but I can't guarantee anything now that I don't have them in a meeting room together :P Thanks, everyone, for your questions! See you around on the boards
Why was Kate left unknown in my ending where I trusted Clem with her? What was the point of making her deliberately unknown when it would have been simple to show her as a walker like the other ending? Should i maintain any hopes that Kate might be alive and found later by Clementine?
Hi. So er, does Clem actually like Gabe in a romantic way?
Why did Jane use a rope to commit suicide? Why not use a bullet to the head which is a way more efficient and painless way to off yourself? Not to mention how a bullet wouldn't leave Clem exposed to the threat of being eaten by Jane's own walker. What was she thinking?
How did Kate die? Was she bitten? Where? Why didn't she put herself down? Or even ask Jesus to do it for her? She clearly wasn't devoured, and we saw no bite, so did she have a stroke or something?
What was the purpose of Clementine's design change by the end of From The Gallows? It felt really random.
How do you feel this season was received by the fandom? Do you feel the fans overall liked it? Do you think you met their expectations?
Do you feel like the final product ended up being just what you guys idealized or do you think there was room for improvement? If so to what extent?
Can you explain:
Before the season released, a clip at E3 showed a branded Javier with Clem by his side "getting close" to something. What was this about? And please, if the answer is "the clip was not representative" does that mean the game only started actually being written after E3 2016?
Pre-release advertising also talked about some "quest for vengeance" and Clem and Javier needing each other, having common goals and already having some sort of pre-set bond. I don't think I saw any of this through the Season. What happened?
This was found in the game files. Why would closure to characters such as Eleanor and the antagonists and such interesting choices be removed?
Is Ava transexual?
First i want to thank you for creating another awesome game. My question is: are we going to see the Garcias back in the future?
Why did you guys delete a lot of content for A New Frontier which could have made the game much longer and better than what it is for now?
What was the reason why you guys decided to change Clem's hair? She's had that look from S1 for so long and she looks so strange without it, especially if her hat is off.
Couple of questions, you don't have to answer all questions but answering one at least is appreciated - thanks:
I hope you actually read all the feedback you've gotten this season because this season wasn't up-to-par with S1 and S2. Lots of big youtubers agree with this, a lot of reviews and the majority in these forums agree with this as well - so please don't disregard us as a minority again.
It was much better than what we've gotten now.
I am deeply sadden no information will be given in regards to clementines story.
Let me see if I got this right, you finally realized people only wanted Clem so you decided to get rid of Javier to bring people back by giving them Clem, except this time you're giving them a Clem that looks completely unrecognizable from the Clem they know. Is that right? Why get rid of a trademark look? it's almost like getting rid of Mario's moustache.
Another thing i wanna ask is: I heard Jane's ending in season 2 causes Clementine to kiss Gabe in Gabe's death scene. But why is that. And if that is not the case where did clementine learn to kiss someone and be so sentimental in the first place?
Never forget...
Why would you cut it?!
Hey, don't steal my idea, lol
I want to first congratulate you on a solid season. You have built up a lot of hype for a Season 4. Here's a few questions. Answer that of which you can.
Why give Javi the beard?
Can we see Javi without the beard at some point?
Sorry! I was already editing the comment when you posted the question. I will delete that part though, don't worry.
Do you think you guys will ever consider going back to season1/2 graphics style? If updated, I really think it would look amazing. The style to me was always it's signature look you know?
Another question is why does this season have the shaky camera/camera zooms so much?
Last question is why is there barely any hubs/controll over javi? I think there was an okay amount in ep1 but after that we barely got any. Why do certain games, like Guardians for example, get all these good hubs but yet ANF barely gets any?
Flashbacks only.
No shut up I want him to shave.
You already did, lol.
Why are you guys trying so hard to make Clem "Badass"? Honestly that haircut looks awful and I can't help but think it's to make her look even more "badass". I could understand if your trying to make her more tough, its been 2 years since season 2 clem, but you guys are really on the nose with it you know?
Hello and thank you for doing this AMA
Was Javis non canon death scene where he tells Gabe to go to Richmond suppose to be canon at one point or was it always just a cool easter egg?
In episode 4 when Gabe calls out Javi for killing Conrad, did Gabe know Conrad was apart of Tripp's group? Did he purposely rat out Javi to Tripp and Eleanor or was it on accident?
If you're allowed to, could you tell us anything interesting about previous iterations of season 3? Was there any scrapped content you thought was cool that didn't make it into the final cut?
Do writers feel to be restricted in writing when it comes to length of the episode?
What happened to Max? Did you forget about him?
What was the point of keeping/not keeping those items: Chocolate bar, Medicine, Marianna's casette player, Kenny's hat?
Could you give some insight on S2 ending flashbacks. Why did you choose such deaths for Kenny and Jane? Why Jane commits suicide right away, rather than finding a safe place for Clementine & AJ (Especially after the fact that Jane promised to not abandon Clem & AJ + Howe's getting invaded by "asshole family")?
What happened to "asshole family"?
Any info on upcoming projects will be given through Telltale official channels (i.e. the blog, panels at conventions, social media, interviews with press outlets).
But look at it this way: there are a lot of events/cons/expos throughout the summer! Lots of opportunity for news
Hey, Adam and Alyssa!
Thanks for taking the time to participate in this Ask Me Anything. These have—mostly—been a pleasant activity that I feel bring Telltale, and the people who consume the games, together; necessary in times when discomfort has become widespread. Communication is multiple steps in the right direction.
I know how this works, though. I know that your hands are tied when you type in the keyboard to reply to our posts. Nonetheless, my question is as follows.
Did you honestly think it was a good idea for Ava—who had progressively gained more and more relevance as the season advanced; who was an essential piece in "Thicker Than Water" in both Javi's storyline and Clem's flashback; and who had recently become determinant result of a choice that tore players, shown by the 50:50 result—to die thrown off a cliff by a jumpscare walker and be forgotten within no more than thirty seconds?
I knew I would like Ava when I first met her in Clem's flashback in the second episode, and I became surprisingly attached to the character as the season progressed. Multiple people can confirm so. In spite of every single criticism toward A New Frontier I encountered, I continued to give the game a chance because I liked what was being done with her.
The finale came. And to see her being ditched like that—it made me feel robbed. It made me feel like she was taken out of the story because the people in charge of the episode didn't know what to do with her. And I don't want to be right. But I also don't want to be reassured that somebody in a creative position could believe that that was a remotely decent send-off.
How do you explain this decision?
Well I am hopeful for future summer events now.
Egads! I'm late... and in my underwear... during a college final I didn't study for! It's like a bad dream! NooooOOOoooOOOOooo....!!!
Oh well, no time like the present to post this, even if I was delayed:
A friendly reminder from the volunteer community Moderation team
Hey guys! As we are sure you've noticed, this is a special instance of staff visiting the forums, so please be respectful towards staff members.
You are freely allowed to voice any concerns or negative feedback about the game, but please keep comments constructive and avoid any personal attacks. The same guidelines about respect towards users also applies towards all staff members (past and present) who have worked on The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, whether or not they have a forum account.
Please let your questions lead into good discussion material and please refrain from asking nonconstructive questions that are snarky or thread-derailing. Negative criticism of the game is fully allowed, but Moderators will try to flag non-constructive comments if they don't lead into constructive discussion or a genuine interest in sharing fan feedback to improve the game.
Slaughterhouse DLC confirmed. Brand new 5 minute long Clementine's flashback included. Only for 19.99$.
Let's please avoid rude questions like that. You are free to update the question into something more politely worded if you want.
Thanks for the ama.
I bet I'll miss it
Does that mean I can't ask Telltale if they reckon Kenny as our Lord and Saviour? And when will he return in future seasons?
joan threw max into the janitors closet and now she made him clean all the toilets and shit
How cometh ava's death wast writ in such a distemperate mann'r?
t's a joketh dont killeth me
do you think god stays in heaven because he is afraid of what he created
Why weren't Joan and Clint in the finale at all?
It seems a bit odd that the main antagonist(s) wouldn't even have a cameo in the finale.
Also, this isn't really a question but more a request.
It's great what you guys did with Conrad in Episodes 3-4, but I really feel like you took a huge step backwards in Episode 5, especially regarding Ava.
Given the extremely positive feedback you guys got from the handling of Conrad, I would've assumed that keeping the quality of determinant characters at a consistently high level would be pretty high up on your list of priorities, but it seemed like every determinant was just thrown in the background, or forgotten about entirely, in Episode 5.
Every one of them had such great potential, only for it to be thrown away in a disturbingly similar fashion to characters like Nick, Sarah, Kenny, and Jane.
All I'm asking is that you please don't go back to your old ways, after taking such a large step in the right direction regarding determinants. It'd be a real shame.
And, thanks for the AMA.