Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • No problem

    There's a clear effort put into collecting all variations. Liked!

  • Care to post a video of that?

    Melton23 posted: »

    I had 2 play through, on my first 1 I had kenny and javier says: "Clem, we almost there? Clem!" And on my 2nd I had the alone ending and jav

  • Ugh fml. I encountered them myself but I'll try

    DennisK22 posted: »

    Care to post a video of that?

  • edited July 2017



    I figured out it was determined by if you used clementine's half lie or the full truth. Who ever said choices never mattered in episodes 1 and 2 :p

    DennisK22 posted: »

    Care to post a video of that?

  • How is it even fucking possible to release the finale episode without facial animations? Good god.

    Deltino posted: »

    So, it turns out that at some point, they went back and updated ep 4 to fix the animations on both Clint and the bearded guy that stabbed Ja

  • People complainning about facial broken mmmkayyyy !!
    Did someone played to LiS on ps4 during the storm at the cafeteria, Max talk her jaw and lips don't move x_x!

    Another animation that's broken (I think it is, at least) is when Gabe's about to die and he tells Clem to take his playing cards. She says "What?" and sobs, but her face is almost expressionless. 1:42

  • Yep.

    Louche posted: »

    I said as much before about Clint, I'm actually a little disappointed but still it makes sense. You don't want a guy like david holding you hostage. He does kill him in that scenario, after all. Wasn't even really deserved.

  • Well, it was pretty clear they were rushing through that thing on release, so it's probably not that surprising.

    How is it even fucking possible to release the finale episode without facial animations? Good god.

  • edited July 2017

    Jane is hardly the big bad, all the key moments in the season point to it being Kenny. Kenny also long overstayed his welcome after cheating death in season 1. But this was all intentionally supposed to be optional/subjective anyway, so... not much point in arguing about it.

    Yeah, that's the full justification for it on TvTropes. Still, she was arguably the closest thing to a singular Big Bad of Amid the Ruins and she more or less catalyzes several deaths leading up to her plan against Kenny, so it's somewhat fitting depending on who you are.

    It does feel like two different stories/seasons jammed together. That cabin group - what did they have planned for them?

    Well, you can clearly see they had certain things in mind for them that may or may not have been downplayed and/or given to other characters, though I have no clue what Breckon was gonna do with Nick, tbh.

    But you know, part of me likes it. It's realistic that things can change at the drop of a hat. In real life your friends don't necessarily develop character arcs before they die in a senseless random way. And you meet new people that you wouldn't expect to have actual impact on your life.

    Admittedly, I kinda like certain things that came out of the changes, but that doesn't really negate the value of cohesive storytelling. They could've resolved certain points a lot better than they did.

    Kenny got the best characterization he needed in episode 5. Not only does he miss his kid, but he we find out he wasn't actually around much before the zombie apocalypse and didn't raise him right and feels further guilt from this. His intentions with AJ, whether or pure or not, are kind of mental.

    Yeah, that was fine. It's just also really apparent that Nick Breckon was just saddled with Jane and had relatively little idea of what to do with her beyond giving her Luke's role so she'd have top billing.

    I'm still not getting this Jane massive shit-hate you got going on, Jane gets lots of flack from other characters and does stupid things, so how's she a Creator's Pet, exactly?

    As I said, all the extra attention and perks Jane got is the most obvious symptom of this; always getting chances to interact with Clementine, be heralded as a "tragic" badass by the other characters, being pivotal to several major scenes, or make up for her wrongdoings while other characters (besides Kenny of course, who also qualifies to an extent) generally don't. Luke, Rebecca, and in a weird example Carlos in particular got very little of that in comparison despite being more important characters.
    It is very possible for a sueish character to hate or be hated by other characters--the catch is generally that those characters will ultimately be portrayed as being in the wrong, as I also noted about. Rebecca and Kenny are the most obvious examples of the latter example, but Arvo and especially Sarah count for the former categories. Which is really bizzare given that they're two of the nicest and most sympathetic characters in the Season(which I realize isn't saying much, given the "competition"), which just adds to the bullshit. Though Bonnie is definitely a weird zigzag, tbh.

    I knew you'd post something like that. On a scale of 1-10 how much pleasure does that image bring you?

    Well, considering it involves Kenny and I'm the one who made that, relatively little in terms of schadenfreude. The punchline is viagra, btw.

    It's realistic. She was cocky and thought she could take the old man.
    When she realized that if she did nothing she was going to DIE, right there, yeah she let out a yelp of help to Clem. I mean, who wouldn't?
    Seriously one moment you say she's too perfect, the next you complain she cries for help? You're an odd one. You just really seem to hate her guts.

    Yeah, well, internal consistency is important for a reason.
    And ultimately, it's the fact that it felt deliberately staged to make you want to save her despite her supposed badassery--which is exactly the case, as it turns out. All the actiony shit they had her doing up till that point suddenly meant nothing as she could barely even hurt Kenny without fightin dirty. And then, no matter what you do, he always ends up being the one who will kill her if he isn't shot and there is an extra choice to this after he kills her, but not a single one to do so to Jane after the stuff she pulled. Uh huh.

    Louche posted: »

    Jane is hardly the big bad, all the key moments in the season point to it being Kenny. Kenny also long overstayed his welcome after cheating

  • edited July 2017

    Here's how you can get Clementine to shoot lee if you stay silent in No Time Left.

    I played two times to understand what choices mattered and I eventually found it though it took me some time. I intially thought giving a gun to Irene and would have had an impact on Clementine deciding to shoot Lee, same with the campman choice because. But they don't! On my playthrough where I didn't give a gun to Irene, killed Larry, shot duck, didn't drop Ben, killed Campman myself but let him turn she didn't shoot Lee. I went back and let Clem kill Campman to see if it mattered(It didn't). So I went back to Episode 4 and dropped Ben and she chose to shoot Lee. I rewinded another save I file I had, in which I gave a gun to Irene, killed Larry, let Kenny shoot Duck, dropped Ben, let Clem shoot Campman and she didn't shoot Lee! Also I listened to Lee's voice lines which mention all of the choices, strangely enough no mention of dropping Ben or saving him.

    After that It was easy to narrow the choices mattered in that scene, which are:

    • Kill Larry
    • Shoot Duck
    • Drop Ben

    Doing all three gets Clem to shoot Lee if you stay silent. Not doing even one of them doesn't.

  • Who's campman?

    DennisK22 posted: »

    Here's how you can get Clementine to shoot lee if you stay silent in No Time Left. I played two times to understand what choices mattered

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    The stranger

    Melton23 posted: »

    Who's campman?

  • How long has that been a nickname for? XD

    dojo32161 posted: »

    The stranger

  • Are the voicelines of Clementine different if she decides to shoot you over convincing her to shoot you?

    DennisK22 posted: »

    Here's how you can get Clementine to shoot lee if you stay silent in No Time Left. I played two times to understand what choices mattered

  • Nope

    Are the voicelines of Clementine different if she decides to shoot you over convincing her to shoot you?

  • It's the name on his model files in the previous episode, I believe.

    Melton23 posted: »

    How long has that been a nickname for? XD

  • So where'd the name stranger come from?

    DabigRG posted: »

    It's the name on his model files in the previous episode, I believe.

  • Agreed, without the previous backstory of Troy being a probable rapist, it seems like it's just there to make Clem question if Jane is a good role model choice.
    Except, one little problem... HER MURDERING TROY IS NEVER EVER BROUGHT UP AGAIN.
    Not by a single person. Even Kenny could use that against her, but doesn't.

    In hindsight, sure. But at the time, it was most likely there to make her seem hardcore.
    And it not being brought up again is indeed a problem, as while there is the whole Asshole Victim trope, that still seems like something a story about survival and trust would remember to bring up again. Which was especially bad in my case since, on my first playthrough, I thought she told Troy about THE plan and killed him for sake of hiding it.

    Can we not start talking power levels like this is an anime forum or something? I bet you're thinking of Mike being overpowered by Kenny, but the truth there is Mike didn't want to fight at all, he's not very aggressive toward living people.

    No, that I got. The fact that Mike was clearly agitated but initially tried to talk Kenny down made that much obvious.

    Well, she was right. Sarah did die no matter what. And even when she tried to save her (by herself, which was stupid that no one else helped.) she couldn't pull it off and almost died herself. How was she in the wrong here? I really wish that plank dropping had left a huge scar just to show what how Jane almost died for a girl she barely knew.

    She catalyzed that exact scenario that offering to screw Luke, nearly fell herself, and then wasted precious time arguing(again) instead of just going to save Sarah when she was told, which she only does when you essentially guilt trip her into realizing you ain't pulling her up when Sarah's still in danger.
    And after all the witchhunt talking and blatant disregard she had for Sarah's well-being, you damn skimpy I'm holding her extra responsible for what happened.

    Louche posted: »

    Eh, though it's made clear they've made deals in the past that make way more sense with her being the proposer and receiver, that does sound

  • Oh man that was so weird

    And let's not get started on that glitch in Episode 3, trying to save William... the flying phone and weird noises still haunt me now O.o

    People complainning about facial broken mmmkayyyy !! Did someone played to LiS on ps4 during the storm at the cafeteria, Max talk her jaw and lips don't move x_x!

  • Edgar Allan Poe lived in Richmond, Virginia.


    David inhabited his house post-apocalypse after his group moved to Richmond.


  • I was really looking forward to exploring that house in episode 4, wish they didn't change apartments.

    Edgar Allan Poe lived in Richmond, Virginia. David inhabited his house post-apocalypse after his group moved to Richmond.

  • The final choices screen, I believe.

    Melton23 posted: »

    So where'd the name stranger come from?

  • Holy shit, that is legitimately awesome! Guess it would explain the crow on the top.

    Edgar Allan Poe lived in Richmond, Virginia. David inhabited his house post-apocalypse after his group moved to Richmond.

  • Eh, given some of the stuff Graysonn found in the files, I don't think we were actually intended to spend much time there anyway.

    Plus, the apartment made a little more sense for the story we got, imo.

    I was really looking forward to exploring that house in episode 4, wish they didn't change apartments.

  • I noticed that on my first play-through and lost my shit.

    Edgar Allan Poe lived in Richmond, Virginia. David inhabited his house post-apocalypse after his group moved to Richmond.

  • Wow they really have so much in common- when they hit their head and fall off a building they die. Whoa...

  • Just to add, in S2 there was a mug with "World's Best Dad" placed the cabin and the other one in Carver's office with "World's Best Boss".

    DabigRG posted: »

    Just wanted to remind people of this: The mug says "Worlds Best Uncle." It's what Javier can use in his fight with Badger. @Credit to Poogers555

  • In the first gif it looks like Javi is just carelessly jogging away and he accidentally run over Clem and knocked her ass down.

  • Javi's jump was easier, so it's funnier how he failed.

  • "Then this ebony bird // beguiling my sad fancy into smiling, // By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore, // “Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,” I said, “art sure no craven, // Ghastly grim and ancient Raven // wandering from the Nightly shore— // Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!” // Quoth the Raven // “Nevermore.”

    Edgar Allan Poe lived in Richmond, Virginia. David inhabited his house post-apocalypse after his group moved to Richmond.

  • Huh. I didn't know that. Thanks!

    fallandir posted: »

    Just to add, in S2 there was a mug with "World's Best Dad" placed the cabin and the other one in Carver's office with "World's Best Boss".

  • David episode 3: "Bad news is bad news, who cares who delivers it?"

    David episode 4: "Kate?! Really?? So glad she sent MY OWN BROTHER to break the news."

  • Forgive me if this has already been brought up before, but I'm pretty sure at the end of Ep 4(?) When Kate decides to be a hero and ends up crashing the truck, her reasons for doing it shift depend on what you said when she asked to come get you. If you say "Come pick us up!" She'll respond like "Okay I'm headed to you now!". But if you tell her "No, stay back and we'll come to you!", as if by the grace of Plot God, her radio suddenly starts acting up and she says "What?! I cant hear you! I'm coming over there!".

  • episode 3: kate says david could mistake her for a walker

    episode 5: david mistakes a walker for kate

  • I didn't notice that XD but she said with the lights off ;)

    episode 3: kate says david could mistake her for a walker episode 5: david mistakes a walker for kate

  • David episode 4: "Kate?! Really?? So glad she sent MY OWN BROTHER to break the news."

    Was that the actual line? How meta.

    David episode 3: "Bad news is bad news, who cares who delivers it?" David episode 4: "Kate?! Really?? So glad she sent MY OWN BROTHER to break the news."

  • edited July 2017

    I love how that scene was essentially one big middle finger to the promo art.

    episode 3: kate says david could mistake her for a walker episode 5: david mistakes a walker for kate

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