"Some Guy" Episode Discussion
So this week, uh, well, Ezekiel and company are in trouble. Yeah, I forgot most of the last episode.
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I had to
Yeah, I was expecting Shiva, but that, jeez.
Walking Dead is still doing that thing that they do. You know what I'm talking about. That thing where they make the good guys win by making the bad guys completely incompetent. Seriously, the Saviors fucking suck.
“Scorched fucking earth, you dick!”
Here's hoping. They've been looking like scrubs for awhile now.
Shiva’s comic death was done a lot better. That felt so...pointless. Maybe it was the comic had it done in narration and flashback form. I don’t know. A shame, the episode was orherwise quite enjoyable.
Yes Negan is going be here next week finally.
Yay, now the budget won't be spent on that CGI tiger, don't want another atrocity like the deer.
It's getting really old how they want to push this moral ambiguity regarding the saviors, but they keep making every relevant one a complete asshole.
Take Gunther, the glasses guy. Is there any ambiguity between him and Ezekiel? Not really, he's literally some asshole just kicking Zeke around, and actively taking the time to do some villain monologuing. Or when Carol takes that one guy hostage, they just light up their own guy, because fuck giving the saviors any redeeming qualities, right? Or back at the Hilltop, we got Jared, that long-haired dipshit that knows Morgan. There's nothing to make the viewers OR the characters question their morality when it comes to these characters-- they're just dicks that that the audience is pretty much rooting for someone to shoot in the face.
Out of all of the saviors we have seen thus far, how many of them were shown to be reasonable to any extent? Hell, to have any positive qualities, any shred of a character trait that makes them seem like more than some bad guy with a gun? I can literally only think of four right now; Gavin, Fat Joey, that kid Daryl shot last week, and one of the guys that Jesus and the rest took hostage. For the show seemingly wanting to have Rick and co questioning their choice to mow down every savior in sight, they sure ain't making much of an argument against it.
On a more interesting note, though: You know that savior guy with the beard from this episode? The guy that Rick and Daryl end up chasing after? He's played by the same guy that voiced Lonnie in ANF-- Charles Halford.
When I heard this episode was going to be "Kingdom Heavy" I really wanted to tune out. With the exception of the first episode it's been kind of boring. I get there's a war going on but the Kingdom, Ezekiel and company are kind of annoying me and I wish they would focus more on Hilltop. We did get a cool scene with Carol though which was good
Too bad someone spoiled SHiva's death to me, but i thought this was the best episode yet. Still wondering where Michonne and Rosita are?
Damn, that was really good. RIP Shiva
I thought this episode was remarkable. In the comics, King Ezekiel lost this battle along with many men. But the weight of it was always lost on me, as Ezekiel simply explained what happened to Michonne, and Rick.
But seeing it first hand, from the call to arms, to the death of Shiva. I felt what The King(comic) felt. And most likely what The King(tv) will feel.
In the comics I didn't really like that King Ezekiel gave up after the battle, he seemed so weak. Broken, is the perfect word for it. But now, I completely understand. Each and every person at The Kingdom worshipped him. Felt safe with their lives in their King's hands. And he failed them. Not by his actions, but simply by leading them. He couldn't have done anything differently. Those people loved, and respected that man so much that they wouldn't have done anything differently. Loved that "we are one" rally.
I didn't really feel anything when King Ezekiel(comic) died.(RIP) I was sad for Michonne, mainly. But now... If I see those dreads on a pike, I'll cry like a little baby.
Maybe because they are all suppose to be Negan and shouldn't be trusted. Half of them could be like the Governor and are just too far gone. Rick himself wants to kill Negan he's said a couple times to his face. Interesting to see in the show if Rick will or not since he promised he would kill Negan. Rick brutally killed Gareth for less..I'd like to see something taken drastically different from the comics again so as not to make the writing of the story easy on them by just tracing the same basic path the comic book took.
Even as someone who actually liked Season 7, I've got to say that everything in this season so far has been draggy and, overall, skipable. I feel like I didn't really need to watch the last 4 episodes to understand what's going on really.
This, plus terrible ass antagonists and the repetition of the morality plot have made it pretty insufferable to watch this. Like, seriously, haven't we done this like 100 times now? Weren't these people aware that they'd have to kill others and even lose eachother when they decided to, um, wage war on another group of survivors??