The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • Clementine noticed your choice but nothing ever comes of it

    Alex_L_P posted: »

    In the episode "Thicker Than Water", while searching for a needle and a thread... Javier finds a jar of codeine in one of the drawers in Dr

  • It would've been nice to be able to give it to Eleanor after the heated argument in episode 5 as a token of goodwill. Sure that would've been a bit of an underwhelming payoff but at least it would've been something.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Nothing. Nothing happens at all.

  • Alyssa mentioned in the AMA they intended for Javier to be able to aid people affected by the breach with the medicine. It wasn't clear why it never made it to the game, but probably lack of resources/time (aka, rushing), after all, to give the medicine to random NPCs we'd probably need a hub. I don't see how it'd work cutscene-wise.

    Of course, the new Telltale can't be assed with making hubs to further expand on the setting/situation.

    Alex_L_P posted: »

    In the episode "Thicker Than Water", while searching for a needle and a thread... Javier finds a jar of codeine in one of the drawers in Dr

  • I'm a big fan of TWD series but still haven't played TWD: Michonne. I don't know why, but I didn't buy it because it had nothing to do with the main story. But should I consider buying it? To this day i have still prevented all spoilers about the game.

  • Hmm...that would've been an interesting use. To

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    It would've been nice to be able to give it to Eleanor after the heated argument in episode 5 as a token of goodwill. Sure that would've been a bit of an underwhelming payoff but at least it would've been something.

  • Eh, I haven't actually played it myself, but I'd say it's worth sampling if you're truly curious. I initially avoided it myself due to [still] not having any experience with the TV Show until pre-Mod Deltino's old profile pic and TVTropes fired off the right neuron.

    It's a pretty self-contained story aside from a few flashes of Michonne's pre-apocalyptic life. The plot is a breath of fresh air if you were weary from Season 2's and looking back from ANF, though some would argue that at least two elements could've been better handled. As for the game itself, the action sequences were pretty dynamic by Telltale standards from what I recall. And it actually features a pretty neat hub area in the third episode, so there's that too.

    KaiMaestro posted: »

    I'm a big fan of TWD series but still haven't played TWD: Michonne. I don't know why, but I didn't buy it because it had nothing to do with

  • In my opinion, it's passable. You won't miss anything by skipping it (save for maybe 1 or 2 character's backstories should they show up again) and the story itself isn't really remarkable in any way, but if you're in the mood for some more Telltale's The Walking Dead and aren't demanding Season 1 or 2 quality then I'd say try the first episode out and see what you think.

    Also it is better than A New Frontier; I'd give it a 6 out of 10

    KaiMaestro posted: »

    I'm a big fan of TWD series but still haven't played TWD: Michonne. I don't know why, but I didn't buy it because it had nothing to do with

  • I initially avoided it myself due to [still] not having any experience with the TV Show

    Yeah, so i have seen every episode of the show, so that's not the case for me.

    Thanks for the heads up, i tmight give it a try +1

    DabigRG posted: »

    Eh, I haven't actually played it myself, but I'd say it's worth sampling if you're truly curious. I initially avoided it myself due to [stil

  • Thanks for the info, i think i might give it a try;)

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    In my opinion, it's passable. You won't miss anything by skipping it (save for maybe 1 or 2 character's backstories should they show up agai

  • Sorry if this has been asked before but how come David never noticed the ammo and tear gas being used up due to the raids? He's the head of security so you'd think he would have noticed... or at least Ava would and then she'd have told him, anyway. Does he not care enough to keep track of that stuff?

  • Yeah i would buy it. Just go into it with little to no expectations and know that it doesn't intertwine with Clementine's story at all. The characters are memorable for a mini series, many choices have consequences, and it has a cool atmosphere.

    KaiMaestro posted: »

    I'm a big fan of TWD series but still haven't played TWD: Michonne. I don't know why, but I didn't buy it because it had nothing to do with

  • David was sending out men thinking they were scavenging when they were actually raiding. Any missing supplies were either attributed to walker problems, or some were simply skimmed off the top to where nobody noticed they were missing.

    You bring up another point... I can understand the raids going right over David's head (like so much else), but Ava too? I cant believe she didn't get onto the raiders.

    Sorry if this has been asked before but how come David never noticed the ammo and tear gas being used up due to the raids? He's the head of

  • What happens if you choose to fight David in episode 5 but don't do the QTE? Are there different animations for javier fighting David, is it the same as when you choose the "I love you" option or does javier fight back anyway?

  • Funny you mention that because of the way Above the Law determinately ended, I remember a few of us suspecting Ava did know something about the raids even if she didn't know the full details or who was authorizing them.

    David was sending out men thinking they were scavenging when they were actually raiding. Any missing supplies were either attributed to walk

  • That may have been part of the stuff they stole in the past and thus could afford to borrow only a few things from the normal storages. And as Vengeful pointed out, Max and Badger's groups were often traveling outside the city anyway, so they had the excuse of potentially dealing with outside threats in case he ever noticed anything.

    It's worth noting that he's officially the Head of Security; the Armory itself was apparently always under Joan's control(assuming Bob and The Specialist were under her command and not Clint or Lingard's, that is), meaning she could have stuff removed from there without anyone raising any issue.

    Also, Prescott itself was heavily implied to be outside of their usual conduct since Badger decided to both raid it without the go ahead and apparently completely ransacked it. And unused dialogue and plot points involving "jesus," Eleanor, and Clint states that most of the places they raided were still standing.

    Sorry if this has been asked before but how come David never noticed the ammo and tear gas being used up due to the raids? He's the head of

  • David accidentally kills Javi

    Melton23 posted: »

    What happens if you choose to fight David in episode 5 but don't do the QTE? Are there different animations for javier fighting David, is it the same as when you choose the "I love you" option or does javier fight back anyway?

  • edited August 2017

    Really? Is there a video?
    EDIT: nvm I found it

    David accidentally kills Javi

  • What an ass.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Really? Is there a video? EDIT: nvm I found it

  • edited August 2017

    At the risk of causing certain crowds to over-aggressively beeline here, why the fuck does Clementine stick around and more or less join in on Javier's plan in Thicker than Water?

  • Because the plot says so.

    DabigRG posted: »

    At the risk of causing certain crowds to over-aggressively beeline here, why the fuck does Clementine stick around and more or less join in on Javier's plan in Thicker than Water?


    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Because the plot says so.

  • And then Kate/Clementine put a bullet in him.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Really? Is there a video? EDIT: nvm I found it

  • What would have happened if everyone in Lee's group made it to the Marsh House to get Clementine?

  • edited August 2017

    Lee goes into the room first. Stranger pulls gun on Lee, no talking is done because Kenny jumps him immediately and they save Clementine just without the strangers whole speech. Lee dies shortly afterwards, he says goodbye to everyone and Clementine doesn't have to make a decision because either Christa or Kenny put him down depending on your choices. Kenny, Christa, and Omid raise Clementine. Omid survives because Kenny is there to help keep watch and protect them and Christa gives birth successfully because Kenny is there and we saw how he was with Rebecca and AJ. Happy family, happy ending.

    Clemenem posted: »

    What would have happened if everyone in Lee's group made it to the Marsh House to get Clementine?


  • How do you think things would have gone if Tripp betrayed the group?

  • edited August 2017

    Can someone link me the thread that shows every single possible "Your Clementine became" endgame screen? I can't seem to find it.

  • Here's the closest thing I could find.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Can someone link me the thread that shows every single possible "Your Clementine became" endgame screen? I can't seem to find it.

  • I honestly couldn't tell ya, babe. Eleanor betraying them basically amounted to "I told Joan you were gonna put gum in her hair" and nothing else.

    At the very least, it'd be more interesting.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    How do you think things would have gone if Tripp betrayed the group?

  • edited August 2017

    Anyone else get mad at Jane when she suggested AJ's middle name to be Jamie, after her sister?

    Last time i checked, she left both her and AJ for Dead. She didn't even care about AJ until you decide to go with her back to Howe's.

  • Did she? Either way, it just came across as fanservice-y exposition to me except somehow less dignified than Kenny's.

    Plus, I'm not naming my adoptive brother after someone I never knew because Mary asked me too--Alvin Rebecca Carver Jr. it is!

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Anyone else get mad at Jane when she suggested AJ's middle name to be Jamie, after her sister? Last time i checked, she left both her and AJ for Dead. She didn't even care about AJ until you decide to go with her back to Howe's.

  • Plus, I'm not naming my adoptive brother after someone I never knew because Mary asked me too--Alvin Rebecca Carver Jr. it is!

    I actually went with Kenny for his middle name. Lee was the fan favorite choice and yeah we miss him, but Kenny did everything to protect AJ. Everything he did during Episodes 4&5 was for both him and Clem.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Did she? Either way, it just came across as fanservice-y exposition to me except somehow less dignified than Kenny's. Plus, I'm not naming my adoptive brother after someone I never knew because Mary asked me too--Alvin Rebecca Carver Jr. it is!

  • I was about to be very rude to you dude hadn't I realized you were the question-asker. :lol:

    Anyway, good for you.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Plus, I'm not naming my adoptive brother after someone I never knew because Mary asked me too--Alvin Rebecca Carver Jr. it is! I act

  • edited August 2017

    I was pretty sure I recalled a thread or post that had a definitive list of possible Clementines somewhere. I was hoping to use the data for my poll thread.

    Oh well, thanks for answering regardless.

    EDIT: Managed to find the post surprisingly easily. A single Google search brought me to the exact page on the Details thread. (Thank you @VengefulKenny for your old post)

    I'll leave the poll here as well since I'm pretty curious how many people got which Clementine. This will be the last poll i advertise here I promise.

    What did your Clementine become? (ANF endgame screens)

    DabigRG posted: »

    Here's the closest thing I could find.

  • Do you think Alvin was originally supposed to go out on the bridge with Luke and/or Clementine or something?

  • Now does Sarita end up finding Walter and Matthew? Or she doesn't without Kenny

    Lee goes into the room first. Stranger pulls gun on Lee, no talking is done because Kenny jumps him immediately and they save Clementine jus

  • It's hard to say for certain considering how little we know about how they met. It is possible that Sarita was only heading north through those mountains because Kenny was so dead set on Wellington. One thing that I know for certain is that Matthew and Walter and probably Sarita would all still be alive.

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    Now does Sarita end up finding Walter and Matthew? Or she doesn't without Kenny

  • He would have manhandled Javi, big time. I pissed Tripp off the entire season and I was constantly dreading the moment where he would actually punch my teeth out.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    How do you think things would have gone if Tripp betrayed the group?

  • Yeah, Jane is so hopelessly selfish. I also got incredibly mad when she disliked having Kenny for the middle name. The man cared about AJ way more than she ever did, helped Rebecca give birth, etc. If anyone deserved to have their legacy in AJ's name it was him.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Anyone else get mad at Jane when she suggested AJ's middle name to be Jamie, after her sister? Last time i checked, she left both her and AJ for Dead. She didn't even care about AJ until you decide to go with her back to Howe's.

  • Probably. We were going to go fishing with him(Luke, Nick and Pete) after all.

    I honestly wanted to have more bonding time with Alvin. I wish he came with me to check out the station house in A House Divided. :(

    DabigRG posted: »

    Do you think Alvin was originally supposed to go out on the bridge with Luke and/or Clementine or something?

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