And if any of that would happen it'll take 8 years or so till' season 7... Let's give telltale a space for the next season though so they won't atleast not making the season way off.
I think they may have to learn from their fans, fix things they've screwed up before.. I'm sure the TWD fans be back right up if they make it right.
they said they could go up to something like season 7 or something like that but are not confirming anything as that is way to far ahead all… more i can confirm is they like working with skybound on the walking dead and hope they can continue it for as long as they can
yeah but we cant really say when the next game will come out i mean season 1 to 2 took around a year but season 2 to 3 took 3 years and yeah they cant change the last 3 seasons but they can listen to fans to see what they would like as long as its reasonable to be in TWD
And if any of that would happen it'll take 8 years or so till' season 7... Let's give telltale a space for the next season though so they wo… moren't atleast not making the season way off.
I think they may have to learn from their fans, fix things they've screwed up before.. I'm sure the TWD fans be back right up if they make it right.
I hope in season 4 Clementine will be playable character. I think we will find AJ in first 1-2 episodes and after that we will come back to Richmond... I would be happy if Season 4 is going out in next 1-2 years.
yeah but we cant really say when the next game will come out i mean season 1 to 2 took around a year but season 2 to 3 took 3 years and yeah… more they cant change the last 3 seasons but they can listen to fans to see what they would like as long as its reasonable to be in TWD
They started developing too many games (Game of Thrones, Minecraft, Tales from the Borderlans, now they started guardians of the galaxy). I think thats the reason why we waited 3years.
I would be happy if Season 4 is going out in next 1-2 years
Well, that wouldn't be good because I think that they should take More Time to make the next season A Little Bit better than the 3rd.
Thus, I believe that 3-4 years would be a great release date (IF Telltale uses that Time Wisely, of course...).
I hope in season 4 Clementine will be playable character. I think we will find AJ in first 1-2 episodes and after that we will come back to Richmond... I would be happy if Season 4 is going out in next 1-2 years.
I would be happy if Season 4 is going out in next 1-2 years
Well, that wouldn't be good because I think that they should take More T… moreime to make the next season A Little Bit better than the 3rd.
Thus, I believe that 3-4 years would be a great release date (IF Telltale uses that Time Wisely, of course...).
Yea.. I think give em' some time to wrap up their head and actually come up with a damn good idea about the next season.
1 year to make s2 and did make it worth, but s3 for 3 years and having it a way off... like what the actual fuck is goin on here right?
I REALLY hope they're gonna make season 4 worth a goddamn penny and shit load of time
I would be happy if Season 4 is going out in next 1-2 years
Well, that wouldn't be good because I think that they should take More T… moreime to make the next season A Little Bit better than the 3rd.
Thus, I believe that 3-4 years would be a great release date (IF Telltale uses that Time Wisely, of course...).
clementine will go after AJ (plz dont be lazy Telltale)
as for the Garcia's, they'll definitely be in season 4. they wont be very important though (because most of them are determent) but maybe Javier will be the exception if they use the scrapped storyline. we'll see i guess.
heres what i'm thinking
* they'll use the scrapped s3 storyline for s4
* clementine will go after AJ (plz dont be lazy Telltale)
… more
as for the Garcia's, they'll definitely be in season 4. they wont be very important though (because most of them are determent) but maybe Javier will be the exception if they use the scrapped storyline. we'll see i guess.
They started developing too many games (Game of Thrones, Minecraft, Tales from the Borderlans, now they started guardians of the galaxy). I think thats the reason why we waited 3years.
All im gonna say season 1-2 took a year and people liked them both more than ANF and that took 3 years so i dont think it matters how much time it takes but there ideas on a good game
They just took to many games to develop and i think they cant handle it I think if they´ll start develop (TWAU, Tales from the Borderlans, the games which ones fans want, they should be okay).
Well then, let's get these games over with and let's cut to the chase, I hope they done well & serious this time with the walking dead or else might be the end of it.
They just took to many games to develop and i think they cant handle it I think if they´ll start develop (TWAU, Tales from the Borderlans, the games which ones fans want, they should be okay).
They just took to many games to develop and i think they cant handle it I think if they´ll start develop (TWAU, Tales from the Borderlans, the games which ones fans want, they should be okay).
And if any of that would happen it'll take 8 years or so till' season 7... Let's give telltale a space for the next season though so they won't atleast not making the season way off.
I think they may have to learn from their fans, fix things they've screwed up before.. I'm sure the TWD fans be back right up if they make it right.
yeah but we cant really say when the next game will come out i mean season 1 to 2 took around a year but season 2 to 3 took 3 years and yeah they cant change the last 3 seasons but they can listen to fans to see what they would like as long as its reasonable to be in TWD
That's exactly how I would like it.
what did they get busy of until s2-s3 took 3 years? Are we gonna see s4 in 2019?
Please telltale put The Walking Dead in your priority list
I think I will try to move on, but it'll be hard for now cause i fucking love the walking dead.
But feel free to give your opinion in this thread, I'm looking forward to read about yours.
They started developing too many games (Game of Thrones, Minecraft, Tales from the Borderlans, now they started guardians of the galaxy). I think thats the reason why we waited 3years.
Well, that wouldn't be good because I think that they should take More Time to make the next season A Little Bit better than the 3rd.
Thus, I believe that 3-4 years would be a great release date (IF Telltale uses that Time Wisely, of course...).
I realize it, but i just can´t wait for next season.. But you are right.
Yea.. I think give em' some time to wrap up their head and actually come up with a damn good idea about the next season.
1 year to make s2 and did make it worth, but s3 for 3 years and having it a way off... like what the actual fuck is goin on here right?
I REALLY hope they're gonna make season 4 worth a goddamn penny and shit load of time
just played the scene twice this morning
heres what i'm thinking
they'll use the scrapped s3 storyline for s4
clementine will go after AJ (plz dont be lazy Telltale)
as for the Garcia's, they'll definitely be in season 4. they wont be very important though (because most of them are determent) but maybe Javier will be the exception if they use the scrapped storyline. we'll see i guess.
Exactly what i wanted it to be... Hope S4 won't be a lazy storyline,
I think if S4 is back on top then there's definitely another season after that
yeah i hope it comes out 2018 2019 at the latest
That would be great
Why can't they just develop one game, the walking dead... So this season actually be a good one.
Please telltale do your best on this one okay?
Its ether people want a new game as soon as they can or telltale think they are making good ideas but people dont like them to much
All im gonna say season 1-2 took a year and people liked them both more than ANF and that took 3 years so i dont think it matters how much time it takes but there ideas on a good game
They just took to many games to develop and i think they cant handle it
I think if they´ll start develop (TWAU, Tales from the Borderlans, the games which ones fans want, they should be okay). 
Well then, let's get these games over with and let's cut to the chase, I hope they done well & serious this time with the walking dead or else might be the end of it.
I think they said they are not doing Tales from the borderlands anytime soon but TWAU is a good shout
I liked TWAU as much as I like s1, so.. I think we can catch our breath a little as soon as we're done that let's do season 4 telltale.
let's get this thread a third page