Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Arianna

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    Grande standard

  • k the ice, Mike says OH MAN !!!! I love tuna!!! He turns into Cthulhu and destroys Kenny, only if you chose the welling ton end but you can't because he bacomes Cthulhu before the end and so it makes no sense and creates a paradox in-known from our city, I can't make the scientists under stand eitherrrr so we must feel with it. Rub it's face and smell it's lest nose cheek.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Alright guys, bringing the thread back to a state of normalcy now.

  • Ok, I was confused for a second when I saw it was the same but different title.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Alright guys, bringing the thread back to a state of normalcy now.

  • If you don't break the chain of stupid posts, you will get many likes.

  • This was a bad idea, Dojo.
    dojo32161 posted: »

    Alright guys, bringing the thread back to a state of normalcy now.

  • edited June 2017

    Yeah, seriously. What the hell kinda optical illusion is this?!

    Until you pointed that out. I thought that was Tripp's enormous pecks. Thanks for ruining my fantasy.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    Which one?

    This was a bad idea, Dojo.

  • Huh. I didn't even think about that and Kate is my 2nd/3rd favorite new character.

    Findagon posted: »

    I'm pretty sure this is something that a lot of people fail to recognize, but Kate (ironically) is the most loyal major Garcia family member

  • Kinda wish that happened, tbh.

    David can go alone in the end, then Gabe and Kate goes together to save the town

  • Wat?

    Ow, the edge.

  • The likes ascend Bonnie from the ice into space.

    If you don't break the chain of stupid posts, you will get many likes.

  • The entire thing.
    dojo32161 posted: »

    Which one?

  • What the fuck did I walk into

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited June 2017

    If this is true, then it's not betrayal.

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what was being implied in that scene.

    Think about Gabe said back on the overpass-- "You took such good care of me. Now we just need to take care of dad."

    His decision to go with David at the water tower wasn't for his sake, it was for David's. He wanted to try and help his dad, and felt like going with him was the best way to accomplish that. Of course, after David attacked his uncle and cracked him across the face with a wrench, he probably changed his mind... not that David gave him any choice after he closed the shutter, though. I mean, when you really think about it, what David did right there was pretty much post-apocalyptic child abduction.

    Findagon posted: »

    he never "betrayed" javier by going with david, he wanted to help david and convince him to go back. If this is true, then it's not

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    the truth can blow me

    Aint overused if it's true

  • The most glorious thread the forums have witnessed in years.

    What the fuck did I walk into

  • The greatest thing in the world that I missed because of stupid work.

    What the fuck did I walk into

  • If you don't break the ice, Blind will get confused.

    What the fuck did I walk into

  • edited June 2017

    This is obviously Eleanor's chest!

    Them boobs tho. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, seriously. What the hell kinda optical illusion is this?!

  • enter image description hereenter image description here
    enter image description hereenter image description here

    Credit to @TevinterMage for making this connection

  • Its like the roles are changed in S3, when Javi looks at Clementine. Javi looking after Clementine like she was once looking out for Sarah (Determinant).

    DabigRG posted: »

    Credit to @TevinterMage for making this connection

  • edited June 2017

    Its like the roles are changed in S3,

    Probably should've been the other way around.

    Its like the roles are changed in S3, when Javi looks at Clementine. Javi looking after Clementine like she was once looking out for Sarah (Determinant).

  • :smirk: Yeah, but still, not my fault Tripp's outfit is dull looking anyway.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    This is obviously Eleanor's chest! Them boobs tho. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • I never knew that opinions can be facts now. Neat. I guess that means Season 2 really is shit.

    Aint overused if it's true

  • S2 is a godsend compared to 3. I can play 2 all day.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I never knew that opinions can be facts now. Neat. I guess that means Season 2 really is shit.

  • edited June 2017

    Never said it was your fault. But yeah, he wears only blue. Even his subtitles are blue.

    Le gasp He's blue da ba dee da ba dae! :joy:

    Waitaminute! We were talking about Eleanor's boobs and now suddenly about Tripp's design. Wha? :D

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, but still, not my fault Tripp's outfit is dull looking anyway.

  • Well at a glance, her shirt there(titty creases aside) looks a little similar to his uniform's color and at an angle where you can mistaken them to be part of the same person unless you're really looking.

    The average person would only gonna be focused on the either subtitles or Ava herself, who is facing away from the camera anyway.

    Le gasp He's blue da ba dee da ba dae! :joy:

    Hmph, I guess he is.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Never said it was your fault. But yeah, he wears only blue. Even his subtitles are blue. Le gasp He's blue da ba dee da ba dae! Waitaminute! We were talking about Eleanor's boobs and now suddenly about Tripp's design. Wha?

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I never knew that opinions can be facts now

    Brother, you're on the internet

    this is what happens on the internet

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I never knew that opinions can be facts now. Neat. I guess that means Season 2 really is shit.

  • (To take a break from the "Bonnie Dies" meme, I'm going to write some obvious shit that only I find interesting but it's actually true)

    So after hours of research (i'm lying. It took me just one song long) I realized that Javier has a LOT of simmilarities with Max Cauldfield from Life Is Strange.

    Where do I begin?

    • Both are protagonists, yet they're not the most interesting character in the game
    • They're both trapped in an abusive relationship
    • In both cases, the abuser blames them for the same thing: for leaving.
    • They both left to chase a dream (Javier to become a baseball player, Max to become a great photographer)
    • Both Javier and Max wasted their talent (Javier with gambling, Max by being too damn self-conscious to take any big step)
    • The abuser blames them for something they also did, and even worse. But no one realizes this (Chloe is angry to Max for not keeping in contact, yet she never writes her either [Plus, I believe that Max didn't keep in touch because she believed Chloe hated her], and David blames Javier for leaving, yet he wanted to leave, too).
    • The game tries to make you love the abuser, while they're still fucking abusive
    • The game tries to force you to hook up with a bitch whether you want or not
    • This bitch loves weed
    • You can also flirt with a guy but it lasts like five seconds
    • They're both bisexual
    • They're both supposed to be bilingual, yet they're shit talking anything other than english (Javier should be able to speak spanish, yet he's shit with it. Max took latin classes, but she's also shit at it)
    • They're also descendants from immigrants (Javier comes from a cuban family, and judging by names, surnames and phisical aspect, I believe Mas's father or her grandparents may be irish)
    • (Ok the last one may be a little forced)
    • They both have a crush on a girl named Kate
    • (Hey shut up and let me dream my beautiful marshfield [aka the only sane and healthy ship in the lis fandom] headcanons)
    • They're always either instantly loved or criticized by everyone
    • The final choice they make is to either save the abuser or save a town you don't give a flying fuck about (plus Kate might be there, too)
    • The abuser's last words were "I love you" and they fucking believed it
    • They won't shut up with their bad jokes

    I know, I know, this is way too random and nobody gives a shit about it, but whatever

  • Javier has a LOT of simmilarities with Max Cauldfield


    Life Is Strange


    (To take a break from the "Bonnie Dies" meme, I'm going to write some obvious shit that only I find interesting but it's actually true) S

  • but but but but

    ahg whatthefuckever

    NorthStars posted: »

    Javier has a LOT of simmilarities with Max Cauldfield No Life Is Strange NO.

  • I guess mariana still doesn't exist, huh. Figures.

    Findagon posted: »

    I'm pretty sure this is something that a lot of people fail to recognize, but Kate (ironically) is the most loyal major Garcia family member

  • You're being too forgiving. It's a real messy scene.

    Deltino posted: »

    If this is true, then it's not betrayal. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what was being implied in that scene. Think about Gabe said

  • To be fair, depending on how you look at it, she apparently split when the herd showed up while Kate and Gabe tried to fight them off before retreating.

    Plus, she was supposed to be a cousin rather than a son/nephew, sister-in-law/stepmom, or dad/brother.

    Louche posted: »

    I guess mariana still doesn't exist, huh. Figures.

  • edited June 2017

    Oh yeah, forcing you to side with the thief who is totally in the wrong. It's fucking great.

    oh wait, no, it's fucking shit.

    Not to mention the garbage opening titles with that music, win the award for most unfitting and tone-killing thing in any walking dead game.
    "ooh michoone swinging her sword around while funky music plays and fourth wall breaking comic books show up in the background"
    "now back to michonne being depressed about her dead daughters"

    fucking hell, who was the baboon that approved that idea

    Clem being absent is the least of the problems

    Findagon posted: »

    It was really fucking good to be honest. It's a shame that so many people think it's shit just because Clem wasn't in it.

  • edited June 2017

    brilliant translates to cliche, dull and with unresolved plot points making the whole thing a waste?

    to be fair, norma's place was cool. I always like seeing other communities. Too bad you were FORCED to fucking destroy it no matter what.
    oh, and the fairbanks, they seem interesting. Let's kill the dad literally in the second scene he appears in and make randall a sadistic evil prick for no reason.

    Suffice to say, I'm glad I waited until the whole mini-series was five bucks. Because If I had payed higher for what I got, heads would roll.

    Lol, think I am the only one who thought, Michonne Mini-Series was brilliant, something funny about that.

  • edited June 2017

    no kidding.
    nobody cared about poor hector, so they barely cared about his daughter. :(

    Vicky82 posted: »

    Of course, why bother erasing a dialog that still makes sense. But from what you said about Hector being Mariana's father, it's more eviden

  • edited June 2017

    Did she? That explanation is another one of those times where it makes my eyes glaze over. what did the NF even do during all that? They were supposed to capture them in older story drafts, right? So the scene doesn't make sense as is, they just left them?

    Supposed to be a cousin, anything, my fucking ass. She could be a fucking neighbor girl for all I care.
    Point is, they lived together in a cramped van for over two years. You're getting CLOSE whether you like it or not. But her death is like "eh, that's sad. oh well."

    It is poor. ass. writing.

    In a game where once you get past the illusion of choice, the emotions are all you really have left. If they can't do that properly, well then they failed. HARD.

    DabigRG posted: »

    To be fair, depending on how you look at it, she apparently split when the herd showed up while Kate and Gabe tried to fight them off before

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