So...... Where's Season 2?
I'm serious; I LOVED The Wolf Among Us and that ending is STILL confusing the shit outta me (I don't get who the woman was and why we were given the choice to go after her).
I wanna see more of our beloved modern Fairy Tale characters, I ESPECIALLY wanna see more of Bigby and Snow, and I wanna see where the story will go next and who the next big villain could be!
Please, make us a Season 2!!
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Waiting to be announced at E3...
Probably never at this point, Telltale is too busy not knowing what fans want.
Man, people are really hating on TTG, lately.
Oh yeah.
Well they have made some very lackluster games lately. Apart from Borderlands everything since TWAU ended has been medicore or even awful.
At this point I'm not sure I even want another TWAU Season from Telltale, they need to change things up and put more effort into their games
Alright, fair point. And I haven't played Borderlands (tried playing the first episode but it bored me a wee bit) so I can't say if it was good or not.

I didn't know Leopard Geckos could screech....
The ending was a setup for a sequel
btw you can read FABLES: The Wolf Among Us comic and FABLES

in your dreams.
Just kidding. They might announce it at e3 I dunno.
They better
In you on this one bud, can't wait for a S2 and I'm one of those people that believe will be their next project. Hopefully they announce it on the next expos that are coming this summer
Wait a minute...
You don't know who she was? Bigby remembering all of those different lines throughout the game didn't give you an idea?
Like, it gave me SOME idea, but it confirmed nothing.
Was she in disguise? Was she using glamour to change her look? Who was the person beheaded then? I AM SO CONFUSED! ;A;
I'm sorry, I was a bit younger when the game came out (13) and I was only 14 when the last episode came out. It was a lot harder for me to understand and even now (17), it's still sometimes difficult to understand what's going on.
I know there's comics (that's what the entire game was based on) but I want a season 2 because season 1 was based BEFORE the comics.
Sorry, I thought by "I don't get who the woman was" you meant you had no idea at all. Yeah, the ending's meant to be a bit confusing. And while it's extremely likely it was Faith glamoured as Nerissa the whole time, no one really knows for sure. And you are given the choice to go after her to confront her about this secret. Of course, the game ends before you do, though.
It is true that some things are inconclusive, but that is the point. The game leans way more to one theory than the other and the theory I believe has much more impact on the overall narrative imo. This thread lays out all the evidence for the theory I agree with that prevented me from having anymore doubt, but you should definitely decide for yourself: Faith or Nerissa.
I love the game too, so I've played through it quite a few times now. You might pick up on something you missed before by replaying the game. Letting her go gives another clue as to who it really is at the end btw.
minecraft storymode is OBVIOUSLY more important lol
All of the other game series seem to be more important, considering they've been rolling out with new seasons and episode for those but not for TWAU
So true.
Oh, just to clarify... W-When I said "Waiting to be announced at E3", I meant at E3 next year...
It's possible that Mojang was easier to negotiate a second season contract with, Telltale can't just make a second season without getting the rights to do so first.
good luck next year, god dammit they will announce it in a couple of months youll see
well its a good point so far...
just look like everyone in the comments thinking its over
what a pity... so doing new IP are easier rather than TWAU s2 i guess
Thank goodness I gave up on Season 2 a long time ago - otherwise, I'd probably still be waiting for this...
Well, the creator of the Fables comic did say that whether or not a second season of Wolf would be made is up to Telltale, so I don't think getting the rights to it would be too much trouble for them.'s still coming. You just wait and see in a couple of months!...hopefully.
That's what people have been saying months before, and months before (several times now), but there's been not a peep of actual news about TWAU (by actual news, I don't mean those twitter teases from Telltale lol) from Telltale (only new IPs and TWD season 3).
Even if what you say turns out to be true (though I'd say it's a very, very, very slim chance) I'd rather not expect/anticipate it at all and may be pleasantly surprised (if......and it's a big some miracle it happens) than to endlessly wait for a season that may never come.
I don't see why they'd be easier to negotiate with, TWAU and Tales sold much more than MCSM, no?