Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • It's from pages further back in this very thread. It seemed like something most of us wouldn't know and so I decided to repost it.

    Louche posted: »

    Who went through these? You? You got this on PC?

  • It's showing that Carlos shares many facial expressions with Lee and Carver.

    Louche posted: »

    Your images are all broken for me, cept the "very angry" one, so not really sure what this post is about

  • Pretty much. I initially avoided it myself since I thought I had to watch the TV Show to know anything.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    I agree. I enjoyed the mini-series, especially the villains Norma and Randall. I guess the only reason why people won't talk about is bec

  • Yeah, it was a very nice change of pace for what it was.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I can give the Michonne mini-series some credit, it does have it's moments in spite of its shortcomings. I appreciated Norma as a charact

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Michonne is woefully underrated, and no one will ever convince me otherwise

    Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead The Michonne Miniseries

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited August 2017

    May I introduce to you an interesting unused asset from Michonne-- the biter ball.

    enter image description here

    This little guy is an improvised explosive, a can wired up with explosives, and a fuse connecting everything. It also has an outer covering.

    In the game files, it is referred to as obj_jamesBiterBall

    Furthermore, there's a few unused sound files of firecrackers, labeled 'biterbait', which I assume were going to be used for this thing.

  • I bet we didn't see them in the game because Rashid and Vanessa found them first

    Deltino posted: »

    May I introduce to you an interesting unused asset from Michonne-- the biter ball. This little guy is an improvised explosive, a can

  • Why TF does Telltale scrap all the good locations, items, lines and scenes?

  • Technical limitations, cost issues, time constraints, and changes in story direction rendering certain aspects moot.

    Why TF does Telltale scrap all the good locations, items, lines and scenes?

  • Looks like James had something to do with it. Might've coincided with the scene where he asks Michonne about using a gun.

    Deltino posted: »

    May I introduce to you an interesting unused asset from Michonne-- the biter ball. This little guy is an improvised explosive, a can

  • Coca Cola or Doctor Pepper?

    Deltino posted: »

    May I introduce to you an interesting unused asset from Michonne-- the biter ball. This little guy is an improvised explosive, a can

  • James is like an original version of Gabe but cool

    DabigRG posted: »

    Looks like James had something to do with it. Might've coincided with the scene where he asks Michonne about using a gun.

  • Well, Lil' Nick, but same thing. And hilariously enough, I actually like Proto-Mariana more than James, if for a purely ancillary reason.

    James is like an original version of Gabe but cool

  • Well, shit then. I guess little girls and aggressive rednecks should share bathrooms now.

    Louche posted: »

    not getting it

  • Agreed. Fuck you, Jane!

    Louche posted: »

    Troy is awesome, Troy needs more screentime.

  • Here's a Gameinformer interview from after Season 2 was done. Among the things briefly talked about is:

    • Initial idea for Season 2
    • How Clementine's age affect the direction
    • Why they brought Kenny back
    • Sarah's psychosis
    • How feedback affected storytelling(Jane)
    • Their thoughts about the endings
    • Lessons learned throughout the Season
    • Teases toward "Season 3"
  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    So, you know that doctor from Crawford? Well, it turns out that he was an idea from pretty early on. And older version of his model shows up in the files for episode 2. As you can see, his model is a bit of a placeholder.

    And here's some comparisons of the episode 2 model to the episode 4 model, where he officially appears:


  • B. Everett looks a little different from the last time we saw him.

    Deltino posted: »

    So, you know that doctor from Crawford? Well, it turns out that he was an idea from pretty early on. And older version of his model shows up

  • I know right? Doesn't seem to have the axe wounds.

    Graysonn posted: »

    B. Everett looks a little different from the last time we saw him.

  • Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    If you do a certain things of choices with Clem than the guy will show up give do stuff.

  • I even can't really what you even can do say.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

  • I like the Michonne miniseries, I think it had some great characters, great fight scenes, and an interesting more morally grey situation. It's shortcomings are purely due to time constraints for being a miniseries (by the type of Telltale who don't really like hubs and do 90 minute episodes, mostly filled with action).

    Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead The Michonne Miniseries

  • They reused Kenny's hair for hatless Nick, who actually had different hair visible.

    I don't get it.

  • Lessons learned throughout the Season

    And A New Frontier proved that they're just huge liars.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Here's a Gameinformer interview from after Season 2 was done. Among the things briefly talked about is: * Initial idea for Season 2 *

  • [removed]

    DabigRG posted: »

    Here's a Gameinformer interview from after Season 2 was done. Among the things briefly talked about is: * Initial idea for Season 2 *

  • I never understood why they tried to make Nick look and act like Kenny.

    DabigRG posted: »

    They reused Kenny's hair for hatless Nick, who actually had different hair visible.

  • Some people(including Season 1 Junkies) were under the impression that the Cabin Group and a few other Season 2 characters were designed to partly reflect characters Clementine knew in the past. Thus, Nick would be a combination of Kenny and Ben.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I never understood why they tried to make Nick look and act like Kenny.

  • Hey, just because they learned some lessons doesn't mean they had to put them into practice!

    Also, I'm pretty sure a fair chunk of the people who worked on ANF were new and therefore would just operate off what they know vs. what they're told to do.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Lessons learned throughout the Season And A New Frontier proved that they're just huge liars.

  • edited August 2017

    Here's a small detail concerning Sarah's death that kinda pissed me off when I replayed Season 2. It's not particularly interesting or hard to spot but oh well.

    So at the scene where the deck collapses and Sarah is trapped under rubble, you are given the option to order Jane to go down and help Sarah. Of course we all know how poorly that turns out. The thing that peeved me off however, is that as Jane is trying to pull Sarah out of the rubble, a piece of a plank falls on Jane for quite literally no reason.

    enter image description here

    Now I wouldn't blame you for thinking this is nothing (and it very well could be, they might've had the plank hit Jane to give her more motivation to abandon Sarah idk) but personally when I saw that scene while replaying I took it as a subtle "fuck you" to Sarah and any player who had the heart to try to give Sarah a second chance at adapting to the harsh new world.

    So I just wanted to say, fuck you too Telltale. If I ever see such a disparaging representation of traumatized children in your games again I'm going to boycott your games.

    (Btw that wasn't an insult directed at anyone in particular just voicing my distaste towards how Sarah was treated.)

  • personally when I saw that scene while replaying I took it as a subtle "fuck you" to Sarah and any player who had the heart to try to give Sarah a second chance at adapting to the harsh new world.

    It is, disillusionedly enough. Not only was that episode(which pretty much starred Jane) trying to get across a really cynical and callous (albeit thematically confused and contradictory) message, but it was openly stated in an interview that a number of the developers really didn't like Sarah and thus designed the episode to reflect that.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Here's a small detail concerning Sarah's death that kinda pissed me off when I replayed Season 2. It's not particularly interesting or hard

  • edited August 2017

    It doesn't help that the message a memorial statue had in Amid The Ruins was written as "Fallen, but not forgotten".

    Yet Sarah did indeed fall and was basically forgotten shortly afterwards.

    From a point of view, everybody had pretty much shown a lack of respect and consideration towards the meaning behind the memorial statue. It does highlight just how far humanity has fallen.

    DabigRG posted: »

    personally when I saw that scene while replaying I took it as a subtle "fuck you" to Sarah and any player who had the heart to try to give S

  • they might've had the plank hit Jane to give her more motivation to abandon Sarah idk)

    Motivation to abandon Sarah? Huh? I doubt Jane wanted to abandon Sarah. Jane merely wants to live, and she saves herself instead of letting herself and Sarah die, I don't see what's wrong about that.

    You ever picked up one of those planks, or got hit in the face with one of them? I recently rebuilt my dock on my lake, had to get down in the water under it and had some planks fall on me from only about 2 feet above me and let me tell you, those fuckers are heavy and they hurt. Seeing how that one was (15?) feet above Jane and landed right on her face, that is enough force to really knock her back. I can see the average person getting knocked out by that had it hit them on their temple. So I don't see how she used that as an excuse to abandon Sarah.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Here's a small detail concerning Sarah's death that kinda pissed me off when I replayed Season 2. It's not particularly interesting or hard

  • OMG, It still hurts me for how this scene was handled.

    I gave Telltale a middle finger as well by having Gabe dead in my game. I'll never let my Clementine be friends with terrible characters.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Here's a small detail concerning Sarah's death that kinda pissed me off when I replayed Season 2. It's not particularly interesting or hard

  • It's like in the situation where Sarah is stuck in the magically appearing debris in S2 E4 if you saved her at the trailer, Bonnie and Mike have guns, Jane and Clementine have melee weapons and guns but no one fucking did anything to fight about 8 walkers.... like, seriously? They went through a whole herd of em' and apparently Bonnie and Mike are the only ones capable on shooting with a limit of a single shot? Not to mention they were headshots...

    Ugh I honestly hate this. Not your detail... your detail is fine, but the whole situation in general. There were, what, 7 walkers there

  • I ask that question allot too, honestly just with The Walking Dead Series though, every other series has most of the good content already in place.

    Why TF does Telltale scrap all the good locations, items, lines and scenes?

  • But what was the point of it if they had already intended Kenny to appear? Reflecting past characters is pointless if you've got two of them present.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Some people(including Season 1 Junkies) were under the impression that the Cabin Group and a few other Season 2 characters were designed to partly reflect characters Clementine knew in the past. Thus, Nick would be a combination of Kenny and Ben.

  • Then what's the point in learning the lesson if you're not going to make use of it? They knew that people didn't want Kenny and Jane (even Edith) to just die, there were literally hundreds of threads about this after Season 2 ended... there were thousands of comments across the net stating what peoples' hopes were for Season 3, what they wanted and what they didn't, most of which got ignored. You can't expect to make people happy if you continue to do what you learned they weren't fond of you doing.

    I wonder how much they did know, I hope they at least knew the basic gist of the first two seasons but I'm somewhat doubtful considering the way they wrote Clementine's character.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Hey, just because they learned some lessons doesn't mean they had to put them into practice! Also, I'm pretty sure a fair chunk of the pe

  • Quick question: How can you convice Jane to get to Sarah? in my playthrough I said to Jane that she needs to fucking get Sarah but she just looks at her.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Here's a small detail concerning Sarah's death that kinda pissed me off when I replayed Season 2. It's not particularly interesting or hard

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