Did you save Doug or Carley? And why?


I'm in the minority when I reveal that I believe saving Doug over Carley is a better decision ,character wise, than saving Carley. Let me explain. Carley is an active, quick-thinking character that's a good shot which can be useful in an apocalypse. However, what everyone overlooks is that she's not the most intellectual person out of the group(as shown with the battery situation back at the Drug Store), which I would that can end up putting the group in danger and not being able hash out how to handle certain situation and possibly putting the group (An example of this is when Andy and Danny St.Johns pass by the motel and Carley points her gun at them and starts the shout "Back off!" when she couldn't handled that situation a lot better) None of means she lacks common sense, it's just that she tends to be more upfront than Doug is, which can cause them to be put into more dangerous situations. Doug, on the over hand, is very intelligent when it comes technology and even designs a mechanism that warns to group when some is approaching the motel, which in turns allows them to know when St.Johns are passing through and alert Lilly and Lee when the bandits have made it into the motel. During the gun fight in Episode 3, Carley comes exits the RV the help Lee shoot walkers. However, Doug's alarms system helps Lee to determine which side of the RV to move to keep the walkers from getting any closer to the RV. Not only that, but Doug ends up repairing the RV and helping us escape the motel instead of Kenny repairing the RV. One more thing, when everyone is arguing outside the RV, the Carley stands up for Ben is completely out of character for her and her behavior in previous Episodes does not back up anything she does right before being killed by Lilly. Unlike Doug, who was shown consideration for others( Such as trying to improve the barrier or wall of the motel because he feels guilty for being bad at look-out and not being wild about guns and even pushing Ben out of the way of Lilly's gunfire and ends up getting himself killed instead). That's why I believe saving Doug is the better decision, character wise, than saving Carley and why I save Doug ever time I replay through the game.


  • I am pretty sure a similar topic exists

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    I saved Carley. Not that she is an attractive woman. It was because she was a real survivor. She is capable of defending herself and group. I dont see Doug was able to fit that role. He was funny but not useful in apocalypse.

  • edited June 2017

    Doug has proven useful in different ways a few times. Innovative like Eugene from the comic. Anybody can shoot a gun well with enough practice. But maybe you were thinking about Carley's guns being useful to Lee personally.lol To which Lilly ruins that romance.

    MrJava posted: »

    I saved Carley. Not that she is an attractive woman. It was because she was a real survivor. She is capable of defending herself and group. I dont see Doug was able to fit that role. He was funny but not useful in apocalypse.

  • I saved Doug at first. I went into length about why twice before but it's basically because he appeared to be in more danger at the moment than Carley (Clem also looks at Doug first before Lee makes his decision) and Carley also sounded like she might be a future threat by blackmailing Lee about his past to the group. Also she didn't seem to think critically enough at times to know a radio might not work without checking it for batteries.

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    In theory,yes. But, he was afraid of using violence. That could have cause some trouble in the first place. He is handy in tech but in apocalypse, you are not able to use technology anymore.

    Ladariel posted: »

    Doug has proven useful in different ways a few times. Innovative like Eugene from the comic. Anybody can shoot a gun well with enough practi

  • Honestly I'd be more torn on the decision but I always go with Carley. Mainly because if you save Doug, you have no option to tell the others about your past, which causes tension between Kenny & Lee later.

  • I chose Doug because he was unambiguously in the most danger and I had already seen a full playthrough with Carley, so there was little to nothing for me there. Though the drama of Lee's past isn't very relevant outside of Larry's little threats, I quite like what they did with Doug and kinda wish he was used as the template for similar situations in future entries.

    Though admittedly, Telltale has a nasty habit of placing too much importance/appeal in one character over the other in the "Pizza or Ice Cream" decisions.

  • I chose to save Carley because she was good with a gun.

  • edited June 2017

    Carley every time. I once told myself I'd save Doug but just couldn't go through with it. Both are useful in their own ways but I feel that Carley has a lot more character to her, plus I like how things can develop between her and Lee.

  • Carley let's you tell people about your past. So I chose her, she's also hot.

  • edited June 2017

    Doug shoots and kills one of the bandit thugs during the raid at the motel, he's likely just not good at using guns as Carley he also saved Carley's life from a walker I think, according to Carley. So when it comes to using violence to save lives I think he's willing atleast.Without Doug Lee would of had a awful risky and difficult time getting the pharmacy keys thanks to Doug's tech knowledge. Doug invents an alert bell system for walkers and Intruders like the St. John's first appearance thanks to tech knowledge. Doug takes a bullet for Ben not thanks to tech but just plain heroism. The laser Gizmo was a bit useless but he does get the RV started quicker than Kenny during the motel raid thanks to mechanical knowledge and possibly tech as well. Might even know how to make homemade bullets like Eugene given enough time and research. So sorry I got to agree to disagree with you. Doug's useful just not pretty as his determinate counterpart.

    MrJava posted: »

    In theory,yes. But, he was afraid of using violence. That could have cause some trouble in the first place. He is handy in tech but in apocalypse, you are not able to use technology anymore.

  • Doug expert can put them in danger if it wasn't andy and his brother walking by the motor in walkers would rage that place in seconds because doug use a piece of string with a bell i think

  • I saved Carley because she saved me twice already, trusted me about my past, and has more character development.

  • Yes, I'm sure Doug had Moobs.

    Vanzam posted: »


  • i chose doug because he was in more danger at the moment and carley holding lee's past over his head was a bit unsettling. plus i've always like doug's personality more.

  • My first play through I picked Carley. It was probably because I felt a lot more connection to the character as she came outside to help us, defended our group against Lilly and Larry. She didn't really blackmail she more just warned Lee to not do something stupid. Plus she comes with you to help Glenn. I liked Doug but it felt already like she would be a close ally as she'd already risked her life twice for the group. In hindsight, Doug is probably a more useful person and is a great guy. He was totally worth saving just as much as Carley. They are both good choices. I wish we could have saved both!

  • You do realize its been seven years right? I saved Carly because she is a crack shot who we really got to know unlike doug where we got one lame puzzle.

  • You do realize its been seven years right?

    That's just the reality of a series with an online community: new people are always gonna be coming into it at some point and they're gonna want to share their thoughts among others.

    You do realize its been seven years right? I saved Carly because she is a crack shot who we really got to know unlike doug where we got one lame puzzle.

  • High five!

    i chose doug because he was in more danger at the moment and carley holding lee's past over his head was a bit unsettling. plus i've always like doug's personality more.

  • edited June 2017

    You do realize its been seven years right?

    Five years.. but your point was comprehended.

    You do realize its been seven years right? I saved Carly because she is a crack shot who we really got to know unlike doug where we got one lame puzzle.

  • [removed]

    Emmalilly posted: »

    My first play through I picked Carley. It was probably because I felt a lot more connection to the character as she came outside to help us,

  • I believe that both characters obtain different qualities and aspects to survival
    in such a terrible circumstance as a zombie apocalypse:
    Doug:Selfless and Intelligent
    Carley: Active and Quick-thinking
    Both can be very useful in a zombie apocalypse when face with certain tasks such as out-smarting the enemy or using one's gun skills against them.

  • Saved Carley because she's a girl, pretty simple but yup.

  • Funny thing is, going back, it's pretty clear that Lilly was supposed to be the love interest originally, but they dropped that in Episode 2 and teased Carley in Episode 3 as fanservice.

  • edited June 2017

    How was that clear? Only thing was Larry asked if Lee liked his daughter out of the blue when they all first moved into the motor inn. While Lee and Carly became clear more and more after the drugstore. I thought Lee and Christa could of made a decent match if Lee had of made it out of season 1 but that's just me. Omid seemed to be too laid back and silly all the time for Christa while Christa was usually always serious. Opposites attract I guess.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Funny thing is, going back, it's pretty clear that Lilly was supposed to be the love interest originally, but they dropped that in Episode 2 and teased Carley in Episode 3 as fanservice.

  • It's that and the fact that she was subtly played up as a character on par with Kenny in terms of prominence. Add in the "angry dad that scares everyone else away" angle and it's kinda obvious in hindsight.

    Ladariel posted: »

    How was that clear? Only thing was Larry asked if Lee liked his daughter out of the blue when they all first moved into the motor inn. Whil

  • edited June 2017

    Honesty, I think we spend not enough time with Doug. With Carley we have serious conversation, I mena about Lee past and go with her to save Glenn. With Doug we don not have any important talk and we are with them less time than Carley. For me Glenn was not necessary in game and Doug should take his place and go for gas to motel. That my opinion.

  • Same. Doug originally had a moment where he'd (somehow) cause the telephone pole to fall and trap B's walker but since that scene was cut, he's just kinda there. '

    Hell, he doesn't even get much of an introduction or character establishing moment since his first appearance is when the herd start banging on the walls for a bit.

    Poink posted: »

    Honesty, I think we spend not enough time with Doug. With Carley we have serious conversation, I mena about Lee past and go with her to save

  • And for me will be cool have two determinant character with you to rescue Irene. And Carley and Doug have time with each other because they feel something to each other and maybe this have even more sense

    DabigRG posted: »

    Same. Doug originally had a moment where he'd (somehow) cause the telephone pole to fall and trap B's walker but since that scene was cut, h

  • Exactly! And Carley seeming jealous to some people would make more since if it was Doug there instead.

    Poink posted: »

    And for me will be cool have two determinant character with you to rescue Irene. And Carley and Doug have time with each other because they feel something to each other and maybe this have even more sense

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