Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Batman



  • To be honest I think he meant both but hey we'll have to find out.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I think he meant capable. John's desperate to prove he's capable and not some poor mental patient to feel sorry for.

  • Coolest option seems to be saying that you pity John.

    Also, Father >>>> Swingpoynt

    Dan10 posted: »

    He gives you an angry look. Here's all the things Harley can say+responses

  • It is possible that as a prototype for Harley, they used the appearance of former employee of the company - Jolie Menzel. There are many similarities. Especially like the cheeks and smile.


  • If you fail the QTE when Bruce approaches Freeze and tries to talk about his wife, Freeze grabs Bruce by the throat and the next dialogue option proceeds as normal, except Freeze is holding him by the neck instead of Bruce holding his arm down.

    If you stay silent during the next dialogue, Freeze gives you one final choice to give an answer and the dialogue wheel reappears. If you're silent for a second time, he says "I warned you" and freezes Bruce to death.

  • edited October 2017

    Saying "[Lie] Meet me outside" to the woman in the casino only works if you have been flirty/nice to her.

    • If you said you are undercover or looking for a thrill and then lie, Bruce invites her back to Wayne Manor and she accepts, insisting that she doesn't ever do that sort of thing.
    • If you said she isn't your type or stayed silent and then lie, she scoffs at Bruce and says "You're a piece of---" before walking away.
  • edited October 2017

    Harley will whack (Kill?) the agent in the head If you don't attempt the QTE when heading her off.

  • "What'sa matter? A little bonk on the head nevah killed anyone!" :kiss:

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    Harley will whack (Kill?) the agent in the head If you don't attempt the QTE when heading her off.

  • But a big one did!

    AChicken posted: »

    "What'sa matter? A little bonk on the head nevah killed anyone!"

  • In the latest Players Space video, Kent Mudle pointed out that Harley's office was formerly the Riddler's and she moved in after he died. Apparently there's a couple monitors in the background and other hidden stuff that belonged to him.

  • i lied to her at the funeral and she was satisfied. then i told her i was truthfull with her the entire time and that her father worked with Batman, and she gave me the key. so you dont habe to be truthfull all the way it seems.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    You have to be truthful to her the entire time. So that means telling her you accidentally got Lucius killed in the first episode, revealing that her father was working with Batman and saying that you've been truthful to her the entire time.

  • You sure? Because on Swingpoynts difference check I'm pretty sure she just runs past you before you can even pick that option.

    Mneferta posted: »

    i lied to her at the funeral and she was satisfied. then i told her i was truthfull with her the entire time and that her father worked with Batman, and she gave me the key. so you dont habe to be truthfull all the way it seems.

  • Dave Fennoy voices Lucius Fox in the Arkham Series

  • In s1e3, if Harvey is burned he throws his mask at Bruce's face. Performing the QTE leads to Bruce deflecting the mask with his hand, but if you don't perform the QTE then Bruce just slightly moves his head like an inch to avoid it. I always found it funny how little fucks Bruce gives.

  • After Harley goes on her rampage when asking who's the mole? She says "If anyone's got a problem with the New World Order, my door's always open." This could be a reference to an Episode in S1 called New World Order or the game is part of the illuminati. John even says "What an illuminating evening." The first picture also shows a triangle with an eye in it. Lul

  • Catwoman are Riddler seem to have rather close as she calls him a friend at the beginning of episode 3.
    What was he to her ? A mentor of sort ? She claimed he was merely a contact but there seemed to be more than that. She even blames herself for him killing Lucious if I got that part right.

    That's interesting, I did not expect that.

  • edited November 2017

    If you tell Gordon to stop smoking in S2E2, he will do so and get himself a nicotine patch in Episode 3, which will be represented on his character model.

  • edited November 2017

    Proofreading is hard

  • I find the relationship between Riddler and Selina really intriguing! I noticed a couple lines that may have been referring to Riddler. First there's if you thank her for her condolences about Lucius she'll say she recently lost a friend too. Also another one that comes to mind is back in season 1. If you mention Alfred, Selina says "You too are close huh?" then Bruce replies and says "You don't have anyone like that?" and Selina says "I used to" she could've been talking about Riddler! Interestingly enough Selina says despite his flaws he used to have a warmth to him and that the Riddler she knew would want to take the pact down too. This really brings me back to when Riddler said "I wasn't always like this. The agency made me." I can't wait to get some more Riddler backstory!

    (Spoiler) That's interesting, I did not expect that.

  • There's an interesting bit in the news feed about Mr Freeze and his wife, Nora in episode 3. Turns out he and Nora are considered to be missing. There was a lab explosion but Victor (Mr Freeze) and Nora's bodies were no where to be found. The authorities have given up on the search but their family and friends haven't given up on them. There's a bit about Nora's sister begging Victor to come home and that Nora needs medical attention. It's interesting to know that there's still people out there who care about Mr Freeze.

  • I wonder who doesn't want anybody to know what happened to Victor and Nora. I bet it was Waller.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    There's an interesting bit in the news feed about Mr Freeze and his wife, Nora in episode 3. Turns out he and Nora are considered to be miss

  • edited November 2017

    Yes, I definitely got the vibe that her and Riddler used to be....close.

    But hasn't Riddler been a monster for a like a very long while ? Years before Batman came to be. So when was the time he was actually an half-decent person Selina could respect ?

    I'm surprised Bruce has not tried to dig a lot more about their relationship, Catwoman is not telling him much.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I find the relationship between Riddler and Selina really intriguing! I noticed a couple lines that may have been referring to Riddler. Firs

  • When Bruce is commenting on the canned food in Riddler's hideout, Catwoman says "We can't all have lobster thermidor for every meal", which might be a reference to the Lego Batman Movie.

  • edited November 2017

    You can interact with the record player in the batcave in Episode 3, I believe it plays the same song you requested in episode 1.
    You can also finally look at your Riddler trophy case. -- unfortunately this is only avaliable in the episode itself. You can't view it from the menu batcave.

  • It doesn't say that people are covering up their disappearances, just that the authorities gave up the search because it was fruitless.

    matteso586 posted: »

    I wonder who doesn't want anybody to know what happened to Victor and Nora. I bet it was Waller.

  • Bruce loves his car pt. 2 (featuring Imposter!Selina)

  • I was under the impression that nobody knew Mr Freeze's true identity. Not that it was covered up.

    matteso586 posted: »

    I wonder who doesn't want anybody to know what happened to Victor and Nora. I bet it was Waller.

  • They weren't romantic if that's what you're thinking. If you ask Selina she clarifies that it wasn't like that.

    I think he's been a criminal for a long time but he probably wasn't pure evil.

    Yes, I definitely got the vibe that her and Riddler used to be....close. But hasn't Riddler been a monster for a like a very long while ?

  • The codex revealed some interesting stuff about how Bruce feels about John. It says he's the closest thing he has to a friend inside the pact and that he hopes he'll continue to have his back.

  • Expectedly Selina is not exactly impressed by cars. Ah, women sometimes.
    She will come around.

    hemfbg posted: »

    Bruce loves his car pt. 2 (featuring Imposter!Selina)

  • After you let John keep the batarang if you look at them in the Batcave Bruce will say he hopes John doesn't hurt himself with it, and Alfred will comment being surprised you could trust him with anything sharp. I loved that little detail.

  • Aww, that's great! I love those little details that show Bruce genuinely cares about John.

    lilsnek posted: »

    After you let John keep the batarang if you look at them in the Batcave Bruce will say he hopes John doesn't hurt himself with it, and Alfred will comment being surprised you could trust him with anything sharp. I loved that little detail.

  • edited November 2017

    If you use the smoke bomb on John in the alley and then click on them when in the Batcave, Bruce will mention them being effective for dramatic entrances.

  • If you ask John about his green hair in episode 3, he reveals that he doesn't remember a thing about himself before Arkham.

  • That's something that really intrigues me. If I remember right, in Season 1 is mentioned that no one in Arkham had a clue about John entering in the Asylum either right?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    If you ask John about his green hair in episode 3, he reveals that he doesn't remember a thing about himself before Arkham.

  • I think you're talking about the puppet. "You want to know something weird? No one remembers the day John came to Arkham. Not even the doctors. You'd think a green hair would be pretty goddamn memorable right? But yeah... nothing." So yeah, it is an interesting detail and further explains why he was so lost in the outside world.

    Shaboomm posted: »

    That's something that really intrigues me. If I remember right, in Season 1 is mentioned that no one in Arkham had a clue about John entering in the Asylum either right?

  • I wish we'd get to know his origins.. but I doubt that's going to happen. Unless it has something to do with the Agency (kinda like Riddler maybe). But on the other hand I like the mystery.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I think you're talking about the puppet. "You want to know something weird? No one remembers the day John came to Arkham. Not even the doct

  • I'm curious if they're ever going to reference any connection between John and Ace Chemicals.

    lilsnek posted: »

    I wish we'd get to know his origins.. but I doubt that's going to happen. Unless it has something to do with the Agency (kinda like Riddler maybe). But on the other hand I like the mystery.

  • I wonder if that changes depending on how you act with John as Bruce.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    The codex revealed some interesting stuff about how Bruce feels about John. It says he's the closest thing he has to a friend inside the pact and that he hopes he'll continue to have his back.

  • I don't know how many people have picked up on this but it'd be super intriguing if it was intentional.

    In episode three you can encourage John to be himself or manipulative. If you choose manipulative he decides to try on Bruce what the doctors at Arkham did with him. He takes your coffee and pours it onto his napkin and he asks Bruce what he sees. He says don't think about it, answer with your gut. Two of the optional dialogue options could possibly be his subconsious remembering his parent's deaths. One answer is pearls and another is the Alleyways of Gotham. Bruce's mother was wearing a pearl necklace and they died in Crime alley.

  • Yeah but when it came to John if you tell him to be him self I think it encourages his more wild and unpredictable side.While if you tell John to be manipulative he will be more prone to use manipulation to solve situations. I cant wait to see the impact of this choice in future episodes.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I don't know how many people have picked up on this but it'd be super intriguing if it was intentional. In episode three you can encourag

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