Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead




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    Deltino posted: »

    Gather around everyone, it's time for another image dump of interesting/unused character models. Here's a picture of all of the marauder

  • Also it still pisses me off how they SOME HOW fucked up Carver's face in ANF. Like, HE DOESNT EVEN HAVE A FACE, HOW DID THEY STILL FUCK UP

    Deltino posted: »

    Gather around everyone, it's time for another image dump of interesting/unused character models. Here's a picture of all of the marauder

  • Good point. Though still kind of funny that you couldn't target the knee at all. It would actually have been cool if Clem used her weapon, Jane was like, "Almost, but here, try it this way instead..." Especially if it was determinant based on if you did it before.

    Melton23 posted: »

    I didn't get that scene EDIT: nvm, thought you were talking about the choice between the small walker or the big walker. Jane really taught

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    It is actually quite accurate, believe it or not. Only real difference is that some of his jaw is intact, but that's about it. Creative liberties like that tend to happen when you jump between art styles. I mean hey, if you gotta make a new model, why not make a few changes to an older one since you're there?

    Well, except for the Kenny/Jane models... those definitely aren't creative liberties. Those are creative excuses to kick someone's ass.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Also it still pisses me off how they SOME HOW fucked up Carver's face in ANF. Like, HE DOESNT EVEN HAVE A FACE, HOW DID THEY STILL FUCK UP

  • Carver's entire face was gone in Season 2, and in Season 3 you can see his mustache...

    Deltino posted: »

    It is actually quite accurate, believe it or not. Only real difference is that some of his jaw is intact, but that's about it. Creative libe

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    That is some truly astonishing detective work right there, buddy

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Carver's entire face was gone in Season 2, and in Season 3 you can see his mustache...

  • enter image description here

    DabigRG posted: »

    Of course not, baby! Plus, I ain't into that gay shit, much less for a cabrio like him.

  • The ad itself is fine, I mean it's like any other ad, but the guy talking makes me want to punch his face.

    I live in Argentina. It's full of this crap

  • I found a bunch of (unreleased?) concept art

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  • edited August 2017

    All of them are for Michonne except the last one. That means...Harys confirmed for The Final WD Season :D .

    I found a bunch of (unreleased?) concept art

  • Kevin Bruner (former TTG CEO) liked the idea of Kenny having his own DLC

  • Kenny Boat DLC - Coming 2019

    Kevin Bruner (former TTG CEO) liked the idea of Kenny having his own DLC

  • Well it seems like that isn't going to happen now, with the whole 'Final Season' approaching.

    TJ3046 posted: »

    Kenny Boat DLC - Coming 2019

  • It is the final season, doesn't mean there cant be a dlc.

    Well it seems like that isn't going to happen now, with the whole 'Final Season' approaching.

  • Because that's what we need--MOAR Kenny!

    Kevin Bruner (former TTG CEO) liked the idea of Kenny having his own DLC

  • Exactly. I'm still hoping for a 20 episode DLC of Kenny sailing his boat north to fight white walkers and if it's a DLC then technically we don't have to call it another season.

    It is the final season, doesn't mean there cant be a dlc.

  • edited August 2017

    enter image description here

    Kevin Bruner (former TTG CEO) liked the idea of Kenny having his own DLC

  • His head just snuck underneath the salt lick

  • "It would need to be written" unlike ANF when we just trew paper balls with ideas in a can and used the ones that fell inside. The burned all the good ones.

    Kevin Bruner (former TTG CEO) liked the idea of Kenny having his own DLC

  • Apparently, A LOT of people were pissed that Javi was able to flirt with Jesus, according to the new Letter Hacks in issue #170.

    Some people even blamed Kirkman himself, but he said he had no saying in it.

  • ...Huh. Interesting to hear.-

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Apparently, A LOT of people were pissed that Javi was able to flirt with Jesus, according to the new Letter Hacks in issue #170. Some people even blamed Kirkman himself, but he said he had no saying in it.

  • Jesus is dating Aaron now.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Apparently, A LOT of people were pissed that Javi was able to flirt with Jesus, according to the new Letter Hacks in issue #170. Some people even blamed Kirkman himself, but he said he had no saying in it.

  • tfw u put more work into model of some random ass crab than into ur actual characters

    I found a bunch of (unreleased?) concept art

  • Ohh why do I get the feeling that once TT is done with "the final season" they will tease us with random shit additional content just to earn more money...

    Oh gawd the possibilities!

    • AJ's action figure with vancomycin syringe plushie
    • Kenny's Boat Origami Kit - Build One Yourself!
    • Euchure DLC - adds 20 seconds of extra euchure rules to teach you how to play!

    Kevin Bruner (former TTG CEO) liked the idea of Kenny having his own DLC

  • enter image description here

    DabigRG posted: »

    ...Huh. Interesting to hear.-

  • Yeah, figures. Whatevs.

  • I want a Lilly or Christa DLC, tho.
    DabigRG posted: »

    Because that's what we need--MOAR Kenny!

  • We've yet to establish which of these four was A New Frontier's deutagonist. Kate, David, Gabe and Clem have varying relationships with the playable character, but they all got a similar share of screentime and prominence this season—obviously in different ways.


    Are their levels of relevance meant to overlap?

  • I think Clem was the deuteragonist and Kate was the tritagonist

    We've yet to establish which of these four was A New Frontier's deutagonist. Kate, David, Gabe and Clem have varying relationships with the

  • Nah I think the writers were just like "but SHIT dog what if everyone is just like, together and shit homie, and like, they keep changing how they act every episode to keep you on your TOES!" "SHIT DOG GOOD IDEA"

    We've yet to establish which of these four was A New Frontier's deutagonist. Kate, David, Gabe and Clem have varying relationships with the

  • Javier's d*ck, I tell you. He used it more to think that he used his brain.

    We've yet to establish which of these four was A New Frontier's deutagonist. Kate, David, Gabe and Clem have varying relationships with the

  • [removed]

    We've yet to establish which of these four was A New Frontier's deutagonist. Kate, David, Gabe and Clem have varying relationships with the

  • Here let me fix that screenshot for you.

    enter image description here
    There much better.

    We've yet to establish which of these four was A New Frontier's deutagonist. Kate, David, Gabe and Clem have varying relationships with the

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    It's worth noting that Kirkman's responses are the ones in grey. The responses in black are Sean Mackiewicz, editor on TWD.

  • is what Kenny was doing


  • Same on the first.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    I want a Lilly or Christa DLC, tho.

  • edited August 2017

    I was wondering about this for a while myself.

    It's obviously the helicopter.

    Unofficially, Gabe; officially, probably David.

    We've yet to establish which of these four was A New Frontier's deutagonist. Kate, David, Gabe and Clem have varying relationships with the

  • I think Clem was the deuteragonist

    That was likely the original intent, yes.

    Kate was the tritagonist

    I fuckin wish.

    TJ3046 posted: »

    I think Clem was the deuteragonist and Kate was the tritagonist

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