Season 4 ideas...
*Some sort of dark religion/ Capture/ Slavery, aka The Slaughterhouse.
*Bring back characters like Paige, James, Alex and Samantha if you kept her alive, just a cameo though, just a nice touch if you played the Michonne Mini-Series.
*Only have the Mccaroll Ranch for about 3 episodes.
*Have the choice to either travel alone/ Say with your current group/ Enter a safe community, hundred times better than Wellington or go back to New Richmond and reunite with Javier and Co’s.
*Make this finale Season: Scary, gory, dark and very sad.
*Have the option to speak to every character, get to know them and have big puzzle hubs.
*If you distracted the scavengers in Season 2, Christa will be alive in New Richmond, If you returned there/ If you didn’t, she will appear as a walker outside the walls of New Richmond.
Would love to hear everybody’s ideas...
I don't really feel like Clementine is gonna be staying at the Mc Carroll Ranch for very long once she picks up AJ. She COULD potentially stay for a meal or something like that, but not for long after.
I don't really see how they could implement a choice like that in such a way, I mean come on. How would they go about doing THAT? Besides, I feel as if we're going to be heading back to Richmond and seeing the Garcias either way.
Option to speak to every character: HELL YES. Puzzle Hubs: No. Not if they're annoying.
The scavengers may NOT have actually killed Christa either way. Even IF she DID get shot, she could STILL be alive regardless, UNLESS they shot her in the head. In which case RIP.
Good ideas but one thing is I have no idea how walker Christa would travel all the way to New Richmond from the location she disappeared from in season 2.
Here's an idea no more than four writers per season. With a side of no last minute rewriting shortly before release date. Add a hint of not cutting out any content you know could be good for laziness or because it doesn't sound authentically Walking Dead. If in doubt about authenticity no man on Earth better to call than Robert Kirkman. If season 4 isn't atleast better than season 2 and New Frontier combined then I pledge to only watch YouTube playthroughs of all future Telltale games.
They should definitely tone down the action. I had my fill of shootouts, explosions and motorcycle chases on ANF. Dial it back, let the atmosphere do the work. Having quieter moments, wether they're calm or tense, really makes it feel like it should.
One of the best scenes in season 1 is when Lee is confronting the stranger. It conveys the emotions perfectly without action or music. You feel the tension, the fatigue, the realisation of what's going on.
ANF didn't really have any scenes like this with the exception of Clementine telling Javier about AJ in episode 3.
I really like this idea. It definitely has potential.
Maybe, but that might be a bit of a middle finger to the people who actually enjoyed the Michonne mini-series. I dunno.
I would say two episodes honestly. I don't know how long they'll be able to drag that out longer than that unless they add a shit ton of filler.
I can see this as the ending maybe, but I don't think they're going to do a branching story like that. They haven't in the past. What makes you think they'll start now.
Definitely. End Clementine's story on a high note.
Do I want them to do this? Yes. Will they do it? Given how many titles they work on at once, probably not.
Telltale had their chance to bring Christa back during Season 2. Bringing her back now would be contrived beyond words.
Clementine has some sort of relationship or friend her age
And it's not Gabe. He's dead in my playthrough.
As long as they don't FORCE anything like last time.
I've always really wanted to see a bandit character be included in the main cast for quite awhile. Someone that obviously isn't a good person, has done some truly horrible things in their life and has multiple psychopathic tendencies, but has to be relied on for survival. Either Nate or a character very similar to him, as it'd blur the lines of morality and really show the crumbled state of society where someone like that has to be used, even if they create conflict for our heroes' beliefs. They'd be an entertaining and not entirely evil character, unlike say Carver or the St Johns, but violent and definitely dangerous. And can act as a voice of encouragement for more ruthless choice making, while a more traditionally good character can balance out their advice with some of their own.
Make the walkers an actual threat again. The last two seasons have mostly just used walkers as a plot device for cheap jump "scares" (though season 1 had this a bit as well, the walkers had a lot more presence and importance), or mildly making certain scenarios worse than they already were. They don't have to be the antagonists, which would make the season entirely boring to be honest, but maybe having the main villains have a sort of obsession with the walkers and using them as a means for torture would give the walkers a better place in the story. Also, as cliched as it is, the writers can also use the walkers as symbolism of the villain's decaying humanity, or even the protagonist's depending on how dark the choices in the game are (and should be).
And finally, don't fucking make the main story about finding AJ. AJ, for a lot of people, myself included, is a glorified poorly used plot device that is incapable of creating any emotional connection with the characters in the actual game and the flippin' players. No, instead I think Telltale need to strip it back and return to what a zombie apocalypse setting is best used for: showing the extents of survival. Go back to season 1's format and build up a plot from character's struggles living in a world where society has fallen. The villains and the main conflict can easily be developed following that theme, as was done in the first game, and it'd serve as a better conclusion to the series instead of following the format used in the poorer seasons 2 and 3.
100% agree on making the walkers actually have presence again. The show has this issue too. It's hard to take them seriously when they come across as fodder for the main characters to slice through and escape with ease.
So basically, adding someone like present day Negan from the comic books would help spice up the story? I can't say that's a bad idea. Accept if you're thinking of putting Negan himself in the story. Please no.
YES. Or do something where people start to weaponize Large groups of walkers by blending in with them and leading them around. May or may not be referencing the comic books.
What I'm talking about almost completely fits your description. The comics, man. READ EM!
Agree 100%. AJ is more of a plot device than a character right now and we're not going to stand continuing this wild goose chase for a character we BARELY know. And when Clementine was missing, we only spent the length of an entire episode to get to her. This whole season and half search is complete bullshit since the only thing giving us a connection to his character, besides his bond with Clementine, is that He's cute. NOTHING ELSE WHATSOEVER.
Make a majority of walker encounters similar to the sewer area in Ep4 of S1 or the generator freewalk in Ep5 of ANF. Hubs where zombies need to be stealthed around in order to complete puzzles.
Incorporate a combat system similar to the one in Minecraft: Story Mode S2 when fighting walkers and bandits.
Either bring back Nate or make a new character like him
Five Chapters in, my first iteration is almost complete.
A personal antagonist for Clementine along the lines of characters like The Stranger, Carver, and in a way Arvo, Norma, or David in terms of thematic significance or character comparison.
Perhaps a somewhat effeminate boy to counter her tomboyish getup.
I can already taste the hate that character's going to get.
I was waiting for that.
On the flip side, he could be an Agent Peacock.
Have a lot of difficult moral decisions where in some cases making the "evil"choice arguably has the better outcome.
An example of this could be: A character that has been a major liability to the group is cornered by walker's or some crap while the rest of the group is under pretty bad circumstances as well.
One option is to rush in and save him and a member of the group that is actually skilled and contributes to the survival of the group get's killed covering the character's and Clem's escape.
Or the other option is to let the character's death be a distraction for the rest of the group to escape safely. A third option within the escape option would be to shoot the character so they will not suffer as their body is devoured.
Boss Walker, since he never actually showed up in ANF.
Yah. I could see his model being recreated in telltale's engine.
I little too high in detail and not enough emphasis on borders, but you get the point.
Death of Gabe. (Just kidding LOL)
Not what I was expecting, but then again we only really see his face on the poster so why not.
What kind of antagonist do you think would make a good character comparison for Clementine?
Happy ending for Clem. She deserves it after the traumatic events that she has been going through.
That was dark.
We just had a very obnoxious teen boy in ANF we do not need another one.

For context, here's what I'm referring to everyone else:
Have you heard about Amy McCarroll?
Are you seriously considering that walker to have been important to the story?...
Yes! That's a great idea. It will be dark, but also realistic enough to not be out of place.
I'd also say we should get Lilly instead of Christa. She is just a better character.
No, I haven't heard about that.... please do tell
That's what I thought. How does a different camera angle make a walker more dangerous than the rest? But to be fair he was just joking. He admitted it on the MEME thread.
Woah. After searching up that name I saw a webclip saying this "If you let Clint live he accompanies you and Clem to McCarroll Ranch to get AJ, saving Amy McCarroll's twin sisters from Joan's henchman that .."
Edit: After going back to the Predictions thread, that was you who brought it up.
It still doesn't answer who Amy McCarroll is and how we know her from the previous seasons. Please tell.
Are you being sarcastic? Please say "yes."
Oh, I saw this Amy McCarroll girl be brought up back in April and keep bringing it up ironically and people get confused. There isn't much more to this, LOL.
Someone predicted we would see Amy at the ranch in "From The Gallows" and she'd kill Joan with a frying pan or something.
I hope so, too.
Oh. I guess I wouldn't mind if that actually came true. XD
Yup, if only jokingly. I mean, why the heck would they bother putting that particular one there when David would've been a better fit for the game we got?
Oh. Well, I agree, it is a little bit of a wierd design choice lol
No, I am not. I am serious.