Vivienne pressed her foot on the accelerator in hope of getting Hugo home before he turns. His face was paler than usual and coughed every n… moreow and then, the bikers left a roadblock which forced them to take a detour through the forest, making their journey significantly longer and that worried her. Hugo kept trying to radio someone with no luck “It’s useless” he wheezed and tossed the device into the glove compartment, he was sweating immensely due to the fever. “Just keep your eyes open, talk to me, were gonna be there in no time” her voice sounded urgent but unconvincing. “who are we kidding I’m not going to make it….a part of me wants to see my wife and child one last time and the other is telling me to let it go, I don’t want them to see me like this, I want my boy to remember me as—“ he started coughing up blood. “Save your strength” Vivienne shook her head. The car was waving from side to side due to the rough terrain “Slow down, you wo… [view original content]
Vivienne pressed her foot on the accelerator in hope of getting Hugo home before he turns. His face was paler than usual and coughed every n… moreow and then, the bikers left a roadblock which forced them to take a detour through the forest, making their journey significantly longer and that worried her. Hugo kept trying to radio someone with no luck “It’s useless” he wheezed and tossed the device into the glove compartment, he was sweating immensely due to the fever. “Just keep your eyes open, talk to me, were gonna be there in no time” her voice sounded urgent but unconvincing. “who are we kidding I’m not going to make it….a part of me wants to see my wife and child one last time and the other is telling me to let it go, I don’t want them to see me like this, I want my boy to remember me as—“ he started coughing up blood. “Save your strength” Vivienne shook her head. The car was waving from side to side due to the rough terrain “Slow down, you wo… [view original content]
I am gone for a bit for exams and when I return the story had its third anniversary and you have a very active schedule? This is crazy! Just my luck XD I am happy to be back and to see you being so active in the last time. I try to be active as well again
[Stop the car and put Hugo out of his misery]
I agree with the others on this. He deserves to die on his own terms.
Vivienne pressed her foot on the accelerator in hope of getting Hugo home before he turns. His face was paler than usual and coughed every n… moreow and then, the bikers left a roadblock which forced them to take a detour through the forest, making their journey significantly longer and that worried her. Hugo kept trying to radio someone with no luck “It’s useless” he wheezed and tossed the device into the glove compartment, he was sweating immensely due to the fever. “Just keep your eyes open, talk to me, were gonna be there in no time” her voice sounded urgent but unconvincing. “who are we kidding I’m not going to make it….a part of me wants to see my wife and child one last time and the other is telling me to let it go, I don’t want them to see me like this, I want my boy to remember me as—“ he started coughing up blood. “Save your strength” Vivienne shook her head. The car was waving from side to side due to the rough terrain “Slow down, you wo… [view original content]
Aaron broke the silence and lifted his hand “I’m going too” he said flatly. A smile appeared on Josh’s face clearly showing his contentment with his brother’s decision. The expedition crew was complete and the rest of the crowd returned to their daily routines. Tommy approached Aaron “Are you sure you’re ready for this, after last time I thought—“ “I’m fine I want to go” Aaron reassured him. “What made you change your mind?” Josh asked him. “Someone’s got to have an eye on you” Aaron joked.
“Alright if you say so, here’s your piece” Tommy handed him him a fully loaded 9mm pistol. Aaron slid the weapon in the back of his pants “I’ll go get my things”.
“We’re leaving in ETA 30minutes, so better hurry” Tommy called out to his men.
“Your name’s Aaron right? I’m Winter, we should get to know each other a bit better seeing that we’re going to be stuck together for a few weeks” She stopped Aaron as he was just about to board the ship. “Nice to meet you, I’ve seen you around, you arrived about the same time like my brother and I“ Aaron shook her soft hand. “Sounds about right, I’ve been keeping to myself for most of the time due to some of the rumours going around about me” Winter replied softly. “Did you kill anyone in cold blood” Aaron teased.
“I have, but that isn’t it, I used to…be a man” “I just wanted to get that information out of the way I hope that won’t bother you” She said firmly. “I don’t see a problem in that” Aaron smiled “We’ll talk more later, I got to get my stuff”. “Yeah, see you on the other side” She nodded.
“You’re leaving” Francesca said sullenly as he passed her room. “I got to, I can’t leave my brother” he sighed. “It’s not fair my sister hates it here, she probably hates me too because we’re so different” she hugged her knees. “ That’s not the reason, Antonia just wants to pursue something for herself, everyone wants that at some time in life” Aaron explained.
“She’s too young for that, but I’m not going to stop her, I can’t even stop her” Sherry interjected anxiously. “For what’s worth I agree and I’ll do my best to watch out for her” he tried to reassure her. “Thank you and stay safe out there” she said and kissed him on the cheek goodbye. “I’ll try to find something new for you to read” he winked at Francesca, but she was to upset and turned her back on him.
He continued back to his room, opened the cupboard under his bed and pulled out a warm jacket and a backpack with a hatchet sticking out from the side pocket. Later he filled the bag with water and food in the ships kitchen, he also took a pocketknife and his diary. On the way out he bumped into Dean “I see you’re all packed and ready” he smirked. “Yeah, I just hope the journey will be worth it” Aaron smiled thinly.
“We got to keep on trying, I saved two kids and I feel better already, things were getting messed up once we split” Dean grunted. “Yeah, but its good to see you again and once more we got each others back” Aaron patted him on the back. “Damn straight” Dean nodded. Before leaving Aaron felt it could be the last time he’d see Major Cross alive and it would be good to thank him for letting them join the settlement. Outside the marines were clearing the path for them to drive out, a pick up truck and a military vehicle were also rounded up. “How you doing Major?” Aaron knocked on the open door. “Better when I don’t have to walk” he muttered.
“I’m heading out with the crew and I just wanted to say thank you for what you done for me and my brother” Aaron said warmly.
“You both contribute well so I think I made the right choice with letting you in” he chuckled softly. “And hey…bring back some good news” he grunted. Aaron nodded and left the room. As exited the ship he could see Antonia and Josh chatting and laughing about something, Tommy and Dean were moving some equipment, Winter was leaning against one of the containers and sharpening her knife. “I see you two are having a good time” Aaron smiled and approached Antonia and Josh. “I was telling Antonia one of them jokes that grandpa used to tell us, you okay?” Josh noticed the worried look on his brother’s face. “It’s nothing really, when are we moving out?” Aaron asked.
“Any minute now, oh and here’s your radio, everyone is carrying just incase we ought to split up you know the drill” Josh passed it to him. Shortly after Tommy gave the heads up to the team that it was time to depart. Dean joined Tommy and the other marines in the military truck while Josh with the rest were following them in the pickup truck.
Wade always preferred to choose dare rather than truth, he liked a good risk and this certainly was one of them “Get ready guys!” he looked up and called out, before descending “I’ll meet ya’ll on the other side of the tracks!” he chuckled. Once down he casually pushed the walkers away with his baseball bat creating a neat path for himself, he stood close to the manhole so that he could get most of the zombies away from the group as possible. The rest ran towards the other direction while Wade climbed down the manhole, all the rest could see is a swarm desperately trying to follow Wade down the hole. “You think he’ll make it” Nina asked. “Maybe, lets just get out of here before anymore show up” Donovan grunted. The sky was now clear, but the cold wind howled as they kept moving towards the edge of town. Donovan, Nina and Evelyn kept checking every vehicle if they still worked, while the rest had their eyes peeled for any threats, Wade was still missing but as agreed they’d wait for him by the tracks. “I’m kinda glad Wade is gone” Brian muttered while helping Violet walk “How could you say such a thing?” she frowned with a sense of contempt. “I hated him he always thought he was the cool dude and kept bullying others” Brian said proudly. “He can be a jerk sometimes but he is one of us, I can’t believe I just said that, we’re one ‘breakfast club’ looking bunch” She joked and giggled. “Yeah I must be the nerdy kid kid” Brian smirked.
“Get down!” Donovan whispered and gestured to everyone. “How many?” Evelyn asked promptly.
“A few at least” Donovan peeked over a sedan and observed the undead. “What are we waiting for, we can handle them” Nina interjected. “I’m with you on this” Evelyn nodded. Donovan knew they could easily deal with the situation and the train tracks were a few miles ahead, he still thought about Wade the kid risked his life for them to pass but still his move was foolish and anything could have happened in those sewers. All he wanted was to find a functioning vehicle and get the hell moving and waiting for Wade wasn’t going to help. Donovan, Nina, Evelyn and Chris got ready and swiftly eliminated the threats, now all that was left between them and the tracks was a long walk through the suburbs. “We ought to check these houses for supplies” Donovan suggested seeing that they weren’t exactly heavy on food and Violet was going to need all the food and water that she can get her hands on to survive, her forehead and cheeks shone in perspiration, she looked weak almost hanging on Brian’s shoulder. “Something is not right” Violet mumbled faintly. “The baby?” Brian asked worriedly.
“Get her inside! we ought to rest for a bit” Evelyn said urgently and rushed to assist Violet.
“She’s running a fever” Nina pointed out while they all charged into one of the homes. It was a single storey home, Chris, Lemons and Donovan made sure the place was secure and the rest stayed in the living room. Evelyn gave Violet water to drink and medication to reduce the fever. Brian inspected the cupboards in the kitchen and later in bedrooms for supplies. “You think my baby is okay?” Violet choked almost in tears looking towards Evelyn. “You’re going to be fine, the baby is fine, you just need to rest and drink plenty of water” she was reassuring and convinced. The place was abandoned and seemed untouched by the end of the world. Outside clouds were gathering and Donovan expected rain to fall, it was a good idea to stop and catch a breather “What you looking out there uncle D?” Nina asked in her soft and uplifting voice “Just staring and thinking” he replied holding the curtain and observing the streets. “About Alastair?” Nina sighed.
“Everyone…all that has happened to us, I can’t shake off not knowing if my wife is alive or dead” he said sullenly and seriously.
“I miss Alastair and Logan everyday, it was hard but we all did our best to stay alive, I’m glad I still have you and Chris” Nina lamented. Donovan without a word gave her a warm hug, after everything they both needed one and deserved to saviour the moment. They had shelter and what was important they had each other, everyday is a blessing Donovan thought. He realised that they were fighting a war, a war against an enemy they didn’t understand or the reason for which the dead suddenly rose. One thing was certain this was going to be a long war. Raindrops were starting to get heavier outside, the wind howled through the closed windows. “Someone should be on the front porch” Nina said. “Incase Wade comes through here?” he frowned mildly. “Yeah the kid might have made it out somehow” Nina sounded optimistic. “You’re a kid yourself and you managed alright” he teased her. “I said it before I can still kick your ass D” she chuckled and shook her head contemptuously. “Charming” Donovan chuckled softly.
Vivienne put the car to a halt and Hugo knew she’d grant him his last wish “Thank you” he mumbled while exiting the car. She stayed for a bit longer just so she could get into that mindset and checked her pistol which was for emergency use only. She also knew that it was going to be hard telling Eve about what happened and if she’d believe her. “Are you sure you’re not going to change your mind?” she asked hoping he’d want to get back home. “This is what I want” he said “take my gun I won’t be needing it and give this to my wife” he gave her his wedding ring. He stood in the tall grass and awaited, Viv cocked the gun and said “Rest in peace Hugo” whereupon the pistol went off. Hugo’s body fell into the grass almost hidden from plain sight. She exhaled heavily and returned to the vehicle, the whole situation sent her into an emotional rage. After a few minutes she managed to compose herself and heard engine noises, headlights were starting to flash in her rear mirror. “It must be those damn bikers” she thought. Without hesitation she put the car into motion and dashed out of there.
Whoa, we have reached the end of Chapter 3 already? Despite the break, this didn't feel all that long, so I went back to check and count the parts. While it indeed has been shorter than other of the more recent chapters, I actually realized it hasn't been all that short, spanning over a dozen parts and therefore not even being the shortest, I think. Anyways, great job as always. Seeing this story back at a more regular pace is amazing. This was a nice chapter and you got me excited for the next one, considering we left off at a pretty interesting situation there, if I remember correctly. Keep up the wonderful work
Aaron broke the silence and lifted his hand “I’m going too” he said flatly. A smile appeared on Josh’s face clearly showing his contentment … morewith his brother’s decision. The expedition crew was complete and the rest of the crowd returned to their daily routines. Tommy approached Aaron “Are you sure you’re ready for this, after last time I thought—“ “I’m fine I want to go” Aaron reassured him. “What made you change your mind?” Josh asked him. “Someone’s got to have an eye on you” Aaron joked.
“Alright if you say so, here’s your piece” Tommy handed him him a fully loaded 9mm pistol. Aaron slid the weapon in the back of his pants “I’ll go get my things”.
“We’re leaving in ETA 30minutes, so better hurry” Tommy called out to his men.
“Your name’s Aaron right? I’m Winter, we should get to know each other a bit better seeing that we’re going to be stuck together for a few weeks” She stopped Aaron as he was just about to board the ship. “Nice… [view original content]
The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 6: All That’s Left
Chapter 4: Unwanted Guests
The campfire sizzled, Skylar sat close to keep herself warm, the others were asleep covered neatly under blankets. She felt bitter and the frosty air did not help, the engine got busted and they all had to walk for many hours desperately trying to reach the community at Glen Arbor. Just like any other night, she’d drown herself in her usual routine gazing hopelessly into the photo of her and Zack, shedding a tear or two torturing herself. She jumped as her father sombrely got up and went into the woods to take a leak without saying a word. After he got back and his vision now was more sober “Whattcha doing up Sky? it's way past bedtime” he murmured and chuckled his breath reeked from whiskey. “Just thinking dad” Skylar replied morosely. He noticed the photo she was holding “Good’ol Zack” he chuckled softly “Was he really that special?”
“He was and still is” She sighed. “I feel like we had this same conversation many times sweetheart, you’ll feel better if you let go” Wesley sluggishly snuck back into his rusty sleeping bag. “And better stop think about him and actually do your job” he teased her in the end. “I’m suppose to wake up Emmet soon to relieve me” she replied mildly.
“Hmmph….we should’ve been there long time ago, if it wasn’t for that stupid truck” he muttered. “Stuff like that, breaks” She sighed. “Yeah and that’s our life right now, broken, goodnight honey” he said drowsily. She stared into the fire for a long while, before tucking the photo away in her jacket pocket. The flames were getting low, she threw in another chunk of log and flames were bright and high again.
Wolves howled and that startled her deeply, it awoke Richard and later so was Florence and Emmet. “That must’ve been near” Emmet said with concern and his eyes wide open scanning the area with his rifle. “We should better get moving” Richard remarked. “Moving! it’s pitch dark out there” Emmet whispered angrily. “We got to do something! we’re sitting ducks out here!” Florence panicked. “What does a guy got to do to get a goodnights sleep? huh” Wesley slowly rolled out of his bag and grabbed his gear. Richard noticed Florence standing frozen, filled with fear and gazing into the forest “Oh shit..” he mumbled as a wolf emerged others were nearby howling. “Whatever you do don’t move Florence” Wesley warned her calmly his vision is much more sharp now. The girl was shaking and the wolf slowly started approaching with its teeth clenching and growling. Florence snapped and made a dash for the forest, Emmet opened fire and shot the animal, many more started emerging. Richard stormed after Florence and Timothy attempted to protect them from the wolves following behind them. Wesley was trying to help Emmet put down as many as they could before they too decided it was time to flee. “Sky come on!” Her father snarled and she stopped firing her pistol.
[Go after Richard and Florence]
[Go with Emmet and Wesley]
On the island, Quirk observed the pine trees swivel as the frosty wind was getting stronger, rain had turned to turn sleet. Between the trees he had a glimpse of the dock making it ideal for noticing any newcomers to the island. He enjoyed the winter weather and sipped his cup of coffee, he missed a good cup of coffee and this wasn’t it. After placing the cup on the porch, he stretched his legs and neck. He suddenly stopped and his vision was locked at the lights of a boat arriving. Quirk didn’t recognise the boat nor he had expected for James to return this quick. Looking through the binoculars, he saw three men stepping out with rifles in their hands and casually starting to approach his position, one man stayed to guard the boat. Quirk got back inside and urgently went to wake Vanessa.
“Vanessa, honey take Margareth and hide whatever you do, don’t come out unless I tell you to, promise me you’ll stay hidden no matter what happens” Quirk panted and loaded his hunting rifle. “They’re back?! aren’t they?” she was shaking from shock. “No, this gotta be some other crew” he sounded unsure and unconvincing.“I told you not trust those bastards now look they’re going to shoot us down like dogs!” Vanessa said angrily and rushed to warn Margareth and Valerian. “This hasn’t to be a different crew-“ Quirk muttered frantically while scanning the area. He had no clue if these people were sent by James, by would he? Quirk thought while considering his next move. Vanessa quickly tipped over an armchair to gain access to a trapdoor leading to the basement, she ordered Margareth to go down and hide. Vanessa rushed back to Quirk who was in the other room by the front door window “What are you going to do Quirk?” she trembled. “I could make it to the lookout tower and have some leverage over our uninvited guests” he said calmly. “What if they have like grenades?! you won’t be safe no-one will be able to protect you and I don’t want to lose you” she rambled nervously. “If we all stay here, our chances of survival are slim honey” he whispered. “What if Valerian helps you out?” Vanessa suggested “Valerian you should help Quirk out cover him or something”. “N-no way! I’m not going out there to get killed!” he stopped looking through the blinds and folded his arms. “You coward, you were ready to top yourself what? two weeks ago? and now you don’t want to die for a cause that actually means a damn thing!” she argued. “I-I don’t know if I can” Valerian panicked. “I could use an extra man inside or on lookout, no pressure you can hide in the basement, I’ll deal with this” Quirk reassured him. Valerian swallowed “Alright, alright I’ll try to cover you from inside, but if they manage to get here, you are on your own”. “That’s good enough for me, give me a sec” Quirk observed the men slowly climbing up the hill from the dock.
[Run to the lookout tower]
[Hide in the station with Valerian]
[Hide in the basement with Vanessa, Valerian and Margareth]
“Good’ol Zack” he chuckled softly “Was he really that special?”
Yeah, he is special. A special asshole and one whom I have a special hatred for. Oh, he is going to die so horribly, I swear it. They all will, him and Herman and the bitch's spawn. Skylar is okay though and as long as she never reunites with that bastard, I can actually like her and I consider her one of my favourite characters of that particular storyline. Hopefully she gets over him in time, because she deserves better, so much better than some cowardly piece of shit. The great distance between them gives me hope that indeed, they will never meet each other again. Zack doesn't deserve happiness of any kind, so meeting his girlfriend again, that is something I will try my utmost to prevent. Or maybe he can find her again, then she can get murdered by characters even worse and more useless than him and he can leave her to turn and rot, he surely has a lot of experience with that.
Ah, I am sidetracked by bitterness. Excuse my rant, but Zack is one of several red flags I have XD Safe for him being mentioned, it was a great way to kick off the new chapter I don't think we ever had animals as a threat here, so kudos for coming up with something truly unique here. Even after three years of story you still manage to surprise.
[Go with Emmet and Wesley]
So, the problem is, wolves hunt for lonely prey. If Skylar leaves now, she can get easily cornered and killed. Meanwhile, Florence is likely dinner and Richard, I don't know. He is on his own, Florence is on her own and Skylar cannot help either if she heads out on her own as well. She has to remain with her group as much as possible.
[Run to the lookout tower]
This is the harder choice of the two this time, but I believe they need a lookout, to keep them informed what is happening. If they all just hide, they will sit there, waiting to be found, but someone on lookout can actually tell them when to try and escape, when to remain especially quiet and so on. I believe they will remain in contact somehow until this situation is over, maybe through walkie talkies, so having someone to spy on these unexpected guests would be a good idea, I believe. I hope so at least.
The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 6: All That’s Left
Chapter 4: Unwanted Guests
The campfire sizzled, Skylar sat close to keep herself… more warm, the others were asleep covered neatly under blankets. She felt bitter and the frosty air did not help, the engine got busted and they all had to walk for many hours desperately trying to reach the community at Glen Arbor. Just like any other night, she’d drown herself in her usual routine gazing hopelessly into the photo of her and Zack, shedding a tear or two torturing herself. She jumped as her father sombrely got up and went into the woods to take a leak without saying a word. After he got back and his vision now was more sober “Whattcha doing up Sky? it's way past bedtime” he murmured and chuckled his breath reeked from whiskey. “Just thinking dad” Skylar replied morosely. He noticed the photo she was holding “Good’ol Zack” he chuckled softly “Was he really that special?”
“He was and still i… [view original content]
The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 6: All That’s Left
Chapter 4: Unwanted Guests
The campfire sizzled, Skylar sat close to keep herself… more warm, the others were asleep covered neatly under blankets. She felt bitter and the frosty air did not help, the engine got busted and they all had to walk for many hours desperately trying to reach the community at Glen Arbor. Just like any other night, she’d drown herself in her usual routine gazing hopelessly into the photo of her and Zack, shedding a tear or two torturing herself. She jumped as her father sombrely got up and went into the woods to take a leak without saying a word. After he got back and his vision now was more sober “Whattcha doing up Sky? it's way past bedtime” he murmured and chuckled his breath reeked from whiskey. “Just thinking dad” Skylar replied morosely. He noticed the photo she was holding “Good’ol Zack” he chuckled softly “Was he really that special?”
“He was and still i… [view original content]
The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 6: All That’s Left
Chapter 4: Unwanted Guests
The campfire sizzled, Skylar sat close to keep herself… more warm, the others were asleep covered neatly under blankets. She felt bitter and the frosty air did not help, the engine got busted and they all had to walk for many hours desperately trying to reach the community at Glen Arbor. Just like any other night, she’d drown herself in her usual routine gazing hopelessly into the photo of her and Zack, shedding a tear or two torturing herself. She jumped as her father sombrely got up and went into the woods to take a leak without saying a word. After he got back and his vision now was more sober “Whattcha doing up Sky? it's way past bedtime” he murmured and chuckled his breath reeked from whiskey. “Just thinking dad” Skylar replied morosely. He noticed the photo she was holding “Good’ol Zack” he chuckled softly “Was he really that special?”
“He was and still i… [view original content]
The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 6: All That’s Left
Chapter 4: Unwanted Guests
The campfire sizzled, Skylar sat close to keep herself… more warm, the others were asleep covered neatly under blankets. She felt bitter and the frosty air did not help, the engine got busted and they all had to walk for many hours desperately trying to reach the community at Glen Arbor. Just like any other night, she’d drown herself in her usual routine gazing hopelessly into the photo of her and Zack, shedding a tear or two torturing herself. She jumped as her father sombrely got up and went into the woods to take a leak without saying a word. After he got back and his vision now was more sober “Whattcha doing up Sky? it's way past bedtime” he murmured and chuckled his breath reeked from whiskey. “Just thinking dad” Skylar replied morosely. He noticed the photo she was holding “Good’ol Zack” he chuckled softly “Was he really that special?”
“He was and still i… [view original content]
“Valerian stay by the window, once they get inside you hide in the basement” Quirk cocked the rifle and swung it on his back. “What are you going do?” Valerian asked nervously. “I’m gonna be up there pal, just keep it cool we can do this” he reassured him and patted on the back. “Be careful” Vanessa embraced and kissed him. “Be this sweet when I get back” he smirked and rushed outside. It started snowing as he climbed the ladder and got up just in time avoiding detection. The three men started climbing the hill which led to the rangers station, Quirk would have a good view of them as they emerged, they were well equipped, warm clothes, beanies on their heads, radio and most of all they had guns.
“We got a problem out here, over” they stopped briefly to radio back. “Jericho here, what’s the problem and what’s your position?”. “We encountered a boat” the voice on the radio was flat. “And? what happened?” Jericho asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “They hit us, but we got some of them too, they seemed to be heading for shore at Good Harbor Bay, should we pursue? over” Jericho licked his upper lip before responding “Stay on them, there might be more out there and it would come in handy to know where they’re settled, over”
“I gotta take a leak, be right back” One of them grunted and wandered off towards a tree.
“How are things on your end Jericho? over” the radio buzzed “We just got on the island, so far no dead or live ones, be in touch, over and out” Jericho ended the chat. Quirk took another peek through his binoculars, Jericho had a clean shaven and rugged face, the one beside him had a thick grey beard. This was a good moment to eliminate or wound the guy by the tree Quirk thought, he had his radio volume reduced to minimal to avoid unnecessary distraction. Valerian radioed and whispered “Talk to me”.
“Stay put” Quirk replied briefly and aimed at the man by the tree.
[Take the shot: Kill/Wound]
[Refuse and wait]
Skylar chose to go after Florence and Richard which left Wesley shocked. “They need my help Dad!” she rushed off and used her pistol if needed. “C’mon Wes, we gotta run” Emmet jerked his shoulder and they started distancing themselves from the camp. Richard caught up with Florence and saved her from the wolf attacking her “Oh God I think it was about to bite me” she shrieked. Richard glanced behind and saw Skylar running with another wolf on her trail “Behind you Sky!” he called out. This time Timothy stopped the wolf in his tracks “Good boy Tim” Richard smirked and continued escaping. “They’re gaining on us!” Skylar screamed. The terrain was getting steeper the sudden drop caused Florence to trip and pulled Richard down with her, they rolled down the hill until falling into what looked like a cave.
Skylar caught up “Guys talk to me!” she called out into the abyss and noticed that she could climb down using the roots. She froze at the sound of an animal breathing and it was getting closer to her. Once she turned around to her joy it was Timothy “Hey Timmy oh you look like hell” she petted and gazed at his white patches which were now covered in blood. A small pack of wolves were slowly approaching their location. Skylar quickly loaded her last clip of ammo, Timothy looked barely fit to fight but he was ready.
“Valerian stay by the window, once they get inside you hide in the basement” Quirk cocked the rifle and swung it on his back. “What are you … moregoing do?” Valerian asked nervously. “I’m gonna be up there pal, just keep it cool we can do this” he reassured him and patted on the back. “Be careful” Vanessa embraced and kissed him. “Be this sweet when I get back” he smirked and rushed outside. It started snowing as he climbed the ladder and got up just in time avoiding detection. The three men started climbing the hill which led to the rangers station, Quirk would have a good view of them as they emerged, they were well equipped, warm clothes, beanies on their heads, radio and most of all they had guns.
“We got a problem out here, over” they stopped briefly to radio back. “Jericho here, what’s the problem and what’s your position?”. “We encountered a boat” the voice on the radio was flat. “And? what happened?” Jericho asked with a hint of sarcasm … [view original content]
So... there might still be the chance that this is a huge misunderstanding, right? This seems like the middle way, where he can neutralize the guy in case this is a dangerous situation, but where they might still be able to keep things from completely escalating.
[Fight the wolves]
I mean, surely, climbing down would be safer, but I'll be damned if I leave Timothy to die! No dog shall be left behind and if we climb down, he surely would remain behind to be killed. No, I refuse to do that. Sure, it holds its danger, but never, under any circumstance, will I leave a good boy behind.
“Valerian stay by the window, once they get inside you hide in the basement” Quirk cocked the rifle and swung it on his back. “What are you … moregoing do?” Valerian asked nervously. “I’m gonna be up there pal, just keep it cool we can do this” he reassured him and patted on the back. “Be careful” Vanessa embraced and kissed him. “Be this sweet when I get back” he smirked and rushed outside. It started snowing as he climbed the ladder and got up just in time avoiding detection. The three men started climbing the hill which led to the rangers station, Quirk would have a good view of them as they emerged, they were well equipped, warm clothes, beanies on their heads, radio and most of all they had guns.
“We got a problem out here, over” they stopped briefly to radio back. “Jericho here, what’s the problem and what’s your position?”. “We encountered a boat” the voice on the radio was flat. “And? what happened?” Jericho asked with a hint of sarcasm … [view original content]
“Valerian stay by the window, once they get inside you hide in the basement” Quirk cocked the rifle and swung it on his back. “What are you … moregoing do?” Valerian asked nervously. “I’m gonna be up there pal, just keep it cool we can do this” he reassured him and patted on the back. “Be careful” Vanessa embraced and kissed him. “Be this sweet when I get back” he smirked and rushed outside. It started snowing as he climbed the ladder and got up just in time avoiding detection. The three men started climbing the hill which led to the rangers station, Quirk would have a good view of them as they emerged, they were well equipped, warm clothes, beanies on their heads, radio and most of all they had guns.
“We got a problem out here, over” they stopped briefly to radio back. “Jericho here, what’s the problem and what’s your position?”. “We encountered a boat” the voice on the radio was flat. “And? what happened?” Jericho asked with a hint of sarcasm … [view original content]
Quirk aimed at the guy’s thigh and fired a round, the shot echoed on the small island putting Jericho and the other strangers on alert. “I heard a shot!” the radio screeched on Jericho’s hip, he took cover behind a pine tree while the other goon rushed to help the wounded guy. “Stay by the boat” Jericho whispered urgently. “Did you guys see the shooter?” he yelled towards his men. “Nah, Eladio’s hit pretty bad though” one of the strangers said in a peasant voice. Quirk loaded the hunting rifle and stayed hidden, Jericho scanned the area and assumed the shooter had to be in the watchtower.
“Whoever you are up there, no major damage is done we’re on the same team, well more or less, all we want is some of your supplies, but if we don’t make it back a lot more of us will come after you and your people if you have any, and then things will be fucked up, gives us something good and you won’t see us again, those are our terms” Jericho said diplomatically. In the basement Vanessa urged for Valerian to check what’s going outside “My son is not going up there only to get killed! we stay here where it is safe” Margareth argued. “Quirk told us to stay put” Valerian responded anxiously. “Then radio him!” Vanessa stressed. “It might give away his position, he-he will get back to us when the coast is clear” Valerian said. Jericho ran towards the tower and hid under it, the other guy left Eladio and proceed towards the station just like Jericho signalled him to do. Quirk tried to discreetly peek out again, he saw the wounded laying on the ground covered thinly in snow. “Don’t you think about shooting my guy down there” Jericho chuckled after his round bursted through the wood under Quirk. He decided to stay quiet although Jericho knew very well he was up there “You’re deadly quiet, are you still up there? anyway I’ll do the talking, come on down from there and we’ll talk, I won’t bite” Jericho joked.
“I think they’re already inside” Margareth whimpered. “No…it’s from outside” Vanessa and the rest could hear Jericho’s voice. “We’re sitting ducks in this basement, but I don’t see what we can do” Valerian raced around the basement with his arms folded. “One of us should hide somewhere else or confront them” Vanessa suggested. “Go! if you want to, my son and I will stay here, where it is safe” Margareth said contemptuously. “Give me the gun Val, now!” Vanessa was furious. Reluctantly, but also feeling extremely glad Valerian handed the pistol to Vanessa. Vanessa wanted to tell how useless Valerian was to the group, but she had no time to sit around “Don’t fuck things up” she muttered and climbed out of the basement. She crawled towards the window, Quirk threw his rifle down and met with Jericho and the other stranger. She desperately wanted to shot one of them, but tried to stay calm for a bit. Jericho stepped forward invading Quirk’s private space and scanned him from top to bottom and sniggered briefly “Why don’t we start with some names, I’m Jericho this is Ron and that poor fella you shot is Eladio, now I don’t want Eladio to bleed out so I guess you start talking, who else is on this island? and do you have any medical supplies?” he started off playfully but then his voice turned serious almost menacing. “Quirk, I am…was the forest ranger on this island, I’ve been here from the very start” he replied stoically. “And you never had any visitors?” Jericho smiled. “No, so forgive me if I’ve been over vigilante with you guys” Quirk smirked. “Wipe that smug of you face I know there was a boat here not long before we arrived, so I’ll ask again who else is on this island?” Jericho asked toughly. “Three people” Quirk said shortly. “Hmm?” Jericho pointed at the station. “No, in the ground over there, they died” Quirk answered calmly. Ron helped Eladio limp over to them “We’ll check the station ey?”
“Eyes open fellas” Jericho nodded in acknowledgement and continued to glare at Quirk. “Funny name” Jericho added. “Huh?” Quirk winced. “Your damn name, is kinda weird” Jericho sniggered. Quirk had no intentions of keeping up the conversation and only shrugged. Vanessa pointed her gun at the door, her hands were shaking immensely as the two entered, she tried to pull the trigger, but it was jammed “Oh no, no” she panted and crawled behind the furniture. Eladio sat on the couch with his wounded leg while Ron looked around the joint and decided to check upstairs. Vanessa saw her chance to grab a knife from the coffee table and kill Eladio or knock him out with the pistol.
[Kill Eladio]
[Knock Eladio out]
Skylar decided to get out of harm’s way while she still had the chance and conserve what ammo was left. Timothy was outnumbered, but stayed to fight, all Skylar was able to see was the pack charging towards Timmy, the following savage sounds were far worse. Skylar sighed apologetically and looked down into the abyss, the hole above her was getting smaller and light was scarce. “Florence?!….Richard?!” she could only hear someone panting heavily “Yeah down here, can’t see a damn thing!” Richard snarled in pain. Skylar pulled out her father’s lighter and saw Richard with his leg cracked open and Florence was laying unconsciously close by like a ragged doll. “Where are we?” Richard sighed weakly and the pain was even more excruciating.
“You guys fell through a big crevice of some sort, I think we’re in a cave” Skylar stuttered feeling cold and stressed. “What happened to Timmy? did you see him?” Richard asked.
“He saved me…the wolves got him” Skylar hesitated. Richard shook his head, but it wasn’t the best time to mourn “We need to get out here, that wound is gonna get infected” Skylar examined his bleeding leg. “Yeah it looks bad, check Florence” he pointed aside. Skylar moved over to Florence and tried to help her gain conscious, she had a cut running from her forehead across her left eye leading to her chin. She struggled to open her eyes due to the pain and felt disorientated and squirmed in Skylar’s arms briefly as a defensive mechanism “Skylar? you’re here” her voice was lethargic and a smile appeared on her face. “Can you walk?” Skylar nodded at her and Florence gently tilted her head. Skylar looked around and noticed a path leading deeper into the aperture “We’ll go this way there has to be a way out”. “I’ll hang back here” Richard blurted. “No, you’re coming with us” Skylar strongly objected. “I can’t move my leg and I’ll be just slowing you down, find your dad…I’ll be right here, don’t worry” Richard tried to reassure her. “What if the dead appear how will you defend yourself?” Florence muttered barely standing on her feet and leaned against wall. “I always have my knife, now go” Richard grunted. Skylar and Florence exchanged a glance “We can’t leave him by himself” Sky sighed.
Make no mistake here, after the still utterly painful catastrophe that were Austin's bandits, I have zero tolerance for these people and anyone like them. If we'd be in a situation like we used to be with Alexander in Episode 5 (letting him live is another one of Zack's fuck-ups, as I just realized, like, damn, there's really nothing likable about him, is there?), where no one else is there, I'd kill him without even hesitating. However, right now he could be better used alive, because while I doubt having him alone will help much, he could have a certain use as a hostage. In the long run of course, Eladio and his people are already living on borrowed time as far as I'm concerned, I have made up my mind with them. But for the time being, keeping him alive could be a good thing to get the others to cooperate before getting an advantage over them.
[Tell Florence to stay with Richard]
Both are wounded and the way I see it, Florence herself is going to slow Skylar down as well, with her own injuries. If staying together, she and Richard might be able to defend each other, whereas leaving Richard on his own is likely to cause his death. Skylar however, she is faster on her own, more likely to actually get help. But damn, I can't believe she left Timmy behind to die. Must be a trait she picked up from Zack and just as I thought she wouldn't be that bad, poor dog
By the way, I have sent you a PM, concering a very important question about the story, one where a quick answer would be highly appreciated
Quirk aimed at the guy’s thigh and fired a round, the shot echoed on the small island putting Jericho and the other strangers on alert. “I h… moreeard a shot!” the radio screeched on Jericho’s hip, he took cover behind a pine tree while the other goon rushed to help the wounded guy. “Stay by the boat” Jericho whispered urgently. “Did you guys see the shooter?” he yelled towards his men. “Nah, Eladio’s hit pretty bad though” one of the strangers said in a peasant voice. Quirk loaded the hunting rifle and stayed hidden, Jericho scanned the area and assumed the shooter had to be in the watchtower.
“Whoever you are up there, no major damage is done we’re on the same team, well more or less, all we want is some of your supplies, but if we don’t make it back a lot more of us will come after you and your people if you have any, and then things will be fucked up, gives us something good and you won’t see us again, those are our terms” Jericho said diplo… [view original content]
Quirk aimed at the guy’s thigh and fired a round, the shot echoed on the small island putting Jericho and the other strangers on alert. “I h… moreeard a shot!” the radio screeched on Jericho’s hip, he took cover behind a pine tree while the other goon rushed to help the wounded guy. “Stay by the boat” Jericho whispered urgently. “Did you guys see the shooter?” he yelled towards his men. “Nah, Eladio’s hit pretty bad though” one of the strangers said in a peasant voice. Quirk loaded the hunting rifle and stayed hidden, Jericho scanned the area and assumed the shooter had to be in the watchtower.
“Whoever you are up there, no major damage is done we’re on the same team, well more or less, all we want is some of your supplies, but if we don’t make it back a lot more of us will come after you and your people if you have any, and then things will be fucked up, gives us something good and you won’t see us again, those are our terms” Jericho said diplo… [view original content]
Quirk aimed at the guy’s thigh and fired a round, the shot echoed on the small island putting Jericho and the other strangers on alert. “I h… moreeard a shot!” the radio screeched on Jericho’s hip, he took cover behind a pine tree while the other goon rushed to help the wounded guy. “Stay by the boat” Jericho whispered urgently. “Did you guys see the shooter?” he yelled towards his men. “Nah, Eladio’s hit pretty bad though” one of the strangers said in a peasant voice. Quirk loaded the hunting rifle and stayed hidden, Jericho scanned the area and assumed the shooter had to be in the watchtower.
“Whoever you are up there, no major damage is done we’re on the same team, well more or less, all we want is some of your supplies, but if we don’t make it back a lot more of us will come after you and your people if you have any, and then things will be fucked up, gives us something good and you won’t see us again, those are our terms” Jericho said diplo… [view original content]
Florence didn’t want to stay nor go with Skylar. She hated every bit of this situation, knowing that this was their reality. “I’ll go find my dad, don’t move you guys” Skylar said agitatedly and went deeper into the cave. Florence kneeled down close to Richard “Lets face it we might die down here” she said sullenly, her cheeks red from irritation and eyes almost tearful “Hey, look at me I wouldn’t even be able to run…shit” he laughed and ached. Her head was throbbing and she would kill a dozen of walkers just for a decent bed to sleep in. “We’ll manage, Sky should be back before we know it, she won’t leave us hanging” Richard’s voice was confident yet deeply he was terrified.
Wesley reluctantly followed Emmet, he could get Skylar out of his mind, they never have been separated like this since the start, he ran because he had to and every step felt heavy. “Keep up Wes!” he heard Emmet, the wolves were onto them both, Wesley stopped to shoot down one. While reloading he realised that he had lost sight of Emmet. “Emmet!” he called out and stayed vigilante after a running a short distance he noticed nothing was after him anymore. His fingers were getting numb from the cold, damn this weather he thought and advanced through the woods. There was a ledge to his flank slightly raised from his current position but he still could notice Emmet standing close to it and three wolves cornering him. Emmet stood hesitantly as if for a minute he’d want to put down his weapon and plead for the wolves to leave him alone, Wesley had a good aim at them, but calling out might provoke the wolves to attack.
[Start shooting]
[Rush to Emmet]
[Remain silent]
Vanessa grasped the barrel of the gun tightly and struck Eladio’s temple. His body slipped of the couch and hit the ground, after a moment he started shaking unrhythmically. Vanessa heard the other guy coming downstairs and decided to sneak out the back door. Before the guy climbed back down Eladio was dead.
“Someone is in the house, they killed Eladio…I left him downstairs for two minutes so that I could check the place and—“ the man informed Jericho. He received a message on the radio that another boat had arrived with reinforcements just like planned. With the additional man power he felt more confident into proving his point
“Search the island, there might be more of them, spread out!” Jericho shouted out.
“What do these guys want?” Valerian mumbled to himself racing nervously around the basement.
Vanessa was quickly caught and brought to Jericho in front of the ranger station. Quirk was on his knees held at gun point and Vanessa was forced to join him. They were silent, although Vanessa looked stressed and she hated showing weakness in front of her husband which he never knew why. “Is there someone in the house? since your ‘friend’ here doesn’t what to say a word” Jericho threw a fake smile. “You see now that there are two of you, I can now shot the other for not answering my question, so lets start with your name sweetheart?” Jericho demanded mildly.
“Vanessa” she said promptly with eyes filled with contempt.
“Tough gal—tell me what’s and who is in the house or Quirk gets a bullet” Jericho cocked his pistol. The three looked at each other for a long moment “Damn woman you really don’t care for this man” he cackled. “Guess I chose the wrong person to point at, but hey there’s one last way” Jericho ended and approached the house. “I don’t know if anyone is in there, but we got your two friends Quirk and Vanessa, now why don’t come out before we shot them dead? how’s that sound?” Jericho called out cheerfully.
“You heard that we got to come out, they’ll kill them!” Valerian panicked.
Oh, I don't know. I am no expert on wolves and their behaviour. Seems if there is a fight coming, they have good chances to kill at least one of them and if Wesley does anything hasty now, they likely will attack because they will perceive him as a threat. So, maybe keeping absolutely silent is the only way to avoid their attack, if they decide for themselves that a fight is too risky. But if we surprise or scare them now, I fear they will attack for sure.
Well, this definitely did not go as planned! Unexpected, but very interesting. It seems Eladio was in way worse condition than I thought, but given that the alternative would have been to kill him on purpose, I'd say we at least got a moral victory, for what it's worth. But even then, I believe surrendering is the wrong way. If Jericho wants to use Quirk and Vanessa as leverage, he won't just shoot them. If we surrender now though, there is absolutely no worth to them as hostages anymore, meaning he might just execute them all for killing one of his.
Florence didn’t want to stay nor go with Skylar. She hated every bit of this situation, knowing that this was their reality. “I’ll go find m… morey dad, don’t move you guys” Skylar said agitatedly and went deeper into the cave. Florence kneeled down close to Richard “Lets face it we might die down here” she said sullenly, her cheeks red from irritation and eyes almost tearful “Hey, look at me I wouldn’t even be able to run…shit” he laughed and ached. Her head was throbbing and she would kill a dozen of walkers just for a decent bed to sleep in. “We’ll manage, Sky should be back before we know it, she won’t leave us hanging” Richard’s voice was confident yet deeply he was terrified.
Wesley reluctantly followed Emmet, he could get Skylar out of his mind, they never have been separated like this since the start, he ran because he had to and every step felt heavy. “Keep up Wes!” he heard Emmet, the wolves were onto them both, Wesley stopped to shoot d… [view original content]
Florence didn’t want to stay nor go with Skylar. She hated every bit of this situation, knowing that this was their reality. “I’ll go find m… morey dad, don’t move you guys” Skylar said agitatedly and went deeper into the cave. Florence kneeled down close to Richard “Lets face it we might die down here” she said sullenly, her cheeks red from irritation and eyes almost tearful “Hey, look at me I wouldn’t even be able to run…shit” he laughed and ached. Her head was throbbing and she would kill a dozen of walkers just for a decent bed to sleep in. “We’ll manage, Sky should be back before we know it, she won’t leave us hanging” Richard’s voice was confident yet deeply he was terrified.
Wesley reluctantly followed Emmet, he could get Skylar out of his mind, they never have been separated like this since the start, he ran because he had to and every step felt heavy. “Keep up Wes!” he heard Emmet, the wolves were onto them both, Wesley stopped to shoot d… [view original content]
Hey guys, self-advertisement here. Sorry haha. I've just started a Hunger Games fanfic, an everybody's participation would be great! There's still plenty of character submission slots open!
[Stop the car and put Hugo out of his misery]
[Stop the car and put Hugo out of his misery]
Holy moly, new part so soon? I know you said you'll have more stable schedule, but I didn't expect it so quickly.
Anywho, [Stop the car and put Hugo out of his misery]. It's his final wish, we should honor it.
I am gone for a bit for exams and when I return the story had its third anniversary and you have a very active schedule? This is crazy! Just my luck XD I am happy to be back and to see you being so active in the last time. I try to be active as well again
[Stop the car and put Hugo out of his misery]
I agree with the others on this. He deserves to die on his own terms.
Aaron broke the silence and lifted his hand “I’m going too” he said flatly. A smile appeared on Josh’s face clearly showing his contentment with his brother’s decision. The expedition crew was complete and the rest of the crowd returned to their daily routines. Tommy approached Aaron “Are you sure you’re ready for this, after last time I thought—“ “I’m fine I want to go” Aaron reassured him. “What made you change your mind?” Josh asked him. “Someone’s got to have an eye on you” Aaron joked.
“Alright if you say so, here’s your piece” Tommy handed him him a fully loaded 9mm pistol. Aaron slid the weapon in the back of his pants “I’ll go get my things”.
“We’re leaving in ETA 30minutes, so better hurry” Tommy called out to his men.
“Your name’s Aaron right? I’m Winter, we should get to know each other a bit better seeing that we’re going to be stuck together for a few weeks” She stopped Aaron as he was just about to board the ship. “Nice to meet you, I’ve seen you around, you arrived about the same time like my brother and I“ Aaron shook her soft hand. “Sounds about right, I’ve been keeping to myself for most of the time due to some of the rumours going around about me” Winter replied softly. “Did you kill anyone in cold blood” Aaron teased.
“I have, but that isn’t it, I used to…be a man” “I just wanted to get that information out of the way I hope that won’t bother you” She said firmly. “I don’t see a problem in that” Aaron smiled “We’ll talk more later, I got to get my stuff”. “Yeah, see you on the other side” She nodded.
“You’re leaving” Francesca said sullenly as he passed her room. “I got to, I can’t leave my brother” he sighed. “It’s not fair my sister hates it here, she probably hates me too because we’re so different” she hugged her knees. “ That’s not the reason, Antonia just wants to pursue something for herself, everyone wants that at some time in life” Aaron explained.
“She’s too young for that, but I’m not going to stop her, I can’t even stop her” Sherry interjected anxiously. “For what’s worth I agree and I’ll do my best to watch out for her” he tried to reassure her. “Thank you and stay safe out there” she said and kissed him on the cheek goodbye. “I’ll try to find something new for you to read” he winked at Francesca, but she was to upset and turned her back on him.
He continued back to his room, opened the cupboard under his bed and pulled out a warm jacket and a backpack with a hatchet sticking out from the side pocket. Later he filled the bag with water and food in the ships kitchen, he also took a pocketknife and his diary. On the way out he bumped into Dean “I see you’re all packed and ready” he smirked. “Yeah, I just hope the journey will be worth it” Aaron smiled thinly.
“We got to keep on trying, I saved two kids and I feel better already, things were getting messed up once we split” Dean grunted. “Yeah, but its good to see you again and once more we got each others back” Aaron patted him on the back. “Damn straight” Dean nodded. Before leaving Aaron felt it could be the last time he’d see Major Cross alive and it would be good to thank him for letting them join the settlement. Outside the marines were clearing the path for them to drive out, a pick up truck and a military vehicle were also rounded up. “How you doing Major?” Aaron knocked on the open door. “Better when I don’t have to walk” he muttered.
“I’m heading out with the crew and I just wanted to say thank you for what you done for me and my brother” Aaron said warmly.
“You both contribute well so I think I made the right choice with letting you in” he chuckled softly. “And hey…bring back some good news” he grunted. Aaron nodded and left the room. As exited the ship he could see Antonia and Josh chatting and laughing about something, Tommy and Dean were moving some equipment, Winter was leaning against one of the containers and sharpening her knife. “I see you two are having a good time” Aaron smiled and approached Antonia and Josh. “I was telling Antonia one of them jokes that grandpa used to tell us, you okay?” Josh noticed the worried look on his brother’s face. “It’s nothing really, when are we moving out?” Aaron asked.
“Any minute now, oh and here’s your radio, everyone is carrying just incase we ought to split up you know the drill” Josh passed it to him. Shortly after Tommy gave the heads up to the team that it was time to depart. Dean joined Tommy and the other marines in the military truck while Josh with the rest were following them in the pickup truck.
Wade always preferred to choose dare rather than truth, he liked a good risk and this certainly was one of them “Get ready guys!” he looked up and called out, before descending “I’ll meet ya’ll on the other side of the tracks!” he chuckled. Once down he casually pushed the walkers away with his baseball bat creating a neat path for himself, he stood close to the manhole so that he could get most of the zombies away from the group as possible. The rest ran towards the other direction while Wade climbed down the manhole, all the rest could see is a swarm desperately trying to follow Wade down the hole. “You think he’ll make it” Nina asked. “Maybe, lets just get out of here before anymore show up” Donovan grunted. The sky was now clear, but the cold wind howled as they kept moving towards the edge of town. Donovan, Nina and Evelyn kept checking every vehicle if they still worked, while the rest had their eyes peeled for any threats, Wade was still missing but as agreed they’d wait for him by the tracks. “I’m kinda glad Wade is gone” Brian muttered while helping Violet walk “How could you say such a thing?” she frowned with a sense of contempt. “I hated him he always thought he was the cool dude and kept bullying others” Brian said proudly. “He can be a jerk sometimes but he is one of us, I can’t believe I just said that, we’re one ‘breakfast club’ looking bunch” She joked and giggled. “Yeah I must be the nerdy kid kid” Brian smirked.
“Get down!” Donovan whispered and gestured to everyone. “How many?” Evelyn asked promptly.
“A few at least” Donovan peeked over a sedan and observed the undead. “What are we waiting for, we can handle them” Nina interjected. “I’m with you on this” Evelyn nodded. Donovan knew they could easily deal with the situation and the train tracks were a few miles ahead, he still thought about Wade the kid risked his life for them to pass but still his move was foolish and anything could have happened in those sewers. All he wanted was to find a functioning vehicle and get the hell moving and waiting for Wade wasn’t going to help. Donovan, Nina, Evelyn and Chris got ready and swiftly eliminated the threats, now all that was left between them and the tracks was a long walk through the suburbs. “We ought to check these houses for supplies” Donovan suggested seeing that they weren’t exactly heavy on food and Violet was going to need all the food and water that she can get her hands on to survive, her forehead and cheeks shone in perspiration, she looked weak almost hanging on Brian’s shoulder. “Something is not right” Violet mumbled faintly. “The baby?” Brian asked worriedly.
“Get her inside! we ought to rest for a bit” Evelyn said urgently and rushed to assist Violet.
“She’s running a fever” Nina pointed out while they all charged into one of the homes. It was a single storey home, Chris, Lemons and Donovan made sure the place was secure and the rest stayed in the living room. Evelyn gave Violet water to drink and medication to reduce the fever. Brian inspected the cupboards in the kitchen and later in bedrooms for supplies. “You think my baby is okay?” Violet choked almost in tears looking towards Evelyn. “You’re going to be fine, the baby is fine, you just need to rest and drink plenty of water” she was reassuring and convinced. The place was abandoned and seemed untouched by the end of the world. Outside clouds were gathering and Donovan expected rain to fall, it was a good idea to stop and catch a breather “What you looking out there uncle D?” Nina asked in her soft and uplifting voice “Just staring and thinking” he replied holding the curtain and observing the streets. “About Alastair?” Nina sighed.
“Everyone…all that has happened to us, I can’t shake off not knowing if my wife is alive or dead” he said sullenly and seriously.
“I miss Alastair and Logan everyday, it was hard but we all did our best to stay alive, I’m glad I still have you and Chris” Nina lamented. Donovan without a word gave her a warm hug, after everything they both needed one and deserved to saviour the moment. They had shelter and what was important they had each other, everyday is a blessing Donovan thought. He realised that they were fighting a war, a war against an enemy they didn’t understand or the reason for which the dead suddenly rose. One thing was certain this was going to be a long war. Raindrops were starting to get heavier outside, the wind howled through the closed windows. “Someone should be on the front porch” Nina said. “Incase Wade comes through here?” he frowned mildly. “Yeah the kid might have made it out somehow” Nina sounded optimistic. “You’re a kid yourself and you managed alright” he teased her. “I said it before I can still kick your ass D” she chuckled and shook her head contemptuously. “Charming” Donovan chuckled softly.
Vivienne put the car to a halt and Hugo knew she’d grant him his last wish “Thank you” he mumbled while exiting the car. She stayed for a bit longer just so she could get into that mindset and checked her pistol which was for emergency use only. She also knew that it was going to be hard telling Eve about what happened and if she’d believe her. “Are you sure you’re not going to change your mind?” she asked hoping he’d want to get back home. “This is what I want” he said “take my gun I won’t be needing it and give this to my wife” he gave her his wedding ring. He stood in the tall grass and awaited, Viv cocked the gun and said “Rest in peace Hugo” whereupon the pistol went off. Hugo’s body fell into the grass almost hidden from plain sight. She exhaled heavily and returned to the vehicle, the whole situation sent her into an emotional rage. After a few minutes she managed to compose herself and heard engine noises, headlights were starting to flash in her rear mirror. “It must be those damn bikers” she thought. Without hesitation she put the car into motion and dashed out of there.
End of Chapter 3
@LiquidChicagoTed @Pipas @Violet_Ant @janitor @CascadeLaundering @kalebSiNn2 @supersagig
Whoa, we have reached the end of Chapter 3 already? Despite the break, this didn't feel all that long, so I went back to check and count the parts. While it indeed has been shorter than other of the more recent chapters, I actually realized it hasn't been all that short, spanning over a dozen parts and therefore not even being the shortest, I think. Anyways, great job as always. Seeing this story back at a more regular pace is amazing. This was a nice chapter and you got me excited for the next one, considering we left off at a pretty interesting situation there, if I remember correctly. Keep up the wonderful work
The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 6: All That’s Left
Chapter 4: Unwanted Guests
The campfire sizzled, Skylar sat close to keep herself warm, the others were asleep covered neatly under blankets. She felt bitter and the frosty air did not help, the engine got busted and they all had to walk for many hours desperately trying to reach the community at Glen Arbor. Just like any other night, she’d drown herself in her usual routine gazing hopelessly into the photo of her and Zack, shedding a tear or two torturing herself. She jumped as her father sombrely got up and went into the woods to take a leak without saying a word. After he got back and his vision now was more sober “Whattcha doing up Sky? it's way past bedtime” he murmured and chuckled his breath reeked from whiskey. “Just thinking dad” Skylar replied morosely. He noticed the photo she was holding “Good’ol Zack” he chuckled softly “Was he really that special?”
“He was and still is” She sighed. “I feel like we had this same conversation many times sweetheart, you’ll feel better if you let go” Wesley sluggishly snuck back into his rusty sleeping bag. “And better stop think about him and actually do your job” he teased her in the end. “I’m suppose to wake up Emmet soon to relieve me” she replied mildly.
“Hmmph….we should’ve been there long time ago, if it wasn’t for that stupid truck” he muttered. “Stuff like that, breaks” She sighed. “Yeah and that’s our life right now, broken, goodnight honey” he said drowsily. She stared into the fire for a long while, before tucking the photo away in her jacket pocket. The flames were getting low, she threw in another chunk of log and flames were bright and high again.
Wolves howled and that startled her deeply, it awoke Richard and later so was Florence and Emmet. “That must’ve been near” Emmet said with concern and his eyes wide open scanning the area with his rifle. “We should better get moving” Richard remarked. “Moving! it’s pitch dark out there” Emmet whispered angrily. “We got to do something! we’re sitting ducks out here!” Florence panicked. “What does a guy got to do to get a goodnights sleep? huh” Wesley slowly rolled out of his bag and grabbed his gear. Richard noticed Florence standing frozen, filled with fear and gazing into the forest “Oh shit..” he mumbled as a wolf emerged others were nearby howling. “Whatever you do don’t move Florence” Wesley warned her calmly his vision is much more sharp now. The girl was shaking and the wolf slowly started approaching with its teeth clenching and growling. Florence snapped and made a dash for the forest, Emmet opened fire and shot the animal, many more started emerging. Richard stormed after Florence and Timothy attempted to protect them from the wolves following behind them. Wesley was trying to help Emmet put down as many as they could before they too decided it was time to flee. “Sky come on!” Her father snarled and she stopped firing her pistol.
[Go after Richard and Florence]
[Go with Emmet and Wesley]
On the island, Quirk observed the pine trees swivel as the frosty wind was getting stronger, rain had turned to turn sleet. Between the trees he had a glimpse of the dock making it ideal for noticing any newcomers to the island. He enjoyed the winter weather and sipped his cup of coffee, he missed a good cup of coffee and this wasn’t it. After placing the cup on the porch, he stretched his legs and neck. He suddenly stopped and his vision was locked at the lights of a boat arriving. Quirk didn’t recognise the boat nor he had expected for James to return this quick. Looking through the binoculars, he saw three men stepping out with rifles in their hands and casually starting to approach his position, one man stayed to guard the boat. Quirk got back inside and urgently went to wake Vanessa.
“Vanessa, honey take Margareth and hide whatever you do, don’t come out unless I tell you to, promise me you’ll stay hidden no matter what happens” Quirk panted and loaded his hunting rifle. “They’re back?! aren’t they?” she was shaking from shock. “No, this gotta be some other crew” he sounded unsure and unconvincing.“I told you not trust those bastards now look they’re going to shoot us down like dogs!” Vanessa said angrily and rushed to warn Margareth and Valerian. “This hasn’t to be a different crew-“ Quirk muttered frantically while scanning the area. He had no clue if these people were sent by James, by would he? Quirk thought while considering his next move. Vanessa quickly tipped over an armchair to gain access to a trapdoor leading to the basement, she ordered Margareth to go down and hide. Vanessa rushed back to Quirk who was in the other room by the front door window “What are you going to do Quirk?” she trembled. “I could make it to the lookout tower and have some leverage over our uninvited guests” he said calmly. “What if they have like grenades?! you won’t be safe no-one will be able to protect you and I don’t want to lose you” she rambled nervously. “If we all stay here, our chances of survival are slim honey” he whispered. “What if Valerian helps you out?” Vanessa suggested “Valerian you should help Quirk out cover him or something”. “N-no way! I’m not going out there to get killed!” he stopped looking through the blinds and folded his arms. “You coward, you were ready to top yourself what? two weeks ago? and now you don’t want to die for a cause that actually means a damn thing!” she argued. “I-I don’t know if I can” Valerian panicked. “I could use an extra man inside or on lookout, no pressure you can hide in the basement, I’ll deal with this” Quirk reassured him. Valerian swallowed “Alright, alright I’ll try to cover you from inside, but if they manage to get here, you are on your own”. “That’s good enough for me, give me a sec” Quirk observed the men slowly climbing up the hill from the dock.
[Run to the lookout tower]
[Hide in the station with Valerian]
[Hide in the basement with Vanessa, Valerian and Margareth]
@LiquidChicagoTed @Pipas @Violet_Ant @janitor @CascadeLaundering @kalebSiNn2 @supersagig
Yeah, he is special. A special asshole and one whom I have a special hatred for. Oh, he is going to die so horribly, I swear it. They all will, him and Herman and the bitch's spawn. Skylar is okay though and as long as she never reunites with that bastard, I can actually like her and I consider her one of my favourite characters of that particular storyline. Hopefully she gets over him in time, because she deserves better, so much better than some cowardly piece of shit. The great distance between them gives me hope that indeed, they will never meet each other again. Zack doesn't deserve happiness of any kind, so meeting his girlfriend again, that is something I will try my utmost to prevent. Or maybe he can find her again, then she can get murdered by characters even worse and more useless than him and he can leave her to turn and rot, he surely has a lot of experience with that.
Ah, I am sidetracked by bitterness. Excuse my rant, but Zack is one of several red flags I have XD Safe for him being mentioned, it was a great way to kick off the new chapter
I don't think we ever had animals as a threat here, so kudos for coming up with something truly unique here. Even after three years of story you still manage to surprise.
[Go with Emmet and Wesley]
So, the problem is, wolves hunt for lonely prey. If Skylar leaves now, she can get easily cornered and killed. Meanwhile, Florence is likely dinner and Richard, I don't know. He is on his own, Florence is on her own and Skylar cannot help either if she heads out on her own as well. She has to remain with her group as much as possible.
[Run to the lookout tower]
This is the harder choice of the two this time, but I believe they need a lookout, to keep them informed what is happening. If they all just hide, they will sit there, waiting to be found, but someone on lookout can actually tell them when to try and escape, when to remain especially quiet and so on. I believe they will remain in contact somehow until this situation is over, maybe through walkie talkies, so having someone to spy on these unexpected guests would be a good idea, I believe. I hope so at least.
[Go after Richard and Florence]
[Run to the lookout tower]
[Go after Richard and Florence]
[Hide in the basement with Vanessa, Valerian and Margareth]
[Go with Emmet and Wesley]
Even though Richard and Florence could probably use more help, I don't think it's a good idea to separate from her father.
[Run to the lookout tower]
Better know what's going on.
[Go after Richard and Florence]
[Run to the lookout tower]
“Valerian stay by the window, once they get inside you hide in the basement” Quirk cocked the rifle and swung it on his back. “What are you going do?” Valerian asked nervously. “I’m gonna be up there pal, just keep it cool we can do this” he reassured him and patted on the back. “Be careful” Vanessa embraced and kissed him. “Be this sweet when I get back” he smirked and rushed outside. It started snowing as he climbed the ladder and got up just in time avoiding detection. The three men started climbing the hill which led to the rangers station, Quirk would have a good view of them as they emerged, they were well equipped, warm clothes, beanies on their heads, radio and most of all they had guns.
“We got a problem out here, over” they stopped briefly to radio back. “Jericho here, what’s the problem and what’s your position?”. “We encountered a boat” the voice on the radio was flat. “And? what happened?” Jericho asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “They hit us, but we got some of them too, they seemed to be heading for shore at Good Harbor Bay, should we pursue? over” Jericho licked his upper lip before responding “Stay on them, there might be more out there and it would come in handy to know where they’re settled, over”
“I gotta take a leak, be right back” One of them grunted and wandered off towards a tree.
“How are things on your end Jericho? over” the radio buzzed “We just got on the island, so far no dead or live ones, be in touch, over and out” Jericho ended the chat. Quirk took another peek through his binoculars, Jericho had a clean shaven and rugged face, the one beside him had a thick grey beard. This was a good moment to eliminate or wound the guy by the tree Quirk thought, he had his radio volume reduced to minimal to avoid unnecessary distraction. Valerian radioed and whispered “Talk to me”.
“Stay put” Quirk replied briefly and aimed at the man by the tree.
[Take the shot: Kill/Wound]
[Refuse and wait]
Skylar chose to go after Florence and Richard which left Wesley shocked. “They need my help Dad!” she rushed off and used her pistol if needed. “C’mon Wes, we gotta run” Emmet jerked his shoulder and they started distancing themselves from the camp. Richard caught up with Florence and saved her from the wolf attacking her “Oh God I think it was about to bite me” she shrieked. Richard glanced behind and saw Skylar running with another wolf on her trail “Behind you Sky!” he called out. This time Timothy stopped the wolf in his tracks “Good boy Tim” Richard smirked and continued escaping. “They’re gaining on us!” Skylar screamed. The terrain was getting steeper the sudden drop caused Florence to trip and pulled Richard down with her, they rolled down the hill until falling into what looked like a cave.
Skylar caught up “Guys talk to me!” she called out into the abyss and noticed that she could climb down using the roots. She froze at the sound of an animal breathing and it was getting closer to her. Once she turned around to her joy it was Timothy “Hey Timmy oh you look like hell” she petted and gazed at his white patches which were now covered in blood. A small pack of wolves were slowly approaching their location. Skylar quickly loaded her last clip of ammo, Timothy looked barely fit to fight but he was ready.
[Fight the wolves]
[Climb down]
@LiquidChicagoTed @Pipas @Violet_Ant @janitor @CascadeLaundering @kalebSiNn2 @supersagig
[Take the shot: Wound]
[Climb down]
[Take the shot: Wound]
So... there might still be the chance that this is a huge misunderstanding, right? This seems like the middle way, where he can neutralize the guy in case this is a dangerous situation, but where they might still be able to keep things from completely escalating.
[Fight the wolves]
I mean, surely, climbing down would be safer, but I'll be damned if I leave Timothy to die! No dog shall be left behind and if we climb down, he surely would remain behind to be killed. No, I refuse to do that. Sure, it holds its danger, but never, under any circumstance, will I leave a good boy behind.
[Refuse and wait]
[Climb down]
[Refuse and wait ]
[Climb Down]
Quirk aimed at the guy’s thigh and fired a round, the shot echoed on the small island putting Jericho and the other strangers on alert. “I heard a shot!” the radio screeched on Jericho’s hip, he took cover behind a pine tree while the other goon rushed to help the wounded guy. “Stay by the boat” Jericho whispered urgently. “Did you guys see the shooter?” he yelled towards his men. “Nah, Eladio’s hit pretty bad though” one of the strangers said in a peasant voice. Quirk loaded the hunting rifle and stayed hidden, Jericho scanned the area and assumed the shooter had to be in the watchtower.
“Whoever you are up there, no major damage is done we’re on the same team, well more or less, all we want is some of your supplies, but if we don’t make it back a lot more of us will come after you and your people if you have any, and then things will be fucked up, gives us something good and you won’t see us again, those are our terms” Jericho said diplomatically. In the basement Vanessa urged for Valerian to check what’s going outside “My son is not going up there only to get killed! we stay here where it is safe” Margareth argued. “Quirk told us to stay put” Valerian responded anxiously. “Then radio him!” Vanessa stressed. “It might give away his position, he-he will get back to us when the coast is clear” Valerian said. Jericho ran towards the tower and hid under it, the other guy left Eladio and proceed towards the station just like Jericho signalled him to do. Quirk tried to discreetly peek out again, he saw the wounded laying on the ground covered thinly in snow. “Don’t you think about shooting my guy down there” Jericho chuckled after his round bursted through the wood under Quirk. He decided to stay quiet although Jericho knew very well he was up there “You’re deadly quiet, are you still up there? anyway I’ll do the talking, come on down from there and we’ll talk, I won’t bite” Jericho joked.
“I think they’re already inside” Margareth whimpered. “No…it’s from outside” Vanessa and the rest could hear Jericho’s voice. “We’re sitting ducks in this basement, but I don’t see what we can do” Valerian raced around the basement with his arms folded. “One of us should hide somewhere else or confront them” Vanessa suggested. “Go! if you want to, my son and I will stay here, where it is safe” Margareth said contemptuously. “Give me the gun Val, now!” Vanessa was furious. Reluctantly, but also feeling extremely glad Valerian handed the pistol to Vanessa. Vanessa wanted to tell how useless Valerian was to the group, but she had no time to sit around “Don’t fuck things up” she muttered and climbed out of the basement. She crawled towards the window, Quirk threw his rifle down and met with Jericho and the other stranger. She desperately wanted to shot one of them, but tried to stay calm for a bit. Jericho stepped forward invading Quirk’s private space and scanned him from top to bottom and sniggered briefly “Why don’t we start with some names, I’m Jericho this is Ron and that poor fella you shot is Eladio, now I don’t want Eladio to bleed out so I guess you start talking, who else is on this island? and do you have any medical supplies?” he started off playfully but then his voice turned serious almost menacing. “Quirk, I am…was the forest ranger on this island, I’ve been here from the very start” he replied stoically. “And you never had any visitors?” Jericho smiled. “No, so forgive me if I’ve been over vigilante with you guys” Quirk smirked. “Wipe that smug of you face I know there was a boat here not long before we arrived, so I’ll ask again who else is on this island?” Jericho asked toughly. “Three people” Quirk said shortly. “Hmm?” Jericho pointed at the station. “No, in the ground over there, they died” Quirk answered calmly. Ron helped Eladio limp over to them “We’ll check the station ey?”
“Eyes open fellas” Jericho nodded in acknowledgement and continued to glare at Quirk. “Funny name” Jericho added. “Huh?” Quirk winced. “Your damn name, is kinda weird” Jericho sniggered. Quirk had no intentions of keeping up the conversation and only shrugged. Vanessa pointed her gun at the door, her hands were shaking immensely as the two entered, she tried to pull the trigger, but it was jammed “Oh no, no” she panted and crawled behind the furniture. Eladio sat on the couch with his wounded leg while Ron looked around the joint and decided to check upstairs. Vanessa saw her chance to grab a knife from the coffee table and kill Eladio or knock him out with the pistol.
[Kill Eladio]
[Knock Eladio out]
Skylar decided to get out of harm’s way while she still had the chance and conserve what ammo was left. Timothy was outnumbered, but stayed to fight, all Skylar was able to see was the pack charging towards Timmy, the following savage sounds were far worse. Skylar sighed apologetically and looked down into the abyss, the hole above her was getting smaller and light was scarce. “Florence?!….Richard?!” she could only hear someone panting heavily “Yeah down here, can’t see a damn thing!” Richard snarled in pain. Skylar pulled out her father’s lighter and saw Richard with his leg cracked open and Florence was laying unconsciously close by like a ragged doll. “Where are we?” Richard sighed weakly and the pain was even more excruciating.
“You guys fell through a big crevice of some sort, I think we’re in a cave” Skylar stuttered feeling cold and stressed. “What happened to Timmy? did you see him?” Richard asked.
“He saved me…the wolves got him” Skylar hesitated. Richard shook his head, but it wasn’t the best time to mourn “We need to get out here, that wound is gonna get infected” Skylar examined his bleeding leg. “Yeah it looks bad, check Florence” he pointed aside. Skylar moved over to Florence and tried to help her gain conscious, she had a cut running from her forehead across her left eye leading to her chin. She struggled to open her eyes due to the pain and felt disorientated and squirmed in Skylar’s arms briefly as a defensive mechanism “Skylar? you’re here” her voice was lethargic and a smile appeared on her face. “Can you walk?” Skylar nodded at her and Florence gently tilted her head. Skylar looked around and noticed a path leading deeper into the aperture “We’ll go this way there has to be a way out”. “I’ll hang back here” Richard blurted. “No, you’re coming with us” Skylar strongly objected. “I can’t move my leg and I’ll be just slowing you down, find your dad…I’ll be right here, don’t worry” Richard tried to reassure her. “What if the dead appear how will you defend yourself?” Florence muttered barely standing on her feet and leaned against wall. “I always have my knife, now go” Richard grunted. Skylar and Florence exchanged a glance “We can’t leave him by himself” Sky sighed.
[Tell Florence to stay with Richard]
[Go find help with Florence]
@LiquidChicagoTed @Pipas @Violet_Ant @janitor @CascadeLaundering @kalebSiNn2 @supersagig
[Knock Eladio out]
Make no mistake here, after the still utterly painful catastrophe that were Austin's bandits, I have zero tolerance for these people and anyone like them. If we'd be in a situation like we used to be with Alexander in Episode 5 (letting him live is another one of Zack's fuck-ups, as I just realized, like, damn, there's really nothing likable about him, is there?), where no one else is there, I'd kill him without even hesitating. However, right now he could be better used alive, because while I doubt having him alone will help much, he could have a certain use as a hostage. In the long run of course, Eladio and his people are already living on borrowed time as far as I'm concerned, I have made up my mind with them. But for the time being, keeping him alive could be a good thing to get the others to cooperate before getting an advantage over them.
[Tell Florence to stay with Richard]
Both are wounded and the way I see it, Florence herself is going to slow Skylar down as well, with her own injuries. If staying together, she and Richard might be able to defend each other, whereas leaving Richard on his own is likely to cause his death. Skylar however, she is faster on her own, more likely to actually get help. But damn, I can't believe she left Timmy behind to die. Must be a trait she picked up from Zack and just as I thought she wouldn't be that bad, poor dog
By the way, I have sent you a PM, concering a very important question about the story, one where a quick answer would be highly appreciated
[Knock Eladio out]
[Tell Florence to stay with Richard]
I replied to you on the 8th of May and didn't receive any messages from you since
Edit: Still getting used to the new forum style, just noticed your message
[Tell Florence to stay with Richard]
[Kill Eladio]
Florence didn’t want to stay nor go with Skylar. She hated every bit of this situation, knowing that this was their reality. “I’ll go find my dad, don’t move you guys” Skylar said agitatedly and went deeper into the cave. Florence kneeled down close to Richard “Lets face it we might die down here” she said sullenly, her cheeks red from irritation and eyes almost tearful “Hey, look at me I wouldn’t even be able to run…shit” he laughed and ached. Her head was throbbing and she would kill a dozen of walkers just for a decent bed to sleep in. “We’ll manage, Sky should be back before we know it, she won’t leave us hanging” Richard’s voice was confident yet deeply he was terrified.
Wesley reluctantly followed Emmet, he could get Skylar out of his mind, they never have been separated like this since the start, he ran because he had to and every step felt heavy. “Keep up Wes!” he heard Emmet, the wolves were onto them both, Wesley stopped to shoot down one. While reloading he realised that he had lost sight of Emmet. “Emmet!” he called out and stayed vigilante after a running a short distance he noticed nothing was after him anymore. His fingers were getting numb from the cold, damn this weather he thought and advanced through the woods. There was a ledge to his flank slightly raised from his current position but he still could notice Emmet standing close to it and three wolves cornering him. Emmet stood hesitantly as if for a minute he’d want to put down his weapon and plead for the wolves to leave him alone, Wesley had a good aim at them, but calling out might provoke the wolves to attack.
[Start shooting]
[Rush to Emmet]
[Remain silent]
Vanessa grasped the barrel of the gun tightly and struck Eladio’s temple. His body slipped of the couch and hit the ground, after a moment he started shaking unrhythmically. Vanessa heard the other guy coming downstairs and decided to sneak out the back door. Before the guy climbed back down Eladio was dead.
“Someone is in the house, they killed Eladio…I left him downstairs for two minutes so that I could check the place and—“ the man informed Jericho. He received a message on the radio that another boat had arrived with reinforcements just like planned. With the additional man power he felt more confident into proving his point
“Search the island, there might be more of them, spread out!” Jericho shouted out.
“I think they’re already inside” Margareth whimpered.
“What do these guys want?” Valerian mumbled to himself racing nervously around the basement.
Vanessa was quickly caught and brought to Jericho in front of the ranger station. Quirk was on his knees held at gun point and Vanessa was forced to join him. They were silent, although Vanessa looked stressed and she hated showing weakness in front of her husband which he never knew why. “Is there someone in the house? since your ‘friend’ here doesn’t what to say a word” Jericho threw a fake smile. “You see now that there are two of you, I can now shot the other for not answering my question, so lets start with your name sweetheart?” Jericho demanded mildly.
“Vanessa” she said promptly with eyes filled with contempt.
“Tough gal—tell me what’s and who is in the house or Quirk gets a bullet” Jericho cocked his pistol. The three looked at each other for a long moment “Damn woman you really don’t care for this man” he cackled. “Guess I chose the wrong person to point at, but hey there’s one last way” Jericho ended and approached the house. “I don’t know if anyone is in there, but we got your two friends Quirk and Vanessa, now why don’t come out before we shot them dead? how’s that sound?” Jericho called out cheerfully.
“You heard that we got to come out, they’ll kill them!” Valerian panicked.
@LiquidChicagoTed @Pipas @Violet_Ant @janitor @CascadeLaundering @kalebSiNn2 @supersagig
[Remain silent]
[Remain silent]
Oh, I don't know. I am no expert on wolves and their behaviour. Seems if there is a fight coming, they have good chances to kill at least one of them and if Wesley does anything hasty now, they likely will attack because they will perceive him as a threat. So, maybe keeping absolutely silent is the only way to avoid their attack, if they decide for themselves that a fight is too risky. But if we surprise or scare them now, I fear they will attack for sure.
Well, this definitely did not go as planned! Unexpected, but very interesting. It seems Eladio was in way worse condition than I thought, but given that the alternative would have been to kill him on purpose, I'd say we at least got a moral victory, for what it's worth. But even then, I believe surrendering is the wrong way. If Jericho wants to use Quirk and Vanessa as leverage, he won't just shoot them. If we surrender now though, there is absolutely no worth to them as hostages anymore, meaning he might just execute them all for killing one of his.
[Remain silent]
]remain silent]
Hey guys, self-advertisement here. Sorry haha. I've just started a Hunger Games fanfic, an everybody's participation would be great! There's still plenty of character submission slots open!
I miss this story.