The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • Thank you. :D

    DabigRG posted: »

    Also, as arguably OOC as two of those may be, they are oddly cathartic despite how late they are.

  • edited November 2017

    So adorable! :blush:

    DabigRG posted: »

    If by mesmerized, you mean squicked the fuck out, then yes.

  • I made this because I know how fed up we can get with the wait between episodes/seasons after Telltale say 'soon'. (Possible Stranger Things 2 spoilers - just a warning.)

  • R.I.P. Matthew

  • R.I.P :pensive:

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    R.I.P. Matthew

  • TFW your faction got first place in that tournament but all of your prestige pulls were 4 star repeats

  • @ImUrban, girl, you are my hero for making this. :joy:

  • edited November 2017

    so no one is questioning the video dedicated to showing underage girls' butts? Nobody?
    Okay then.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    @ImUrban, girl, you are my hero for making this.

  • And mostly older dudes, unfortunately.

    Louche posted: »

    so no one is questioning the video dedicated to showing underage girls' butts? Nobody? Okay then.

  • edited November 2017

    Why is most of this guys?

    With that said, the irony of Jane being in there only once(with Clementine seemingly blushing) is admittedly a little funny.

    Though this does remind me that either her sweater is really big up her arms or Sarah is secretly a little jacked underneath.

    Also, Kenny's face towards the end there.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    @ImUrban, girl, you are my hero for making this.

  • edited November 2017

    With that said, the irony of Jane being in there only once is admittedly a little funny.

    Don't make me post it! That said, yeah, they clearly didn't pick the best scene for Jane's butt. That Luke and Nick one is pretty funny at least.

    (with Clementine seemingly blushing)

    Clementine and Jane is not the worst ship I've heard of. It's less disturbing than "cluke" and there's a fair amount of those fics from what i've heard. And now I have to go back and watch the video to see that. Fuck you, asshole.

    Though this does remind me that either her sweater is really big up her arms or Sarah is secretly a little jacked underneath.

    Yeah, well maybe Sarah is like Velma, who looks frumpy and modest in her sweater but is secretly rocking a curvaceous body underneath, but is too modest too care about that sort of thing.

    Also you reminded me of that "thicc" fanart of Sarah you pointed out, the one with the terrifying face.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Why is most of this guys? With that said, the irony of Jane being in there only once(with Clementine seemingly blushing) is admittedly a

  • That Luke and Nick one is pretty funny at least.

    Yeah, if only for the "ya'll nickers is gay" aspect.


    It's less disturbing than "cluke" and there's a fair amount of those fics from what i've heard.

    Of Cluke or Tangerine?

    And now I have to go back and watch the video to see that. Fuck you, asshole.


    Yeah, well maybe Sarah is like Velma, who looks frumpy and modest in her sweater but is secretly rocking a curvaceous body underneath, but is too modest too care about that sort of thing.

    Admittedly, that more or less was my thought.

    Also you reminded me of that "thicc" fanart of Sarah you pointed out, the one with the terrifying face.


    Louche posted: »

    With that said, the irony of Jane being in there only once is admittedly a little funny. Don't make me post it! That said, yeah, the

  • edited November 2017

    Yeah, if only for the "ya'll nickers is gay" aspect.

    Nick has the prettiest eyes out of anyone in the games, except maybe Clem. Also at times he has a pretty manly baritone voice. So...



    Of Cluke or Tangerine?

    What the hell is Tangerine?


    Guess we're even then, I did that to you a while ago (don't remember what it was though, bet it also had something to do with Jane)

    Admittedly, that more or less was my thought.

    Yup. Ironically the original character sheet for Velma said she was 15, exact same age...


    You said it again! ARRRRGH.
    Anyway I'll have to look for it.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That Luke and Nick one is pretty funny at least. Yeah, if only for the "ya'll nickers is gay" aspect. #Priviledges It's les

  • well, there was this. but this is obviously not sarah

    DabigRG posted: »

    That Luke and Nick one is pretty funny at least. Yeah, if only for the "ya'll nickers is gay" aspect. #Priviledges It's les

  • edited November 2017

    Nick has the prettiest eyes out of anyone in the games, except maybe Clem. Also at times he has a pretty manly baritone voice. So...

    Hm. No comment.


    Mariana wants to eat me.

    What the hell is Tangerine?

    And orangish-yellow color. The original name was gonna be Jem, appropriately enough.

    Guess we're even then, I did that to you a while ago (don't remember what it was though, bet it also had something to do with Jane)

    I honestly don't remember off the top of my head either.

    Yup. Ironically the original character sheet for Velma said she was 15, exact same age...

    enter image description here
    Holy shit...

    You said it again! ARRRRGH.
    Anyway I'll have to look for it.

    I just remembered what you meant.
    enter image description here

    Good job there, Clementine. I know who to trust if I ever have to let someone else save a city.(Seriously, she had one job)

    Louche posted: »

    Yeah, if only for the "ya'll nickers is gay" aspect. Nick has the prettiest eyes out of anyone in the games, except maybe Clem. Also

  • edited November 2017

    Hm. No comment.

    "No homo."

    Mariana wants me in her mouth.

    people have been banned for less than that

    And orangish-yellow color. The original name was gonna be Jem, appropriately enough.

    Well, I know the fruit, but haven't heard it used as a color much. Who's name was Jem? Clem? Mari?

    I honestly don't remember off the top of my head either.

    Yup, that would be harder to search for.

    Holy shit...

    Funny, right?
    Velma's pretty inconsistent, though. There's times when she's totally insecure about herself and other times when you get the impression she just doesn't care.
    Dunno about Sarah. Then again, I maybe shouldn't be talking about the attractive-ness of a 15 year old. This isn't South America. (zinger!)

    I just remembered what you meant.

    Oh yeah, I just found it too. Well now I don't have to post it, I guess.
    I like that artist, though. I should search for more. Oddly Sarah is drawn very well, but Clem looks like a weird malformed munchkin.

    Good job there, Clementine. I know who to trust if I ever have to let someone else save a city.(Seriously, she had one job)

    Not her fault Sarah is a "Savant"
    although what exactly Sarah is good for, I'm not sure. There has to be something.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Nick has the prettiest eyes out of anyone in the games, except maybe Clem. Also at times he has a pretty manly baritone voice. So...

  • edited November 2017

    "No homo."

    Yeah, pretty much. :lol:


    Yeah, I changed that on purpose at the least second. :joy:

    I think the joke is obvious though.

    Well, I know the fruit, but haven't heard it used as a color much. Who's name was Jem? Clem? Mari?

    Also, Jane is very similar a certain tangerine Gem, oddly enough.

    Funny, right?
    Velma's pretty inconsistent, though. There's times when she's totally insecure about herself and other times when you get the impression she just doesn't care.

    Was she[ the first one]? Maybe I'm just thinking about what I've seen of Mystery Incorpated.

    Dunno about Sarah.

    ...Idk. It'd be the latter under normal circumstances, given her outlook, but who knows.
    Never got that bath scene that most of the cast no doubt needed.

    Then again, I maybe shouldn't be talking about the attractive-ness of a 15 year old. This isn't South America. (zinger!)

    Oh, don't worry, she's legal in her ancestral home, I'm sure.

    Also, another wasted opportunity.

    I like that artist, though. I should search for more. Oddly Sarah is drawn very well, but Clem looks like a weird malformed munchkin.

    Oh goodness, you're right! What the heck is up with that?

    Also, I just noticed Sarah flashed herself with a book and her fuckin hips get wider with each panel.

    Not her fault Sarah is a "Savant"

    Darn you for making look up a word I already knew--thanks Naugus!

    Anyway, just making fun of the fact that she's asking for someone to call an ambulance considering, you know, everything else.

    Louche posted: »

    Hm. No comment. "No homo." Mariana wants me in her mouth. WAT. people have been banned for less than that And o

  • yeah, pretty much.


    Yeah, I changed that on purpose at the least second. I think the joke is obvious though.

    A joke about oral sex with a minor? You're out of control, Dabig.


    Also, Jane is very similar a certain tangerine Gem, oddly enough.
    Uh, cute name, but I don't see the relevance.
    Also... have you actually looked for JanexClem fics? Do they exist?
    Funny, right?

    Was she[ the first one]? Maybe I'm just thinking about what I've seen of Mystery Incorpated.

    I'm sure it was at some point, but you know: there's like 60 years worth of cartoons. Hard to remember specifics. But with Daphne around... it's kinda obvious.

    ..Idk. It'd be the latter under normal circumstances, given her outlook, but who knows. Never got that bath scene that most of the cast no doubt needed.

    The anime beach episode/scene? Hells yeah. Bet there's fanfiction of that somewhere. Who wouldn't want to see shirtless Kenny? Sarah would be so adorkable, too.
    But yeah on a serious note, the subject of bathing could have stood to come up more. But we probably know why it didn't.
    Then again, I maybe shouldn't be talking about the attractive-ness of a 15 year old. This isn't South America. (zinger!)

    Oh, don't worry, she's legal in her ancestral home, I'm sure. Also, another wasted opportunity.

    What's a wasted opportunity, talking about the age of consent in the zombie apocalypse? or more likely you were referring to her spanish heritage.
    I like that artist, though. I should search for more. Oddly Sarah is drawn very well, but Clem looks like a weird malformed munchkin.

    Oh goodness, you're right! What the heck is up with that?

    1. they only cared about drawing sarah, and clem was just an excuse for the picture
    2. they're only good at drawing slightly curvy teenagers, not skinny little girls

    Also, I just noticed Sarah flashed herself with a book and her fuckin hips get wider with each panel.

    ...don't put "sarah flashed" and "hips" in the same sentence
    pretty soon people are going to start asking questions about us with comments like these

    Darn you for making look up a word I already knew--thanks Naugus! Anyway, just making fun of the fact that she's asking for someone to call an ambulance considering, you know, everything else.

    I just like the word. Righto.

    DabigRG posted: »

    "No homo." Yeah, pretty much. WAT. Yeah, I changed that on purpose at the least second. I think the joke is obvio

  • Alright this will have to do unzips pants

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    @ImUrban, girl, you are my hero for making this.

  • Why is this mostly guys?

    Well, ask the maker of this video, not me.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Why is most of this guys? With that said, the irony of Jane being in there only once(with Clementine seemingly blushing) is admittedly a

  • It's not dedicated to that, but it is disturbing.

    Louche posted: »

    so no one is questioning the video dedicated to showing underage girls' butts? Nobody? Okay then.

  • edited November 2017



    A joke about oral sex with a minor? You're out of control, Dabig.

    You're out of control!
    And the joke was that I'm black. Eat was just changed for lulz.

    Uh, cute name, but I don't see the relevance.

    And no, the irony has not escaped me.

    Also... have you actually looked for JanexClem fics? Do they exist?

    No. Why would I?
    I mean, I'm sure they exist somewhere(I've seen at least one piece of "fanart"), I haven't had any inclination to seek.

    I'm sure it was at some point, but you know: there's like 60 years worth of cartoons. Hard to remember specifics. But with Daphne around... it's kinda obvious.

    Yeah, I guess.

    The anime beach episode/scene? Hells yeah. Bet there's fanfiction of that somewhere.

    That's not what I actually meant! :lol:

    With that said, I might just draw this type of thing one day--Chu bara! Add it to the longsuffering list.

    Who wouldn't want to see shirtless Kenny?

    This guy.

    Sarah would be so adorkable, too.

    Among other things. :mrgreen:

    But yeah on a serious note, the subject of bathing could have stood to come up more. But we probably know why it didn't.

    Yeah, the closest we ever got is Troy telling Jane she smelled bad--after she got back in her element.

    I imagine she's one of the characters who'd smell like shit in general..

    What's a wasted opportunity, talking about the age of consent in the zombie apocalypse? or more likely you were referring to her spanish heritage.

    Oh, god.
    And yes, I was referring to her Hispanic heritage, both in general and in the context of
    the initial concepts for Arvo & The Russian Group and ANF.

    1. they only cared about drawing sarah, and clem was just an excuse for the picture
    2. they're only good at drawing slightly curvy teenagers, not skinny little girls

    That's...uh huh.....

    ...don't put "sarah flashed" and "hips" in the same sentence

    "Sarah flashed her fuckin hips, which seem to get wider everytime he saw her."
    Yeah, admittedly this is getting a little weird. :neutral: :

    pretty soon people are going to start asking questions about us with comments like these

    Oh please, some of these jokas have no room to talk. Will anyone try to rape Clem?, anyone?

    Louche posted: »

    yeah, pretty much. Yeah, I changed that on purpose at the least second. I think the joke is obvious though. A joke ab

  • Its like Luke knows that Matthew is riding to his own death here.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    R.I.P. Matthew

  • edited November 2017

    Yeah, well maybe Sarah is like Velma, who looks frumpy and modest in her sweater but is secretly rocking a curvaceous body underneath, but is too modest too care about that sort of thing.

    Also has the same characteristics of Mei from Overwatch.

    DabigRG said: Mariana wants to eat me.

    I TOLD you I was watching.

    Louche posted: »

    With that said, the irony of Jane being in there only once is admittedly a little funny. Don't make me post it! That said, yeah, the

  • Who, Sarah or Velma?

    Yeah, well maybe Sarah is like Velma, who looks frumpy and modest in her sweater but is secretly rocking a curvaceous body underneath, but i

  • Mostly Velma.

    But a more important topic, I thought you learned from our last little talk.


    DabigRG posted: »

    Who, Sarah or Velma?

  • When you try to do Lee's "Looking down at Carly face" and it get's stuck.

  • ooc as fuck

    DabigRG posted: »

    Credit to @psycakes .

  • You're out of control! And the joke was that I'm black. Eat was just changed for lulz.

    No, see my "being out of control" is actually an act all manufactured in advance. I'm just a puppet reading a predetermined script.
    Also you're black, interesting way to reveal that. You said you were a guy too, right? I thought you were a girl based on how you talked. No offense.

    Eat was just changed for lulz.

    Oh yeah, that's why it was changed. :smirk:

    And no, the irony has not escaped me.

    I'm afraid I don't get any of this, especially since the wiki link is broken for me (I reference wiki problems in another thread)

    No. Why would I? I mean, I'm sure they exist somewhere(I've seen at least one piece of "fanart"), I haven't had any inclination to seek.

    Morbid curiosity? :smirk:
    Fanart? What kind of... "fanart"?

    That's not what I actually meant!

    TOO LATE! it is now.

    With that said, I might just draw this type of thing one day--Chu bara! Add it to the longsuffering list.

    You draw? I draw. I'm still working on my "Telltale style" but I want to be able to do justice to the characters so I haven't posted anything anywhere yet. I could post some if you want to see my attempts. I still don't do color.

    This guy.

    Alright, but shirtless Lee? You can't possibly turn that down.

    Among other things. :mrgreen:

    Let's just stop that right there before it's too late.

    Yeah, the closest we ever got is Troy telling Jane she smelled bad--after she got back in her element.

    Yeah, but she was covered in walker guts at that point, so it doesn't really count. It was only indirectly mentioned in season 1 a couple times.
    Also thanks for reminding me about some old creepy posts on here from some guy who had some obsession with this hygiene stuff, about how Clem's hair would be all greasy and smelly and stuff. A valid fact, but the way he typed it suggested it was like his fetish... shudder

    I imagine she's one of the characters who'd smell like shit in general..

    Well of course you would.

    Oh, god. And yes, I was referring to her Hispanic heritage, both in general

    I knew it, I'm just playing with ya

    and in the context of the initial concepts for Arvo & The Russian Group and ANF

    now you're screwing with me, because I'm lost

    That's...uh huh.....

    That didn't come out right. I assure you made sense in my head.
    ...don't put "sarah flashed" and "hips" in the same sentence

    "Sarah flashed her fuckin hips, which seem to get wider everytime he saw her." Yeah, admittedly this is getting a little weird.

    Okay, now we're you're just pushing to see what you can get away with saying. :naughty:

    Oh please, some of these jokas have no room to talk. Will anyone try to rape Clem?, anyone?

    Well, like I said above there have been some more subtly creepy posts on the forums. Haven't seen too many questions you like mention, but honestly, I don't know which is worse.

    also these discussions are gettin waaay too long

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah. A joke about oral sex with a minor? You're out of control, Dabig. You're out of control! And the joke was that I'm blac

  • edited November 2017

    oh yeah, well I thought Mei was supposed to be FAT.
    she looks ridiculously out of place next to most of the overwatch characters, just design-wise in general.

    what is she essentially, eskimo velma? just bizarre

    Yeah, well maybe Sarah is like Velma, who looks frumpy and modest in her sweater but is secretly rocking a curvaceous body underneath, but i

  • Marianna wants to eat me


    DabigRG posted: »

    Nick has the prettiest eyes out of anyone in the games, except maybe Clem. Also at times he has a pretty manly baritone voice. So...

  • EAT ME MARIANNA EAT ME wtf? Eat...what.?

    Melton23 posted: »

    Marianna wants to eat me ....WAT?

  • Yeah, it is, but that's part of the fun.

    Then again...

    Louche posted: »

    ooc as fuck

  • image
    I TOLD you I was watching.

    Hey, don't blame me. I'm not the one who loves chocolate here.

    Mostly Velma.

    Thought so. Though now I kinda wanna draw that--another one for the list.

    Mostly Velma. But a more important topic, I thought you learned from our last little talk.

  • No, see my "being out of control" is actually an act all manufactured in advance. I'm just a puppet reading a predetermined script.


    Also you're black, interesting way to reveal that. You said you were a guy too, right? I thought you were a girl based on how you talked. No offense.

    I'm pretty sure I mentioned that a couple of times in the past.
    And no worries(I guess) since I thought you were a chick too.

    Oh yeah, that's why it was changed. :smirk:

    Hey, it worked, didn't it?

    Albeit maybe a little to well, considering people are still freaking out after I changed it back.

    I'm afraid I don't get any of this, especially since the wiki link is broken for me (I reference wiki problems in another thread)

    I didn't link a wiki page dude. I linked an image.

    Morbid curiosity? :smirk:

    Hm. Well, no, I never looked that up because I don't support it.

    Fanart? What kind of... "fanart"?

    I think that should self-explanatory(unless I'm talking about a particularly shitty drawing, of course).

    TOO LATE! it is now.


    You draw? I draw. I'm still working on my "Telltale style" but I want to be able to do justice to the characters so I haven't posted anything anywhere yet. I could post some if you want to see my attempts. I still don't do color.

    Yeah, that's an issue that keeps me from doing it much. Hell, my Shades of Clementine pic took several hours to do.

    That's fine.

    Alright, but shirtless Lee? You can't possibly turn that down.


    Let's just stop that right there before it's too late.

    Buddy, it's been too late since the internet existed. Okay, maybe not this specific example, but still!

    Yeah, but she was covered in walker guts at that point, so it doesn't really count.

    That's what I said.

    It was only indirectly mentioned in season 1 a couple times.

    Was it? I only remember Clementine talking about her hair.

    Also thanks for reminding me about some old creepy posts on here from some guy who had some obsession with this hygiene stuff, about how Clem's hair would be all greasy and smelly and stuff. A valid fact, but the way he typed it suggested it was like his fetish... shudder

    Okay, that is sick and wrong. Was it in my questions thread?

    Well of course you would.

    She rubs intestines on herself on a regular basis.

    I knew it, I'm just playing with ya

    enter image description here

    now you're screwing with me, because I'm lost

    Arvo and the Russian Group were originally gonna be Mexican and the Garcias(except maybe Kate) are also Hispanic.

    That didn't come out right. I assure you made sense in my head.

    That's usually how it is.

    Okay, now we're you're just pushing to see what you can get away with saying. :naughty:

    Why push the envelope when you can defenestrate it.

    Well, like I said above there have been some more subtly creepy posts on the forums. Haven't seen too many questions you like mention, but honestly, I don't know which is worse.
    also these discussions are gettin waaay too long

    Yeah, they really are.

    Louche posted: »

    You're out of control! And the joke was that I'm black. Eat was just changed for lulz. No, see my "being out of control" is actually

  • enter image description here

    Im_a_dog posted: »

    EAT ME MARIANNA EAT ME wtf? Eat...what.?

  • Somethin doesn't add up...?

    DabigRG posted: »

    . . . .

  • I'm black. Black people are more accurately chocolate. Mariana loves her some chocolate. Don't call me pud'n.

    Im_a_dog posted: »

    Somethin doesn't add up...?

  • enter image description here
    At first I thought she was seeing my point :joy:
    Credit to @Lelouch

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