Ok, that was a weird to read through... It seems I need to play A New Frontier and see what all the shipping fuss is about.
OH and I cele… morebrated my 22nd birthday on April 3rd! I meant to come here and see what was going on but I didn't get the chance
So besides the Gabentine crap, how is the Rhyiona clan doing???
just finished the game and all i can say is that i love it, really liked the characters, especially Sasha and Rhys. Rest of them were great tho. Another amazing game by telltale.
Hey rhyiona, my fam from another.....land (nailed it).
Whats up, the few dozens of you who still poke around?
Me? have some cool things going on like finally meeting up with a fellow rhyiona in person in a few weeks. Gonna be meeting the lovely GrowlingPeanuts, I know we made a big deal last year (and yeah I know she left the forum) about meeting up but unfortunately the trip fell through but we're trying again this year and it's all on track so far so YEAAAA super excited.
Good for you mate!
I sincerely hope everything will work out for you guys this time round. Nice to hear there are still people who are active in some way. As for me, I think my passion will remain kinda dead until season 2 or Borderlands 3 is out. So yeah, no photoshop fanart from me 'till then.
I really hope we'll have something about Rhys and Fiona, or even the whole group (including Vaughn, Sasha, Gortys, Loader Bot) in the next installment. So we can get our teeth into this fandom again. Here's hoping!
Hey rhyiona, my fam from another.....land (nailed it).
Whats up, the few dozens of you who still poke around?
Me? have some cool thing… mores going on like finally meeting up with a fellow rhyiona in person in a few weeks. Gonna be meeting the lovely GrowlingPeanuts, I know we made a big deal last year (and yeah I know she left the forum) about meeting up but unfortunately the trip fell through but we're trying again this year and it's all on track so far so YEAAAA super excited.
Heyo Rhyiona, just wanting to dump about meeting fellow rhyionan...rhyionite?...rhyionian?: GrowlingPeanuts. She's pretty awesome and the trip was awesome, had a lot of fun. I can go into more if people want but for now, I'm exhausted and need a shower.
Here's my patented "I'm terrible at taking selfies" shot and our "Help us, it's too damn hot" pose. Seriously, the humidity was only downside of the meet up.
lol when the announcment about meeting a fellow rhyiona gets more attention than the actual meeting of rhyiona
Well, one way to kinda keep this thread somewhat alive is to post whatever fanart or pictures of Rhyiona made throughout late-ish 2016 - 2017, I suppose.
If I'm being honest, at times it kinda hurts to see this once lively thread just waste away.
If only the fate of a Tales S2 wasn't in the hands of Gearbox, 2K, or Take Two, so Telltale could just do whatever they want. As long as they don't drive it into the ground with a very underwhelming sequel
To be honest I thought Rhys and Fiona were the obvious couple before I started to play the game so I was rooting for them and saw Sasha like a little sister to Rhys with the whole pinkie promise and if she could play with the weopen. And the fact she and August had a bit of a thing going on and I thought I could make them make up.
It really surprised me when the game kept forcing me to choose Sasha, barely giving me options to choose from, had to look it up on youtube to get that I like someone else dialogue. Rhys and Fiona suit each other way more, I like Sasha but not with him.
If you don't want it to die, then maybe post something with a bit more substance. There's not going to be any more episodes for the foreseeable future, so if you don't want this place to look like the Sam & Max forum, do something about it Make some fan art or something.
If you don't want it to die, then maybe post something with a bit more substance. There's not going to be any more episodes for the foresee… moreable future, so if you don't want this place to look like the Sam & Max forum, do something about it Make some fan art or something.
If you don't want it to die, then maybe post something with a bit more substance. There's not going to be any more episodes for the foresee… moreable future, so if you don't want this place to look like the Sam & Max forum, do something about it Make some fan art or something.
Ok, that was a weird to read through... It seems I need to play A New Frontier and see what all the shipping fuss is about.
OH and I celebrated my 22nd birthday on April 3rd! I meant to come here and see what was going on but I didn't get the chance
So besides the Gabentine crap, how is the Rhyiona clan doing???
Happy late birthday fam
The models are swapped. She's in the season for maybe 3 minutes in Clementine's flashback.
just finished the game and all i can say is that i love it, really liked the characters, especially Sasha and Rhys. Rest of them were great tho. Another amazing game by telltale.
Lol what happened.
O hai.
AAaah the good old days.

Thanks man
Nothing posted for over a month?! :O
It'll probably stay dead until Tales Season 2... which'll star new characters, after Rhys & Fiona die in the first 10 seconds.
woah, that's cruel
It'd be more cruel for newcommers, since they don't even know who Rhys and Fiona are. After all, Telltale loves newcommers nowadays
C'mon man. Don't be so negative!
Jesus, do I have to write another mature fanfic of Rhys and Fiona to bring a little life back to this place?!
Well, if you feel like writing one, I don't think anyone will have a single complaint. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Given the number of likes that comment got maybe I should :P
Hey rhyiona, my fam from another.....land (nailed it).
Whats up, the few dozens of you who still poke around?
Me? have some cool things going on like finally meeting up with a fellow rhyiona in person in a few weeks. Gonna be meeting the lovely GrowlingPeanuts, I know we made a big deal last year (and yeah I know she left the forum) about meeting up but unfortunately the trip fell through but we're trying again this year and it's all on track so far so YEAAAA super excited.
Good for you mate!
I sincerely hope everything will work out for you guys this time round. Nice to hear there are still people who are active in some way. As for me, I think my passion will remain kinda dead until season 2 or Borderlands 3 is out. So yeah, no photoshop fanart from me 'till then.
I really hope we'll have something about Rhys and Fiona, or even the whole group (including Vaughn, Sasha, Gortys, Loader Bot) in the next installment. So we can get our teeth into this fandom again. Here's hoping!
Heyo Rhyiona, just wanting to dump about meeting fellow rhyionan...rhyionite?...rhyionian?: GrowlingPeanuts. She's pretty awesome and the trip was awesome, had a lot of fun. I can go into more if people want but for now, I'm exhausted and need a shower.
Here's my patented "I'm terrible at taking selfies" shot and our "Help us, it's too damn hot" pose. Seriously, the humidity was only downside of the meet up.
lol when the announcment about meeting a fellow rhyiona gets more attention than the actual meeting of rhyiona
Wow this thread is ded.
hi love
Wolf returns from his hibernation.
hey bby
tfw abigbadbear
It's been a while my wolfy friend.

wtf happened to the forum? mods y u do dis
That's what I've asked myself with every site update since 2015.
Well, one way to kinda keep this thread somewhat alive is to post whatever fanart or pictures of Rhyiona made throughout late-ish 2016 - 2017, I suppose.

If I'm being honest, at times it kinda hurts to see this once lively thread just waste away.
If only the fate of a Tales S2 wasn't in the hands of Gearbox, 2K, or Take Two, so Telltale could just do whatever they want.
As long as they don't drive it into the ground with a very underwhelming sequel
oh hi wolf....and everyone else returning!!!!!!!??????????????
Did you ever do one?
No, I didn't, because the final was really not what I expected
well it would make gared a pedo anyway
I know I’m late but... rhyona for ever I hope a season two because i need still shipping them and I must see them kising
rhysa for ever bitche´s xdxd
To be honest I thought Rhys and Fiona were the obvious couple before I started to play the game so I was rooting for them and saw Sasha like a little sister to Rhys with the whole pinkie promise and if she could play with the weopen. And the fact she and August had a bit of a thing going on and I thought I could make them make up.
It really surprised me when the game kept forcing me to choose Sasha, barely giving me options to choose from, had to look it up on youtube to get that I like someone else dialogue. Rhys and Fiona suit each other way more, I like Sasha but not with him.
Yo fist post of 2018 amirt haha...
kinda sad how this place died
If you don't want it to die, then maybe post something with a bit more substance. There's not going to be any more episodes for the foreseeable future, so if you don't want this place to look like the Sam & Max forum, do something about it
Make some fan art or something.
SHIT fam i GOT you gimme 5 MINS
fam i got you COVERED fam