i think Aj will alive and clem will be dead in season 4

and then new series will start of TWD and in new one we will get new peoples
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and then new series will start of TWD and in new one we will get new peoples
I am tired of "Hero characters sacrifices themselves for saving their family/friends" cliche. Telltale is not so easy to fall on that cliche, I guess.
No, she shouldn't die. Apart from the parallels to Lee's arc, it just would feel like a cheap way to end it. For once we need some sort of "happy" ending. I bet she'll survive the season and either A: Get into a group and survive with them (fate ambiguous) .. or B: Leave on her own, teaching [hopefully alive] AJ survival tricks (fate ambiguous).
Death is not the only ultimatum for characters (despite what Telltale has you believe).
If Clem can't get an ending where she survives, at least have other side-characters, who either stay till the end, or leave the group alive, not dead.
I have no problem with them killing off Clem if it makes sense. Which it would because in that type of world everyone would likely get it one way or another eventually soon. It's irrationally fanboyish to keep this little preteen girl immortal over all the more skilled adult survivors especially when other kids her age have been dropping left and right. Call it tragically cliche if you want but I rather have realism and logic in my story over something spontaneous and crazy just to avoid predictability like that Kenny vs. Jane from last season 2.
Daryl Dixon fans are the exact same way, however atleast with Daryl it's believable that he'd make it on his own for extended times be it alone or with group. TV and comic Carl would not last alone I don't think. So how can a little girl like Clem accomplish that feat?
yah you all are right
Considering the game can't skip comics timeline, leaving AJ alive would basically mean we won't see him again, since I doubt TT would run around with a toddler, just to please fans/prove themselves that they had a good continuity going on. The smart thing to do is to bring AJ back when he actually does something more except cry, when he's at least 6 years old or older, and that's not going to happen.
We know TT can't really handle AJ's character, as they are constantly pushing him aside just for the role of a distant plot device, to justify Clem's appearance in ANF (didn't really work did it), so right now very few people would care for anything concerning AJ as a character, and leaving him be just to kill Clementine is too predictable to work as a series finale.
That won’t happen for many reasons. Not only is it too cliche, but it has too many parallels to S1’s ending. If anything, they’ll end the season with Clem finding a new community (most likely Richmond or Oceanside if you choose not to go back to Richmond) with her new group.
If they do kill Clem, it’s a cop out. Having Lee sacrificing his life for Clem is what made S1’s ending so sad and meaningful. They can’t pull something like that anymore. If Clem dies, it’ll just leave the fans angry and confused.
I wish season 3 should been about Kenny And Jane and Wellington and 400 days group probably bump into Christa and Mike Arvo and Bonny and a returning luke depends if he escape
And Lee...you forgot about him...why I have a perfect scenario that lets him escape his fate!!
Y'know, I actually wanted to make a thread on this topic, but I'm not aware if anyone has made a thread about it in the past. But I was thinking, same world, same apocalypse etc. But us, for once switch sides. However, I feel like everyone in TWDG universe believes their the good guys and everyone else who disagrees with them is the enemy. So I guess switching sides doesn't really apply. But I'd be interested in seeing how Telltale would arrange that.
Why don't they understanding this!!
*great alternative endings btw
Would you say the same for Rick as well? In my opinion I feel like we're at a deep point in the story where Rick & Clem can be compared.
..dont hurt me ;_;
Yes applies to every developed character. Some deaths do not make much sense like Kenny's and Nick's but if they can make logical sense then I don't see why not other than fanatical service. Beth's TV death is a good example of a non sense death from the show.
This is honestly what Im hoping for in season 4, youre always made out to be a bad guy if you arent a goody two shoes, well guess what, it aint a pretty world, these games have always punished you for doing something "bad", not once have any of the people youve been with thought "you know, maybe we do need to steal this stuff if we are gonna survive", because apparently everyone we ever meet is a saint who would rather die than lose their "humanity" (which is silly considering Humanity and morals is something humans came up with for societies to work, since humans by nature are terrible at living together, so when society doesnt exist, maybe they should rethink that)
I kinda hope that season 4 will explore humans most basic desire, Survival, in the end, every creatures highest priority is survival, I want to see sacrifice, I want to see deception and betrayal, I want to see people do whatever they can to survive, Clementine included.
I realize this might sound sadistic, but I dont mean it like that, I just think its silly that everything always works out in the end even when you play a goody two shoes who doesnt do anything to try and survive
Honestly, considering the world, and the evolution people undergo, I think it would be more natural, and a better story to tell, if Clementine ended up sacrificing someone else for her own survival, Im probably gonna get lynched for this opinion, but being a "good person" isnt exactly the smart thing to do in a situation like TWD, and frankly, humans most basic desire is to survive, when humans are drowning, theyll drown other people who are trying to save them, just to stay above water, this is because every creature in the world lives for its own survival in the end, I think this would be a way more interesting theme to explore, and another way to cause heartbreak rather than just "oh lol Clem dies" which is frankly predictably, super copycat of season 1, and stupid as heck
I hope not
Just curious how do you people say something is predictable when you don't ever know for 100% sure it's going to happen? Weather isn't even 100% predictable all the time.
Only issue I have with Clem not getting killed is..If they left Clementine alive then this creates a forever open end to her story technically. 5 to 7 years down the road I'd still be interested in knowing what became of sweet pea and AJ (not really Javi). If they ended her yeah it would be tough but atleast there is closure and not a dozen cringey fan fictions about what awkwardly happens beyond the final season when Clem is grown and AJ a teen.
Yes this is true but why should that forever exempt her from death and a particularly well written one when eventually every one of them will pass away anyway? How is it that stronger wiser adults and other kids that are even her age get to bite the dust but she somehow always makes it. Knowing she can't ever be killed makes the story stale for me and maybe some others. What suspense is there if you always know the hero/heroine is gonna make it?
I agree, I hope there are several choices in season 4 where making the "evil" choice arguably has the better outcome.
An example of this could be something along the lines of a person who has been a major liability to the group gets cornered by walkers while the rest of the group is under pretty hard circumstances as well. Clementine can choose to charge in to save that person and does but a member of the group that is actually skilled and contributes to the survival of the group get's killed covering their escape. Or instead of saving them Clem can choose to let the person's death be a distraction for the rest of the group to flee thus causing everyone else to escape safely. within the second option you can choose to shoot the person in the head so they will not have to suffer as they are devoured.
I'm not 100% sure of anything, however we've been with this company for a while, so we can definitely predict some things based on TT's previous actions - unless they don't follow any schemes or rules anymore and just run in circles, what kinda happened in ANF due to too many changes. Certain things are just pure logic: like the fact they can't skip comics.
About Clem dying, I can see that TT did their best to show her badass and edgy side, so for some reason they still might want to prove she is a strong independent woman and let her live, or they can do an exact opposite and kill her in some poetic way.
I would much prefer to get a bittersweet ending where Clementine survives but if Clementine dies I could get over it as long as they don't repeat the Lee scenario from season 1. Telltale displayed an amazing story with the death of Lee in Season 1 but if they pull the same deal with Clementine it would be so forced and predictable and flat out stupid. If Clementine's story ends up concluding with her death it better not be done through a rip off of season 1.
And i don’t really care anymore what happens because i was done with this series after the awful S3
Because Clem dying is too predictable. Yes everyone will die eventually, but that doesn’t mean they should kill her off. You don’t see every movie or game killing off their main simply because it’s the last movie/game. If that’s the case, then they should’ve killed lots of iconic movie/game characters.
That can be said for lots of characters who end up living in the end of their game. Like Master Chief or Marcus from Gears of War.
Well that and Clem is smarter than most kids she ran into her age. She knows how to handle herself and survive on her own, unlike Sarah or Gabe. She can even survive on her own while taking care of a baby for nearly 3 years.
We must wait. It's hard, i know. Im with you.
I feel empty after finishing New Frontier.
That could be an interesting theme to explore. You could make a lot of decisions that make you choose between humanity and survial and what you think it more important. For example if u choose humanity a majority of "the group" will be happy with your decision but you'll loose people. But if you pick survival you'll keep more people alive but a majority of "the group" will dislike you or something like that. It's a cool idea and I feel like some of the hardest decisions come from this theme (save Larry, Help kill Larry, Steal supplies, leave supplies, drop Ben, save Ben)
Sarah and retroactively Gabe were older than her.
Doesn’t matter. It shows that Clem can handle herself better than most people older than her.
I skimmed but....
A. I hate the idea of Clem dying and AJ surviving. Basically, it will wind up being a shittier version of Season 1. We've already seen the ending before, and it's pretty much impossible for it to be as good as Season 1. Why do I say it's impossible? Let's forget how amazing Season 1 was in general and how well-written Lee's death was. Let's focus on the true problem. AJ. Being a baby, AJ is a plot device. Nothing more. When Lee died, you felt something for both him and Clementine. If Clem dies, you're going to feel something for her, not AJ. Unlike Clementine, he's not going to be an independent character with his own characterization. He'll have some, but there's only so much you can do with a baby. We're not going to have hours of dialogue with him.
I literally can't imagine Clem sacrificing herself coming off as anything but a cheap copy of Season 1. If they do it and it's great, I'll support it. But I can't think of how that would work while topping Lee's sacrifice.
B. Clem's story is about finding her family or rejecting it completely. She doesn't need to die to finish the story. She just needs to find a family (AJ, a new home, etc.) or decide that she is better off alone. Yep. Technically, her life will be open-ended if she survives. But her story will be complete. I dunno. I just find it weird to not be satisfied with a story until a character dies. I just want their arc to be complete. Whether or not the character survives is immaterial. Taking an example from another source, I don't need my favorite characters to die in a Game of Thrones to feel satisfied with whatever ending happens even if I'll be like "I wonder what happens afterwards" even though like The Walking Dead, the history shows that life moves on and there is no happily ever after. I just need GRRM to finish the books. :^P
I can agree with that. I guess Clem is like a our only hope for this franchise. And being the reviews of ANF weren't so great, we hold onto Clem because we believe Telltale can't do it again. So she's like our only hope and killing her off would be too much of a crucial blow.
That is what many people think of how this Final Season will end. I don't think Telltale would take as big and as daring of a move than that. Yes there are numerous important characters that sadly passed away but I don't think that Clementine will die. This story that Telltale created...To me it symbolises the hope that life can still go on even during the apocalypse. I seriously think that Clementine and AJ will live and have a happy ending. And also Telltale are known for making sad tearful endings in Walking Dead. I am thinking that the tearful ending we get is when we see that all of the time we spent with Clementine led to her being able to settle down in Richmond/another location and live happily ever after. The zombie genre is full of dark hopeless stories. I am sure that this Final Season will break this rule. I do hope I made some sense to all you readers. Have a good day
I hope Telltale never thought about ever going this route, because if that's their idea of "doing something as good as S1" rip
When I read this I instantly thought of Rick and Alexandria joining forces with the Junkyard group to take down the Saviors. What I'm getting at is sometimes you do have to get your hands dirty in order to survive, especially in twd's world. And it's something I'd enjoy to see Telltale put together. As for the Saviors or even TNF, they're prime examples of what happens when you want more than just survival and what happens when power gets to your head when you've never experienced authority before. As if it couldn't be anymore obvious ._.
How is Clem living not too predictable? When this has happened THREE times at the end of each finale episode..
Every other story isn't a survival horror. Happy endings are not ever to be the norm in these situations with characters. What could be more horrific and sadder than Clementine not making it, or at the very least they could do a bitter sweet alive ending. But they'll likely leave it up to choice again even though that wouldn't make sense for the final season either, but it will sooth fans and writers that can't agree on what makes a decent story.
And yes Clem is unusually self efficient for her age but even Michonne, Jesus, Carl and Rick Grimes can die according to Kirkman so of course Clem is no exception or shouldn't be really. Speaking of which most of Clem's abilities are unreal to the point of being silly. As though she can build her own cabin in the apocalypse like some lumberjack. So her taking care of a hollering baby without experience nor guidance with walkers everywhere is really pushing it and they've pushed past the realm of possibility for a human being portrayed to be of preteen age. At this rate she's the most capable survivor left on the planet at only what? 13? This is getting laughable.
Indeed, they will both alive.
Whoa, so is AJ's being actually foreshadowing this as well?! o.0 Telltale we want answers!!! I could see Telltale continuing AJ's story after Clem's, but it wouldn't come as much as a shock really. I can kinda see what they were doing here, Clem walks in Lee's shoes, AJ walks in hers (even though he's not at that age yet) but I can be over analyzing it.
Yes humans/creatures do all that to each other, then die anyway.
I think TT can do better if they make the new story about grown aj(about 20years) after the final season with old clementine (about 32years) she with him in the start of the game and they some how get apart like she was with christa, or anything they can do to start a new story of aj without killing her but I think that wouldn't be a good idea cause the fans will want to see clem again so I think if TT will made a new story they will start with a new stuff new character nothing and no character from the past games will be in the new series so the fans won't ask for clem again.