Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited October 2017

    Sometimes, it's good to be specific. We could be talking about this Sam for all people know.

  • Bu...but, I replied to @DabigRG post where he posted deleted/altered scenes from S1. There was nothing about any dog in them. I'm so confused right now...

    Melton23 posted: »

    Sam the dog from season 2 episode 1

  • Ok, ok. You said you didn’t know who Sam was so I assumed everyone was talking about this guy

  • I think Sam was likely the name of Lee's Wife.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Bu...but, I replied to @DabigRG post where he posted deleted/altered scenes from S1. There was nothing about any dog in them. I'm so confused right now...

  • Yeah that's true. I remember that @Fangirl101 corrected us because we thought that Sam was the name of the Senator that was killed by Lee. But still, I'm confused as hell because we had conversation about Sam about a week or so ago... They really need to fix this reply system.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I think Sam was likely the name of Lee's Wife.

  • edited October 2017

    It's okay. I was confused because you probably replied to my post from a week ago and with this new reply system I was confused because I didn't know what were you talking about.

  • This is the stuff I mean, I have no idea what topic people are talking about. This linear style makes everything more confusing.

  • Here’s a free like

    This is the stuff I mean, I have no idea what topic people are talking about. This linear style makes everything more confusing.

  • edited October 2017

    Thank you, here's one for you.

  • edited October 2017

    You’ve just earned another one

  • So did you.

    Melton23 posted: »

    You’ve just earned another one

  • edited October 2017

    Ugh. This actually hurts to read because it makes perfect sense. Having Sarah live to the gunfight would have at least established the next episode better (how ridiculous was it how pretty much nobody got hit in that initial shootout?) and it would give Sarah a less obviously contrived death, and that's added to the reasons you already pointed out.
    Who the heck wrote Amid the Ruins? There's so much crap in it, even though I've warmed up to it over the years, I still can't believe some of these decisions.

  • The fact that Jane herself is essentially the developers' Sueish, edgy Self-Insert OC

    Again, you keep saying this, but the fact that Kenny gets all the best endings throws a wrench into your theory.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I used to at least acknowledge that the basic idea of that scene was fine, given that it served to establish Jane as a foil to those three(f

  • But man, look at how atmospheric that Slaughterhouse concept art is.
    It didn't translate into the final product. Hell it didn't even translate that well into the old Slaughterhouse in that promo pic.

    Deltino posted: »

    Oh slaughterhouse, slaughterhouse, slaughterhouse... everyone's favorite scrapped location from season 3. Except it wasn't scrapped. S

  • For a sec, I thought that was Clem and Jane cuddle time

    DabigRG posted: »

    Um... . Credit to @Jewfreeus and @fallandir

  • Right. I always forget that one, but it is weird.What the hell was up with that brief bit of Carver ?consoling? Sarah on the roof? Seems way out of character.
    I wonder if it had anything to do with the cut scene of him and Clem on the rooftop looking at the coming herd.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Many forget he mostly wanted to raise a new generation and three prospering members of this generation just left his utopian community witho

  • Rain textures? That's weird, but definitely something is up with the models. There's some weird filter placed over everything . I've seen some ripped models that looked WAY better than what's presented in the game itself.

    Characters look oily because Telltale didn't remove the rain texture off the characters.

  • edited October 2017

    Gotta say, I really like the look of the ripped up rainbow jacket for the "Jane flashback".
    And I hated that thing in season 2.
    But It really helps tie her new design into the old one, after all the change is so jarring.

  • In reply to Louche

    This actually hurts to read because it makes perfect sense. Having Sarah live to the gunfight would have at least established the next episode better (how ridiculous was it how pretty much nobody got hit in that initial shootout?) and it would give Sarah a less obviously contrived death, and that's added to the reasons you already pointed out.

    As soon as you mentioned Sarah dying in a shootout, I thought of the beginning scene in TLOU.

    Where Joel's Daughter died, she was panicking and gasping for air from her gunshot in the abdomen, and Joel hoped that she would be able to hold on until they can get some help, only for her to pass away a few seconds later.

    It seems like there is too much focus on inta-kill in the telltale series and it can mess with the story when a there is no chance at character interaction with someone who is fatally wounded in a non-walker-bite manner. And when someone is fatally wounded in a non-walker-bite way they immediately get eaten by walkers and blocks the chance at these types of moments.

    Louche posted: »

    Ugh. This actually hurts to read because it makes perfect sense. Having Sarah live to the gunfight would have at least established the next

  • edited October 2017

    Uh, you might wanna go back and either copy this into a proper reply on the original post or simply link it for sake of mitigating confusion.

    This actually hurts to read because it makes perfect sense. Having Sarah live to the gunfight would have at least established the next episode better (how ridiculous was it how pretty much nobody got hit in that initial shootout?) and it would give Sarah a less obviously contrived death, and that's added to the reasons you already pointed out.

    Yeah, seriously.

    Who the heck wrote Amid the Ruins? There's so much crap in it, even though I've warmed up to it over the years, I still can't believe some of these decisions.

    One JT Petty(a non-Telltale staff member) and Eric Stripe, though others like Sean Ainsworth and Mark Darin also had some say in the conceptualization.

  • Yeah, that would've been some shit. :lol:

    Louche posted: »

    For a sec, I thought that was Clem and Jane cuddle time yeesh

  • Yeah, it is probably the most obvious sign of cut story elements.

    Personally, I always thought that was supposed to be setup for her to determinately turn against Clementine or something.

    I recall seeing someone saying something to that effect in an older thread.

    Louche posted: »

    Right. I always forget that one, but it is weird.What the hell was up with that brief bit of Carver ?consoling? Sarah on the roof? Seems way

  • They'd better fuckin not. They've already got a lot of shit flung at em for what they did in the game proper; if they pulled that type of teleporting shit there, we'd have another real problem.

    In reply to Louche This actually hurts to read because it makes perfect sense. Having Sarah live to the gunfight would have at least e

  • Twd s1 is now playable on your cable TV if you have xfinity

  • Tavia's paper that was supposed to be on the bulletin board and her picture

  • The linear style has turned this thread into a clusterfuck, the likes of which this forum has never seen before.

  • Yeah, it's pretty painful to read previous threads in general after the update.

    The linear style has turned this thread into a clusterfuck, the likes of which this forum has never seen before.

  • Huh. Never saw that scribble note before, not that I'd care to.

    Arctic0ne posted: »

    Tavia's paper that was supposed to be on the bulletin board and her picture

  • Well, you just reminded of how that was SUPPOSED to be the case with Mariana, She was going to be shot through the neck and die choking on her own blood. Would have made more sense then, everyone running over to her like that. She was still alive!
    But no doubt TellTale figured that was too dark. So she died without even knowing what happened. Completely painless.

    In reply to Louche This actually hurts to read because it makes perfect sense. Having Sarah live to the gunfight would have at least e

  • Guess it was too much work to extend that courtesy to Sarah beforehand.

    Shallow assholes.

    Louche posted: »

    Well, you just reminded of how that was SUPPOSED to be the case with Mariana, She was going to be shot through the neck and die choking on h

  • edited October 2017

    Well, we didn't see it happen graphically, it was obscured and off-screen. Granted, in some ways that makes it worse because you imagine how it looks. And those screams...
    I could barely handle that shit. It's partly why I have held off on playing The Last of Us, because of what I heard happened to Joel's daughter in the opening.... guh.

    Also reminder that Sarah's body is rotting right below them while Kenny and Luke are arguing about bullshit and nobody gives a fuck. God, Season 2 is a fucking shitshow. You literally have to leave sarah at the trailer park for the story to even make sense.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Guess it was too much work to extend that courtesy to Sarah beforehand. Shallow assholes.

  • Yeah, I'm high on CRACK! C: dumb R: letter A: quotas C: yes K: please

  • edited November 2017

    Just gotta love that last comparison with the walker waving at the screen. You made it buddy, your momma can see you and she is proooud.

    Also shut up and take my money. They haven't just added things to textures and lightning, they're putting in extra items, like oven gloves hanging up in Clem's house, and paintings on her treehouse. I friggin love it.

    [Edit] And why did that all show up in the quote!? O_O

    [Edit 2] Nevermind, it's gone.

    Yeah, I'm high on CRACK! C: dumb R: letter A: quotas C: yes K: please

  • I kept this with me for months, back when ANF was still in development. The original name of the image suggests that it was going to be a key art for the first episode.

  • edited November 2017

    Sick beard, bruh.

    I kept this with me for months, back when ANF was still in development. The original name of the image suggests that it was going to be a key art for the first episode.

  • edited November 2017

    Huh. And I just bought season 1 for PS4.

    This is... complete fucking bullshit. Must. Remain. Calm.
    No fuck that, why the fuck wasn't there a heads up for this shit. Jesus Christ. So that was 10 bucks completely wasted. Nice.

    Yeah, I'm high on CRACK! C: dumb R: letter A: quotas C: yes K: please

  • It could have been good.Srs tho I love this title judging from the image looks like richmond is overun

    I kept this with me for months, back when ANF was still in development. The original name of the image suggests that it was going to be a key art for the first episode.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited November 2017

    It could be worse

    I bought S1, S2, and S3

    And none of them were on sale at the time, either

    But I'm still going to shell out the $50 for the collection anyways, because I'm like, the chief executive officer of not giving a fuck

    Louche posted: »

    Huh. And I just bought season 1 for PS4. This is... complete fucking bullshit. Must. Remain. Calm. No fuck that, why the fuck wasn't there a heads up for this shit. Jesus Christ. So that was 10 bucks completely wasted. Nice.

  • Graysonn could you provide any information on when you will upload another Walking Dead video? I love your content!! :smiley: :)

    Graysonn posted: »

    Where is that stated? I wasn't under the impression Lee killed his wife, thought it was just the senator. EDIT: Never mind, you're right. That's pretty weird. Good thing it was cut then, makes Lee's backstory seem really stupid otherwise.

  • edited November 2017

    Well, ouch. But it's easy to do if you've got disposable income.
    Anyway, you're a moderator on the telltale forum. Didn't you deserve a heads up for that?
    I can afford to do it, I just don't want to because it's ridiculous. Probably will, though, eventually. If the graphics really are as good as the trailer hypes up.

    Deltino posted: »

    It could be worse I bought S1, S2, and S3 And none of them were on sale at the time, either But I'm still going to shell out the $50 for the collection anyways, because I'm like, the chief executive officer of not giving a fuck

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