Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Batman



  • Well I'm not sure what he says word for word but with yellow, I do remember that when Lucius suggests making the Batsuit yellow and it being a brighter colour, Bruce replies "No yellow."

    If you had Lucius move into Wayne Manor, then in episode 4 he comments on your choice of Bat tech color if you look at the Bat computer.

  • If you save Selina and then don't hit the QTE to throw a Batarang to save Harvey from Penguin, the GCPD end up open firing on Penguin and knocking the light fixture out of his hands instead.

  • So Harvey doesnt get burned?

    If you save Selina and then don't hit the QTE to throw a Batarang to save Harvey from Penguin, the GCPD end up open firing on Penguin and knocking the light fixture out of his hands instead.

  • He still gets burned, this happens right after Penguin smashes his face

    ScootyZ posted: »

    So Harvey doesnt get burned?

  • Penguin also makes a funny sounding grunt when they shoot it out of his hands

    If you save Selina and then don't hit the QTE to throw a Batarang to save Harvey from Penguin, the GCPD end up open firing on Penguin and knocking the light fixture out of his hands instead.

  • The cigarettes in this universe are called Fumaro, which I'm pretty sure is Latin for "I will smoke". They also share the likeness of real life Marlboro cigarettes.

  • I know, right? Also, such an easy riddle! Isn't he supposed to be brilliant? They should have used a more obscure riddle or come up with a better one.

    Frontier246 posted: »

    That would've been the perfect Batman move.

  • He is also Doomsday in BvS

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Robin is an amazing voice actor. Brynjolf in Skyrim, Roth in Tomb Raider, Navarro, Talbot, Hector in the Uncharted tetralogy. Also Lord Forrester in GoT.

  • I have read many people saying that Joker isn't that bad, and can possibly genuinely be a friend of Bruce's. So thanks for pointing out why he's a psychopath for others to see too.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I don't know if anyone mentioned these but just in case i'll make a list: 1) If you chose "Come With Me" when talking to the woman who tr

  • Thank Jesus we didn't have an option to answer that because I suck hardcore at riddles.

    Coyote99 posted: »

    "Without fingers, I point, without arms, I strike, without feet, I run. What am I?" The answer is a clock. I wish I could've swooped in and answered.

  • Reason enough to try this, 10/10 penguin squeak.

    Deltino posted: »

    Penguin also makes a funny sounding grunt when they shoot it out of his hands

  • The upper lips don't match.

    There's actually a bit of substance to this theory. Firstly, let's keep in mind that this woman—who Bruce doesn't know—heads to him and a

  • "Never... never gets old" he's having an existencial crisis there.

    Vanzam posted: »

    You can interact with the batmobile over and over again

  • "throw a stone at Vicki" that made me crack up.

    Depending on your choice in the ending of Episode 4, Bruce will wear a different suit during the finale of Episode 5. Perhaps also noteworth

  • Reason enough to try this, 10/10 penguin squeak.

  • I laughed. Such awkward silence.

    Arshei posted: »

    I don't know if someone mentioned it before. But if you do the silent treatment (Always picking "..." ) in Selina's apartment, she leaves t

  • Batman ain't got time for dat.

    Yes, you can be so cold to him if you instantly take the 'Vengeance' route Batman: I NEED to know what happened. TELL me what you saw. Whi

  • No problem. Although I'm just using it as an overall term, because there is the possibility he's actually a sociopath. They're two things that often get confused but are very different. Basically Sociopath's are people that became evil as a reaction to their upbringing (abusive parents, witnessing intense violence, rape, etc.) while Psychopaths are people that are born that way and regardless of how people raise and treat they remain like that. Joker has been interpreted both ways in several comics, with the Killing Joke in particular asking the question if he really has ALWAYS been like this. Joker sees himself as a Sociopath in most versions, Heath ledger in particular kept referencing contradictory sad stories about how he got his scars.

    With Bruce my best guess is that he does try to befriend him but its an unhealthy thing. The only thing separating this joker from the traditional Joker is something to explode him. Right now he's a ball of barely contained anger and sadism. So before then he might be 'friends' with Bruce, but i completely doubt he will ever become a 'good guy'.

    I have read many people saying that Joker isn't that bad, and can possibly genuinely be a friend of Bruce's. So thanks for pointing out why he's a psychopath for others to see too.

  • edited September 2017

    It taught you a mistake then sadly. Sequel choice games always have these little consequences to reward those that actually played the original game. This is a tradition that started with Mass Effect 2 and differs from game to game. Sometimes its relatively minor or sometimes the story is altered heavily like in Witcher 2.

    matteso586 posted: »

    I just thought that if A New Frontier taught me anything, the only choices that affects things are the ones that are included in the story generator.

  • True, true. I agree. I personally like the Sociopath version more too, that way he would actually be more sadistic. Because he knows exactly what he's doing wrong, and enjoys it. Unlike a psychopath, who doesn't really understand the gravity of their actions, except for the momentary pleasure of harming others (talking about aggressive ones here only though).

    All I have seen Joker do up until now is being manipulative and completely fake, all of what he is doing is to try and keep up a facade in order to get under Bruce's skin and having him do what he wants. We could see this back in season one in the whole Asylum episode. And the fact that he was the mysterious shooter in the bridge at the end of episode 1 (my best guess though, not really sure) kinda points that he has this completely different face to show.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    No problem. Although I'm just using it as an overall term, because there is the possibility he's actually a sociopath. They're two things th

  • Hmmm. I'm not sure, it could all be a trick but he could be honest in his own sick way. Remember that Joker has expressed and intense desire to find other who are like him. It could be he thinks he can manipulate Bruce into going darkside. I do think thought that regardless of things he is trying to take over the pact. Already he might have executed a member without the others consent or knowledge.

    True, true. I agree. I personally like the Sociopath version more too, that way he would actually be more sadistic. Because he knows exactly

  • Here's something interesting:

    Episode One of Season 2 was originally called "The Fallen" given the title in the AU rating board.

  • This blew my mind when I read about it. Enn Reitel (the man voicing Alfred Pennyworth) is also the voice actor of my boy Delvin Mallory in Skyrim. They dound nothing alike. Fantastic voiceactor indeed.

  • I don't see what's so interesting about that. Hmm...

    I also want to point out initially it was called "Season Two" instead of "The Enemy Within".

    AChicken posted: »

    Here's something interesting: Episode One of Season 2 was originally called "The Fallen" given the title in the AU rating board. http://

  • Nothing in the episode really goes with the title so that's a weird choice. Maybe it was a placeholder?

    AChicken posted: »

    Here's something interesting: Episode One of Season 2 was originally called "The Fallen" given the title in the AU rating board. http://

  • I mean, it might be in reference to the death of Lucius.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Nothing in the episode really goes with the title so that's a weird choice. Maybe it was a placeholder?

  • Or The Riddler who has indeed fallen off the grid.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I mean, it might be in reference to the death of Lucius.

  • I don't see what's so interesting about that.

    It could be the plot could have been much different than it did now? Considering that that title doesn't really fit with what happened in the episode. (other than the spoilery death of Lucius.)

    Maybe it was never called season two?
    Maybe the team just thought: "What cool and thematic subtitle can we use for this next season?"

    And technically, it still is Season 2.. Just not exactly in the title.

    ScootyZ posted: »

    I don't see what's so interesting about that. Hmm... I also want to point out initially it was called "Season Two" instead of "The Enemy Within".

  • Or both Lucius and Riddler dying.

    Or The Riddler who has indeed fallen off the grid.

  • If you lie when Gordon asks you if Batman knew Lucius Fox, he immediately calls you on it.

    The next dialogue wheel then changes some options, giving you the option to continue with the lie ([LIE] "I told you, Riddler was lying!") or coming clean ("I'm sorry I lied").

    But c'mon, who would lie to Gordon amirite?

  • Hmm. As lupin said, titles are usually placeholders.

    AChicken posted: »

    I don't see what's so interesting about that. Thanks? It could be the plot could have been much different than it did now? Conside

  • True.

    ScootyZ posted: »

    Hmm. As lupin said, titles are usually placeholders.

  • But c'mon, who would lie to Gordon amirite?

    Couldn't if I wanted to.

    If you lie when Gordon asks you if Batman knew Lucius Fox, he immediately calls you on it. The next dialogue wheel then changes some opti

  • In the Gotham Feed there is a news snippet regarding Harvey Dent's trial. The main article talks of his trial becoming a spectacle, Dent wanting to represent himself, etc. However, if you actually look at the picture with Harvey's face on it the article reads,
    "The New Gotham has reported that many people are living beyond their means. There are many things that come into play when considering the importance of the health and well being of its citizens. There are very few things that are worth mentioning in articles like this as nobody seems to care. If it were up to me I would write about cats and dogs."

  • In Episode 1 of Season 1. Alfred warns Bruce about his identity being identified when during the event Harvey and Vale notice his injuries. Bruce says nobody will figure it out....slight forshadowing? kind of?

  • Lol

    Coyote99 posted: »

    In the Gotham Feed there is a news snippet regarding Harvey Dent's trial. The main article talks of his trial becoming a spectacle, Dent wan

  • Beastlyabworkout

    Deltino posted: »

    Penguin also makes a funny sounding grunt when they shoot it out of his hands

  • Maybe?
    Technically, he probably meant that those party guests would never figure it out.
    I doubt he expected he'd ever meet Selina out of costume..

    Dan10 posted: »

    In Episode 1 of Season 1. Alfred warns Bruce about his identity being identified when during the event Harvey and Vale notice his injuries. Bruce says nobody will figure it out....slight forshadowing? kind of?

  • When Riddler aks you the third question on who's the true genius in Gotham, Batman can answer Not the Riddler or "I am" and Riddler gives a shock. A slight forshadow thingy kind of that Batman outsmarted Riddler at his own game? No? I'll cry now.

  • I don't think that was foreshadowing. (I mean, you could say that it was short-term foreshadowing, but I don't think so.) That was simply a cool one-liner he could say. Plus, we had already figured out how to break out, so we technically already "outsmarted the Riddler".

    You seem to be making a lot of posts concerning this recently, let me help you.
    Foreshadow [from Oxford Dictionaries]: Be a warning or indication of (a future event)

    Foreshadowing is usually making a passing or quick reference to future events. It's vaguer than the Batman quote you mentioned, but can be direct sometimes.... You had a good point with the Season 1 quote above, and that could be considered foreshadowing.
    Just helping. I know you mean well.

    Dan10 posted: »

    When Riddler aks you the third question on who's the true genius in Gotham, Batman can answer Not the Riddler or "I am" and Riddler gives a shock. A slight forshadow thingy kind of that Batman outsmarted Riddler at his own game? No? I'll cry now.

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