Stupid ways characters were bit or died.
I just can't get over how Lee got bit. That was just really anti-climactic. Of course he did go and made the best of it for some cool shit but still, he picks up a walkie-talkie and then suddenly he's bit.
Kenny's death from Clementine's terrible driving. To be honest I never got this part thankfully since I put Clem and AJ in Wellington but this was the way Kenny goes when you choose to stay with Kenny. He flew out of the window and falls down and can't move his body. Wow just the way to go just after winning an epic fight with Jane he dies from teaching Clementine how to drive. I mean from a lesson from driving Jesus Mary Joseph so stupid DX this is a fucking insult and the developers should be ashamed. That was some lazy ass writing.
Ben. OK this guy is a fuck up and it's a wonder he was alive that long so I suppose it makes sense he would die in stupid ways. Either he dies from telling Lee to let him go or when he falls down a collapsing metal frame and then getting impaled at the bottom of falling down, he dies in some stupid ways also getting Kenny involved on that second death.
Herschel's Son: I don't remember his name but when I analyzed the situation why didn't Lee just pick up a 2x4 piece of wood and just smashed those zombies in? There was plenty of boards to use that he just cut up there, the zombies were stuck at the fence before it broke he had time to do that... the way he died was just fucked up.
I was fine with most of these, honestly. Okay, Lee getting bitten even if you move the trashbag after doing so was kinda lame, but the other were handled well enough and/or served a legitimately meaningful purpose for the story and characters involved.
Sarah's canon death, Jane in her ANF flashback, Ava if you picked Tripp, and to an extent Kate if she saved Richmond alone on the otherhand....
Shawn. And he got pinned down due to Duck accidentally moving the gearshift into drive/neutral. That's why Lee has a hard time yanking him free if you choose to help him instead of Duck.
I will never accept Sarah's second death. She somehow magically ended up under the pieces of rubble at the deck, it was easily a middle finger to the players who saved her. Fuck you, Telltale.
I know, right? Not to mention how blatantly obvious the spite, [reverse]bias, and selective laziness is in that moment specifically.
Sarah's death... it uh defied physics. I know walking dead dudes is enough to process for one day, but a death that can surely do that must be universally accepted as "unfair", right? I don't recall any other deaths magically defying physics as hers did.
I must specify that I am referring to her second death. I cannot begin to fathom why Telltale went along with that first death
Same. Worst death in the series, along with Nick's in that same episode. Not that I wanted her dead (believe me I didn't), but if she absolutely had to die, the shootout would have been the most sensible place to do it. Would've given players even more of a reason to go against Arvo.
Honestly, in hindsight both a few weeks after I finally completed No Going Back and especially now that I've noticed and/or learned a few things, I am legitimately shocked that Telltale didn't have those two interact at all given their track record.
A lot of good people died in The Walking Dead that I liked a lot sadly some of the ways the people we liked in the game thought that are gonna survive just died even if we tried to help them like Luke sadly he was my favorite character.
Sarah - Her second death at the observation deck defied physics when rubble suddenly appeared on top of her and made her unable to move, Bonnie and Mike only headshot a walker each before letting them kill Sarah and that's only if Jane tries to help and conveniently, a plank falls on her face only if she tries to help Sarah - basically a fuck you from Telltale.
Nick - His second death was off-screen and you could only allude it to him being bitten in the neck before leaving to go for help, how did he make it all the way to the fence if he bled from the neck? Similarly to Sarah, he had a big role in the previous episodes (bar episode 3) and he just died off-screen, not even getting one line of dialogue in episode 4.
Rebecca - I understand why she died after giving birth, but it's just rather stupid to me that she dies regardless of when you decide to leave and whether you chose to steal the medicine (which is presented as a major decision), there were tonnes of medicine in that bag, could they not have scoured it for something that could've helped everyone injured? Like, you're telling me that Jane supposedly took the rest with her when she left with her bare hands and took it for the group in the first place?
Luke - Rather convenient how the next person who dies is the last member of the Cabin Group, not to mention he was the only one badly injured in the gunfight (Mike got hit but we never hear about his wounds again) and honestly, they chose drowning and there wasn't a choice to stop Bonnie or even shoot her to save Luke? I suppose it's their way of telling us that Luke needed to die in order for Mike, Bonnie and Arvo to leave and for Kenny and Jane to fight, they killed him off so they could create a conflict with different people. Especially sucks since Bonnie makes her way out if you break the ice but Luke dies regardless.... he runs out of breathe but Bonnie is completely fine?
Oh yeah another one was how Matthew from Season 2 dies. He gets shot by Nick but the real stupid thing was Nick. Still wish there was an option to get Nick killed before the bridge scene instead of Pete.
Kenny's death in Season 3 flashback was stupid. Typical Telltale
Sarah's "canon" death? Who said any of the determinant deaths are canon?
Guys, Ava's episode 5 death is hands down the stupidest, most hastily written death in the entire series.
Ava: "Be more careful---AGHGHGH!!!"
David: "AVA!!!! Oh well lets go"
It's just a quirky way of saying Killed off for Real. Basically, if it's possible/necessary for a character to exist after they become determinant, that' what I consider canon.
Which is why From the Gallows is such a rushed out hot mess, among other things
Lee : I always knew that Lee would pass the torch to Clementine, it was how they executed Lee being bit that annoyed me. He let's his guard down which he would never do and get's bit. I've always thought that Lee should've got bitten when trying to get through the herd to the marsh house, that way, it would've been more logical and would've been more heartbreaking thinking Lee and Clementine are going to escape, only to realize he got bitten.
"Well...that happened."
Nick s 2nd death , Sarah s 2nd death and Ava s 2nd death Nuff said.
[Lying drunk on ground by a frozen lake, nibbling on a piece of waffle.]
I don't wanna talk about it....
Nick and Sarah's most definitely.
But the one that PEEVES me the most is, as usual, Jane's cheap demise.
Kenny- dude you just had to not wear a seat belt what the heck where you thinking?!
Ben-Good grief poor Ben and to think he could've changed his stupid ways!
I could never understand what was up with Duck's death. It didn't even look like the walker could reach him, he fell under Katja.
Also there's the fact that it's almost identical to when Duck nearly gets bit in episode 1. I don't really get the significance of that. Moreover, it annoys the crap out of me that Duck remains mute after that. He stops being a character and becomes a living plot device. It takes the sadness out of the scene when Duck doesn't even seem to care or know he's dying.
I think the point they wanted to make was katja or duck should have had a gun, but it was poorly done.
Or that Kenny should've been there.
Wasn't Kenny also starting the RV to get everyone ready to go? Poor Duck yeah he kinda drove me crazy when he trapped Shawn under the mower but I still wanted to cry especially the first time I saw the scene where they had to kill him!
i think one of the first ones that come to mind would be Kenny s Fakeout death scene if Ben was saved in episode 4... Why? because Kenny could have just mercy killed Ben in that scene and left with Lee on the gate.
EDIT: And also the obvious ones like Sarah s 2nd Death , Jane s suicide , Kenny s car crash , Nick s 2nd death and others.
Eh, it's not like he was jerking off. He was starting the RV to get everyone out of there and to safety. They didn't really bring up him feeling like he failed Duck or Katja. More that he felt like it was karma for letting Shawn die.
I know, was just drawing a parallel to The Stranger is all.
Nick's is the worst of all. If he makes it past episode 2 then his character becomes pointless. I honestly can't remember him having any dialogue in episode 3 and if he did it would have been a simple passing line or two, then he dies off screen in episode 4! His character got no respect from the writers who clearly forgot that his character was determinate in episode 2, not dead, and then thought "oh shoot, better dispose of this guy since we have no plans for him. How should we do it? It doesn't matter just have a scene where Clem sees him and says he was nice or something..."
That one has bugged me since I played the episode and I still think about how they could have done it differently.
Nick dropping off in prominence likely has to due with a number of things:
The fact that he ended up being arguably THE most developed of the Season 2 cast is odd, though the fact that they were hyping up a mystery element up around the Cabin Group may have ironically allotted him that for the reasons I gave above.
I didn't like the way Clementine reacted to Sarita getting bit. I actually really liked Sarita and was never a fan of clementine being even slightly hostile to her. When Sarita gets bit and you don't chop her arm off, it's just "oops I gotta go" "sorry" and "your gonna die" and clem says that as if she's too busy doing other things. Yes I get there's a zombie horde but she was a bit inconsiderate to Sarita.
How? Either way Sarita dies no matter what Clem does to try to save her....just don't understand your pov on Clem here @cutupuss-
While I think her/his memory may be a bit wonky, the point is that Clementine seemed a bit dismissive of Sarita's situation.
Maybe she was just scared
Not sure what you mean by that could you explain please?
The reply button is a thing. Please use it or say a name, preferably with an @ attached.
Get it, @Sassycotton?
@DabigRG Not sure what you mean by that could you explain please?
I'm not really sure what she/he was referencing, so you should ask @cutupuss-.
Also, I'm lazy.
Was Sarah meant to be killed off in the trailer is that why her 2nd death is so messy like?
She was killed off because some of the developers didn't like her. I doubt that she was always meant to die there, though.