Game of thrones Season Finale "The Dragon and The Wolf" Episode discussion
So Winter is finally here! Discuss away your thoughts and etc.
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So Winter is finally here! Discuss away your thoughts and etc.
Amazing episode, can't wait till season 8, I must be the only one It wants Dany & Jon to be a couple.
Trust me lol you're not, if you read the YouTube comments a lot people ship them, I personally don't but what can ya do?
So the conflict between the Stark sisters was all a ruse so that Littlefinger can get his hand caught in the cookie jar.
Looks like Jaime has made a face turn.
Great Cleganebowl stare down!
Kind of strange that Rhaegar would name both his sons, Aegon. Will Kit Harrington have the Targaryen sigil in the opening credits of Season 8?
Does anyone think Game of Thrones will end with Dany & Jon child sitting on the throne, I really think It will, I mean they keep mentioning Dany can't have child so I think Dany will die by childbirth and Jon will die along with the night king so IMO Game of Thrones will end with Tyrion Lannister acting as king till Dany & Jon child comes of age
I suppose Jon can still be a nickname despite it being Aegon. I was hoping it would be Jaeharys. We can still call him Jon but not Snow anymore.
Jonerys shippers this episode:
A fantastic last episode of a lackluster season.
I loved episode four and five. Episodes one through three were pretty good, but six and tonight were meh. Littlefinger overplayed his hand... and met his conclusion. It was interesting to me that he died as Catelyn did, throat slit and all... but Dany hooking with Jon. Not a fan. I don't know. This episode just felt really empty to me for some reason. The best moment was when Bran tells Sam about Jon. Tonight was just not very satisfying.
Don't worry they be dead soon
I suspect you are a fan of Daenerys. Loads of people are. I think on some level people are loyal to her the way I am still loyal to Rick Grimes - because he was in the moral right in season one - even though he's been a terrible leader in so many respects since then. Dispite all her missteps, people still trust her innate goodness. I ultimately do not think that Dany is cut out to be a ruler. I not think Dany is deep down all that good, which is why I do not ship Dany and Jon.
I actually hate Daenerys, she's a fucking cunt, she really thinks she's important just because her daddy sit on the throne and who the fuck just she think she Is, killing a father along with his son for no fucking reason, also If she does sit on the throne It would get the better of her, I mean look at Cersei Lannister she thinks she can the fuck she wants, but the reason why I ship Dany & Jon because I want them to have a child and I hope they're child sit on the throne,
I do find her sense of entitlement exceedingly annoying.
I don't to sound mean but every woman In game of thrones are annoying as fuck
I really like them together too. Incest is not an uncommon thing in Westeros, Tywin Lannister and Rickon Stark both married their cousins for example. It's not like they're continuing the tradition of brother and sister marrying.
Amazing season finale, likely my favorite one yet. There wasn't a moment that I didn't love. So much good stuff happened, I really don't understand the criticisms that "nothing really happened." But to be honest a lot of the criticisms of this season don't make sense to me.
But yeah it was a really great finale and if I have to wait for 2019 for Season 8 like those rumors say I'm going to be really upset
Well I'm not a Dany fan in any regard but the reason she burned Lord Tarly and Dickon made sense. She gave them all a choice and they made theirs. If she had given them mercy after she had just said what would happen if they didn't bend the knee, it would have made her look weak.
I'd love Eddard Stark to be spontaneously resurrected, just to watch his reaction when he discovers what's become of his daughters. Would he be proud, or horrified?
I hope Sansa uses the "lessons" Littlefinger imparted on her to spot other rat bastards like him in the future, instead of turning into another Littlefinger herself.
Horrible guys,see all this character butchering and lazy plot revelations are not easy for me to handle.
Why did they do this season?To satisfy all desires of the fanfic?No idea but from the sex between our "heroes" to the desired interactions from characters that the producers managed to achieve.
The concept of the asoiaf universe is completely lost and that's so sad to see
I doubt if I will see season 8,This was too much for me.
I don't know about Westeros, but in Sweden at least, it isn't forbodden to marry cousins. Meaning it ain't incest. But then again, I don't knowfor the rest of the world.
Littlefinger's fate was very fitting.
Years of manipulating other people, and he met his demise when he himself was manipulated. By the very people he thought he had wrapped around his finger.
It was a great episode. Not as good as Season 6 finale, but probably the best episode this season.
Cersei's role in this whole season has kind of surprised me. I was expecting her to be an obstacle for Dany to overcome, but I most certainly didn't expect her to survive to Season 8. That said, perhaps it's better this way, to have some actual human antagonists for the last season, and not just the Night King. For a small moment in this episode I even believed that Cersei would really march her armies to the North, for the sake of her unborn baby. But of course, it was just a trick to get Jon and Dany away and bring in the Golden Company. I'm really interested to see how big of a role Cersei, Euron and the Golden Company will play next season, because obviously they won't be the main threat, and there's only 6 episodes left. Anyway, I liked all of Cersei's scenes in this episode - the scenes with Tyrion and Jaime especially. Some great acting and dialogue there.
The whole Winterfell plotline was cocluded, and as I guessed, Sansa and Arya ended up working together against LF. I loved the scene though, and I feel like it was the first time we truly saw Petyr Baelish in this show, all the bravado and manipulations stripped away. And now the Stark family has truly united again. I'm kinda sad we didn't saw the reunion between Jon and Arya though, oh well, Season 8 it is then.
Now, I've never been a Jon/Daenerys shipper, but neither have I ever had anything against it. So, my feelings on their sex scene are very neutral. If anything, I'll just say that after Season 6 I definitely saw this coming. And imo there isn't a reason why these two falling in love would be a bad thing, and in terms of their alliance, marriage is by far the most logical solution anyway. The sequence of Bran/Sam revealing Jon's true identity was fine, not quite as well executed as the Tower of Joy sequence last year, but they kinda had to make sure even the most casual fan understands now that Jon is a Targ. Btw, did they ever namedrop Rhaegar's first son Aegon in the show? It bothers me slighltly that Rhaegar would give the same name to his second son. Ah, I guess my headcanon for this is that Lyanna knew the first Aegon had been killed in KL and thus gave that name to Jon. Anyway, it doesn't really matter, Jon will always be Jon to me. This makes me wonder though, will Jon ride Rhaegal next season? Ah man, can't wait
Theon also had some nice moments in this episode, and him trying to save Yara will obviously be his s8 storyline. I like it, bring it on. It also makes Euron a very personal antagonist for him, rather than just being Cersei's sidekick. The last sequence with NK and the army of the dead breaking the Wall and coming through was quite stunning. It took longer for them to get through than I anticipated, but well, now there is no turning back, the Great War is here. I'd give 7x07 "The Dragon and the Wolf" 9/10.
Overall, I'd say this season was decent throughout, but it never quite reached the level of Season 4 and Season 6 (my favorite seasons). And the small amount of episodes admittedly did occasionally fuck up the pacing a bit. It worked well enough in the end, but I think there would've been enough story here to make a 10 episode season, just with a bit slower pace and added detail. I mean, apparently the reason they went with 7 episodes was mainly the fact that it allowed them more time to film each episode. And you can certainly see the production value is at its highest this season, it looks more cinematic than some Hollywood movies. Still, I feel like the quality of production they had before was good enough, and having more episodes would've given the story more time to breath. There would've also been significantly less complaints about the "fast travels", I'd assume
As a whole, I think this season is 8,5/10. It's a good season, but a slight step down from last year. I'm certainly excited for Season 8, whenever it'll come, but the fact that we'll have only 6 episodes is a bit concerning. Anyway, I hope they'll be able to wrap up the story in a satisfying way
I don't think Rhaegar named Jon, Aegon (his first Aegon) died after Rhaegar did. By the time Jon was born; Aegon (son of Elia) and Rhaegar was already dead.
Trident - Rhaegar dies
Sack of KL- Aegon dies
Tower of joy - Jon is born
From what I heard, each episode'll be like the length of the movie in the final season
I have mixed feelings about this episode. The King's Landing stuff was really good to me. I enjoyed all the interactions and the tenseness.
Cleganebowl did not happen, which absolutely sucks.
The ice dragon at the end was really cool, but it didn't have my heart pumping as say, Cersei threatening Jaime. Visually stunning, I have high expectations for next season. Also kind of surprised the show didn't have the balls to kill Tormund or Beric, that would have made it a lot more tense.
I would have liked some more action in this episode, but I suppose that's just me.
The reveal of Jon's stuff made sense, but his name (Aegon) really is kind of stupid. I don't know how soon he was born before everything that happened, but I doubt Rhaegar would have wanted two sons named the same name but he was dead so yeah. In fact, this whole scenario really makes me dislike Rhaegar and Lyanna. It's their fault Robert's Rebellion happened. All of the deaths are on them. Rhaegar abandoned his wife and two children and caused their deaths. Lyanna abandoned her betrothed and caused her father and brother to die. If they even tried to explain their actions maybe all the deaths that followed wouldn't have happened.
The Jon/Dany thing was inevitable, though I wish they tried to subvert tropes.
This season has been light on deaths, and I don't think that's good for the show. Characters feel invulnerable and survive tons of stuff they shouldn't. That realism the show had early on is disappearing. At least we lost a major character in poor Petyr Baelish. His death wasn't that shocking, but at least the show did get a big character.
Still, a great episode for cool moments. I enjoyed it. I hope Season 8 improves on what this season did well.
EDIT: One thing I have to say, that this image right here might be the coolest the TV show has ever done:
Too bad this one is small and not in perfect quality, but still, amazing.
Your not only one lol and I WANT this ship to continue! Dany+Jon Forever!!
I love this episode. I greatly enjoyed it.
Season 7 as a whole feels like a different beast to the books. There are something I disagree with. And there are something I greatly loved. I can see why people and especially book readers dislike it. But at this point, I don't really care about it not being faithful to the books. They are two different stories that take place in the same setting. It is an adaptation, there are meant to be changes. All in all, I greatly enjoy what we got and I look forward to Season 8.
I guess once this series is over(WHY) I think there will be a spin off series about Robert's Rebellion and I guess Rhaegar and Lyanna did start this with bullshit and they did love each other at first,but still both them cause war and deaths between their families and I think that will happen in the spin off and I LOVED the Dany and Jon ship in this episode and my gf couldn't stop shrieking over it lol (she is a fan too)
There won't be a spinoff about Robert's Rebellion, confirmed by GRRM himself. The potential spinoff will be about something else.
Which period do you think could be interesting to make a spinoff from?
How can she die in childbirth if she can't have a child?
I'd personally go for the Dance of Dragons. I mean, a Targaryen civil war, packed with interesting characters, family drama, political intrigue, big battles, and many dragons - what's not to like?
Dunk and Egg is bound to come, so I'll skip that.
I'd like Aegon's Conquest - we are kind of getting robbed of the 2nd Conquest due to the White Walkers, so why not go back to the OG? Set the first season maybe a year before it, get all the characters set up, take us to the crowning of Aegon is like Season 3 or 4, and then end the show with the invasion of the Iron Islands and Lodos. It would run like 5 seasons I guess. Any longer probably wouldn't work.
Actually Dunk and Egg is another option for the spinoff that GRRM debunked a while ago. Robert's Rebellion, Dunk & Egg, and stories set after GoT in the timeline were all ruled out.
I was under the impression that Dunk and Egg could be a spin-off only after Martin finished the novellas because he didn't want a TV show to get past his work like with what happened in the main show. That's why I kind of kind of brushed it off.
Yeah, I believe that was more or less the reason he gave. It's an unfinished story that GRRM intends see to its end himself, so it's not among the considered TV spinoffs.
That would be fuckin neato
Lots of people seem to want Daenerys x Jon to happen (and they would make a great couple) but i'm still sitting here wanting Tormund x Brienne to happen.
I enjoyed the episode, i was great to see Littlefinger finally get what de deserved as i found him to be a creepy slimeball, i hope to see Jon and Arya meet again in season 8 as it will be great to see all the Starks in the same scene again.
I was unsure if the dragon would be a ice dragon or a fire dragon but seeing his blue flame melt the ice wall confirmed it was extra hot fie and was a intense scene but i felt it happened a bit too quickly, hopefully they don't more too quickly in season 8 as i really want to enjoy it and i will miss most of the characters once it's over.
I bet deep down Brienne wants to be loved, too. How fantastic if it actually happened.
This might be the first ever episode of GOT that I genuinely disliked. I feel like one of those annoying book purists, the amount of ranting I've done this season.
A lot of my negative opinions comes from my strong hate of Jon and Daenerys together. It's not only disgusting (despite people pretending it's perfectly fine because it's GOT) but Jon's ridiculous devotion to Dany infuriates me. I understand he's only seen the good of her and not the bad but the way Jon has been acting... I hate to say it because he's one of my favorite characters but I'm genuinely beginning to dislike Jon. He bent the knee to Dany, effectively pissing away the dream of a free North and then he refuses Cersei's very reasonable demands. Seriously he goes on and on about how this war for the Throne is stupid and doesn't matter and then he decides that participating in it is the right thing to do. "But Jon couldn't break his oath and be a liar!" HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BENT THE KNEE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! And then there's this fairytale crap with Rhaegar marrying Lyanna. People conveniently forget that by doing this he not only dishonored his wife but made his children bastards. I don't care about any of that prophecy bullshit, what he did was wrong and yet for some reason it's glorified like a fairytale.
Then there's Petyr's death... I hated it. Not that Arya killed him, that makes sense from her perspective but I feel like it was an utter waste of the character.. Petyr was one of my favorite characters and to see him die so suddenly felt so shallow. After all he's done, his plans coming together so perfectly, for him to die so stupidly and without purpose just doesn't sit right with me. It honestly feels like the writers just didn't know what to with him so they killed him off.
Now this episode wasn't all bad, I did enjoy certain parts. Theon's scenes were great. I loved that Jon told him that he's a Greyjoy and a Stark. Then he got his men to follow him the Ironborn way. I absolutely love Theon's character arc, I can't wait for his story in the next season.
Another part I liked was Cersei and Tyrion's talk. This was great, it's been so long since they had a real emotional talk. I also loved Jaime walking away from Cersei. I was terrified that he'd die but he called Cersei's bluff. And now he's off to honor his pledge. We saw Cersei twice have a chance to kill her brother, and both times she couldn't do it. Dany can't say the same. I just find it interesting, she still has some humanity in her.