Actually a character who NEEDS to be in this Season if they want to keep with the comic timeline is Boy Blue.
He takes over as Snow's secretary after she officially becomes the Deputy Mayor.
Also having King Cole show up would be interesting...
After reading a lot of comments here I am pretty surprised to say that I have similar thoughts. The other day I felt like I just had to make a video about what characters and improvements I want to see for season 2 of TWAU. I haven't read the comics or anything, so my picks probably don't make any sense. My thoughts were Rose Red, Boy Blue, Badger, Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and Prince Charming. Additionally, I actually want to see Alice and the Chesire Cat from Alice and Wonderland even though it isn't even considered a fable. They would've been some really cool characters to interact with, if you ask me.
I hope they keep most of the cast of the first season - I really enjoyed most of the characters.
Count Dracula? Puss in Boots (c'mon who doesn't want to have to fight/work with a 3 foot cat?). The Boy Who Cried Wolf, who would have been a major character but they took him out. Tom Thumb and Thumbebelina, more ridiculously small people. Peter Cottontail? Peter Pan? I think Coyote from Native American Mythology could make for some pretty cool fight scenes.
New Fables. That's what I want to see more. Count
I like to see some more American Folklore, or, well, local folklore in general, the more obscure, the better - there's a lot of untapped potential for interesting characters there. We got Jersey Devil and Auntie Greenleaf, so why not Bigfoot? I mean, I'd imagine Sasquatch would make for an awesome final fight with Bigby. I hope the story goes outside of New York City and into the Catskills or Long Island, somewhere more remote.
There's a cool Hawaiian story about a the King of Sharks who has a child with a human, Nanave, who can transform into a shark. That be not only different, but a chance for a good fight scene. There's a neat ghost story about Green Lantern, a lighthouse keeper whose children died in a storm and a green lantern is seen on shore.
A local story we have in Virginia and in the South in general is the Wampus Cat, a Native American woman who was turned into half mountain cat and half human for watching a ritual, and is now a monster. I think the Wampus Cat, which is associated with the Cherokee Ewah, would be a very interesting foil for Bigby, being a female Native American cat monster rather than a male European ferocious wolf. Plus in some places the Wampus Cat is the spirit of death and the earth, and when her cry is heard, it means someone is going to die and be buried within the next three days. That would be a very cool thing for an episode to focus on with choices. Also, another cool opportunity for a fight scene. Cat vs. dog. Man vs. woman. Beast vs. beast.
Another one, a story that actually kind of scared me when I read it, is the White Wolf. I'm not sure if it's a Texas folk story or completely made up, but whatever I'll share it. If this were Fable worthy, if be cool to have a White Werewolf vs. Bigby.
If you guys want to get some ideas, this site American Folklore has a pretty damn good collection, with stories from all groups in North American, from Mexicans, Americans, Canadians, to the natives and different ethnicities of the continent. Good reads.
Wendigo, how 'bout that? Skunk ape, fur-bearing trout, cactus cat, Jackalope, Hidebehind, etc.
The general trend I've been making here that I think cool Fables are those with the same sort of schtick as Bigby - human form (glamor would solve this) but a fearsome critter form as well, one that is very powerful like Bigby and stuff like that.
Actually a character who NEEDS to be in this Season if they want to keep with the comic timeline is Boy Blue.
He takes over as Snow's secretary after she officially becomes the Deputy Mayor.
Also having King Cole show up would be interesting...
I hope they keep most of the cast of the first season - I really enjoyed most of the characters.
Count Dracula? Puss in Boots (c'mon who … moredoesn't want to have to fight/work with a 3 foot cat?). The Boy Who Cried Wolf, who would have been a major character but they took him out. Tom Thumb and Thumbebelina, more ridiculously small people. Peter Cottontail? Peter Pan? I think Coyote from Native American Mythology could make for some pretty cool fight scenes.
New Fables. That's what I want to see more. Count
I like to see some more American Folklore, or, well, local folklore in general, the more obscure, the better - there's a lot of untapped potential for interesting characters there. We got Jersey Devil and Auntie Greenleaf, so why not Bigfoot? I mean, I'd imagine Sasquatch would make for an awesome final fight with Bigby. I hope the story goes outside of New York City and into the Catskills or Long Island, somewhere more remote.
The… [view original content]
Another interesting take on Wolf character would be Fenrir Wolf - one of the most famous wolves in Norse sagas.
In Norse mythology, Fenrir the Wolf, is a monstrous wolf. According to the myths, Fenrir is the father of the wolves Sköll and Hati Hróðvitnisson, is a son of Loki, and is foretold to kill the god Odin during the events of Ragnarök, but will in turn be killed by Odin's son, Víðarr. There has been some additional information given about Fenrir, including that, due to the gods' knowledge of prophecies foretelling great trouble from Fenrir and his rapid growth, the gods bound him, and as a result Fenrir bit off the right hand of the god Tyr.
I hope they keep most of the cast of the first season - I really enjoyed most of the characters.
Count Dracula? Puss in Boots (c'mon who … moredoesn't want to have to fight/work with a 3 foot cat?). The Boy Who Cried Wolf, who would have been a major character but they took him out. Tom Thumb and Thumbebelina, more ridiculously small people. Peter Cottontail? Peter Pan? I think Coyote from Native American Mythology could make for some pretty cool fight scenes.
New Fables. That's what I want to see more. Count
I like to see some more American Folklore, or, well, local folklore in general, the more obscure, the better - there's a lot of untapped potential for interesting characters there. We got Jersey Devil and Auntie Greenleaf, so why not Bigfoot? I mean, I'd imagine Sasquatch would make for an awesome final fight with Bigby. I hope the story goes outside of New York City and into the Catskills or Long Island, somewhere more remote.
The… [view original content]
Gasp This is really cool. I think though that two wolves are too much for one town, maybe there could be an interaction between those two in the homelands/somewhere. I would love to see a fight to see who's biggest and baddest.
Maybe Fenrir could be causing some trouble around, and fables would confuse him for Bigby. And Bigby could have been spelled to forget everything that happened that very night (someone trying to frame him) so he wouldn't be able to answer the fable's inquiries. Ooh, this would be so cool.
White Wolf does sound pretty interesting.
Another interesting take on Wolf character would be Fenrir Wolf - one of the most famous wolves… more in Norse sagas.
In Norse mythology, Fenrir the Wolf, is a monstrous wolf. According to the myths, Fenrir is the father of the wolves Sköll and Hati Hróðvitnisson, is a son of Loki, and is foretold to kill the god Odin during the events of Ragnarök, but will in turn be killed by Odin's son, Víðarr. There has been some additional information given about Fenrir, including that, due to the gods' knowledge of prophecies foretelling great trouble from Fenrir and his rapid growth, the gods bound him, and as a result Fenrir bit off the right hand of the god Tyr.
It would be a good excuse to have Bigby on the run - everyone is suspecting him being the murderer due to the fact that he's a wolf and well, it's clear that a wolf did it, so it's natural to suspect. It would also be cool if this an angle later in the season, so that choices earlier (if Bigby was aggressive or not) would lead to certain Fables suspecting him more. Roughed up Johann? Well, he believes you are the murderer.
Gasp This is really cool. I think though that two wolves are too much for one town, maybe there could be an interaction between those two in… more the homelands/somewhere. I would love to see a fight to see who's biggest and baddest.
Maybe Fenrir could be causing some trouble around, and fables would confuse him for Bigby. And Bigby could have been spelled to forget everything that happened that very night (someone trying to frame him) so he wouldn't be able to answer the fable's inquiries. Ooh, this would be so cool.
Ooooh, yes yes. And the game would keep pushing you nonstop, it would be hard not to snap at any point, harder even to win everyone's approval at the end -especially if he were to keep turning all the time.
It would be a good excuse to have Bigby on the run - everyone is suspecting him being the murderer due to the fact that he's a wolf and well… more, it's clear that a wolf did it, so it's natural to suspect. It would also be cool if this an angle later in the season, so that choices earlier (if Bigby was aggressive or not) would lead to certain Fables suspecting him more. Roughed up Johann? Well, he believes you are the murderer.
Rose Red for starters, Pinocchio, Cinderella, Boy Blue is a must. They weren't in season one but I want them in 2.
Returning would be Colin (sneaked out of The Farm again), Beauty & Beast, Crane (intro getting killed by Bigby), and of course Bigby's love Snow White (intro looking at Magic Mirror showing Bigby).
I think it'd definitely be awesome to see more of the major characters from the comics appear next season, like Rose Red, Boy Blue, Pinocchio, Charming, King Cole, Cindy, and such (maybe an Honest John cameo?).
It would be interesting to finally hear their voices and see what kind of characterizations Telltale might deliver after reading the comic.
Yeah, have Boy Blue, keep Flycatcher, and add Pinocchio, then all 3 best friends are united!
After reading a lot of comments here I am pretty surprised to say that I have similar thoughts. The other day I felt like I just had to make a video about what characters and improvements I want to see for season 2 of TWAU. I haven't read the comics or anything, so my picks probably don't make any sense. My thoughts were Rose Red, Boy Blue, Badger, Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and Prince Charming. Additionally, I actually want to see Alice and the Chesire Cat from Alice and Wonderland even though it isn't even considered a fable. They would've been some really cool characters to interact with, if you ask me.
I hope they keep most of the cast of the first season - I really enjoyed most of the characters.
Count Dracula? Puss in Boots (c'mon who doesn't want to have to fight/work with a 3 foot cat?). The Boy Who Cried Wolf, who would have been a major character but they took him out. Tom Thumb and Thumbebelina, more ridiculously small people. Peter Cottontail? Peter Pan? I think Coyote from Native American Mythology could make for some pretty cool fight scenes.
New Fables. That's what I want to see more. Count
I like to see some more American Folklore, or, well, local folklore in general, the more obscure, the better - there's a lot of untapped potential for interesting characters there. We got Jersey Devil and Auntie Greenleaf, so why not Bigfoot? I mean, I'd imagine Sasquatch would make for an awesome final fight with Bigby. I hope the story goes outside of New York City and into the Catskills or Long Island, somewhere more remote.
There's a cool Hawaiian story about a the King of Sharks who has a child with a human, Nanave, who can transform into a shark. That be not only different, but a chance for a good fight scene. There's a neat ghost story about Green Lantern, a lighthouse keeper whose children died in a storm and a green lantern is seen on shore.
A local story we have in Virginia and in the South in general is the Wampus Cat, a Native American woman who was turned into half mountain cat and half human for watching a ritual, and is now a monster. I think the Wampus Cat, which is associated with the Cherokee Ewah, would be a very interesting foil for Bigby, being a female Native American cat monster rather than a male European ferocious wolf. Plus in some places the Wampus Cat is the spirit of death and the earth, and when her cry is heard, it means someone is going to die and be buried within the next three days. That would be a very cool thing for an episode to focus on with choices. Also, another cool opportunity for a fight scene. Cat vs. dog. Man vs. woman. Beast vs. beast.
Another one, a story that actually kind of scared me when I read it, is the White Wolf. I'm not sure if it's a Texas folk story or completely made up, but whatever I'll share it. If this were Fable worthy, if be cool to have a White Werewolf vs. Bigby.
If you guys want to get some ideas, this site American Folklore has a pretty damn good collection, with stories from all groups in North American, from Mexicans, Americans, Canadians, to the natives and different ethnicities of the continent. Good reads.
Wendigo, how 'bout that? Skunk ape, fur-bearing trout, cactus cat, Jackalope, Hidebehind, etc.
The general trend I've been making here that I think cool Fables are those with the same sort of schtick as Bigby - human form (glamor would solve this) but a fearsome critter form as well, one that is very powerful like Bigby and stuff like that.
I wanna see little TJ again

Yeah and they will once again discuss about how they wanna spend a night with Snow (that part was so weird to read in the comics dude... Ugh)
I haven't read the comics but I have heard of this character a lot, I think he would be a great addition.
White wolf vs Bigby, that sounds so interesting! Would love to play that.
White Wolf does sound pretty interesting.
Another interesting take on Wolf character would be Fenrir Wolf - one of the most famous wolves in Norse sagas.
In Norse mythology, Fenrir the Wolf, is a monstrous wolf. According to the myths, Fenrir is the father of the wolves Sköll and Hati Hróðvitnisson, is a son of Loki, and is foretold to kill the god Odin during the events of Ragnarök, but will in turn be killed by Odin's son, Víðarr. There has been some additional information given about Fenrir, including that, due to the gods' knowledge of prophecies foretelling great trouble from Fenrir and his rapid growth, the gods bound him, and as a result Fenrir bit off the right hand of the god Tyr.
Gasp This is really cool. I think though that two wolves are too much for one town, maybe there could be an interaction between those two in the homelands/somewhere. I would love to see a fight to see who's biggest and baddest.
Maybe Fenrir could be causing some trouble around, and fables would confuse him for Bigby. And Bigby could have been spelled to forget everything that happened that very night (someone trying to frame him) so he wouldn't be able to answer the fable's inquiries. Ooh, this would be so cool.
It would be a good excuse to have Bigby on the run - everyone is suspecting him being the murderer due to the fact that he's a wolf and well, it's clear that a wolf did it, so it's natural to suspect. It would also be cool if this an angle later in the season, so that choices earlier (if Bigby was aggressive or not) would lead to certain Fables suspecting him more. Roughed up Johann? Well, he believes you are the murderer.
Ooooh, yes yes. And the game would keep pushing you nonstop, it would be hard not to snap at any point, harder even to win everyone's approval at the end -especially if he were to keep turning all the time.
Flying Dutchman
Has the Cheshire Cat ever appeared in the comics?
I remember that Cinderella, Rose Red and Red Riding got a mention or two in the first season. Maybe we'll see them in Season 2?
Rose Red for starters, Pinocchio, Cinderella, Boy Blue is a must. They weren't in season one but I want them in 2.
Returning would be Colin (sneaked out of The Farm again), Beauty & Beast, Crane (intro getting killed by Bigby), and of course Bigby's love Snow White (intro looking at Magic Mirror showing Bigby).
prince charming would be nice and cinderella (she is a special agent)
I think it'd definitely be awesome to see more of the major characters from the comics appear next season, like Rose Red, Boy Blue, Pinocchio, Charming, King Cole, Cindy, and such (maybe an Honest John cameo?).
It would be interesting to finally hear their voices and see what kind of characterizations Telltale might deliver after reading the comic.