The Rumor Come Out: Does Doctor Lingard is Gay? (s3 spoilers)
Doctor Lingard is gay is the most discussed in the New Frontier in the few years ago. Even it has happened in 2007, but some of the public still curious about what is exactly happening and to be the reason there is a rumor comes out about his gay. At that time he became the massive survivor rumor.
The public, especially his patients are shocked. He just came out with his bad rumor which is spread massively. This time is not about his medical career, but his bad rumor. The rumor is out of standardize of hoax, according the last reported this doctor revealed himself as homosexual. Do you still believe or not, this rumor is really much talked by people even in a person of his patients.
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People don't talk about it because it's not interesting. His sexuality makes no difference in the narrative either way.
Ew what
your description makes no sense
It wouldn't be a "bad" rumour. If he is, he is.
I don't remember it ever being brought up though. Maybe I missed something.
guys, this is a meme
Why would it be a big deal? Why do ppl care about the sexuality of others in the first place? Love is love.
EDIT: fixed horrible spelling problems. WTF me.
tfw you make a shitpost but it's low-key serious because i honestly think that it'd be a really cool dynamic between david and lingard if lingard had a thing for him but i know that doesn't matter because we won't see either of them ever again
doctor lingard really IS gay!!! nice job team!!!!
Does he is gay though?
Hey Doctor Lingard.....nice armor.
Smh it's not a meme, Dr Lindgard does gay and I'd even say he was some kind of singer before the apocalypse.
You know, despite this post being a joke, it might actually be a possibility.
If Max exposes Joan in episode 3, she mentions the friends and family everyone lost. She specifically mentions 'lovers' in regards to Lingard
If you spared him in episode 4, he is seen walking along and talking with another man before he's stopped by Javier and Clementine in episode 5
And then you have the way he talks about David... although that might just be platonic. I think David just came across him, and helped him find purpose again. He's extremely grateful to David for effectively saving his life, but nothing romantic.
Granted, maybe I'm looking a bit too deeply into it, but I could definitely see it being the case.
English isn't my native language.. but isn't "lovers" a neutral word and used for men and women? To me it seems Joan generally meant that some people in Richmond lost their partners in love. She indicated that Lingard lost his partner as well, but didn't specify at all if it was a man or woman. The end of Episode 5 didn't tell much either, but that's just me.
It's all possible anyway, sure.
It can be a neutral word, yes. But I know there's some people that use it to refer to gay couples, like how the word 'partner' is often used.
I'm not saying that anything's confirmed, it's just my own personal impression on it. There's just something about the way Joan's line was delivered and Lingard's reaction to it that makes me think...
Ah, I see. Thank you for clarifying, I was just wondering.
Would definitely be a nice addition to add some more "colorful" souls to the pool of characters in TWD (as well as any story in general).
So what if he's gay or not, he's just person with problems he's just hates dealing with Joan.
if i'm being honest, i completely agree! the reason i made the post seem like a joke because i'm well aware that i would've possibly gotten a decent amount of backlash from a few users if i had made this into something serious. that was the reason why i added those three screenshots as well, because i genuinely believe that it could be possible. granted, it would be kind of upsetting if telltale revealed it after the ending of the game, but i'm taking whatever i can get at this point.
It's a joke. It's a reference to the "Does Bruno Mars is Gay?" Article from a few years ago.
how is gay babby formed
What cracks me up is saying "Chromid" aloud. Best/worst relationship compound name ever.
Unfortunately, I think a Telltale rep confirmed that he had family in that Q&A a while back. So unless it was a kid with two daddies, I doubt it.
Never forgetti.
Can you good grammar?
♨~Mom's Spaghetti~♨
Sorry for being an idiot.
Lingard be like
Better than Telltale pandering to straight people most of the time just like the rest of media, lol.
One extra gay or bi character (who's fate is even determinate) won't kill you, I promise!
Yeah... the thing is though being gay/bi is more rare than people think it is and most of the human population is straight. We already have Jesus, possibly and/or determinantly javier, Aaron, Eric, Walter, Matthew, Paige, Jonas, Zachary, etc. Don't we have enough LGBT characters?
Can you meme, good sir?
oh my god having nine lgbt+ characters compared to hundreds of straight characters is NOTHING
god its like there can't be more than one lgbt+ character before people starting complaining about how there "are too many." smh
my favorite part about seeing this thread again is that it reminds me how hecking gay doctor lingard really was for david and i think that's just beautiful
Oh yeah, this exists.
Lmaoooo does bruno mars is gay? i applaud you for putting this together
You are a real charmer. You know that ? Through and through ...
don't we have enough straight characters though?
(okay but seriously ur homophobia is showing so maybe stop and let lgbtq fans be happy that they're being represented for once bc having just straight characters in every thing ever is super annoying)
Is everyone here a gay rights person?
Not wanting every character in twd universe to be gay is not homophobia btw.
I'm bisexual. Where's the thread discussion on my sexuality?
Please stop bumping these type of threads.
OMG a doctor talking to a man = then gay !
It escalated quickly ! xD
You're doing perfect.
There´s a thread disparaging your sexual orientation a few posts ago. About Havi bisexuality and how it would imply being a raging manwhore, or something like that.