Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • how do sjw ruing twd?

    It has to do with sjw ruining twd and me not wanting it to ruin other things, I thought that was pretty obvious.

  • Careful you're going to be labeled as a racist homophobic bigot talking like that XD

    You see woman wearing fluffy pink coat, goggles, huge unrealistic hair and holding a huge machine gun on the cover for a ZOMBIE story, with

  • A sjw will call me racist homophobic bigot no matter how I talk, lol

    Careful you're going to be labeled as a racist homophobic bigot talking like that XD

  • edited June 2017

    no, these sjw's represent triggered, edgy teenagers who feel that they're so entitled and educated, when in reality, it's quite the opposite. they pay attention to nonexistent issues, such as the wage gap, while they never address the fact that women are actually oppressed in third world countries. or how stem jobs are taken up predominantly by men when if you actually look into it a very small amount of women actually graduate with stem degrees. or how if trump is actually impeached you will recieve a president who is even more conservative and supports even less of their agenda. please, look into shit and TELL ME that these issues exist. sjw's will argue about anything when they don't even look into anything. they are not beneficial in any way, in fact, they destroyed the image of feminism.

    It's a term to ridiculize people that actually care about social issues instead of being "eh who cares i'm fine so i don't care if kids starve to death because i have money"

  • well, I'm not the one being "edgy" or "triggered" here, edgyclementine. The name suits you well.

    no, these sjw's represent triggered, edgy teenagers who feel that they're so entitled and educated, when in reality, it's quite the opposite

  • I still don't see how that relates to The Walking Dead in any way.

    Like, "Fear The Princ--" SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS ARE RUINING TWD i'm sorry but it just seems too random and i don't get it. justice warrior

  • It's a term to ridiculize people that actually care about social issues instead of being "eh who cares i'm fine so i don't care if kids starve to death because i have money"

    I don't think I have ever seen a 'SJW' care about anything but first world problems. They seem to focus on the most insignificant things like representation in media or spouting nonsense about how there are more than 40 genders and seemingly ignoring actual issues like poverty or how poorly women are being treated in third world countries. Most people who fall under that term are horribly xenophobic in my experience.

    It's a term to ridiculize people that actually care about social issues instead of being "eh who cares i'm fine so i don't care if kids starve to death because i have money"

  • edited June 2017

    Roman is basically based on his voice actor, Andrew Chaikin (AKA Kid Beyond). Both share the same resemblance and both play(ed) on a band.

    enter image description here
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  • Huh, that's interesting. The original Mad Hatter.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Roman is basically based on his voice actor, Andrew Chaikin (AKA Kid Beyond). Both share the same resemblance and both play(ed) on a band.

  • sorry that i provided actual logic and challenged your views.

    well, I'm not the one being "edgy" or "triggered" here, edgyclementine. The name suits you well.

  • Yeah, the design is completely ridiculous, but let's just wait to see how she's written before critiquing her character.

    You see woman wearing fluffy pink coat, goggles, huge unrealistic hair and holding a huge machine gun on the cover for a ZOMBIE story, with

  • God, every time I see Roman I get sad. I wish they expanded on any of the 400 days tie-ins to season two. The writers seemed to think that withholding information about characters was more "realistic" when it just comes off as infuriating when you see a character's story never concluding. Not telling the audience something can be a powerful tool, but they kind of did it for no reason in Season Two.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Roman is basically based on his voice actor, Andrew Chaikin (AKA Kid Beyond). Both share the same resemblance and both play(ed) on a band.

  • edited June 2017

    Your rebuttal was essentially "No u" lmao.

    If you want people to take your views seriously, actually provide any sort of a tangible argument.

    well, I'm not the one being "edgy" or "triggered" here, edgyclementine. The name suits you well.

  • The writers seemed to think that withholding information about characters was more "realistic" when it just comes off as infuriating when you see a character's story never concluding. Not telling the audience something can be a powerful tool, but they kind of did it for no reason in Season Two.

    That is indeed a major issue with Season 2, though I don't think the 400 Days characters were particularly bad about that given that most of them were very minor characters that determinate or not weren't in it for long and two of them were pretty flat, all things considered.

    Batteries posted: »

    God, every time I see Roman I get sad. I wish they expanded on any of the 400 days tie-ins to season two. The writers seemed to think that w

  • Bonnie doesn't trust Jane to stick around after she starts spending time with Clementine. And yet she's perfectly fine with her banging Luke and even encourages them making it official.
    Hint hint.

  • Bonnie was always a stupid bitch. She doesn't know how to trust and betrayal is her only option to prevent those situations.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Bonnie doesn't trust Jane to stick around after she starts spending time with Clementine. And yet she's perfectly fine with her banging Luke and even encourages them making it official. Hint hint.

  • Brilliant? Hardly. But I find it to be the most consistent material from TWDG, I assume they wrote its entirety rather than from episode to episode like you're supposed to.

    Lol, think I am the only one who thought, Michonne Mini-Series was brilliant, something funny about that.

  • No, I'm pretty sure that's the most common choice composition. At least from the poeple that uploaded their footage to youtube, the general behaviour seems to be solidarity towards Kenny vs. Carver but a shift when Kenny keeps being aggressive from then on out.

    Dan10 posted: »

    Oh. Come on my detail wasn't THAT obvious.......right?

  • edited June 2017

    The Walking Dead A New Frontier shares the same mistakes as Resident Evil 6.

    1. Both ditched the horror genre and turned into action.
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    2. Both have bad-written female characters being Kate Garcia (ANF) and Helena Harper (RE6). Also both are troublemakers and selfish.
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    3. Both have male characters who are soldiers with bad temper being David Garcia (ANF) and Chris Redfield (RE6).
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    4. Both have male protagonists that are the only highlights in these games being Javier Garcia (ANF) and Jake Muller (RE6).
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    5. Both have badass female protagonists being Clementine (ANF) and Sherry Birkin (RE6).
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    6. Both have ridiculous moments.
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  • Well, the line is blurred when you start analysing something and use practical arguments. "I like it" doesn't matter, it's only good if the components of the narrative make sense and are told fully and fleshed out.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I never knew that opinions can be facts now. Neat. I guess that means Season 2 really is shit.

  • Not what I was going for, but if you say so.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Bonnie was always a stupid bitch. She doesn't know how to trust and betrayal is her only option to prevent those situations.

  • So that means S4 will be good and is a return to form?

    AronDracula posted: »

    The Walking Dead A New Frontier shares the same mistakes as Resident Evil 6. * Both ditched the horror genre and turned into action.

  • You're kinda pushing it now.

    AronDracula posted: »

    The Walking Dead A New Frontier shares the same mistakes as Resident Evil 6. * Both ditched the horror genre and turned into action.

  • What is the hint hint

    DabigRG posted: »

    Bonnie doesn't trust Jane to stick around after she starts spending time with Clementine. And yet she's perfectly fine with her banging Luke and even encourages them making it official. Hint hint.

  • he has the same face as Andy St John

    AronDracula posted: »

    Roman is basically based on his voice actor, Andrew Chaikin (AKA Kid Beyond). Both share the same resemblance and both play(ed) on a band.

  • Son is kinda used when old people talk to kids or people with a significant age gap.

    A lot of people use expressions like that one all the time. In TTB2 Conrad says "Take it easy, son" to Gabe when they have no connection at all. My grandmother calls "mija" or "mijo" to anyone who is younger than her.

  • Bonnie seems jealous after Clementine spends some time with Jane, but doesn't seem very bothered that Jane boinked Luke while everyone was elsewhere.

    What is the hint hint

  • And will feature VR.

    So that means S4 will be good and is a return to form?

  • And will go viral and everyone will love it. Also there will be lots of babies.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    And will feature VR.

  • So the hint hint is that Bonnie liked Clem...?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Bonnie seems jealous after Clementine spends some time with Jane, but doesn't seem very bothered that Jane boinked Luke while everyone was elsewhere.

  • Bingo.

    So the hint hint is that Bonnie liked Clem...?

  • Clementine can tell Javi to "shut the fuck up" if you don't let David in and try to stop her.

    enter image description here

  • edited June 2017

    There's a few dialog changes that can happen depending on what ending you chose and whether you TRIED to save Luke or not in Episode 3.

    After Clementine tells her story about her and AJ

    If Clementine picked Kenny.

    • He was the only family I had left.

    If Clementine picked Jane.

    • I survived. He didn't. That's... that's just the way it goes sometimes.

    If Clementine stayed in Wellington.

    • At least he doesn't have to live in this world anymore.

    If Clementine went alone.

    • Maybe it was for the best. Any place has to be better than here. Maybe even nothing is better..

    If Clementine tried to save Luke in Season 2(Regardless of the ending you choose)

    • That's what I get for trusting other people. Again..

    Outside of the factory after Javier kills Badger himself.(This is determinant.)

    If Clementine picked Kenny.

    • That man shot his niece! Right in front of him. I would've done the same, Javi.

    If Clementine picked Jane.

    • If he was stronger he'd still be alive. He wasn't, so he isn't. That's that.

    If Clementine stayed in Wellington.

    • You weren't there. You don't know what Javi went through! Emotions aren't picky. They get the better of all of us eventually.

    If Clementine went alone.

    • The world's a better place without him. Believe me.

    If Clementine tried to save Luke in Season 2.(Regardless of the ending and the relationship you have with Clementine)

    • Javi's earned my trust. And if any of you had any brains you'd say the same. I'm sure you did the right thing.

    After the group gets back to Richmond where Clementine and Javier talk about whether David is trustworthy(Determinant- Staying silent won't give you unique lines)

    If Clementine picked Kenny.

    • Family means something different now. You have to make it for yourself.

    If Clementine picked Jane.

    • The only thing that matters is staying alive.

    If Clementine stayed in Wellington.

    • I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he's not the man I think he is.

    If Clementine went alone.

    • You know what's best for the people you love. No one else can make that call.

    If Clementine tried to save Luke in Season 2

    • But you're no dummy. Your instincts have been right most of the time. I know you'll make the right call.
  • Until Gabe leans in for a kiss.

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    And will go viral and everyone will love it. Also there will be lots of babies.


    Now i'm happy. :)
    DennisK22 posted: »

    Clementine can tell Javi to "shut the fuck up" if you don't let David in and try to stop her.

  • Gotta love fandom-based satire at times.

    You should post this in the Meme thread eventually.

    VIDEO PROOF! Now i'm happy.

  • Wtf? Those are amazing determinate lines, why does saving Luke just make them all default? I'm disappointed that I missed these lines.

    DennisK22 posted: »

    There's a few dialog changes that can happen depending on what ending you chose and whether you TRIED to save Luke or not in Episode 3. A

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited June 2017

    I suppose these were the hard to spot lines determined by Luke they mentioned in the AMA. @Lilacsbloom

    DennisK22 posted: »

    There's a few dialog changes that can happen depending on what ending you chose and whether you TRIED to save Luke or not in Episode 3. A

  • dude what the actual fuck

    DabigRG posted: »


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