Season 4 coming "first half of 2018" according to Eurogamer

This was kind of assumed and hinted at before, but in the recent interview with Job Stauffer, it was outright confirmed that Season 4 is coming in the earlier half of 2018.
"We're thrilled to be able to do a second season [of Wolf Among Us]. Living up to expectations - we have on our plate - so I can say it'll be in the second half of 2018, after seeing the final Walking Dead season in the first half."
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I wonder if we will get another game releasing at the same time as The Walking Dead and TWAU... Maybe another DC or Marvel IP?
Jeez S4 is coming like REALLY fast! It makes me exited but nervous at the same time. I guess S2 came out pretty fast also and it was good but that was back when Telltale didn't have a bunch of other games they were working on.
90% sure it'll be Minecraft Season 3 if there is another game releasing at the same time as those two.
I swear if they announce a S3 for that piece of shit...
Who's ready for the final season of your favorite game that's only been worked on for less than a year!!!?
What's wrong with it, if you mind me asking?
i'd rather wait less than a year and be disappointed than have to wait two years for a piece of shit
I've never thought of it like that. That makes sense...almost too much sense.
I can't agrue with that
They're not gonna announce "season three."
Are you really asking that? Minecraft is one of the most overrated games in gaming history. Minecraft Story Mode was just finished last year and they already made a Season 2 for it not 2 years later.
Amen to that!!!
I figured that'd be the response. Personally, as someone who only recently bought Batman Season 1 and is pretty infrequent about playing games recently, I don't care what they make as long as there's someone who enjoys it.
Which is why I support their decision to officially end Clementine's story.
Batman S2 has turned out fine so far.
To be fair, people have said exactly the same thing about The Walking Dead. If people like Minecraft: Story Mode (I do!, and my six year old nephew loves it), then what's the big deal? They already confirmed a Walking Dead: Season Four, The Wolf Among Us: Season Two, Game of Thrones: Season Two, and they're currently releasing Batman: Season Two.
They are a large company now with a staff of over 400 people. They can handle all of these games. They've tried doing games marketed towards children and families early in their lifespan (their first episodic game in 2005 was based on the Scholastic comic Bone, and they released a Wallace & Gromit game in 2008). The games got good reviews, but they didn't sell well since Telltale had difficulty marketing towards their desired audience of children and families.
Now that they're bigger, they can finally target towards the family demographic, and they can make a profit doing it. I, for one, think that's great, since Telltale is finally able to do what they have been trying to do since they were founded. If they release one family game and two or three mature rated game per year, what's the point in hating on the family game? If you don't like it, just ignore it, and play the games that you do care about instead.
They didn't handle A New Frontier very well.
I can imagine Telltale naming their last Season, “The Final Frontier”. GAG.
To be fair, speaking as someone who hasn't put the game in his system yet, Batman has over 70 years of stuff to draw from to make a good story. With the Walking Dead, they struggle under the pressure of creating original things that get subverted by either fans complaining about them not being as good as Lee, Clementine, or Kenny or caving into the temptation to indulge in it themselves. And not always in that order.
more overrated tha Assasins' Creed 2 and Life Is Strange?
It'll be Season 2, part 2. The season was so big they had to split it in two
What kind of question is this?
is minecraft more overrated than Assasins' creed 2 and Life Is Strange?
Worst question ever. Assassin's Creed 2 was always better than those cringey games.
I've seen a lot of people hate on it because of how fast it got a sequel (less than a year) especially considering it had three extra episodes in S1.
Ngl, the fact that they're pushing it out early 2018 just shows how ready they are to get it the fuck over with.
Again, the same thing is often said of The Walking Dead. Season One came out in 2012, 400 Days came out in the summer of 2013, and season two premiered in 2013 and concluded in 2014. Then Michonne came out as a three episode mini-series in 2016, and A New Frontier began in 2016 and concluded in 2017. The Walking Dead is the Telltale series that has the most episodes, the most seasons, and is the only one with a spin-off miniseries that wasn't released as DLC. It's not really right to hate on the fact that Telltale is making sequels to Minecraft: Story Mode quickly when they've released sequels to The Walking Dead at the same rate.
If someone doesn't want to play a game, just ignore it. It's not like the sequels to Minecraft: Story Mode are causing a drought of mature rated games. You can play Guardians of the Galaxy or Batman: Season Two. If you don't want to play those, wait until next year and play The Wolf Among Us: Season Two, or wait for The Walking Dead: Season Four. There's a lot of mature rated games coming out by Telltale. A baker's dozen of Minecraft: Story Mode episodes in two years is not a big deal.
If you mean the story, that's opinion. It got good reviews from critics, with a season average of 77%. In terms of release, while there was a three month wait after the two episode premiere, the remaining episodes were released at a monthly interval. That's a lot better than the release rate of The Walking Dead's other two seasons.
No it's not. It's opinion. There's a much larger fanbase beyond these forums, as most of Telltale's fans don't visit here. If you look on social media posts on Facebook or Twitter, you'll find a good number of fans who enjoyed A New Frontier. I personally thought that it was a great idea to focus on someone other than Clementine for a change, and I like Javier as a protagonist. Season Four is said to be the final season of Clementine's story. If Telltale does decide continue making games based on The Walking Dead after that, I'd have no problem at all with them continuing Javier's story in further seasons.
If you didn't like A New Frontier, and feel like the story wasn't good, that's OK. I didn't like The Walking Dead: Season Two, and I felt that it was the first story in Telltale's games that I didn't like. But both of us just have opinions on the games, not facts. There's a good number of fans that agree with me on Season Two, but there's also a good number of fans who really liked Season Two, just as there are fans who agree with you on A New Frontier, but there are a good number of fans who really liked A New Frontier.
The season average for The Walking Dead: Season Two among critics was also 77%, and the average for season one was 83%.
That's because the critics forgot what made Season 1 so successful.
i'd tell them to take their time rather than pushing it like a fiber-fueled shit, but tbh i'm not excited for twd anymore. clementine is such a tired and poorly done character at this point
Seriously lol when will the mods get over this. It's like they REFUSE to read the glassdoors, the words of people who actually worked there and are not being paid to sugarcoat the way telltale really works.
But I hope you know, the words "They can handle all of these games" isn't believed by hardly anyone anymore.
Great news, if you want to see TWD game series put out of its misery ASAP.
Bad news, if you're looking forward to playing a good-quality game with an amazing story, comparable to TWD Season 1.
The steam numbers still amuse me. I mean, Season 2 would obviously have more favorable reviews, having come out two years prior it's 15,000 lead isn't surprising. Season 2 receiving 808 negative reviews during that time, compared to the 1,630 negative reviews ANF has received in the months since release? It's doubled the negative reviews of the previous season in a matter of months, holding a 74% rating to Season 2s 95%.
For all of it's faults, Season 2 was still much better received among fans, with the general consensus being episode 4 floundered(surprise, the episode reported to have been heavily rewritten) and episode slugging along until it finally peaked at the climax. A popular youtuber rips TT for the writing and abandonment of Clementines story, and we get an announcement about how much they love the character and are returning to her story.
Some people liked ANF, that's fine. I'm sure it was an enjoyable spinoff for some. Some people think TWD show is terrible, but it still draws in monstrous crowd. They managed to create a spinoff without trivializing the main series when they made Fear The Walking Dead, because I imagine someone knew people would be pissed if they simply made the spinoff series the next season of the main show. I wish that person knew anyone at TT.
They successfully released 4 games in 2016. They are going to release four games in 2017. You might not personally like the story of a particular game they released, but that's just your opinion. They've shown that they can release four games in a year simply by actually releasing four games in a year.
TFW I'm happy that it is coming so soon but realize how little development time the final season will get
Sure they can, but staff struggles repeatedly to successfully produce well made games on time, as shown by the amount of bugs and just how plain uncompleted the games are.
"The basic way tasks get done here, given the schedule, is that person A will have an Idea, they will then give a rough description of that idea to Person B, who will work on the task for a few days. Then the schedule will get messed up, and person B will be moved away, and the task will fall to Person C, who will have no explanation of what is happening. Person C will then finish the task as best he can, and the task will go up for a Review. The people in the Review will dislike how the Task turned out, and be confused as to why Person C got it so wrong. Instead of telling person C what went wrong, The task will then be removed and given to person D. The end result is, as a developer, I have no sense of ownership or vision for the work that I am doing . I was not there at the start, I won't be there at the end, and 99% of the time any creative input I bring to the table will be either rejected outright, or lost due to churn."
"Also, production schedules mean the studio is in a state of constant crunch. There's questionable transparency"
"Telltale likes to do things the Telltale way. They think that they invented storytelling. If you have previous experience from another game studio, Keep it to yourself. When people ask "why are these workflows so bad?" and "why are these schedules so messed up" management simply gets frustrated and tells you "things are different here"."
"The pace does not allow for quality and the end product is often riddled with bugs. Hard to be proud of end product regardless of perceived early critic reviews."
Also, the sales and ratings alone are enough proof as to how downhill the quality has gone, despite your rare opinion on the current game quality
"but so many people in the company means they can tackle so many games!!!!!" Sorry, but no, its not that simple.
Every Telltale season goes through rewrites. That's the way Telltale's episodic gaming model works. Even season one of The Walking Dead got rewrites. At one point, Kenny was going to specifically be killed at the end of the first season, and Gavin Hammon recorded dialog that made it obvious that Kenny was dead, but they had him record the version that we had in the game, as the designers decided to change the end to make Kenny's death ambiguous. That doesn't mean that The Walking Dead season one was handled poorly because it had rewrites, it's simply the way Telltale's episodic model works.
Characters change throughout the course of The Walking Dead universe, That's exactly what makes the franchise so interesting. They're showing what people become when faced with no hope at all for survival. After years and decades in this world, people who are killers can turn into heroes, whereas people who are heroes can turn into killers. It's not character inconsistency, it's character evolution. You might not personally like the direction a character has gone, but that is just your opinion. It's a realistic evolution, since the same thing happens in real life in countries that have been devastated by bombings for decades.
Clementine didn't receive any less time than Omid and Christa, or Molly, or Arvo. It's true that the playable nature of the games makes it so that a certain character is given more time than they would in the comics or the show, but Clementine is simply one character in the midst of the apocolypse. They've had three different playable characters in the three seasons: Lee, Clementine, and Javier. Their other Walking Dead games had other playable characters: Vince, Wyatt, Russell, Bonny, Shel, and Michonne. It's clear that Telltale is telling the story of the apocalypse in general, and weaving each of the characters into their main narrative. Season Four is going to be the end of Clementine's story, so it makes sense that they'd leave her story open. Her finale is just around the corner.
The critic review percentage I was talking about is the aggregate critic rating at Metacritic. As for IMDb and Steam, the problem with those sites is that they are user votes, and they have a tendency to be bombarded with people who have an agenda. IMDb doesn't require anything other than a username, so it's easy to have multiple accounts that rate something low. And A New Frontier was included in a humble bundle, which makes it easy to have multiple copies of that game. Just look at the user ratings for Telltale's Jurassic Park - so many people rated it a zero on these sites simply because of the bad press Telltale got when it was revealed that some of their staff rated the game without revealing that they are staff.
There are people who have an agenda to use multiple accounts to criticize anything they deem derogatory against Clementine. The moderators here have seen that first hand, with people creating multiple accounts to downvote anyone who said something about Clementine they didn't like. People creating multiple accounts to downvote is the main reason why Telltale staff removed the ability to downvote. Because of this, user ratings should be taken with a grain of salt.
It's just an example, dude.
So the issue isn't what Telltale did in later installments, it's how they did it where some of the problems originated.